mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 07:10:08 +01:00
This is highly useful for profiling vanilla code, and in some cases plugin code. It is somewhat expensive, though, which is why it was initially disabled.
I chose to use a system property instead of a configuration setting because 1) the MethodProfiler is exclusive to CraftBukkit and not part of the general API (the timings system is the general API equivalent), and 2) using a static final boolean property _may_ allow the JITter to optimize out the methods when disabled (though I'm not sure of it).
There are several changes to fix cases where the profiler code was broken slightly by other craftbukkit changes. All of cases have been fixed, except for the block entity ticking one, due to the cost of the getSimpleName call. For that, a ticking entry is used instead, so that time spent actually ticking the block entities can be compared with time processing the list.
This (effectively) reverts 7dde6cc566
By: Pokechu22 <Pokechu022@gmail.com>
913 lines
46 KiB
913 lines
46 KiB
--- a/net/minecraft/server/PlayerList.java
+++ b/net/minecraft/server/PlayerList.java
@@ -19,6 +19,29 @@
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
+// CraftBukkit start
+import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
+import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
+import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer;
+import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftWorld;
+import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.chunkio.ChunkIOExecutor;
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
+import org.bukkit.Location;
+import org.bukkit.TravelAgent;
+import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.CraftChatMessage;
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
+import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChangedWorldEvent;
+import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerPortalEvent;
+import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
+import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent;
+import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent;
+import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent;
+import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause;
+import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
+// CraftBukkit end
public abstract class PlayerList {
public static final File a = new File("banned-players.json");
@@ -28,7 +51,7 @@
private static final Logger f = LogManager.getLogger();
private static final SimpleDateFormat g = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd \'at\' HH:mm:ss z");
private final MinecraftServer server;
- public final List<EntityPlayer> players = Lists.newArrayList();
+ public final List<EntityPlayer> players = new java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList(); // CraftBukkit - ArrayList -> CopyOnWriteArrayList: Iterator safety
private final Map<UUID, EntityPlayer> j = Maps.newHashMap();
private final GameProfileBanList k;
private final IpBanList l;
@@ -43,7 +66,15 @@
private boolean t;
private int u;
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ private CraftServer cserver;
public PlayerList(MinecraftServer minecraftserver) {
+ this.cserver = minecraftserver.server = new CraftServer(minecraftserver, this);
+ minecraftserver.console = org.bukkit.craftbukkit.command.ColouredConsoleSender.getInstance();
+ minecraftserver.reader.addCompleter(new org.bukkit.craftbukkit.command.ConsoleCommandCompleter(minecraftserver.server));
+ // CraftBukkit end
this.k = new GameProfileBanList(PlayerList.a);
this.l = new IpBanList(PlayerList.b);
this.operators = new OpList(PlayerList.c);
@@ -63,6 +94,12 @@
NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = this.a(entityplayer);
+ // CraftBukkit start - Better rename detection
+ if (nbttagcompound != null && nbttagcompound.hasKey("bukkit")) {
+ NBTTagCompound bukkit = nbttagcompound.getCompound("bukkit");
+ s = bukkit.hasKeyOfType("lastKnownName", 8) ? bukkit.getString("lastKnownName") : s;
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
entityplayer.playerInteractManager.a((WorldServer) entityplayer.world);
@@ -72,7 +109,8 @@
s1 = networkmanager.getSocketAddress().toString();
- PlayerList.f.info("{}[{}] logged in with entity id {} at ({}, {}, {})", new Object[] { entityplayer.getName(), s1, Integer.valueOf(entityplayer.getId()), Double.valueOf(entityplayer.locX), Double.valueOf(entityplayer.locY), Double.valueOf(entityplayer.locZ)});
+ // CraftBukkit - Moved message to after join
+ // PlayerList.f.info("{}[{}] logged in with entity id {} at ({}, {}, {})", new Object[] { entityplayer.getName(), s1, Integer.valueOf(entityplayer.getId()), Double.valueOf(entityplayer.locX), Double.valueOf(entityplayer.locY), Double.valueOf(entityplayer.locZ)});
WorldServer worldserver = this.server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension);
WorldData worlddata = worldserver.getWorldData();
@@ -80,6 +118,7 @@
PlayerConnection playerconnection = new PlayerConnection(this.server, networkmanager, entityplayer);
playerconnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutLogin(entityplayer.getId(), entityplayer.playerInteractManager.getGameMode(), worlddata.isHardcore(), worldserver.worldProvider.getDimensionManager().getDimensionID(), worldserver.getDifficulty(), this.getMaxPlayers(), worlddata.getType(), worldserver.getGameRules().getBoolean("reducedDebugInfo")));
+ entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().sendSupportedChannels(); // CraftBukkit
playerconnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutCustomPayload("MC|Brand", (new PacketDataSerializer(Unpooled.buffer())).a(this.getServer().getServerModName())));
playerconnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutServerDifficulty(worlddata.getDifficulty(), worlddata.isDifficultyLocked()));
playerconnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutAbilities(entityplayer.abilities));
@@ -89,17 +128,23 @@
this.sendScoreboard((ScoreboardServer) worldserver.getScoreboard(), entityplayer);
- ChatMessage chatmessage;
+ // CraftBukkit start - login message is handled in the event
+ // ChatMessage chatmessage;
+ String joinMessage;
if (entityplayer.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {
- chatmessage = new ChatMessage("multiplayer.player.joined", new Object[] { entityplayer.getScoreboardDisplayName()});
+ // chatmessage = new ChatMessage("multiplayer.player.joined", new Object[] { entityplayer.getScoreboardDisplayName()});
+ joinMessage = "\u00A7e" + LocaleI18n.a("multiplayer.player.joined", entityplayer.getName());
} else {
- chatmessage = new ChatMessage("multiplayer.player.joined.renamed", new Object[] { entityplayer.getScoreboardDisplayName(), s});
+ // chatmessage = new ChatMessage("multiplayer.player.joined.renamed", new Object[] { entityplayer.getScoreboardDisplayName(), s});
+ joinMessage = "\u00A7e" + LocaleI18n.a("multiplayer.player.joined.renamed", entityplayer.getName(), s);
- chatmessage.getChatModifier().setColor(EnumChatFormat.YELLOW);
- this.sendMessage(chatmessage);
- this.onPlayerJoin(entityplayer);
+ // chatmessage.getChatModifier().setColor(EnumChatFormat.YELLOW);
+ // this.sendMessage(chatmessage);
+ this.onPlayerJoin(entityplayer, joinMessage);
+ // CraftBukkit end
+ worldserver = server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension); // CraftBukkit - Update in case join event changed it
playerconnection.a(entityplayer.locX, entityplayer.locY, entityplayer.locZ, entityplayer.yaw, entityplayer.pitch);
this.b(entityplayer, worldserver);
if (!this.server.getResourcePack().isEmpty()) {
@@ -151,6 +196,8 @@
+ // CraftBukkit - Moved from above, added world
+ PlayerList.f.info(entityplayer.getName() + "[" + s1 + "] logged in with entity id " + entityplayer.getId() + " at ([" + entityplayer.world.worldData.getName() + "]" + entityplayer.locX + ", " + entityplayer.locY + ", " + entityplayer.locZ + ")");
public void sendScoreboard(ScoreboardServer scoreboardserver, EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
@@ -183,26 +230,27 @@
public void setPlayerFileData(WorldServer[] aworldserver) {
+ if (playerFileData != null) return; // CraftBukkit
this.playerFileData = aworldserver[0].getDataManager().getPlayerFileData();
aworldserver[0].getWorldBorder().a(new IWorldBorderListener() {
public void a(WorldBorder worldborder, double d0) {
- PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_SIZE));
+ PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_SIZE), worldborder.world);
public void a(WorldBorder worldborder, double d0, double d1, long i) {
- PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.LERP_SIZE));
+ PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.LERP_SIZE), worldborder.world);
public void a(WorldBorder worldborder, double d0, double d1) {
- PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_CENTER));
+ PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_CENTER), worldborder.world);
public void a(WorldBorder worldborder, int i) {
- PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_WARNING_TIME));
+ PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_WARNING_TIME), worldborder.world);
public void b(WorldBorder worldborder, int i) {
- PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_WARNING_BLOCKS));
+ PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_WARNING_BLOCKS), worldborder.world);
public void b(WorldBorder worldborder, double d0) {}
@@ -228,7 +276,7 @@
public NBTTagCompound a(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
- NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = this.server.worldServer[0].getWorldData().h();
+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = this.server.worlds.get(0).getWorldData().h(); // CraftBukkit
NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1;
if (entityplayer.getName().equals(this.server.Q()) && nbttagcompound != null) {
@@ -252,28 +300,72 @@
- public void onPlayerJoin(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
+ public void onPlayerJoin(EntityPlayer entityplayer, String joinMessage) { // CraftBukkit added param
this.j.put(entityplayer.getUniqueID(), entityplayer);
- this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER, new EntityPlayer[] { entityplayer}));
+ // this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER, new EntityPlayer[] { entityplayer})); // CraftBukkit - replaced with loop below
