mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 07:10:08 +01:00
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly. This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing Bukkit Changes: f29cb801 Separate checkstyle-suppressions file is not required 86f99bbe SPIGOT-7540, PR-946: Add ServerTickManager API d4119585 SPIGOT-6903, PR-945: Add BlockData#getMapColor b7a2ed41 SPIGOT-7530, PR-947: Add Player#removeResourcePack 9dd56255 SPIGOT-7527, PR-944: Add WindCharge#explode() 994a6163 Attempt upgrade of resolver libraries CraftBukkit Changes: b3b43a6ad Add Checkstyle check for unused imports 13fb3358e SPIGOT-7544: Scoreboard#getEntries() doesn't get entries but class names 3dda99c06 SPIGOT-7540, PR-1312: Add ServerTickManager API 2ab4508c0 SPIGOT-6903, PR-1311: Add BlockData#getMapColor 1dbdbbed4 PR-1238: Remove unnecessary sign ticking 659728d2a MC-264285, SPIGOT-7439, PR-1237: Fix unbreakable flint and steel is completely consumed while igniting creeper e37e29ce0 Increase outdated build delay c00438b39 SPIGOT-7530, PR-1313: Add Player#removeResourcePack 492dd80ce SPIGOT-7527, PR-1310: Add WindCharge#explode() e11fbb9d7 Upgrade MySQL driver 9f3a0bd2a Attempt upgrade of resolver libraries 60d16d7ca PR-1306: Centralize Bukkit and Minecraft entity conversion Spigot Changes: 06d602e7 Rebuild patches
1624 lines
88 KiB
1624 lines
88 KiB
From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: stonar96 <minecraft.stonar96@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 13:27:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Anti-Xray
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/BitStorageReader.java b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/BitStorageReader.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/BitStorageReader.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@
+package com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray;
+public final class BitStorageReader {
+ private byte[] buffer;
+ private int bits;
+ private int mask;
+ private int longInBufferIndex;
+ private int bitInLongIndex;
+ private long current;
+ public void setBuffer(byte[] buffer) {
+ this.buffer = buffer;
+ }
+ public void setBits(int bits) {
+ this.bits = bits;
+ mask = (1 << bits) - 1;
+ }
+ public void setIndex(int index) {
+ longInBufferIndex = index;
+ bitInLongIndex = 0;
+ init();
+ }
+ private void init() {
+ if (buffer.length > longInBufferIndex + 7) {
+ current = ((((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex]) << 56)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 1] & 0xff) << 48)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 2] & 0xff) << 40)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 3] & 0xff) << 32)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 4] & 0xff) << 24)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 5] & 0xff) << 16)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 6] & 0xff) << 8)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 7] & 0xff)));
+ }
+ }
+ public int read() {
+ if (bitInLongIndex + bits > 64) {
+ bitInLongIndex = 0;
+ longInBufferIndex += 8;
+ init();
+ }
+ int value = (int) (current >>> bitInLongIndex) & mask;
+ bitInLongIndex += bits;
+ return value;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/BitStorageWriter.java b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/BitStorageWriter.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/BitStorageWriter.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@
+package com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray;
+public final class BitStorageWriter {
+ private byte[] buffer;
+ private int bits;
+ private long mask;
+ private int longInBufferIndex;
+ private int bitInLongIndex;
+ private long current;
+ private boolean dirty;
+ public void setBuffer(byte[] buffer) {
+ this.buffer = buffer;
+ }
+ public void setBits(int bits) {
+ this.bits = bits;
+ mask = (1L << bits) - 1;
+ }
+ public void setIndex(int index) {
+ longInBufferIndex = index;
+ bitInLongIndex = 0;
+ init();
+ }
+ private void init() {
+ if (buffer.length > longInBufferIndex + 7) {
+ current = ((((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex]) << 56)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 1] & 0xff) << 48)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 2] & 0xff) << 40)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 3] & 0xff) << 32)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 4] & 0xff) << 24)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 5] & 0xff) << 16)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 6] & 0xff) << 8)
+ | (((long) buffer[longInBufferIndex + 7] & 0xff)));
+ }
+ dirty = false;
+ }
+ public void flush() {
+ if (dirty && buffer.length > longInBufferIndex + 7) {
+ buffer[longInBufferIndex] = (byte) (current >> 56 & 0xff);
+ buffer[longInBufferIndex + 1] = (byte) (current >> 48 & 0xff);
+ buffer[longInBufferIndex + 2] = (byte) (current >> 40 & 0xff);
+ buffer[longInBufferIndex + 3] = (byte) (current >> 32 & 0xff);
+ buffer[longInBufferIndex + 4] = (byte) (current >> 24 & 0xff);
+ buffer[longInBufferIndex + 5] = (byte) (current >> 16 & 0xff);
+ buffer[longInBufferIndex + 6] = (byte) (current >> 8 & 0xff);
+ buffer[longInBufferIndex + 7] = (byte) (current & 0xff);
+ }
+ }
+ public void write(int value) {
+ if (bitInLongIndex + bits > 64) {
+ flush();
+ bitInLongIndex = 0;
+ longInBufferIndex += 8;
+ init();
+ }
+ current = current & ~(mask << bitInLongIndex) | (value & mask) << bitInLongIndex;
+ dirty = true;
+ bitInLongIndex += bits;
+ }
+ public void skip() {
+ bitInLongIndex += bits;
+ if (bitInLongIndex > 64) {
+ flush();
+ bitInLongIndex = bits;
+ longInBufferIndex += 8;
+ init();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/ChunkPacketBlockController.java b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/ChunkPacketBlockController.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/ChunkPacketBlockController.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@
+package com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray;
+import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos;
+import net.minecraft.core.Direction;
+import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket;
+import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ServerboundPlayerActionPacket;
+import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer;
+import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayerGameMode;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.ChunkPos;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.Level;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.BlockState;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.LevelChunk;
+public class ChunkPacketBlockController {
+ public static final ChunkPacketBlockController NO_OPERATION_INSTANCE = new ChunkPacketBlockController();
+ protected ChunkPacketBlockController() {
+ }
+ public BlockState[] getPresetBlockStates(Level level, ChunkPos chunkPos, int chunkSectionY) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ public boolean shouldModify(ServerPlayer player, LevelChunk chunk) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public ChunkPacketInfo<BlockState> getChunkPacketInfo(ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket chunkPacket, LevelChunk chunk) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void modifyBlocks(ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket chunkPacket, ChunkPacketInfo<BlockState> chunkPacketInfo) {
+ chunkPacket.setReady(true);
+ }
+ public void onBlockChange(Level level, BlockPos blockPos, BlockState newBlockState, BlockState oldBlockState, int flags, int maxUpdateDepth) {
+ }
+ public void onPlayerLeftClickBlock(ServerPlayerGameMode serverPlayerGameMode, BlockPos blockPos, ServerboundPlayerActionPacket.Action action, Direction direction, int worldHeight, int sequence) {
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/ChunkPacketBlockControllerAntiXray.java b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/ChunkPacketBlockControllerAntiXray.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/ChunkPacketBlockControllerAntiXray.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@
