package com.destroystokyo.paper; import; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import static; import static; import static; /** * Represents a title to may be sent to a {@link Player}. * *

A title can be sent without subtitle text.

* * @deprecated use {@link net.kyori.adventure.title.Title} */ @Deprecated public final class Title { /** * The default number of ticks for the title to fade in. */ public static final int DEFAULT_FADE_IN = 20; /** * The default number of ticks for the title to stay. */ public static final int DEFAULT_STAY = 200; /** * The default number of ticks for the title to fade out. */ public static final int DEFAULT_FADE_OUT = 20; private final BaseComponent[] title; private final BaseComponent[] subtitle; private final int fadeIn; private final int stay; private final int fadeOut; /** * Create a title with the default time values and no subtitle. * *

Times use default values.

* * @param title the main text of the title * @throws NullPointerException if the title is null */ public Title(@NotNull BaseComponent title) { this(title, null); } /** * Create a title with the default time values and no subtitle. * *

Times use default values.

* * @param title the main text of the title * @throws NullPointerException if the title is null */ public Title(@NotNull BaseComponent[] title) { this(title, null); } /** * Create a title with the default time values and no subtitle. * *

Times use default values.

* * @param title the main text of the title * @throws NullPointerException if the title is null */ public Title(@NotNull String title) { this(title, null); } /** * Create a title with the default time values. * *

Times use default values.

* * @param title the main text of the title * @param subtitle the secondary text of the title */ public Title(@NotNull BaseComponent title, @Nullable BaseComponent subtitle) { this(title, subtitle, DEFAULT_FADE_IN, DEFAULT_STAY, DEFAULT_FADE_OUT); } /** * Create a title with the default time values. * *

Times use default values.

* * @param title the main text of the title * @param subtitle the secondary text of the title */ public Title(@NotNull BaseComponent[] title, @Nullable BaseComponent[] subtitle) { this(title, subtitle, DEFAULT_FADE_IN, DEFAULT_STAY, DEFAULT_FADE_OUT); } /** * Create a title with the default time values. * *

Times use default values.

* * @param title the main text of the title * @param subtitle the secondary text of the title */ public Title(@NotNull String title, @Nullable String subtitle) { this(title, subtitle, DEFAULT_FADE_IN, DEFAULT_STAY, DEFAULT_FADE_OUT); } /** * Creates a new title. * * @param title the main text of the title * @param subtitle the secondary text of the title * @param fadeIn the number of ticks for the title to fade in * @param stay the number of ticks for the title to stay on screen * @param fadeOut the number of ticks for the title to fade out * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the times are negative */ public Title(@NotNull BaseComponent title, @Nullable BaseComponent subtitle, int fadeIn, int stay, int fadeOut) { this( new BaseComponent[]{checkNotNull(title, "title")}, subtitle == null ? null : new BaseComponent[]{subtitle}, fadeIn, stay, fadeOut ); } /** * Creates a new title. * * @param title the main text of the title * @param subtitle the secondary text of the title * @param fadeIn the number of ticks for the title to fade in * @param stay the number of ticks for the title to stay on screen * @param fadeOut the number of ticks for the title to fade out * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the times are negative */ public Title(@Nullable BaseComponent[] title, @NotNull BaseComponent[] subtitle, int fadeIn, int stay, int fadeOut) { checkArgument(fadeIn >= 0, "Negative fadeIn: %s", fadeIn); checkArgument(stay >= 0, "Negative stay: %s", stay); checkArgument(fadeOut >= 0, "Negative fadeOut: %s", fadeOut); this.title = checkNotNull(title, "title"); this.subtitle = subtitle; this.fadeIn = fadeIn; this.stay = stay; this.fadeOut = fadeOut; } /** * Creates a new title. * *

It is recommended to the {@link BaseComponent} constrctors.

* * @param title the main text of the title * @param subtitle the secondary text of the title * @param fadeIn the number of ticks for the title to fade in * @param stay the number of ticks for the title to stay on screen * @param fadeOut the number of ticks for the title to fade out */ public Title(@NotNull String title, @Nullable String subtitle, int fadeIn, int stay, int fadeOut) { this( TextComponent.fromLegacyText(checkNotNull(title, "title")), subtitle == null ? null : TextComponent.fromLegacyText(subtitle), fadeIn, stay, fadeOut ); } /** * Gets the text of this title * * @return the text */ @NotNull public BaseComponent[] getTitle() { return this.title; } /** * Gets the text of this title's subtitle * * @return the text */ @Nullable public BaseComponent[] getSubtitle() { return this.subtitle; } /** * Gets the number of ticks to fade in. * *

The returned value is never negative.