WorldServer worldserver = this.server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension);
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ PlayerJoinEvent playerJoinEvent = new PlayerJoinEvent(cserver.getPlayer(entityplayer), joinMessage);
+ cserver.getPluginManager().callEvent(playerJoinEvent);
+ joinMessage = playerJoinEvent.getJoinMessage();
+ if (joinMessage != null && joinMessage.length() > 0) {
+ for (IChatBaseComponent line : org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.CraftChatMessage.fromString(joinMessage)) {
+ server.getPlayerList().sendAll(new PacketPlayOutChat(line));
+ }
+ }
+ ChunkIOExecutor.adjustPoolSize(getPlayerCount());
+ // CraftBukkit end
+ // CraftBukkit start - sendAll above replaced with this loop
+ PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo packet = new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER, entityplayer);
for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); ++i) {
- entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER, new EntityPlayer[] { (EntityPlayer) this.players.get(i)}));
+ EntityPlayer entityplayer1 = (EntityPlayer) this.players.get(i);
+ if (entityplayer1.getBukkitEntity().canSee(entityplayer.getBukkitEntity())) {
+ entityplayer1.playerConnection.sendPacket(packet);
+ }
+ if (!entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().canSee(entityplayer1.getBukkitEntity())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER, new EntityPlayer[] { entityplayer1}));
+ // CraftBukkit end
- worldserver.addEntity(entityplayer);
- this.a(entityplayer, (WorldServer) null);
+ // CraftBukkit start - Only add if the player wasn't moved in the event
+ if (entityplayer.world == worldserver && !worldserver.players.contains(entityplayer)) {
+ worldserver.addEntity(entityplayer);
+ this.a(entityplayer, (WorldServer) null);
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
public void d(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
- public void disconnect(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
+ public String disconnect(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { // CraftBukkit - return string
WorldServer worldserver = entityplayer.x();
+ // CraftBukkit start - Quitting must be before we do final save of data, in case plugins need to modify it
+ org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.handleInventoryCloseEvent(entityplayer);
+ PlayerQuitEvent playerQuitEvent = new PlayerQuitEvent(cserver.getPlayer(entityplayer), "\u00A7e" + entityplayer.getName() + " left the game");
+ cserver.getPluginManager().callEvent(playerQuitEvent);
+ entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().disconnect(playerQuitEvent.getQuitMessage());
+ entityplayer.playerTick();// SPIGOT-924
+ // CraftBukkit end
if (entityplayer.isPassenger()) {
Entity entity = entityplayer.getVehicle();
@@ -305,13 +397,61 @@
- this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.REMOVE_PLAYER, new EntityPlayer[] { entityplayer}));
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ // this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(EnumPlayerInfoAction.REMOVE_PLAYER, new EntityPlayer[] { entityplayer}));
+ PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo packet = new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.REMOVE_PLAYER, entityplayer);
+ for (int i = 0; i < players.size(); i++) {
+ EntityPlayer entityplayer2 = (EntityPlayer) this.players.get(i);
+ if (entityplayer2.getBukkitEntity().canSee(entityplayer.getBukkitEntity())) {
+ entityplayer2.playerConnection.sendPacket(packet);
+ } else {
+ entityplayer2.getBukkitEntity().removeDisconnectingPlayer(entityplayer.getBukkitEntity());
+ }
+ }
+ // This removes the scoreboard (and player reference) for the specific player in the manager
+ cserver.getScoreboardManager().removePlayer(entityplayer.getBukkitEntity());
+ // CraftBukkit end
+ ChunkIOExecutor.adjustPoolSize(this.getPlayerCount()); // CraftBukkit
+ return playerQuitEvent.getQuitMessage(); // CraftBukkit
- public String attemptLogin(SocketAddress socketaddress, GameProfile gameprofile) {
+ // CraftBukkit start - Whole method, SocketAddress to LoginListener, added hostname to signature, return EntityPlayer
+ public EntityPlayer attemptLogin(LoginListener loginlistener, GameProfile gameprofile, String hostname) {
+ // Moved from processLogin
+ UUID uuid = EntityHuman.a(gameprofile);
+ ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList();
+ EntityPlayer entityplayer;
+ for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); ++i) {
+ entityplayer = (EntityPlayer) this.players.get(i);
+ if (entityplayer.getUniqueID().equals(uuid)) {
+ arraylist.add(entityplayer);
+ }
+ }
+ Iterator iterator = arraylist.iterator();
+ while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ entityplayer = (EntityPlayer) iterator.next();
+ savePlayerFile(entityplayer); // CraftBukkit - Force the player's inventory to be saved
+ entityplayer.playerConnection.disconnect("You logged in from another location");
+ }
+ // Instead of kicking then returning, we need to store the kick reason
+ // in the event, check with plugins to see if it's ok, and THEN kick
+ // depending on the outcome.