+package com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray;
+import io.papermc.paper.configuration.WorldConfiguration;
+import io.papermc.paper.configuration.type.EngineMode;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
+import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
+import java.util.function.IntSupplier;
+import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos;
+import net.minecraft.core.Direction;
+import net.minecraft.core.registries.Registries;
+import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket;
+import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ServerboundPlayerActionPacket;
+import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
+import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel;
+import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer;
+import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayerGameMode;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.ChunkPos;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.Level;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.biome.Biomes;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.block.Block;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.block.Blocks;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.block.EntityBlock;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.BlockState;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.EmptyLevelChunk;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.GlobalPalette;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.LevelChunk;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.LevelChunkSection;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.MissingPaletteEntryException;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.Palette;
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
+public final class ChunkPacketBlockControllerAntiXray extends ChunkPacketBlockController {
+ private static final Palette<BlockState> GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE = new GlobalPalette<>(Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY);
+ private static final LevelChunkSection EMPTY_SECTION = null;
+ private final Executor executor;
+ private final EngineMode engineMode;
+ private final int maxBlockHeight;
+ private final int updateRadius;
+ private final boolean usePermission;
+ private final BlockState[] presetBlockStates;
+ private final BlockState[] presetBlockStatesFull;
+ private final BlockState[] presetBlockStatesStone;
+ private final BlockState[] presetBlockStatesDeepslate;
+ private final BlockState[] presetBlockStatesNetherrack;
+ private final BlockState[] presetBlockStatesEndStone;
+ private final int[] presetBlockStateBitsGlobal;
+ private final int[] presetBlockStateBitsStoneGlobal;
+ private final int[] presetBlockStateBitsDeepslateGlobal;
+ private final int[] presetBlockStateBitsNetherrackGlobal;
+ private final int[] presetBlockStateBitsEndStoneGlobal;
+ private final boolean[] solidGlobal = new boolean[Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY.size()];
+ private final boolean[] obfuscateGlobal = new boolean[Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY.size()];
+ private final LevelChunkSection[] emptyNearbyChunkSections = {EMPTY_SECTION, EMPTY_SECTION, EMPTY_SECTION, EMPTY_SECTION};
+ private final int maxBlockHeightUpdatePosition;
+ public ChunkPacketBlockControllerAntiXray(Level level, Executor executor) {
+ this.executor = executor;
+ WorldConfiguration.Anticheat.AntiXray paperWorldConfig = level.paperConfig().anticheat.antiXray;
+ engineMode = paperWorldConfig.engineMode;
+ maxBlockHeight = paperWorldConfig.maxBlockHeight >> 4 << 4;
+ updateRadius = paperWorldConfig.updateRadius;
+ usePermission = paperWorldConfig.usePermission;
+ List<Block> toObfuscate;
+ if (engineMode == EngineMode.HIDE) {
+ toObfuscate = paperWorldConfig.hiddenBlocks;
+ presetBlockStates = null;
+ presetBlockStatesFull = null;
+ presetBlockStatesStone = new BlockState[]{Blocks.STONE.defaultBlockState()};
+ presetBlockStatesDeepslate = new BlockState[]{Blocks.DEEPSLATE.defaultBlockState()};
+ presetBlockStatesNetherrack = new BlockState[]{Blocks.NETHERRACK.defaultBlockState()};
+ presetBlockStatesEndStone = new BlockState[]{Blocks.END_STONE.defaultBlockState()};
+ presetBlockStateBitsGlobal = null;
+ presetBlockStateBitsStoneGlobal = new int[]{GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE.idFor(Blocks.STONE.defaultBlockState())};
+ presetBlockStateBitsDeepslateGlobal = new int[]{GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE.idFor(Blocks.DEEPSLATE.defaultBlockState())};
+ presetBlockStateBitsNetherrackGlobal = new int[]{GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE.idFor(Blocks.NETHERRACK.defaultBlockState())};
+ presetBlockStateBitsEndStoneGlobal = new int[]{GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE.idFor(Blocks.END_STONE.defaultBlockState())};
+ } else {
+ toObfuscate = new ArrayList<>(paperWorldConfig.replacementBlocks);
+ List<BlockState> presetBlockStateList = new LinkedList<>();
+ for (Block block : paperWorldConfig.hiddenBlocks) {
+ if (!(block instanceof EntityBlock)) {
+ toObfuscate.add(block);
+ presetBlockStateList.add(block.defaultBlockState());
+ }
+ }
+ // The doc of the LinkedHashSet(Collection<? extends E>) constructor doesn't specify that the insertion order is the predictable iteration order of the specified Collection, although it is in the implementation
+ Set<BlockState> presetBlockStateSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
+ // Therefore addAll(Collection<? extends E>) is used, which guarantees this order in the doc
+ presetBlockStateSet.addAll(presetBlockStateList);
+ presetBlockStates = presetBlockStateSet.isEmpty() ? new BlockState[]{Blocks.DIAMOND_ORE.defaultBlockState()} : presetBlockStateSet.toArray(new BlockState[0]);
+ presetBlockStatesFull = presetBlockStateSet.isEmpty() ? new BlockState[]{Blocks.DIAMOND_ORE.defaultBlockState()} : presetBlockStateList.toArray(new BlockState[0]);
+ presetBlockStatesStone = null;
+ presetBlockStatesDeepslate = null;
+ presetBlockStatesNetherrack = null;
+ presetBlockStatesEndStone = null;
+ presetBlockStateBitsGlobal = new int[presetBlockStatesFull.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < presetBlockStatesFull.length; i++) {
+ presetBlockStateBitsGlobal[i] = GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE.idFor(presetBlockStatesFull[i]);
+ }
+ presetBlockStateBitsStoneGlobal = null;
+ presetBlockStateBitsDeepslateGlobal = null;
+ presetBlockStateBitsNetherrackGlobal = null;
+ presetBlockStateBitsEndStoneGlobal = null;
+ }
+ for (Block block : toObfuscate) {
+ // Don't obfuscate air because air causes unnecessary block updates and causes block updates to fail in the void
+ if (block != null && !block.defaultBlockState().isAir()) {
+ // Replace all block states of a specified block
+ for (BlockState blockState : block.getStateDefinition().getPossibleStates()) {
+ obfuscateGlobal[GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE.idFor(blockState)] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ EmptyLevelChunk emptyChunk = new EmptyLevelChunk(level, new ChunkPos(0, 0), MinecraftServer.getServer().registryAccess().registryOrThrow(Registries.BIOME).getHolderOrThrow(Biomes.PLAINS));
+ BlockPos zeroPos = new BlockPos(0, 0, 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < solidGlobal.length; i++) {
+ BlockState blockState = GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE.valueFor(i);
+ if (blockState != null) {
+ solidGlobal[i] = blockState.isRedstoneConductor(emptyChunk, zeroPos)
+ && blockState.getBlock() != Blocks.SPAWNER && blockState.getBlock() != Blocks.BARRIER && blockState.getBlock() != Blocks.SHULKER_BOX && blockState.getBlock() != Blocks.SLIME_BLOCK && blockState.getBlock() != Blocks.MANGROVE_ROOTS || paperWorldConfig.lavaObscures && blockState == Blocks.LAVA.defaultBlockState();
+ // Comparing blockState == Blocks.LAVA.defaultBlockState() instead of blockState.getBlock() == Blocks.LAVA ensures that only "stationary lava" is used
+ // shulker box checks TE.
