import java.util.Locale pluginManagement { repositories { gradlePluginPortal() maven("") } } plugins { id("org.gradle.toolchains.foojay-resolver-convention") version "0.7.0" } if (!file(".git").exists()) { val errorText = """ =====================[ ERROR ]===================== The Paper project directory is not a properly cloned Git repository. In order to build Paper from source you must clone the Paper repository using Git, not download a code zip from GitHub. Built Paper jars are available for download at See for further information on building and modifying Paper. =================================================== """.trimIndent() error(errorText) } = "paper" for (name in listOf("Paper-API", "Paper-Server", "Paper-MojangAPI")) { val projName = name.lowercase(Locale.ENGLISH) include(projName) findProject(":$projName")!!.projectDir = file(name) } optionalInclude("test-plugin") optionalInclude("paper-api-generator") fun optionalInclude(name: String, op: (ProjectDescriptor.() -> Unit)? = null) { val settingsFile = file("$name.settings.gradle.kts") if (settingsFile.exists()) { apply(from = settingsFile) findProject(":$name")?.let { op?.invoke(it) } } else { settingsFile.writeText( """ // Uncomment to enable the '$name' project // include(":$name") """.trimIndent() ) } }