+ SocketAddress socketaddress = loginlistener.networkManager.getSocketAddress();
+ EntityPlayer entity = new EntityPlayer(server, server.getWorldServer(0), gameprofile, new PlayerInteractManager(server.getWorldServer(0)));
+ Player player = entity.getBukkitEntity();
+ PlayerLoginEvent event = new PlayerLoginEvent(player, hostname, ((java.net.InetSocketAddress) socketaddress).getAddress());
String s;
- if (this.k.isBanned(gameprofile)) {
+ if (getProfileBans().isBanned(gameprofile) && !getProfileBans().get(gameprofile).hasExpired()) {
GameProfileBanEntry gameprofilebanentry = (GameProfileBanEntry) this.k.get(gameprofile);
s = "You are banned from this server!\nReason: " + gameprofilebanentry.getReason();
@@ -319,10 +459,12 @@
s = s + "\nYour ban will be removed on " + PlayerList.g.format(gameprofilebanentry.getExpires());
- return s;
+ // return s;
+ event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_BANNED, s);
} else if (!this.isWhitelisted(gameprofile)) {
- return "You are not white-listed on this server!";
- } else if (this.l.isBanned(socketaddress)) {
+ // return "You are not white-listed on this server!";
+ event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_WHITELIST, "You are not white-listed on this server!");
+ } else if (getIPBans().isBanned(socketaddress) && !getIPBans().get(socketaddress).hasExpired()) {
IpBanEntry ipbanentry = this.l.get(socketaddress);
s = "Your IP address is banned from this server!\nReason: " + ipbanentry.getReason();
@@ -330,13 +472,25 @@
s = s + "\nYour ban will be removed on " + PlayerList.g.format(ipbanentry.getExpires());
- return s;
+ // return s;
+ event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_BANNED, s);
} else {
- return this.players.size() >= this.maxPlayers && !this.f(gameprofile) ? "The server is full!" : null;
+ // return this.players.size() >= this.maxPlayers && !this.f(gameprofile) ? "The server is full!" : null;
+ if (this.players.size() >= this.maxPlayers && !this.f(gameprofile)) {
+ event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_FULL, "The server is full");
+ }
+ }
+ cserver.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
+ if (event.getResult() != PlayerLoginEvent.Result.ALLOWED) {
+ loginlistener.disconnect(event.getKickMessage());
+ return null;
+ return entity;
- public EntityPlayer processLogin(GameProfile gameprofile) {
+ public EntityPlayer processLogin(GameProfile gameprofile, EntityPlayer player) { // CraftBukkit - added EntityPlayer
+ /* CraftBukkit startMoved up
UUID uuid = EntityHuman.a(gameprofile);
ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList();
@@ -371,17 +525,26 @@
return new EntityPlayer(this.server, this.server.getWorldServer(0), gameprofile, (PlayerInteractManager) object);
+ */
+ return player;
+ // CraftBukkit end
+ // CraftBukkit start
public EntityPlayer moveToWorld(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i, boolean flag) {
+ return this.moveToWorld(entityplayer, i, flag, null, true);
+ }
+ public EntityPlayer moveToWorld(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i, boolean flag, Location location, boolean avoidSuffocation) {
- entityplayer.x().getTracker().untrackEntity(entityplayer);
+ // entityplayer.x().getTracker().untrackEntity(entityplayer); // CraftBukkit
BlockPosition blockposition = entityplayer.getBed();
boolean flag1 = entityplayer.isRespawnForced();
+ /* CraftBukkit start
entityplayer.dimension = i;
Object object;
@@ -392,6 +555,11 @@
EntityPlayer entityplayer1 = new EntityPlayer(this.server, this.server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension), entityplayer.getProfile(), (PlayerInteractManager) object);
+ // */
+ EntityPlayer entityplayer1 = entityplayer;
+ org.bukkit.World fromWorld = entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().getWorld();
+ entityplayer.viewingCredits = false;
+ // CraftBukkit end
entityplayer1.playerConnection = entityplayer.playerConnection;
entityplayer1.copyTo(entityplayer, flag);
@@ -406,43 +574,157 @@
- WorldServer worldserver = this.server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension);
+ // WorldServer worldserver = this.server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension); // CraftBukkit - handled later
- this.a(entityplayer1, entityplayer, worldserver);
+ // this.a(entityplayer1, entityplayer, worldserver); // CraftBukkit - removed
BlockPosition blockposition1;
- if (blockposition != null) {
- blockposition1 = EntityHuman.getBed(this.server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension), blockposition, flag1);
- if (blockposition1 != null) {
- entityplayer1.setPositionRotation((double) ((float) blockposition1.getX() + 0.5F), (double) ((float) blockposition1.getY() + 0.1F), (double) ((float) blockposition1.getZ() + 0.5F), 0.0F, 0.0F);
- entityplayer1.setRespawnPosition(blockposition, flag1);
- } else {
- entityplayer1.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(0, 0.0F));
+ // CraftBukkit start - fire PlayerRespawnEvent
+ if (location == null) {
+ boolean isBedSpawn = false;
+ CraftWorld cworld = (CraftWorld) this.server.server.getWorld(entityplayer.spawnWorld);