+ }
+ }
+ maxBlockHeightUpdatePosition = maxBlockHeight + updateRadius - 1;
+ }
+ private int getPresetBlockStatesFullLength() {
+ return engineMode == EngineMode.HIDE ? 1 : presetBlockStatesFull.length;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public BlockState[] getPresetBlockStates(Level level, ChunkPos chunkPos, int chunkSectionY) {
+ // Return the block states to be added to the paletted containers so that they can be used for obfuscation
+ int bottomBlockY = chunkSectionY << 4;
+ if (bottomBlockY < maxBlockHeight) {
+ if (engineMode == EngineMode.HIDE) {
+ return switch (level.getWorld().getEnvironment()) {
+ case NETHER -> presetBlockStatesNetherrack;
+ case THE_END -> presetBlockStatesEndStone;
+ default -> bottomBlockY < 0 ? presetBlockStatesDeepslate : presetBlockStatesStone;
+ };
+ }
+ return presetBlockStates;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean shouldModify(ServerPlayer player, LevelChunk chunk) {
+ return !usePermission || !player.getBukkitEntity().hasPermission("paper.antixray.bypass");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ChunkPacketInfoAntiXray getChunkPacketInfo(ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket chunkPacket, LevelChunk chunk) {
+ // Return a new instance to collect data and objects in the right state while creating the chunk packet for thread safe access later
+ return new ChunkPacketInfoAntiXray(chunkPacket, chunk, this);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void modifyBlocks(ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket chunkPacket, ChunkPacketInfo<BlockState> chunkPacketInfo) {
+ if (!(chunkPacketInfo instanceof ChunkPacketInfoAntiXray)) {
+ chunkPacket.setReady(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()) {
+ // Plugins?
+ MinecraftServer.getServer().scheduleOnMain(() -> modifyBlocks(chunkPacket, chunkPacketInfo));
+ return;
+ }
+ LevelChunk chunk = chunkPacketInfo.getChunk();
+ int x = chunk.getPos().x;
+ int z = chunk.getPos().z;
+ Level level = chunk.getLevel();
+ ((ChunkPacketInfoAntiXray) chunkPacketInfo).setNearbyChunks(level.getChunkIfLoaded(x - 1, z), level.getChunkIfLoaded(x + 1, z), level.getChunkIfLoaded(x, z - 1), level.getChunkIfLoaded(x, z + 1));
+ executor.execute((Runnable) chunkPacketInfo);
+ }
+ // Actually these fields should be variables inside the obfuscate method but in sync mode or with SingleThreadExecutor in async mode it's okay (even without ThreadLocal)
+ // If an ExecutorService with multiple threads is used, ThreadLocal must be used here
+ private final ThreadLocal<int[]> presetBlockStateBits = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new int[getPresetBlockStatesFullLength()]);
+ private static final ThreadLocal<boolean[]> SOLID = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new boolean[Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY.size()]);
+ private static final ThreadLocal<boolean[]> OBFUSCATE = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new boolean[Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY.size()]);
+ // These boolean arrays represent chunk layers, true means don't obfuscate, false means obfuscate
+ private static final ThreadLocal<boolean[][]> CURRENT = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new boolean[16][16]);
+ private static final ThreadLocal<boolean[][]> NEXT = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new boolean[16][16]);
+ private static final ThreadLocal<boolean[][]> NEXT_NEXT = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new boolean[16][16]);
+ public void obfuscate(ChunkPacketInfoAntiXray chunkPacketInfoAntiXray) {
+ int[] presetBlockStateBits = this.presetBlockStateBits.get();
+ boolean[] solid = SOLID.get();
+ boolean[] obfuscate = OBFUSCATE.get();
+ boolean[][] current = CURRENT.get();
+ boolean[][] next = NEXT.get();
+ boolean[][] nextNext = NEXT_NEXT.get();
+ // bitStorageReader, bitStorageWriter and nearbyChunkSections could also be reused (with ThreadLocal if necessary) but it's not worth it
+ BitStorageReader bitStorageReader = new BitStorageReader();
+ BitStorageWriter bitStorageWriter = new BitStorageWriter();
+ LevelChunkSection[] nearbyChunkSections = new LevelChunkSection[4];
+ LevelChunk chunk = chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getChunk();
+ Level level = chunk.getLevel();
+ int maxChunkSectionIndex = Math.min((maxBlockHeight >> 4) - chunk.getMinSection(), chunk.getSectionsCount()) - 1;
+ boolean[] solidTemp = null;
+ boolean[] obfuscateTemp = null;
+ bitStorageReader.setBuffer(chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getBuffer());
+ bitStorageWriter.setBuffer(chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getBuffer());
+ int numberOfBlocks = presetBlockStateBits.length;
+ // Keep the lambda expressions as simple as possible. They are used very frequently.
