SPIGOT-5372: Re-add tile entity fixer due to MC-163945

This commit is contained in:
md_5 2019-10-18 19:58:39 +11:00
parent 1e7a197f7a
commit e2dd6555e8

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
--- a/net/minecraft/server/WorldServer.java
+++ b/net/minecraft/server/WorldServer.java
@@ -34,6 +34,15 @@
@@ -34,6 +34,16 @@
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
+// CraftBukkit start
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
+import org.bukkit.WeatherType;
+import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory;
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
public class WorldServer extends World {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();
@@ -58,12 +67,29 @@
@@ -58,12 +68,29 @@
private final MobSpawnerTrader mobSpawnerTrader;
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@
this.nextTickListBlock = new TickListServer<>(this, (block) -> {
return block == null || block.getBlockData().isAir();
}, IRegistry.BLOCK::getKey, IRegistry.BLOCK::get, this::b);
@@ -85,7 +111,8 @@
@@ -85,9 +112,41 @@
@ -58,8 +59,41 @@
+ this.getServer().addWorld(this.getWorld()); // CraftBukkit
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ @Override
+ public TileEntity getTileEntity(BlockPosition pos) {
+ TileEntity result = super.getTileEntity(pos);
+ Block type = getType(pos).getBlock();
+ if (result != null && type != Blocks.AIR) {
+ if (!result.q().a(type)) {
+ result = fixTileEntity(pos, type, result);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private TileEntity fixTileEntity(BlockPosition pos, Block type, TileEntity found) {
+ this.getServer().getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Block at {0},{1},{2} is {3} but has {4}" + ". "
+ + "Bukkit will attempt to fix this, but there may be additional damage that we cannot recover.", new Object[]{pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), type, found});
+ if (type instanceof ITileEntity) {
+ TileEntity replacement = ((ITileEntity) type).createTile(this);
+ replacement.world = this;
+ this.setTileEntity(pos, replacement);
+ return replacement;
+ } else {
+ this.getServer().getLogger().severe("Don't know how to fix for this type... Can't do anything! :(");
+ return found;
+ }
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
public void doTick(BooleanSupplier booleansupplier) {
@@ -162,6 +189,7 @@
GameProfilerFiller gameprofilerfiller = this.getMethodProfiler();
@@ -162,6 +221,7 @@
this.rainLevel = MathHelper.a(this.rainLevel, 0.0F, 1.0F);
@ -67,7 +101,7 @@
if (this.lastRainLevel != this.rainLevel) {
this.server.getPlayerList().a((Packet) (new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(7, this.rainLevel)), this.worldProvider.getDimensionManager());
@@ -180,13 +208,34 @@
@@ -180,13 +240,34 @@
this.server.getPlayerList().sendAll(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(7, this.rainLevel));
this.server.getPlayerList().sendAll(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(8, this.thunderLevel));
@ -103,7 +137,7 @@
})) {
this.C = false;
if (this.getGameRules().getBoolean(GameRules.DO_DAYLIGHT_CYCLE)) {
@@ -225,7 +274,7 @@
@@ -225,7 +306,7 @@
this.ticking = false;
@ -112,7 +146,7 @@
if (flag3) {
@@ -239,6 +288,11 @@
@@ -239,6 +320,11 @@
for (i = 0; i < this.globalEntityList.size(); ++i) {
entity = (Entity) this.globalEntityList.get(i);
@ -124,7 +158,7 @@
this.a((entity1) -> {
@@ -257,6 +311,7 @@
@@ -257,6 +343,7 @@
Entity entity1 = (Entity) entry.getValue();
Entity entity2 = entity1.getVehicle();
@ -132,7 +166,7 @@
if (!this.server.getSpawnAnimals() && (entity1 instanceof EntityAnimal || entity1 instanceof EntityWaterAnimal)) {
@@ -264,6 +319,7 @@
@@ -264,6 +351,7 @@
if (!this.server.getSpawnNPCs() && entity1 instanceof NPC) {
@ -140,7 +174,7 @@
if (entity2 != null) {
if (!entity2.dead && entity2.w(entity1)) {
@@ -324,10 +380,10 @@
@@ -324,10 +412,10 @@
entityhorseskeleton.setPosition((double) blockposition.getX(), (double) blockposition.getY(), (double) blockposition.getZ());
@ -153,7 +187,7 @@
@@ -338,11 +394,11 @@
@@ -338,11 +426,11 @@
BiomeBase biomebase = this.getBiome(blockposition);
if (biomebase.a((IWorldReader) this, blockposition1)) {
@ -167,7 +201,7 @@
if (flag && this.getBiome(blockposition1).b() == BiomeBase.Precipitation.RAIN) {
@@ -389,7 +445,7 @@
@@ -389,7 +477,7 @@
protected BlockPosition a(BlockPosition blockposition) {