+ if (cworld != null && blockposition != null) {
+ blockposition1 = EntityHuman.getBed(cworld.getHandle(), blockposition, flag1);
+ if (blockposition1 != null) {
+ isBedSpawn = true;
+ location = new Location(cworld, (double) ((float) blockposition1.getX() + 0.5F), (double) ((float) blockposition1.getY() + 0.1F), (double) ((float) blockposition1.getZ() + 0.5F));
+ } else {
+ entityplayer1.setRespawnPosition(null, true);
+ entityplayer1.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(0, 0.0F));
+ }
+ if (location == null) {
+ cworld = (CraftWorld) this.server.server.getWorlds().get(0);
+ blockposition = cworld.getHandle().getSpawn();
+ location = new Location(cworld, (double) ((float) blockposition.getX() + 0.5F), (double) ((float) blockposition.getY() + 0.1F), (double) ((float) blockposition.getZ() + 0.5F));
+ }
+ Player respawnPlayer = cserver.getPlayer(entityplayer1);
+ PlayerRespawnEvent respawnEvent = new PlayerRespawnEvent(respawnPlayer, location, isBedSpawn);
+ cserver.getPluginManager().callEvent(respawnEvent);
+ location = respawnEvent.getRespawnLocation();
+ entityplayer.reset();
+ } else {
+ location.setWorld(server.getWorldServer(i).getWorld());
+ WorldServer worldserver = ((CraftWorld) location.getWorld()).getHandle();
+ entityplayer1.forceSetPositionRotation(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), location.getYaw(), location.getPitch());
+ // CraftBukkit end
worldserver.getChunkProviderServer().getChunkAt((int) entityplayer1.locX >> 4, (int) entityplayer1.locZ >> 4);
- while (!worldserver.getCubes(entityplayer1, entityplayer1.getBoundingBox()).isEmpty() && entityplayer1.locY < 256.0D) {
+ while (avoidSuffocation && !worldserver.getCubes(entityplayer1, entityplayer1.getBoundingBox()).isEmpty() && entityplayer1.locY < 256.0D) {
entityplayer1.setPosition(entityplayer1.locX, entityplayer1.locY + 1.0D, entityplayer1.locZ);
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ byte actualDimension = (byte) (worldserver.getWorld().getEnvironment().getId());
+ // Force the client to refresh their chunk cache
+ if (fromWorld.getEnvironment() == worldserver.getWorld().getEnvironment()) {
+ entityplayer1.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutRespawn((byte) (actualDimension >= 0 ? -1 : 0), worldserver.getDifficulty(), worldserver.getWorldData().getType(), entityplayer.playerInteractManager.getGameMode()));
+ }
- entityplayer1.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutRespawn(entityplayer1.dimension, entityplayer1.world.getDifficulty(), entityplayer1.world.getWorldData().getType(), entityplayer1.playerInteractManager.getGameMode()));
+ entityplayer1.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutRespawn(actualDimension, worldserver.getDifficulty(), worldserver.getWorldData().getType(), entityplayer1.playerInteractManager.getGameMode()));
+ entityplayer1.spawnIn(worldserver);
+ entityplayer1.dead = false;
+ entityplayer1.playerConnection.teleport(new Location(worldserver.getWorld(), entityplayer1.locX, entityplayer1.locY, entityplayer1.locZ, entityplayer1.yaw, entityplayer1.pitch));
+ entityplayer1.setSneaking(false);
blockposition1 = worldserver.getSpawn();
- entityplayer1.playerConnection.a(entityplayer1.locX, entityplayer1.locY, entityplayer1.locZ, entityplayer1.yaw, entityplayer1.pitch);
+ // entityplayer1.playerConnection.a(entityplayer1.locX, entityplayer1.locY, entityplayer1.locZ, entityplayer1.yaw, entityplayer1.pitch);
entityplayer1.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutSpawnPosition(blockposition1));
entityplayer1.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutExperience(entityplayer1.exp, entityplayer1.expTotal, entityplayer1.expLevel));
this.b(entityplayer1, worldserver);
- worldserver.getPlayerChunkMap().addPlayer(entityplayer1);
- worldserver.addEntity(entityplayer1);
- this.players.add(entityplayer1);
- this.j.put(entityplayer1.getUniqueID(), entityplayer1);
- entityplayer1.syncInventory();
+ if (!entityplayer.playerConnection.isDisconnected()) {
+ worldserver.getPlayerChunkMap().addPlayer(entityplayer1);
+ worldserver.addEntity(entityplayer1);
+ this.players.add(entityplayer1);
+ this.j.put(entityplayer1.getUniqueID(), entityplayer1);
+ }
+ // entityplayer1.syncInventory();
+ // Added from changeDimension
+ updateClient(entityplayer); // Update health, etc...
+ entityplayer.updateAbilities();
+ for (Object o1 : entityplayer.getEffects()) {
+ MobEffect mobEffect = (MobEffect) o1;
+ entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutEntityEffect(entityplayer.getId(), mobEffect));
+ }
+ // Don't fire on respawn
+ if (fromWorld != location.getWorld()) {
+ PlayerChangedWorldEvent event = new PlayerChangedWorldEvent(entityplayer.getBukkitEntity(), fromWorld);
+ server.server.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
+ }
+ // Save player file again if they were disconnected
+ if (entityplayer.playerConnection.isDisconnected()) {
+ this.savePlayerFile(entityplayer);
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
return entityplayer1;
+ // CraftBukkit start - Replaced the standard handling of portals with a more customised method.