+ LayeredIntSupplier random = numberOfBlocks == 1 ? (() -> 0) : engineMode == EngineMode.OBFUSCATE_LAYER ? new LayeredIntSupplier() {
+ // engine-mode: 3
+ private int state;
+ private int next;
+ {
+ while ((state = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt()) == 0) ;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void nextLayer() {
+ // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xorshift
+ state ^= state << 13;
+ state ^= state >>> 17;
+ state ^= state << 5;
+ // https://www.pcg-random.org/posts/bounded-rands.html
+ next = (int) ((Integer.toUnsignedLong(state) * numberOfBlocks) >>> 32);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getAsInt() {
+ return next;
+ }
+ } : new LayeredIntSupplier() {
+ // engine-mode: 2
+ private int state;
+ {
+ while ((state = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt()) == 0) ;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getAsInt() {
+ // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xorshift
+ state ^= state << 13;
+ state ^= state >>> 17;
+ state ^= state << 5;
+ // https://www.pcg-random.org/posts/bounded-rands.html
+ return (int) ((Integer.toUnsignedLong(state) * numberOfBlocks) >>> 32);
+ }
+ };
+ for (int chunkSectionIndex = 0; chunkSectionIndex <= maxChunkSectionIndex; chunkSectionIndex++) {
+ if (chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.isWritten(chunkSectionIndex) && chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getPresetValues(chunkSectionIndex) != null) {
+ int[] presetBlockStateBitsTemp;
+ if (chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getPalette(chunkSectionIndex) instanceof GlobalPalette) {
+ if (engineMode == EngineMode.HIDE) {
+ presetBlockStateBitsTemp = switch (level.getWorld().getEnvironment()) {
+ case NETHER -> presetBlockStateBitsNetherrackGlobal;
+ case THE_END -> presetBlockStateBitsEndStoneGlobal;
+ default -> chunkSectionIndex + chunk.getMinSection() < 0 ? presetBlockStateBitsDeepslateGlobal : presetBlockStateBitsStoneGlobal;
+ };
+ } else {
+ presetBlockStateBitsTemp = presetBlockStateBitsGlobal;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If it's presetBlockStates, use this.presetBlockStatesFull instead
+ BlockState[] presetBlockStatesFull = chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getPresetValues(chunkSectionIndex) == presetBlockStates ? this.presetBlockStatesFull : chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getPresetValues(chunkSectionIndex);
+ presetBlockStateBitsTemp = presetBlockStateBits;
+ for (int i = 0; i < presetBlockStateBitsTemp.length; i++) {
+ // This is thread safe because we only request IDs that are guaranteed to be in the palette and are visible
+ // For more details see the comments in the readPalette method
+ presetBlockStateBitsTemp[i] = chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getPalette(chunkSectionIndex).idFor(presetBlockStatesFull[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ bitStorageWriter.setIndex(chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getIndex(chunkSectionIndex));
+ // Check if the chunk section below was not obfuscated
+ if (chunkSectionIndex == 0 || !chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.isWritten(chunkSectionIndex - 1) || chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getPresetValues(chunkSectionIndex - 1) == null) {
+ // If so, initialize some stuff
+ bitStorageReader.setBits(chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getBits(chunkSectionIndex));
+ bitStorageReader.setIndex(chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getIndex(chunkSectionIndex));
+ solidTemp = readPalette(chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getPalette(chunkSectionIndex), solid, solidGlobal);
+ obfuscateTemp = readPalette(chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getPalette(chunkSectionIndex), obfuscate, obfuscateGlobal);
+ // Read the blocks of the upper layer of the chunk section below if it exists
+ LevelChunkSection belowChunkSection = null;
+ boolean skipFirstLayer = chunkSectionIndex == 0 || (belowChunkSection = chunk.getSections()[chunkSectionIndex - 1]) == EMPTY_SECTION;
+ for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
+ current[z][x] = true;
+ next[z][x] = skipFirstLayer || isTransparent(belowChunkSection, x, 15, z);
+ }
+ }
+ // Abuse the obfuscateLayer method to read the blocks of the first layer of the current chunk section
+ bitStorageWriter.setBits(0);
+ obfuscateLayer(-1, bitStorageReader, bitStorageWriter, solidTemp, obfuscateTemp, presetBlockStateBitsTemp, current, next, nextNext, emptyNearbyChunkSections, random);
+ }
+ bitStorageWriter.setBits(chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getBits(chunkSectionIndex));
+ nearbyChunkSections[0] = chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getNearbyChunks()[0] == null ? EMPTY_SECTION : chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getNearbyChunks()[0].getSections()[chunkSectionIndex];
+ nearbyChunkSections[1] = chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getNearbyChunks()[1] == null ? EMPTY_SECTION : chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getNearbyChunks()[1].getSections()[chunkSectionIndex];
+ nearbyChunkSections[2] = chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getNearbyChunks()[2] == null ? EMPTY_SECTION : chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getNearbyChunks()[2].getSections()[chunkSectionIndex];
+ nearbyChunkSections[3] = chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getNearbyChunks()[3] == null ? EMPTY_SECTION : chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getNearbyChunks()[3].getSections()[chunkSectionIndex];
+ // Obfuscate all layers of the current chunk section except the upper one
+ for (int y = 0; y < 15; y++) {
+ boolean[][] temp = current;
+ current = next;
+ next = nextNext;
+ nextNext = temp;
+ random.nextLayer();
+ obfuscateLayer(y, bitStorageReader, bitStorageWriter, solidTemp, obfuscateTemp, presetBlockStateBitsTemp, current, next, nextNext, nearbyChunkSections, random);
+ }
+ // Check if the chunk section above doesn't need obfuscation
+ if (chunkSectionIndex == maxChunkSectionIndex || !chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.isWritten(chunkSectionIndex + 1) || chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getPresetValues(chunkSectionIndex + 1) == null) {
+ // If so, obfuscate the upper layer of the current chunk section by reading blocks of the first layer from the chunk section above if it exists
+ LevelChunkSection aboveChunkSection;
+ if (chunkSectionIndex != chunk.getSectionsCount() - 1 && (aboveChunkSection = chunk.getSections()[chunkSectionIndex + 1]) != EMPTY_SECTION) {
+ boolean[][] temp = current;
+ current = next;
+ next = nextNext;
+ nextNext = temp;
+ for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
+ if (isTransparent(aboveChunkSection, x, 0, z)) {
+ current[z][x] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // There is nothing to read anymore
+ bitStorageReader.setBits(0);
+ solid[0] = true;
+ random.nextLayer();
+ obfuscateLayer(15, bitStorageReader, bitStorageWriter, solid, obfuscateTemp, presetBlockStateBitsTemp, current, next, nextNext, nearbyChunkSections, random);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If not, initialize the reader and other stuff for the chunk section above to obfuscate the upper layer of the current chunk section
+ bitStorageReader.setBits(chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getBits(chunkSectionIndex + 1));
+ bitStorageReader.setIndex(chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getIndex(chunkSectionIndex + 1));
+ solidTemp = readPalette(chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getPalette(chunkSectionIndex + 1), solid, solidGlobal);
+ obfuscateTemp = readPalette(chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getPalette(chunkSectionIndex + 1), obfuscate, obfuscateGlobal);
+ boolean[][] temp = current;
+ current = next;
+ next = nextNext;
+ nextNext = temp;
+ random.nextLayer();
+ obfuscateLayer(15, bitStorageReader, bitStorageWriter, solidTemp, obfuscateTemp, presetBlockStateBitsTemp, current, next, nextNext, nearbyChunkSections, random);