BlockPosition blockposition1 = this.getHighestBlockYAt(HeightMap.Type.MOTION_BLOCKING, blockposition);
AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = (new AxisAlignedBB(blockposition1, new BlockPosition(blockposition1.getX(), this.getBuildHeight(), blockposition1.getZ()))).g(3.0D);
@ -176,7 +210,7 @@
return entityliving != null && entityliving.isAlive() && this.f(entityliving.getChunkCoordinates());
@@ -418,7 +474,7 @@
@@ -418,7 +506,7 @@
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer) iterator.next();
@ -185,7 +219,7 @@
} else if (entityplayer.isSleeping()) {
@@ -436,10 +492,22 @@
@@ -436,10 +524,22 @@
private void clearWeather() {
@ -210,7 +244,7 @@
public void resetEmptyTime() {
@@ -477,6 +545,7 @@
@@ -477,6 +577,7 @@
return IRegistry.ENTITY_TYPE.getKey(entity.getEntityType()).toString();
@ -218,7 +252,7 @@
@@ -562,6 +631,22 @@
@@ -562,6 +663,22 @@
BlockPosition blockposition = worldchunkmanager.a(0, 0, 256, list, random);
ChunkCoordIntPair chunkcoordintpair = blockposition == null ? new ChunkCoordIntPair(0, 0) : new ChunkCoordIntPair(blockposition);
@ -241,7 +275,7 @@
if (blockposition == null) {
WorldServer.LOGGER.warn("Unable to find spawn biome");
@@ -637,6 +722,7 @@
@@ -637,6 +754,7 @@
ChunkProviderServer chunkproviderserver = this.getChunkProvider();
if (!flag1) {
@ -249,7 +283,7 @@
if (iprogressupdate != null) {
iprogressupdate.a(new ChatMessage("menu.savingLevel", new Object[0]));
@@ -648,6 +734,16 @@
@@ -648,6 +766,16 @@
@ -266,7 +300,7 @@
protected void k_() throws ExceptionWorldConflict {
@@ -719,7 +815,8 @@
@@ -719,7 +847,8 @@
if (entity instanceof EntityInsentient) {
EntityInsentient entityinsentient = (EntityInsentient) entity;
@ -276,7 +310,7 @@
@@ -736,11 +833,24 @@
@@ -736,11 +865,24 @@
public boolean addEntity(Entity entity) {
@ -303,7 +337,7 @@
public void addEntityTeleport(Entity entity) {
@@ -790,13 +900,18 @@
@@ -790,13 +932,18 @@
@ -324,7 +358,7 @@
IChunkAccess ichunkaccess = this.getChunkAt(MathHelper.floor(entity.locX / 16.0D), MathHelper.floor(entity.locZ / 16.0D), ChunkStatus.FULL, entity.attachedToPlayer);
if (!(ichunkaccess instanceof Chunk)) {
@@ -824,7 +939,7 @@
@@ -824,7 +971,7 @@
if (entity1 == null) {
return false;
} else {
@ -333,7 +367,7 @@
return true;
@@ -875,10 +990,17 @@
@@ -875,10 +1022,17 @@
@ -351,7 +385,7 @@
private void registerEntity(Entity entity) {
@@ -899,9 +1021,16 @@
@@ -899,9 +1053,16 @@
this.entitiesByUUID.put(entity.getUniqueID(), entity);
@ -368,7 +402,7 @@
@@ -932,6 +1061,18 @@
@@ -932,6 +1093,18 @@
public void strikeLightning(EntityLightning entitylightning) {
@ -387,7 +421,7 @@
this.server.getPlayerList().sendPacketNearby((EntityHuman) null, entitylightning.locX, entitylightning.locY, entitylightning.locZ, 512.0D, this.worldProvider.getDimensionManager(), new PacketPlayOutSpawnEntityWeather(entitylightning));
@@ -940,6 +1081,12 @@
@@ -940,6 +1113,12 @@
public void a(int i, BlockPosition blockposition, int j) {
Iterator iterator = this.server.getPlayerList().getPlayers().iterator();
@ -400,7 +434,7 @@
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer) iterator.next();
@@ -948,6 +1095,12 @@
@@ -948,6 +1127,12 @@
double d1 = (double) blockposition.getY() - entityplayer.locY;
double d2 = (double) blockposition.getZ() - entityplayer.locZ;
@ -413,7 +447,7 @@
if (d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2 < 1024.0D) {
entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutBlockBreakAnimation(i, blockposition, j));
@@ -1008,6 +1161,14 @@
@@ -1008,6 +1193,14 @@
public Explosion createExplosion(@Nullable Entity entity, DamageSource damagesource, double d0, double d1, double d2, float f, boolean flag, Explosion.Effect explosion_effect) {
@ -428,7 +462,7 @@
Explosion explosion = new Explosion(this, entity, d0, d1, d2, f, flag, explosion_effect);
if (damagesource != null) {
@@ -1016,6 +1177,8 @@
@@ -1016,6 +1209,8 @@
@ -437,7 +471,7 @@
if (explosion_effect == Explosion.Effect.NONE) {
@@ -1080,13 +1243,20 @@
@@ -1080,13 +1275,20 @@
public <T extends ParticleParam> int a(T t0, double d0, double d1, double d2, int i, double d3, double d4, double d5, double d6) {
@ -460,7 +494,7 @@
@@ -1169,7 +1339,13 @@
@@ -1169,7 +1371,13 @@
public WorldMap a(String s) {
return (WorldMap) this.getMinecraftServer().getWorldServer(DimensionManager.OVERWORLD).getWorldPersistentData().b(() -> {