+ public void changeDimension(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i, TeleportCause cause) {
+ WorldServer exitWorld = null;
+ if (entityplayer.dimension < CraftWorld.CUSTOM_DIMENSION_OFFSET) { // plugins must specify exit from custom Bukkit worlds
+ // only target existing worlds (compensate for allow-nether/allow-end as false)
+ for (WorldServer world : this.server.worlds) {
+ if (world.dimension == i) {
+ exitWorld = world;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Location enter = entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().getLocation();
+ Location exit = null;
+ boolean useTravelAgent = false; // don't use agent for custom worlds or return from THE_END
+ if (exitWorld != null) {
+ if ((cause == TeleportCause.END_PORTAL) && (i == 0)) {
+ // THE_END -> NORMAL; use bed if available, otherwise default spawn
+ exit = ((org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftPlayer) entityplayer.getBukkitEntity()).getBedSpawnLocation();
+ if (exit == null || ((CraftWorld) exit.getWorld()).getHandle().dimension != 0) {
+ exit = exitWorld.getWorld().getSpawnLocation();
+ }
+ } else {
+ exit = this.calculateTarget(enter, exitWorld);
+ useTravelAgent = true;
+ }
+ }
+ TravelAgent agent = exit != null ? (TravelAgent) ((CraftWorld) exit.getWorld()).getHandle().getTravelAgent() : org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftTravelAgent.DEFAULT; // return arbitrary TA to compensate for implementation dependent plugins
+ PlayerPortalEvent event = new PlayerPortalEvent(entityplayer.getBukkitEntity(), enter, exit, agent, cause);
+ event.useTravelAgent(useTravelAgent);
+ Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
+ if (event.isCancelled() || event.getTo() == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ exit = event.useTravelAgent() ? event.getPortalTravelAgent().findOrCreate(event.getTo()) : event.getTo();
+ if (exit == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ exitWorld = ((CraftWorld) exit.getWorld()).getHandle();
+ org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent tpEvent = new org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent(entityplayer.getBukkitEntity(), enter, exit, cause);
+ Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(tpEvent);
+ if (tpEvent.isCancelled() || tpEvent.getTo() == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Vector velocity = entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().getVelocity();
+ exitWorld.getTravelAgent().adjustExit(entityplayer, exit, velocity);
+ entityplayer.worldChangeInvuln = true; // CraftBukkit - Set teleport invulnerability only if player changing worlds
+ this.moveToWorld(entityplayer, exitWorld.dimension, true, exit, false); // Vanilla doesn't check for suffocation when handling portals, so neither should we
+ if (entityplayer.motX != velocity.getX() || entityplayer.motY != velocity.getY() || entityplayer.motZ != velocity.getZ()) {
+ entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().setVelocity(velocity);
+ }
+ }
public void f(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
GameProfile gameprofile = entityplayer.getProfile();
int i = this.isOp(gameprofile) ? this.operators.a(gameprofile) : 0;
@@ -481,12 +763,111 @@
public void changeWorld(Entity entity, int i, WorldServer worldserver, WorldServer worldserver1) {
+ // CraftBukkit start - Split into modular functions
+ Location exit = calculateTarget(entity.getBukkitEntity().getLocation(), worldserver1);
+ repositionEntity(entity, exit, true);
+ }
+ // Copy of original changeWorld(Entity, int, WorldServer, WorldServer) method with only location calculation logic
+ public Location calculateTarget(Location enter, World target) {
+ WorldServer worldserver = ((CraftWorld) enter.getWorld()).getHandle();
+ WorldServer worldserver1 = ((CraftWorld) target.getWorld()).getHandle();
+ int i = worldserver.dimension;
+ double y = enter.getY();
+ float yaw = enter.getYaw();
+ float pitch = enter.getPitch();
+ double d0 = enter.getX();
+ double d1 = enter.getZ();
+ double d2 = 8.0D;
+ /*
+ double d0 = entity.locX;
+ double d1 = entity.locZ;
+ double d2 = 8.0D;
+ float f = entity.yaw;
+ */
+ worldserver.methodProfiler.a("moving");
+ if (worldserver1.dimension == -1) {
+ d0 = MathHelper.a(d0 / d2, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().b()+ 16.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().d() - 16.0D);
+ d1 = MathHelper.a(d1 / d2, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().c() + 16.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().e() - 16.0D);
+ /*
+ entity.setPositionRotation(d0, entity.locY, d1, entity.yaw, entity.pitch);
+ if (entity.isAlive()) {
+ worldserver.entityJoinedWorld(entity, false);
+ }
+ */
+ } else if (worldserver1.dimension == 0) {
+ d0 = MathHelper.a(d0 * d2, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().b() + 16.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().d() - 16.0D);
+ d1 = MathHelper.a(d1 * d2, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().c() + 16.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().e() - 16.0D);
+ /*
+ entity.setPositionRotation(d0, entity.locY, d1, entity.yaw, entity.pitch);
+ if (entity.isAlive()) {
+ worldserver.entityJoinedWorld(entity, false);
+ }
+ */
+ } else {
