Aikar 50a23d5ea3
Configurable Alternative LootPool Luck Formula
Rewrites the Vanilla luck application formula so that luck can be
applied to items that do not have any quality defined.

See: for data and details

The rough summary is:
My goal was that in a pool, when luck was applied, the pool
rebalances so the percentages for bigger items is
lowered and smaller items is boosted.

Do this by boosting and then reducing the weight value,
so that larger numbers are penalized more than smaller numbers.
resulting in a larger reduction of entries for more common
items than the reduction on small weights,
giving smaller weights more of a chance


This work kind of obsoletes quality, but quality would be useful
for 2 items with same weight that you want luck to impact
in varying directions.

Fishing still falls into that as the weights are closer, so luck
will invalidate junk more.

This change will result in some major changes to fishing formulas.


I would love to see this change in Vanilla, so Mojang please pull :)
2018-06-15 00:32:35 -04:00

118 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
export MODLOG=""
basedir="$(cd "$1" && pwd -P)"
gitcmd="git -c commit.gpgsign=false"
minecraftversion=$(cat "$workdir/BuildData/info.json" | grep minecraftVersion | cut -d '"' -f 4)
export importedmcdev=""
function import {
export importedmcdev="$importedmcdev $1"
if [[ ! -f "$target" ]]; then
export MODLOG="$MODLOG Imported $file from mc-dev\n";
echo "Copying $base to $target"
cp "$base" "$target"
echo "UN-NEEDED IMPORT: $file"
cd "$workdir/Spigot/Spigot-Server/"
lastlog=$($gitcmd log -1 --oneline)
if [[ "$lastlog" = *"mc-dev Imports"* ]]; then
$gitcmd reset --hard HEAD^
import AxisAlignedBB
import BaseBlockPosition
import BiomeBase
import BiomeBigHills
import BiomeJungle
import BiomeMesa
import BlockBeacon
import BlockChest
import BlockFalling
import BlockFurnace
import BlockIceFrost
import BlockPosition
import BlockSnowBlock
import BlockStateEnum
import ChunkCache
import ChunkCoordIntPair
import ChunkProviderFlat
import ChunkProviderGenerate
import ChunkProviderHell
import CommandAbstract
import CommandScoreboard
import CommandWhitelist
import ControllerJump
import DataBits
import DataConverterMaterialId
import DataInspectorBlockEntity
import DataPalette
import DefinedStructure
import DragonControllerLandedFlame
import EnchantmentManager
import Enchantments
import EntityLlama
import EntitySquid
import EntityTypes
import EntityWaterAnimal
import EntityWitch
import EnumItemSlot
import EULA
import FileIOThread
import IHopper
import ItemBlock
import ItemFireworks
import ItemMonsterEgg
import LegacyPingHandler
import LotoSelectorEntry
import NavigationAbstract
import NBTTagCompound
import NBTTagList
import PacketPlayInUseEntity
import PacketPlayOutMapChunk
import PacketPlayOutPlayerListHeaderFooter
import PacketPlayOutScoreboardTeam
import PacketPlayOutTitle
import PacketPlayOutUpdateTime
import PathfinderAbstract
import PathfinderGoal
import PathfinderGoalFloat
import PathfinderGoalGotoTarget
import PathfinderWater
import PersistentScoreboard
import PersistentVillage
import PlayerConnectionUtils
import RegionFile
import RegistryBlockID
import RemoteControlListener
import ServerPing
import StructureBoundingBox
import StructurePiece
import StructureStart
import TileEntityEnderChest
import TileEntityLootable
import WorldGenStronghold
import WorldProvider
cd "$workdir/Spigot/Spigot-Server/"
rm -rf nms-patches >/dev/null 2>&1
$gitcmd add . -A >/dev/null 2>&1
echo -e "mc-dev Imports\n\n$MODLOG" | $gitcmd commit . -F -