* * @return the number of ticks to fade in */ public int getFadeIn() { return this.fadeIn; } /** * Gets the number of ticks to stay. * *

The returned value is never negative.

* * @return the number of ticks to stay */ public int getStay() { return this.stay; } /** * Gets the number of ticks to fade out. * *

The returned value is never negative.

* * @return the number of ticks to fade out */ public int getFadeOut() { return this.fadeOut; } /** * Sends the title directly to an player * * @param player the receiver of the title */ public void send(@NotNull Player player) { player.sendTitle(this); } /** * Sends the title directly to the defined players * * @param players the receivers of the title */ public void send(@NotNull Collection players) { for (Player player : players) { player.sendTitle(this); } } /** * Sends the title directly to the defined players * * @param players the receivers of the title */ public void send(@NotNull Player[] players) { for (Player player : players) { player.sendTitle(this); } } /** * Sends the title directly to all online players */ public void broadcast() { send(Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()); } @NotNull public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } /** * A builder for creating titles */ public static final class Builder { private BaseComponent[] title; private BaseComponent[] subtitle; private int fadeIn = DEFAULT_FADE_IN; private int stay = DEFAULT_STAY; private int fadeOut = DEFAULT_FADE_OUT; /** * Sets the title to the given text. * * @param title the title text * @return this builder instance * @throws NullPointerException if the title is null */ @NotNull public Builder title(@NotNull BaseComponent title) { return this.title(new BaseComponent[]{checkNotNull(title, "title")}); } /** * Sets the title to the given text. * * @param title the title text * @return this builder instance * @throws NullPointerException if the title is null */ @NotNull public Builder title(@NotNull BaseComponent[] title) { this.title = checkNotNull(title, "title"); return this; } /** * Sets the title to the given text. * *

It is recommended to the {@link BaseComponent} methods.

* * @param title the title text * @return this builder instance * @throws NullPointerException if the title is null */ @NotNull public Builder title(@NotNull String title) { return this.title(TextComponent.fromLegacyText(checkNotNull(title, "title"))); } /** * Sets the subtitle to the given text. * * @param subtitle the title text * @return this builder instance */ @NotNull public Builder subtitle(@Nullable BaseComponent subtitle) { return this.subtitle(subtitle == null ? null : new BaseComponent[]{subtitle}); } /** * Sets the subtitle to the given text. * * @param subtitle the title text * @return this builder instance */ @NotNull public Builder subtitle(@Nullable BaseComponent[] subtitle) { this.subtitle = subtitle; return this; } /** * Sets the subtitle to the given text. * *

It is recommended to the {@link BaseComponent} methods.

* * @param subtitle the title text * @return this builder instance */ @NotNull public Builder subtitle(@Nullable String subtitle) { return this.subtitle(subtitle == null ? null : TextComponent.fromLegacyText(subtitle)); } /** * Sets the number of ticks for the title to fade in * * @param fadeIn the number of ticks to fade in * @return this builder instance * @throws IllegalArgumentException if it is negative */ @NotNull public Builder fadeIn(int fadeIn) { checkArgument(fadeIn >= 0, "Negative fadeIn: %s", fadeIn); this.fadeIn = fadeIn; return this; } /** * Sets the number of ticks for the title to stay. * * @param stay the number of ticks to stay * @return this builder instance * @throws IllegalArgumentException if it is negative */ @NotNull public Builder stay(int stay) { checkArgument(stay >= 0, "Negative stay: %s", stay); this.stay = stay; return this; } /** * Sets the number of ticks for the title to fade out. * * @param fadeOut the number of ticks to fade out * @return this builder instance * @throws IllegalArgumentException if it is negative */ @NotNull public Builder fadeOut(int fadeOut) { checkArgument(fadeOut >= 0, "Negative fadeOut: %s", fadeOut); this.fadeOut = fadeOut; return this; } /** * Create a title based on the values in the builder. * * @return a title from the values in this builder * @throws IllegalStateException if title isn't specified */ @NotNull public Title build() { checkState(title != null, "Title not specified"); return new Title(this.title, this.subtitle, this.fadeIn, this.stay, this.fadeOut); } } }