package io.papermc.generator.rewriter.parser; import; import io.papermc.generator.rewriter.context.ImportCollector; import io.papermc.generator.rewriter.parser.closure.AbstractClosure; import io.papermc.generator.rewriter.parser.closure.Closure; import io.papermc.generator.rewriter.parser.closure.ClosureType; import io.papermc.generator.rewriter.parser.step.IterativeStep; import io.papermc.generator.rewriter.parser.step.StepManager; import io.papermc.generator.rewriter.parser.step.model.AnnotationSkipSteps; import io.papermc.generator.rewriter.parser.step.model.ImportStatementSteps; import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.List; @ApiStatus.Internal public class LineParser { private final StepManager stepManager = new StepManager(); private Closure nearestClosure; @Nullable public Closure getNearestClosure() { return this.nearestClosure; } // internal use only or when nearestClosure = null // doesn't support leaf closure char escape public boolean tryAdvanceStartClosure(@NotNull ClosureType type, @NotNull StringReader line) { if (line.trySkipString(type.start)) { // closure has been consumed Closure previousNearestClosure = this.nearestClosure; this.nearestClosure = Closure.create(type); if (previousNearestClosure != null) { if (ClosureType.LEAFS.contains(previousNearestClosure.getType())) { throw new ParserException("Nested closure in a leaf closure is not allowed", line); } ((AbstractClosure) this.nearestClosure).setParent(previousNearestClosure); } this.nearestClosure.onStart(line); return true; } return false; } // for all closure, leaf closure type should use the other similar method after this one if possible // ignoreNestedClosureTypes order matter here public ClosureAdvanceResult tryAdvanceEndClosure(@NotNull Closure closure, @NotNull StringReader line) { Preconditions.checkState(this.nearestClosure != null && this.nearestClosure.hasUpperClosure(closure), "Need to be in an upper closure of " + closure + " to find its end identifier"); boolean directClosureFound = this.nearestClosure == closure; boolean canSearchEndClosure = this.nearestClosure == null || directClosureFound; char previousChar = '\0'; if (line.getCursor() >= 1) { previousChar = line.peek(-1); } ClosureType type = closure.getType(); if (canSearchEndClosure && line.trySkipString(type.end)) { // closure has been consumed // skip escape closed closure if (type.end.length() == 1 && type.start.equals(type.end) && ClosureType.ALLOW_ESCAPE.contains(type)) { if (previousChar == '\\') { return ClosureAdvanceResult.skip(); } } this.nearestClosure.onEnd(line); if (this.nearestClosure.parent() != null) { this.nearestClosure = this.nearestClosure.parent(); } else { this.nearestClosure = null; } return ClosureAdvanceResult.find(directClosureFound); } return ClosureAdvanceResult.NONE; } public boolean trySkipNestedClosures(@NotNull Closure inClosure, @NotNull StringReader line, @NotNull List computedTypes) { boolean directClosureFound = this.nearestClosure == inClosure; boolean isLeaf = this.nearestClosure != null && ClosureType.LEAFS.contains(this.nearestClosure.getType()); if (this.nearestClosure != null && !directClosureFound) { final boolean advanced; if (isLeaf) { advanced = this.tryAdvanceEndClosure(this.nearestClosure.getType(), line) != ClosureTypeAdvanceResult.IGNORED; } else { advanced = this.tryAdvanceEndClosure(this.nearestClosure, line).advanced(); } if (advanced) { return true; } } if (this.nearestClosure == null || !isLeaf) { // leaf take the priority and doesn't allow any other nested type for (ClosureType type : computedTypes) { if (this.tryAdvanceStartClosure(type, line)) { return true; } } } return false; } // only valid for leaf closure type public ClosureTypeAdvanceResult tryAdvanceEndClosure(@NotNull ClosureType type, @NotNull StringReader line) { Preconditions.checkArgument(ClosureType.LEAFS.contains(type), "Only leaf closure can be advanced using its type only, for other, use the closure equivalent method to take in account nested closure"); Preconditions.checkState(this.nearestClosure != null && this.nearestClosure.getType() == type, "Need an direct upper closure of " + type); char previousChar = '\0'; if (line.getCursor() >= 1) { previousChar = line.peek(-1); } if (line.trySkipString(type.end)) { // closure has been consumed // skip escape closed closure if (type.end.length() == 1 && type.start.equals(type.end) && ClosureType.ALLOW_ESCAPE.contains(type)) { if (previousChar == '\\') { return ClosureTypeAdvanceResult.SKIPPED; } } this.nearestClosure.onEnd(line); if (this.nearestClosure.parent() != null) { this.nearestClosure = this.nearestClosure.parent(); } else { this.nearestClosure = null; } return ClosureTypeAdvanceResult.CHANGED; } return ClosureTypeAdvanceResult.IGNORED; } public boolean skipComment(@NotNull StringReader line) { int previousCursor = line.getCursor(); if ((this.nearestClosure != null && this.nearestClosure.getType() == ClosureType.COMMENT) || this.tryAdvanceStartClosure(ClosureType.COMMENT, line)) { // open comment? ClosureTypeAdvanceResult result; while ((result = this.tryAdvanceEndClosure(ClosureType.COMMENT, line)) != ClosureTypeAdvanceResult.CHANGED && line.canRead()) { // closed comment? if (result == ClosureTypeAdvanceResult.IGNORED) { line.skip(); } } return line.getCursor() > previousCursor; } return false; } public boolean skipCommentOrWhitespace(@NotNull StringReader line) { boolean skipped = false; while (this.skipComment(line) || line.skipWhitespace() > 0) { skipped = true; } return skipped; } public boolean trySkipCommentOrWhitespaceUntil(@NotNull StringReader line, char terminator) { int previousCursor = line.getCursor(); boolean skipped = this.skipCommentOrWhitespace(line); if (skipped && line.canRead() && line.peek() != terminator) { line.setCursor(previousCursor); skipped = false; } return skipped; } public boolean peekSingleLineComment(@NotNull StringReader line) { return line.canRead(2) && line.peek() == '/' && line.peek(1) == '/'; } public boolean consumeImports(@NotNull StringReader line, @NotNull ImportCollector collector) { outerLoop: while (line.canRead()) { IterativeStep step; while ((step = this.stepManager.getSteps().poll()) != null) {, this); if (!line.canRead()) { break outerLoop; } } if (this.skipCommentOrWhitespace(line)) { continue; } if (this.peekSingleLineComment(line)) { // check single line comment only after multi line to avoid ignoring the end of multi line comment starting with // on the newline break; } // not commented char c = line.peek(); if (AnnotationSkipSteps.canStart(c)) { // handle annotation with param to avoid open curly bracket that occur in array argument this.stepManager.enqueue(new AnnotationSkipSteps()); continue; } else if (c == '{') { return true; } else if (ImportStatementSteps.canStart(line)) { this.stepManager.enqueue(new ImportStatementSteps(collector)); continue; } line.skip(); } return false; } @NotNull public StepManager getSteps() { return this.stepManager; } }