* Updated Upstream (Bukkit/CraftBukkit/Spigot)
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
2fcba9b2 SPIGOT-7347: Add missing documentation and details to ShapedRecipe
c278419d PR-854: Move getHighestBlockYAt methods from World to RegionAccessor
201399fb PR-853: Add API for directly setting Display transformation matrices
ecfa559a PR-849: Add InventoryView#setTitle
653d7edb SPIGOT-519: Add TNTPrimeEvent
22fccc09 PR-846: Add method to get chunk load level
a070a52c PR-844: Add methods to convert Vector to and from JOML vectors
cc7111fe PR-276: Add accessors to Wither's invulnerability ticks
777d24e9 SPIGOT-7209: Accessors and events for player's exp cooldown
ccb2d01b SPIGOT-6308: Deprecate the location name property of map items
cd04a31b PR-780: Add PlayerSpawnChangeEvent
7d1f5b64 SPIGOT-6780: Improve documentation for World#spawnFallingBlock
5696668a SPIGOT-6885: Add test and easier to debug code for reference in yaml configuration comments
2e13cff7 PR-589: Expand the FishHook API
2c7d3da5 PR-279: Minor edits to various Javadocs
CraftBukkit Changes:
01b2e1af4 SPIGOT-7346: Disallow players from executing commands after disconnecting
7fe5ee022 PR-1186: Move getHighestBlockYAt methods from World to RegionAccessor
bcc85ef67 PR-1185: Add API for directly setting Display transformation matrices
a7cfc778f PR-1176: Add InventoryView#setTitle
563d42226 SPIGOT-519: Add TNTPrimeEvent
ccbc6abca Add test for Chunk.LoadLevel mirroring
2926e0513 PR-1171: Add method to get chunk load level
63cad7f84 PR-375: Add accessors to Wither's invulnerability ticks
bfd8b1ac8 SPIGOT-7209: Accessors and events for player's exp cooldown
f92a41c39 PR-1181: Consolidate Location conversion code
10f866759 SPIGOT-6308: Deprecate the location name property of map items
82f7b658a PR-1095: Add PlayerSpawnChangeEvent
b421af7e4 PR-808: Expand the FishHook API
598ad7b3f Increase outdated build delay
Spigot Changes:
d1bd3bd2 Rebuild patches
e4265cc8 SPIGOT-7297: Entity Tracking Range option for Display entities
* Work around javac bug
* Call PlayerSpawnChangeEvent
* Updated Upstream (Bukkit/CraftBukkit/Spigot)
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
2fcba9b2 SPIGOT-7347: Add missing documentation and details to ShapedRecipe
c278419d PR-854: Move getHighestBlockYAt methods from World to RegionAccessor
201399fb PR-853: Add API for directly setting Display transformation matrices
CraftBukkit Changes:
01b2e1af4 SPIGOT-7346: Disallow players from executing commands after disconnecting
7fe5ee022 PR-1186: Move getHighestBlockYAt methods from World to RegionAccessor
bcc85ef67 PR-1185: Add API for directly setting Display transformation matrices
Spigot Changes:
7da74dae Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
13eb4146 SPIGOT-5217, SPIGOT-6183: Add RespawnReason to PlayerRespawnEvent
CraftBukkit Changes:
5ee3419b7 SPIGOT-5217, SPIGOT-6183: Add RespawnReason to PlayerRespawnEvent
Spigot Changes:
514cf03a Rebuild patches and add RespawnReason.PLUGIN to Player#respawn
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
eb4b416d PR-822: Add experimental armor trim API
33498e1d PR-831: Add a standard of annotations for Minecraft experimental things and API
CraftBukkit Changes:
19de3550d SPIGOT-7315: Bed placement duplicates crops if cancelled
1eb88374e PR-1147: Add experimental armor trim API
c4c0bb0e9 Show clean error for invalidly configured server.properties options
3ae90697f Fix UUID not being updated when changing world of MapView
e43000601 PR-1164, MC-227255, MC-253819: Fix rotation of beehives and bells
Spigot Changes:
d2fdfe39 Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
5efeb7bd Also update compiler version
c13b867a Update some Maven plugin versions
deb28d9f PR-837: Add more bell API
e938d62a PR-819: Allow Player#sendBlockDamage() to specify a source entity
0e75532c PR-818: Add more Guardian API, particularly for its laser
a10155aa PR-839: Add BlockData#rotate and BlockData#mirror
77e690b4 PR-836: Add missing API for explosive minecarts
60722059 PR-832: Allow getting chunks without generating them and optimize chunk data request for ungenerated chunks
0a2c4b4b PR-834: Add Player#sendHurtAnimation()
CraftBukkit Changes:
be8682aa8 Also update compiler version
08e305f5b Update some Maven plugin versions
187bdd463 PR-1160: Add more bell API
2f8e5bc7c PR-1145: Allow Player#sendBlockDamage() to specify a source entity
bcbb61b36 PR-1144: Add more Guardian API, particularly for its laser
722ddff6d PR-1162: Add BlockData#rotate and BlockData#mirror
80998277c PR-1159: Add missing API for explosive minecarts
1fddefce1 PR-1155: Allow getting chunks without generating them and optimize chunk data request for ungenerated chunks
20e8a486f PR-1157: Add Player#sendHurtAnimation()
Spigot Changes:
b31949f2 Rebuild patches
- The dispensed shulker will not play the place sound (due to its logic been removed)
- The hanging sign text editor cannot be cancelled using the BlockPlaceEvent (not consistent with the other regular signs)
- The jukebox logic hasn't been synced with the RecordItem
This patch will prevent sending expired keys to players when logging into a server, while the client does have some grace period to prevent issues, if a key has expired beyond the grace period, connecting clients will be disconnected from the server upon join. The client should update keys before this key even expires, and a new key will be broadcasted out if we somehow actually get one.
The paper config has taken precidence over this for a long time
with 0 complaints, and now it's tripping the deprecation warning,
even if timings is disabled in the paper config.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
9153f77e PR-841: Remove incorrect ClickType.CONTROL_DROP from ClickType#isShiftClick
bceda6ab PR-840: Adjust annotations in Display entity interface
a6b85ac3 PR-835: Add Jukebox#hasRecord() and #startPlaying(), clarify #setRecord()
CraftBukkit Changes:
e142fb9fd SPIGOT-7188: ChunkSnapshot biome y coordinate doesn't match chunk biome y coord
eff1743b9 SPIGOT-7313: More accurately edit data on Jukeboxes
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
f92c94517 SPIGOT-7310: PlayerToggleSneakEvent is not called when a player sneaks while riding an entity
b5714184d SPIGOT-7316: Cancelling EntityUnmountEvent does not stop the all effects of the unmounting
e237f8c88 SPIGOT-7312: Entity#setVisibleByDefault on player causes skin reset on this player client
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
2c64d8c4 SPIGOT-7309: Add API for jukebox inventories
a6d7e4ca PR-826: Add Sniffer API
CraftBukkit Changes:
93813509b SPIGOT-7309: Add API for jukebox inventories
2d5209e8d PR-1153: Handle teleport reason in spreadplayers command
f5b61387e SPIGOT-7308: Fix NullPointerException when calling Jukebox#setRecord()
388d458a6 SPIGOT-7306: Fix reset of coords in default teleportTo in EntityPlayer
40b87e1af PR-1150: Add Sniffer API and handle EntityItemDropEvent
Spigot Changes:
6ad4b93c SPIGOT-7298: Fix debug stick always permission left click toggle