+ }
+ bitStorageWriter.flush();
+ }
+ }
+ chunkPacketInfoAntiXray.getChunkPacket().setReady(true);
+ }
+ private void obfuscateLayer(int y, BitStorageReader bitStorageReader, BitStorageWriter bitStorageWriter, boolean[] solid, boolean[] obfuscate, int[] presetBlockStateBits, boolean[][] current, boolean[][] next, boolean[][] nextNext, LevelChunkSection[] nearbyChunkSections, IntSupplier random) {
+ // First block of first line
+ int bits = bitStorageReader.read();
+ if (nextNext[0][0] = !solid[bits]) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ next[0][1] = true;
+ next[1][0] = true;
+ } else {
+ if (current[0][0] || isTransparent(nearbyChunkSections[2], 0, y, 15) || isTransparent(nearbyChunkSections[0], 15, y, 0)) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ } else {
+ bitStorageWriter.write(presetBlockStateBits[random.getAsInt()]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!obfuscate[bits]) {
+ next[0][0] = true;
+ }
+ // First line
+ for (int x = 1; x < 15; x++) {
+ bits = bitStorageReader.read();
+ if (nextNext[0][x] = !solid[bits]) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ next[0][x - 1] = true;
+ next[0][x + 1] = true;
+ next[1][x] = true;
+ } else {
+ if (current[0][x] || isTransparent(nearbyChunkSections[2], x, y, 15)) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ } else {
+ bitStorageWriter.write(presetBlockStateBits[random.getAsInt()]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!obfuscate[bits]) {
+ next[0][x] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Last block of first line
+ bits = bitStorageReader.read();
+ if (nextNext[0][15] = !solid[bits]) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ next[0][14] = true;
+ next[1][15] = true;
+ } else {
+ if (current[0][15] || isTransparent(nearbyChunkSections[2], 15, y, 15) || isTransparent(nearbyChunkSections[1], 0, y, 0)) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ } else {
+ bitStorageWriter.write(presetBlockStateBits[random.getAsInt()]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!obfuscate[bits]) {
+ next[0][15] = true;
+ }
+ // All inner lines
+ for (int z = 1; z < 15; z++) {
+ // First block
+ bits = bitStorageReader.read();
+ if (nextNext[z][0] = !solid[bits]) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ next[z][1] = true;
+ next[z - 1][0] = true;
+ next[z + 1][0] = true;
+ } else {
+ if (current[z][0] || isTransparent(nearbyChunkSections[0], 15, y, z)) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ } else {
+ bitStorageWriter.write(presetBlockStateBits[random.getAsInt()]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!obfuscate[bits]) {
+ next[z][0] = true;
+ }
+ // All inner blocks
+ for (int x = 1; x < 15; x++) {
+ bits = bitStorageReader.read();
+ if (nextNext[z][x] = !solid[bits]) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ next[z][x - 1] = true;
+ next[z][x + 1] = true;
+ next[z - 1][x] = true;
+ next[z + 1][x] = true;
+ } else {
+ if (current[z][x]) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ } else {
+ bitStorageWriter.write(presetBlockStateBits[random.getAsInt()]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!obfuscate[bits]) {
+ next[z][x] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Last block
+ bits = bitStorageReader.read();
+ if (nextNext[z][15] = !solid[bits]) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ next[z][14] = true;
+ next[z - 1][15] = true;
+ next[z + 1][15] = true;
+ } else {
+ if (current[z][15] || isTransparent(nearbyChunkSections[1], 0, y, z)) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ } else {
+ bitStorageWriter.write(presetBlockStateBits[random.getAsInt()]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!obfuscate[bits]) {
+ next[z][15] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // First block of last line
+ bits = bitStorageReader.read();
+ if (nextNext[15][0] = !solid[bits]) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ next[15][1] = true;
+ next[14][0] = true;
+ } else {
+ if (current[15][0] || isTransparent(nearbyChunkSections[3], 0, y, 0) || isTransparent(nearbyChunkSections[0], 15, y, 15)) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ } else {
+ bitStorageWriter.write(presetBlockStateBits[random.getAsInt()]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!obfuscate[bits]) {
+ next[15][0] = true;
+ }
+ // Last line
+ for (int x = 1; x < 15; x++) {
+ bits = bitStorageReader.read();
+ if (nextNext[15][x] = !solid[bits]) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ next[15][x - 1] = true;
+ next[15][x + 1] = true;
+ next[14][x] = true;
+ } else {
+ if (current[15][x] || isTransparent(nearbyChunkSections[3], x, y, 0)) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ } else {
+ bitStorageWriter.write(presetBlockStateBits[random.getAsInt()]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!obfuscate[bits]) {
+ next[15][x] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Last block of last line
+ bits = bitStorageReader.read();
+ if (nextNext[15][15] = !solid[bits]) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ next[15][14] = true;
+ next[14][15] = true;
+ } else {
+ if (current[15][15] || isTransparent(nearbyChunkSections[3], 15, y, 0) || isTransparent(nearbyChunkSections[1], 0, y, 15)) {
+ bitStorageWriter.skip();
+ } else {
+ bitStorageWriter.write(presetBlockStateBits[random.getAsInt()]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!obfuscate[bits]) {
+ next[15][15] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean isTransparent(LevelChunkSection chunkSection, int x, int y, int z) {
+ if (chunkSection == EMPTY_SECTION) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ try {
+ return !solidGlobal[GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE.idFor(chunkSection.getBlockState(x, y, z))];
+ } catch (MissingPaletteEntryException e) {
+ // Race condition / visibility issue / no happens-before relationship
+ // We don't care and treat the block as transparent
+ // Internal implementation details of PalettedContainer, LinearPalette, HashMapPalette, CrudeIncrementalIntIdentityHashBiMap, ... guarantee us that no (other) exceptions will occur
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean[] readPalette(Palette<BlockState> palette, boolean[] temp, boolean[] global) {
+ if (palette instanceof GlobalPalette) {
+ return global;
+ }
+ try {
+ for (int i = 0; i < palette.getSize(); i++) {
+ temp[i] = global[GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE.idFor(palette.valueFor(i))];
+ }
+ } catch (MissingPaletteEntryException e) {
+ // Race condition / visibility issue / no happens-before relationship
+ // We don't care because we at least see the state as it was when the chunk packet was created
+ // Internal implementation details of PalettedContainer, LinearPalette, HashMapPalette, CrudeIncrementalIntIdentityHashBiMap, ... guarantee us that no (other) exceptions will occur until we have all the data that we need here
+ // Since all palettes have a fixed initial maximum size and there is no internal restructuring and no values are removed from palettes, we are also guaranteed to see the data
+ }
+ return temp;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onBlockChange(Level level, BlockPos blockPos, BlockState newBlockState, BlockState oldBlockState, int flags, int maxUpdateDepth) {
+ if (oldBlockState != null && solidGlobal[GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE.idFor(oldBlockState)] && !solidGlobal[GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE.idFor(newBlockState)] && blockPos.getY() <= maxBlockHeightUpdatePosition) {
+ updateNearbyBlocks(level, blockPos);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onPlayerLeftClickBlock(ServerPlayerGameMode serverPlayerGameMode, BlockPos blockPos, ServerboundPlayerActionPacket.Action action, Direction direction, int worldHeight, int sequence) {
+ if (blockPos.getY() <= maxBlockHeightUpdatePosition) {
+ updateNearbyBlocks(serverPlayerGameMode.level, blockPos);
+ }
+ }
+ private void updateNearbyBlocks(Level level, BlockPos blockPos) {
+ if (updateRadius >= 2) {