+ BlockPosition blockposition;
+ if (i == 1) {
+ // use default NORMAL world spawn instead of target
+ worldserver1 = this.server.worlds.get(0);
+ blockposition = worldserver1.getSpawn();
+ } else {
+ blockposition = worldserver1.getDimensionSpawn();
+ }
+ d0 = (double) blockposition.getX();
+ y = (double) blockposition.getY();
+ d1 = (double) blockposition.getZ();
+ /*
+ entity.setPositionRotation(d0, entity.locY, d1, 90.0F, 0.0F);
+ if (entity.isAlive()) {
+ worldserver.entityJoinedWorld(entity, false);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ worldserver.methodProfiler.b();
+ if (i != 1) {
+ worldserver.methodProfiler.a("placing");
+ d0 = (double) MathHelper.clamp((int) d0, -29999872, 29999872);
+ d1 = (double) MathHelper.clamp((int) d1, -29999872, 29999872);
+ /*
+ if (entity.isAlive()) {
+ entity.setPositionRotation(d0, entity.locY, d1, entity.yaw, entity.pitch);
+ worldserver1.getTravelAgent().a(entity, f);
+ worldserver1.addEntity(entity);
+ worldserver1.entityJoinedWorld(entity, false);
+ }
+ */
+ worldserver.methodProfiler.b();
+ }
+ // entity.spawnIn(worldserver1);
+ return new Location(worldserver1.getWorld(), d0, y, d1, yaw, pitch);
+ }
+ // copy of original a(Entity, int, WorldServer, WorldServer) method with only entity repositioning logic
+ public void repositionEntity(Entity entity, Location exit, boolean portal) {
+ WorldServer worldserver = (WorldServer) entity.world;
+ WorldServer worldserver1 = ((CraftWorld) exit.getWorld()).getHandle();
+ int i = worldserver.dimension;
+ /*
double d0 = entity.locX;
double d1 = entity.locZ;
double d2 = 8.0D;
float f = entity.yaw;
+ */
+ entity.setPositionRotation(exit.getX(), exit.getY(), exit.getZ(), exit.getYaw(), exit.getPitch());
+ if (entity.isAlive()) {
+ worldserver.entityJoinedWorld(entity, false);
+ }
+ /*
if (entity.dimension == -1) {
d0 = MathHelper.a(d0 / 8.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().b() + 16.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().d() - 16.0D);
d1 = MathHelper.a(d1 / 8.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().c() + 16.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().e() - 16.0D);
@@ -505,6 +886,8 @@
BlockPosition blockposition;
if (i == 1) {
+ // use default NORMAL world spawn instead of target
+ worldserver1 = this.server.worlds.get(0);
blockposition = worldserver1.getSpawn();
} else {
blockposition = worldserver1.getDimensionSpawn();
@@ -518,16 +901,27 @@
worldserver.entityJoinedWorld(entity, false);
+ */
if (i != 1) {
+ /*
d0 = (double) MathHelper.clamp((int) d0, -29999872, 29999872);
d1 = (double) MathHelper.clamp((int) d1, -29999872, 29999872);
+ */
if (entity.isAlive()) {
- entity.setPositionRotation(d0, entity.locY, d1, entity.yaw, entity.pitch);
- worldserver1.getTravelAgent().a(entity, f);
- worldserver1.addEntity(entity);
+ // entity.setPositionRotation(d0, entity.locY, d1, entity.yaw, entity.pitch);
+ // worldserver1.getTravelAgent().a(entity, f);
+ if (portal) {
+ Vector velocity = entity.getBukkitEntity().getVelocity();
+ worldserver1.getTravelAgent().adjustExit(entity, exit, velocity);
+ entity.setPositionRotation(exit.getX(), exit.getY(), exit.getZ(), exit.getYaw(), exit.getPitch());
+ if (entity.motX != velocity.getX() || entity.motY != velocity.getY() || entity.motZ != velocity.getZ()) {
+ entity.getBukkitEntity().setVelocity(velocity);
+ }
+ }
+ // worldserver1.addEntity(entity);
worldserver1.entityJoinedWorld(entity, false);
@@ -535,11 +929,23 @@
+ // CraftBukkit end
public void tick() {
if (++this.u > 600) {
- this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.UPDATE_LATENCY, this.players));
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); ++i) {
+ final EntityPlayer target = (EntityPlayer) this.players.get(i);
+ target.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.UPDATE_LATENCY, Iterables.filter(this.players, new Predicate<EntityPlayer>() {
+ @Override
+ public boolean apply(EntityPlayer input) {
+ return target.getBukkitEntity().canSee(input.getBukkitEntity());
+ }
+ })));
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
this.u = 0;
@@ -552,6 +958,25 @@
+ // CraftBukkit start - add a world/entity limited version
+ public void sendAll(Packet packet, EntityHuman entityhuman) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); ++i) {
+ EntityPlayer entityplayer = this.players.get(i);
+ if (entityhuman != null && entityhuman instanceof EntityPlayer && !entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().canSee(((EntityPlayer) entityhuman).getBukkitEntity())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ((EntityPlayer) this.players.get(i)).playerConnection.sendPacket(packet);
+ }
+ }
+ public void sendAll(Packet packet, World world) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < world.players.size(); ++i) {
+ ((EntityPlayer) world.players.get(i)).playerConnection.sendPacket(packet);
+ }
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
public void a(Packet<?> packet, int i) {
for (int j = 0; j < this.players.size(); ++j) {
EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer) this.players.get(j);
@@ -650,11 +1075,23 @@
this.operators.add(new OpListEntry(gameprofile, this.server.q(), this.operators.b(gameprofile)));
this.b(this.a(gameprofile.getId()), i);
