SPIGOT-1626 / MC-98994: Fix slow chunk performance

Please see https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-98994 for full explanation.
This commit is contained in:
md_5 2016-03-05 18:50:38 +11:00
parent 94ba824302
commit 60f01ef304
3 changed files with 27 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -79,11 +79,16 @@
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Chunk chunk = (Chunk) iterator.next();
@@ -49,11 +70,15 @@
@@ -49,11 +70,20 @@
+ // CraftBukkit start - Add async variant, provide compatibility
+ public Chunk getOrCreateChunkFast(int x, int z) {
+ Chunk chunk = chunks.get(LongHash.toLong(x, z));
+ return (chunk == null) ? getChunkAt(x, z) : chunk;
+ }
+ public Chunk getChunkIfLoaded(int x, int z) {
+ return chunks.get(LongHash.toLong(x, z));
+ }
@ -98,7 +103,7 @@
return chunk;
@@ -61,20 +86,67 @@
@@ -61,20 +91,67 @@
Chunk chunk = this.getLoadedChunkAt(i, j);
if (chunk == null) {
@ -168,7 +173,7 @@
if (chunk == null) {
long k = ChunkCoordIntPair.a(i, j);
@@ -92,11 +164,38 @@
@@ -92,11 +169,38 @@
crashreportsystemdetails.a("Generator", (Object) this.chunkGenerator);
throw new ReportedException(crashreport);
@ -209,7 +214,7 @@
chunk.loadNearby(this, this.chunkGenerator);
@@ -142,10 +241,12 @@
@@ -142,10 +246,12 @@
public boolean a(boolean flag) {
int i = 0;
@ -225,7 +230,7 @@
if (flag) {
@@ -170,22 +271,43 @@
@@ -170,22 +276,43 @@
public boolean unloadChunks() {
if (!this.world.savingDisabled) {
@ -276,7 +281,7 @@
@@ -198,7 +320,8 @@
@@ -198,7 +325,8 @@
public String getName() {
@ -286,7 +291,7 @@
public List<BiomeBase.BiomeMeta> a(EnumCreatureType enumcreaturetype, BlockPosition blockposition) {
@@ -210,10 +333,11 @@
@@ -210,10 +338,11 @@
public int g() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
--- a/net/minecraft/server/IChunkProvider.java
+++ b/net/minecraft/server/IChunkProvider.java
@@ -9,4 +9,6 @@
boolean unloadChunks();
String getName();
+ Chunk getOrCreateChunkFast(int x, int z); // CraftBukkit

View File

@ -86,7 +86,12 @@
public World b() {
@@ -197,6 +260,27 @@
@@ -193,10 +256,31 @@
public Chunk getChunkAt(int i, int j) {
- return this.chunkProvider.getChunkAt(i, j);
+ return this.chunkProvider.getOrCreateChunkFast(i, j); // CraftBukkit
public boolean setTypeAndData(BlockPosition blockposition, IBlockData iblockdata, int i) {