+ BlockPos temp = blockPos.west();
+ updateBlock(level, temp);
+ updateBlock(level, temp.west());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.below());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.above());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.north());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.south());
+ updateBlock(level, temp = blockPos.east());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.east());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.below());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.above());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.north());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.south());
+ updateBlock(level, temp = blockPos.below());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.below());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.north());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.south());
+ updateBlock(level, temp = blockPos.above());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.above());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.north());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.south());
+ updateBlock(level, temp = blockPos.north());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.north());
+ updateBlock(level, temp = blockPos.south());
+ updateBlock(level, temp.south());
+ } else if (updateRadius == 1) {
+ updateBlock(level, blockPos.west());
+ updateBlock(level, blockPos.east());
+ updateBlock(level, blockPos.below());
+ updateBlock(level, blockPos.above());
+ updateBlock(level, blockPos.north());
+ updateBlock(level, blockPos.south());
+ } else {
+ // Do nothing if updateRadius <= 0 (test mode)
+ }
+ }
+ private void updateBlock(Level level, BlockPos blockPos) {
+ BlockState blockState = level.getBlockStateIfLoaded(blockPos);
+ if (blockState != null && obfuscateGlobal[GLOBAL_BLOCKSTATE_PALETTE.idFor(blockState)]) {
+ ((ServerLevel) level).getChunkSource().blockChanged(blockPos);
+ }
+ }
+ @FunctionalInterface
+ private interface LayeredIntSupplier extends IntSupplier {
+ default void nextLayer() {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/ChunkPacketInfo.java b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/ChunkPacketInfo.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/ChunkPacketInfo.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@
+package com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray;
+import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.LevelChunk;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.Palette;
+public class ChunkPacketInfo<T> {
+ private final ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket chunkPacket;
+ private final LevelChunk chunk;
+ private final int[] bits;
+ private final Object[] palettes;
+ private final int[] indexes;
+ private final Object[][] presetValues;
+ private byte[] buffer;
+ public ChunkPacketInfo(ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket chunkPacket, LevelChunk chunk) {
+ this.chunkPacket = chunkPacket;
+ this.chunk = chunk;
+ int sections = chunk.getSectionsCount();
+ bits = new int[sections];
+ palettes = new Object[sections];
+ indexes = new int[sections];
+ presetValues = new Object[sections][];
+ }
+ public ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket getChunkPacket() {
+ return chunkPacket;
+ }
+ public LevelChunk getChunk() {
+ return chunk;
+ }
+ public byte[] getBuffer() {
+ return buffer;
+ }
+ public void setBuffer(byte[] buffer) {
+ this.buffer = buffer;
+ }
+ public int getBits(int chunkSectionIndex) {
+ return bits[chunkSectionIndex];
+ }
+ public void setBits(int chunkSectionIndex, int bits) {
+ this.bits[chunkSectionIndex] = bits;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public Palette<T> getPalette(int chunkSectionIndex) {
+ return (Palette<T>) palettes[chunkSectionIndex];
+ }
+ public void setPalette(int chunkSectionIndex, Palette<T> palette) {
+ palettes[chunkSectionIndex] = palette;
+ }
+ public int getIndex(int chunkSectionIndex) {
+ return indexes[chunkSectionIndex];
+ }
+ public void setIndex(int chunkSectionIndex, int index) {
+ indexes[chunkSectionIndex] = index;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public T[] getPresetValues(int chunkSectionIndex) {
+ return (T[]) presetValues[chunkSectionIndex];
+ }
+ public void setPresetValues(int chunkSectionIndex, T[] presetValues) {
+ this.presetValues[chunkSectionIndex] = presetValues;
+ }
+ public boolean isWritten(int chunkSectionIndex) {
+ return bits[chunkSectionIndex] != 0;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/ChunkPacketInfoAntiXray.java b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/ChunkPacketInfoAntiXray.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/antixray/ChunkPacketInfoAntiXray.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@
+package com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray;
+import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.BlockState;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.LevelChunk;
+public final class ChunkPacketInfoAntiXray extends ChunkPacketInfo<BlockState> implements Runnable {
+ private final ChunkPacketBlockControllerAntiXray chunkPacketBlockControllerAntiXray;
+ private LevelChunk[] nearbyChunks;
+ public ChunkPacketInfoAntiXray(ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket chunkPacket, LevelChunk chunk, ChunkPacketBlockControllerAntiXray chunkPacketBlockControllerAntiXray) {
+ super(chunkPacket, chunk);
+ this.chunkPacketBlockControllerAntiXray = chunkPacketBlockControllerAntiXray;
+ }
+ public LevelChunk[] getNearbyChunks() {
+ return nearbyChunks;
+ }
+ public void setNearbyChunks(LevelChunk... nearbyChunks) {
+ this.nearbyChunks = nearbyChunks;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ chunkPacketBlockControllerAntiXray.obfuscate(this);
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundChunksBiomesPacket.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundChunksBiomesPacket.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundChunksBiomesPacket.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundChunksBiomesPacket.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public record ClientboundChunksBiomesPacket(List<ClientboundChunksBiomesPacket.C
public static void extractChunkData(FriendlyByteBuf buf, LevelChunk chunk) {
+ int chunkSectionIndex = 0; // Paper - Anti-Xray
for(LevelChunkSection levelChunkSection : chunk.getSections()) {
- levelChunkSection.getBiomes().write(buf);
+ levelChunkSection.getBiomes().write(buf, null, chunkSectionIndex); // Paper - Anti-Xray
+ chunkSectionIndex++; // Paper - Anti-Xray
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData {
// Paper end
- public ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData(LevelChunk chunk) {
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add chunk packet info
+ @Deprecated @io.papermc.paper.annotation.DoNotUse public ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData(LevelChunk chunk) { this(chunk, null); }
+ public ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData(LevelChunk chunk, com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray.ChunkPacketInfo<net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.BlockState> chunkPacketInfo) {
+ // Paper end
this.heightmaps = new CompoundTag();
for(Map.Entry<Heightmap.Types, Heightmap> entry : chunk.getHeightmaps()) {
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData {
this.buffer = new byte[calculateChunkSize(chunk)];
- extractChunkData(new FriendlyByteBuf(this.getWriteBuffer()), chunk);
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add chunk packet info
+ if (chunkPacketInfo != null) {
+ chunkPacketInfo.setBuffer(this.buffer);
+ }
+ extractChunkData(new FriendlyByteBuf(this.getWriteBuffer()), chunk, chunkPacketInfo);
+ // Paper end
this.blockEntitiesData = Lists.newArrayList();
int totalTileEntities = 0; // Paper
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData {
return byteBuf;
- public static void extractChunkData(FriendlyByteBuf buf, LevelChunk chunk) {