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ Player player = server.server.getPlayer(gameprofile.getId());
+ if (player != null) {
+ player.recalculatePermissions();
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
public void removeOp(GameProfile gameprofile) {
this.b(this.a(gameprofile.getId()), 0);
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ Player player = server.server.getPlayer(gameprofile.getId());
+ if (player != null) {
+ player.recalculatePermissions();
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
private void b(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i) {
@@ -679,7 +1116,7 @@
public boolean isOp(GameProfile gameprofile) {
- return this.operators.d(gameprofile) || this.server.R() && this.server.worldServer[0].getWorldData().u() && this.server.Q().equalsIgnoreCase(gameprofile.getName()) || this.t;
+ return this.operators.d(gameprofile) || this.server.R() && this.server.worlds.get(0).getWorldData().u() && this.server.Q().equalsIgnoreCase(gameprofile.getName()) || this.t; // CraftBukkit
@@ -703,6 +1140,12 @@
for (int j = 0; j < this.players.size(); ++j) {
EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer) this.players.get(j);
+ // CraftBukkit start - Test if player receiving packet can see the source of the packet
+ if (entityhuman != null && entityhuman instanceof EntityPlayer && !entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().canSee(((EntityPlayer) entityhuman).getBukkitEntity())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
if (entityplayer != entityhuman && entityplayer.dimension == i) {
double d4 = d0 - entityplayer.locX;
double d5 = d1 - entityplayer.locY;
@@ -750,7 +1193,7 @@
public void reloadWhitelist() {}
public void b(EntityPlayer entityplayer, WorldServer worldserver) {
- WorldBorder worldborder = this.server.worldServer[0].getWorldBorder();
+ WorldBorder worldborder = entityplayer.world.getWorldBorder(); // CraftBukkit
entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.INITIALIZE));
entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutUpdateTime(worldserver.getTime(), worldserver.getDayTime(), worldserver.getGameRules().getBoolean("doDaylightCycle")));
@@ -758,16 +1201,21 @@
entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutSpawnPosition(blockposition));
if (worldserver.W()) {
- entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(1, 0.0F));
- entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(7, worldserver.j(1.0F)));
- entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(8, worldserver.h(1.0F)));
+ // CraftBukkit start - handle player weather
+ // entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(1, 0.0F));
+ // entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(7, worldserver.j(1.0F)));
+ // entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(8, worldserver.h(1.0F)));
+ entityplayer.setPlayerWeather(org.bukkit.WeatherType.DOWNFALL, false);
+ entityplayer.updateWeather(-worldserver.o, worldserver.o, -worldserver.q, worldserver.q);
+ // CraftBukkit end
public void updateClient(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
- entityplayer.triggerHealthUpdate();
+ // entityplayer.triggerHealthUpdate();
+ entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().updateScaledHealth(); // CraftBukkit - Update scaled health on respawn and worldchange
entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutHeldItemSlot(entityplayer.inventory.itemInHandIndex));
@@ -780,7 +1228,7 @@
public String[] getSeenPlayers() {
- return this.server.worldServer[0].getDataManager().getPlayerFileData().getSeenPlayers();
+ return this.server.worlds.get(0).getDataManager().getPlayerFileData().getSeenPlayers(); // CraftBukkit
public boolean getHasWhitelist() {
@@ -829,17 +1277,29 @@
public void u() {
- for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); ++i) {
- ((EntityPlayer) this.players.get(i)).playerConnection.disconnect("Server closed");
+ // CraftBukkit start - disconnect safely
+ for (EntityPlayer player : this.players) {
+ player.playerConnection.disconnect(this.server.server.getShutdownMessage()); // CraftBukkit - add custom shutdown message
+ // CraftBukkit end
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ public void sendMessage(IChatBaseComponent[] iChatBaseComponents) {
+ for (IChatBaseComponent component : iChatBaseComponents) {
+ sendMessage(component, true);
+ }
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
public void sendMessage(IChatBaseComponent ichatbasecomponent, boolean flag) {
int i = flag ? 1 : 0;
- this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutChat(ichatbasecomponent, (byte) i));
+ // CraftBukkit start - we run this through our processor first so we can get web links etc
+ this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutChat(CraftChatMessage.fixComponent(ichatbasecomponent), (byte) i));
+ // CraftBukkit end
public void sendMessage(IChatBaseComponent ichatbasecomponent) {
@@ -876,8 +1336,10 @@
WorldServer[] aworldserver = this.server.worldServer;
int j = aworldserver.length;
- for (int k = 0; k < j; ++k) {
- WorldServer worldserver = aworldserver[k];
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ for (int k = 0; k < server.worlds.size(); ++k) {
+ WorldServer worldserver = server.worlds.get(0);
+ // CraftBukkit end
if (worldserver != null) {