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add chunk packet info
+ @Deprecated @io.papermc.paper.annotation.DoNotUse public static void extractChunkData(FriendlyByteBuf buf, LevelChunk chunk) { ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData.extractChunkData(buf, chunk, null); }
+ public static void extractChunkData(FriendlyByteBuf buf, LevelChunk chunk, com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray.ChunkPacketInfo<net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.BlockState> chunkPacketInfo) {
+ int chunkSectionIndex = 0;
for(LevelChunkSection levelChunkSection : chunk.getSections()) {
- levelChunkSection.write(buf);
+ levelChunkSection.write(buf, chunkPacketInfo, chunkSectionIndex);
+ chunkSectionIndex++;
+ // Paper end
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/protocol/game/ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket implements Packet<ClientGamePa
private final int z;
private final ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData chunkData;
private final ClientboundLightUpdatePacketData lightData;
+ // Paper start - Async-Anti-Xray - Ready flag for the connection
+ private volatile boolean ready;
- public ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket(LevelChunk chunk, LevelLightEngine lightProvider, @Nullable BitSet skyBits, @Nullable BitSet blockBits) {
+ @Override
+ public boolean isReady() {
+ return this.ready;
+ }
+ public void setReady(boolean ready) {
+ this.ready = ready;
+ }
+ // Paper end
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add chunk packet info
+ @Deprecated @io.papermc.paper.annotation.DoNotUse public ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket(LevelChunk chunk, LevelLightEngine lightProvider, @Nullable BitSet skyBits, @Nullable BitSet blockBits) { this(chunk, lightProvider, skyBits, blockBits, true); }
+ public ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket(LevelChunk chunk, LevelLightEngine lightProvider, @Nullable BitSet skyBits, @Nullable BitSet blockBits, boolean modifyBlocks) {
ChunkPos chunkPos = chunk.getPos();
this.x = chunkPos.x;
this.z = chunkPos.z;
- this.chunkData = new ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData(chunk);
+ com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray.ChunkPacketInfo<net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.BlockState> chunkPacketInfo = modifyBlocks ? chunk.getLevel().chunkPacketBlockController.getChunkPacketInfo(this, chunk) : null;
+ this.chunkData = new ClientboundLevelChunkPacketData(chunk, chunkPacketInfo);
+ // Paper end
this.lightData = new ClientboundLightUpdatePacketData(chunkPos, lightProvider, skyBits, blockBits);
+ chunk.getLevel().chunkPacketBlockController.modifyBlocks(this, chunkPacketInfo); // Paper - Anti-Xray - Modify blocks
public ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket(FriendlyByteBuf buf) {
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ServerLevel extends Level implements WorldGenLevel {
// Holder holder = worlddimension.type(); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
// Objects.requireNonNull(minecraftserver); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
- super(iworlddataserver, resourcekey, minecraftserver.registryAccess(), worlddimension.type(), minecraftserver::getProfiler, false, flag, i, minecraftserver.getMaxChainedNeighborUpdates(), gen, biomeProvider, env, spigotConfig -> minecraftserver.paperConfigurations.createWorldConfig(io.papermc.paper.configuration.PaperConfigurations.createWorldContextMap(convertable_conversionsession.levelDirectory.path(), iworlddataserver.getLevelName(), resourcekey.location(), spigotConfig, minecraftserver.registryAccess()))); // Paper
+ super(iworlddataserver, resourcekey, minecraftserver.registryAccess(), worlddimension.type(), minecraftserver::getProfiler, false, flag, i, minecraftserver.getMaxChainedNeighborUpdates(), gen, biomeProvider, env, spigotConfig -> minecraftserver.paperConfigurations.createWorldConfig(io.papermc.paper.configuration.PaperConfigurations.createWorldContextMap(convertable_conversionsession.levelDirectory.path(), iworlddataserver.getLevelName(), resourcekey.location(), spigotConfig, minecraftserver.registryAccess())), executor); // Paper - Async-Anti-Xray - Pass executor
this.pvpMode = minecraftserver.isPvpAllowed();
this.convertable = convertable_conversionsession;
this.uuid = WorldUUID.getUUID(convertable_conversionsession.levelDirectory.path().toFile());
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerPlayerGameMode.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerPlayerGameMode.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerPlayerGameMode.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerPlayerGameMode.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
public class ServerPlayerGameMode {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger();
- protected ServerLevel level;
+ public ServerLevel level; // Paper - Anti-Xray - protected -> public
protected final ServerPlayer player;
private GameType gameModeForPlayer;
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ServerPlayerGameMode {
+ this.level.chunkPacketBlockController.onPlayerLeftClickBlock(this, pos, action, direction, worldHeight, sequence); // Paper - Anti-Xray
public void destroyAndAck(BlockPos pos, int sequence, String reason) {
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/network/PlayerChunkSender.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/network/PlayerChunkSender.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/network/PlayerChunkSender.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/network/PlayerChunkSender.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class PlayerChunkSender {
public static void sendChunk(ServerGamePacketListenerImpl handler, ServerLevel world, LevelChunk chunk) { // Paper - rewrite chunk loader - public
- handler.send(new ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket(chunk, world.getLightEngine(), (BitSet)null, (BitSet)null));
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray
+ final boolean shouldModify = world.chunkPacketBlockController.shouldModify(handler.player, chunk);
+ handler.send(new ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket(chunk, world.getLightEngine(), (BitSet)null, (BitSet)null, shouldModify));
+ // Paper end - Anti-Xray
ChunkPos chunkPos = chunk.getPos();
DebugPackets.sendPoiPacketsForChunk(world, chunkPos);
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/Level.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/Level.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/Level.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/Level.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public abstract class Level implements LevelAccessor, AutoCloseable {
// Paper end
+ public final com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray.ChunkPacketBlockController chunkPacketBlockController; // Paper - Anti-Xray
public final co.aikar.timings.WorldTimingsHandler timings; // Paper
public static BlockPos lastPhysicsProblem; // Spigot
private org.spigotmc.TickLimiter entityLimiter;
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public abstract class Level implements LevelAccessor, AutoCloseable {
public abstract ResourceKey<LevelStem> getTypeKey();
- protected Level(WritableLevelData worlddatamutable, ResourceKey<Level> resourcekey, RegistryAccess iregistrycustom, Holder<DimensionType> holder, Supplier<ProfilerFiller> supplier, boolean flag, boolean flag1, long i, int j, org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator gen, org.bukkit.generator.BiomeProvider biomeProvider, org.bukkit.World.Environment env, java.util.function.Function<org.spigotmc.SpigotWorldConfig, io.papermc.paper.configuration.WorldConfiguration> paperWorldConfigCreator) { // Paper
+ protected Level(WritableLevelData worlddatamutable, ResourceKey<Level> resourcekey, RegistryAccess iregistrycustom, Holder<DimensionType> holder, Supplier<ProfilerFiller> supplier, boolean flag, boolean flag1, long i, int j, org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator gen, org.bukkit.generator.BiomeProvider biomeProvider, org.bukkit.World.Environment env, java.util.function.Function<org.spigotmc.SpigotWorldConfig, io.papermc.paper.configuration.WorldConfiguration> paperWorldConfigCreator, java.util.concurrent.Executor executor) { // Paper - Async-Anti-Xray - Pass executor
this.spigotConfig = new org.spigotmc.SpigotWorldConfig(((net.minecraft.world.level.storage.PrimaryLevelData) worlddatamutable).getLevelName()); // Spigot
this.paperConfig = paperWorldConfigCreator.apply(this.spigotConfig); // Paper
this.generator = gen;
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public abstract class Level implements LevelAccessor, AutoCloseable {
this.keepSpawnInMemory = this.paperConfig().spawn.keepSpawnLoaded; // Paper
this.entityLimiter = new org.spigotmc.TickLimiter(this.spigotConfig.entityMaxTickTime);
this.tileLimiter = new org.spigotmc.TickLimiter(this.spigotConfig.tileMaxTickTime);
+ this.chunkPacketBlockController = this.paperConfig().anticheat.antiXray.enabled ? new com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray.ChunkPacketBlockControllerAntiXray(this, executor) : com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray.ChunkPacketBlockController.NO_OPERATION_INSTANCE; // Paper - Anti-Xray
// Paper start
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public abstract class Level implements LevelAccessor, AutoCloseable {
// CraftBukkit end
BlockState iblockdata1 = chunk.setBlockState(pos, state, (flags & 64) != 0, (flags & 1024) == 0); // CraftBukkit custom NO_PLACE flag
+ this.chunkPacketBlockController.onBlockChange(this, pos, state, iblockdata1, flags, maxUpdateDepth); // Paper - Anti-Xray
if (iblockdata1 == null) {
// CraftBukkit start - remove blockstate if failed (or the same)
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/ChunkAccess.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/ChunkAccess.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/ChunkAccess.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/ChunkAccess.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public abstract class ChunkAccess implements BlockGetter, BiomeManager.NoiseBiom
- ChunkAccess.replaceMissingSections(biomeRegistry, this.sections);
+ this.replaceMissingSections(biomeRegistry, this.sections); // Paper - Anti-Xray - make it a non-static method
// CraftBukkit start
this.biomeRegistry = biomeRegistry;
public final Registry<Biome> biomeRegistry;
// CraftBukkit end
- private static void replaceMissingSections(Registry<Biome> biomeRegistry, LevelChunkSection[] sectionArray) {
+ private void replaceMissingSections(Registry<Biome> biomeRegistry, LevelChunkSection[] sectionArray) { // Paper - Anti-Xray - static -> non-static
for (int i = 0; i < sectionArray.length; ++i) {
if (sectionArray[i] == null) {
- sectionArray[i] = new LevelChunkSection(biomeRegistry);
+ sectionArray[i] = new LevelChunkSection(biomeRegistry, this.levelHeightAccessor instanceof net.minecraft.world.level.Level ? (net.minecraft.world.level.Level) this.levelHeightAccessor : null, this.chunkPos, this.levelHeightAccessor.getSectionYFromSectionIndex(i)); // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add parameters
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/LevelChunk.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/LevelChunk.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/LevelChunk.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/LevelChunk.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class LevelChunk extends ChunkAccess {
public LevelChunk(Level world, ChunkPos pos, UpgradeData upgradeData, LevelChunkTicks<Block> blockTickScheduler, LevelChunkTicks<Fluid> fluidTickScheduler, long inhabitedTime, @Nullable LevelChunkSection[] sectionArrayInitializer, @Nullable LevelChunk.PostLoadProcessor entityLoader, @Nullable BlendingData blendingData) {
- super(pos, upgradeData, world, world.registryAccess().registryOrThrow(Registries.BIOME), inhabitedTime, sectionArrayInitializer, blendingData);
+ super(pos, upgradeData, world, net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.getServer().registryAccess().registryOrThrow(Registries.BIOME), inhabitedTime, sectionArrayInitializer, blendingData); // Paper - Anti-Xray - The world isn't ready yet, use server singleton for registry
this.tickersInLevel = Maps.newHashMap();
this.level = (ServerLevel) world; // CraftBukkit - type
this.gameEventListenerRegistrySections = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap();
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/LevelChunkSection.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/LevelChunkSection.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/LevelChunkSection.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/LevelChunkSection.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class LevelChunkSection {
- public LevelChunkSection(Registry<Biome> biomeRegistry) {
- this.states = new PalettedContainer<>(Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY, Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(), PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_STATES);
- this.biomes = new PalettedContainer<>(biomeRegistry.asHolderIdMap(), biomeRegistry.getHolderOrThrow(Biomes.PLAINS), PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_BIOMES);
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add parameters
+ @Deprecated @io.papermc.paper.annotation.DoNotUse public LevelChunkSection(Registry<Biome> biomeRegistry) { this(biomeRegistry, null, null, 0); }
+ public LevelChunkSection(Registry<Biome> biomeRegistry, net.minecraft.world.level.Level level, net.minecraft.world.level.ChunkPos chunkPos, int chunkSectionY) {
+ // Paper end
+ this.states = new PalettedContainer<>(Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY, Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(), PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_STATES, level == null || level.chunkPacketBlockController == null ? null : level.chunkPacketBlockController.getPresetBlockStates(level, chunkPos, chunkSectionY)); // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add preset block states
+ this.biomes = new PalettedContainer<>(biomeRegistry.asHolderIdMap(), biomeRegistry.getHolderOrThrow(Biomes.PLAINS), PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_BIOMES, null); // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add preset biomes
public BlockState getBlockState(int x, int y, int z) {
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class LevelChunkSection {
this.biomes = datapaletteblock;
- public void write(FriendlyByteBuf buf) {
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add chunk packet info
+ @Deprecated @io.papermc.paper.annotation.DoNotUse public void write(FriendlyByteBuf buf) { this.write(buf, null, 0); }
+ public void write(FriendlyByteBuf buf, com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray.ChunkPacketInfo<BlockState> chunkPacketInfo, int chunkSectionIndex) {
- this.states.write(buf);
- this.biomes.write(buf);
+ this.states.write(buf, chunkPacketInfo, chunkSectionIndex);
+ this.biomes.write(buf, null, chunkSectionIndex);
+ // Paper end
public int getSerializedSize() {
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/PalettedContainer.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/PalettedContainer.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/PalettedContainer.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/PalettedContainer.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class PalettedContainer<T> implements PaletteResize<T>, PalettedContainer
return 0;
public final IdMap<T> registry;
+ private final T @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable [] presetValues; // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add preset values
private volatile PalettedContainer.Data<T> data;
private final PalettedContainer.Strategy strategy;
private final ThreadingDetector threadingDetector = new ThreadingDetector("PalettedContainer");
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class PalettedContainer<T> implements PaletteResize<T>, PalettedContainer
- public static <T> Codec<PalettedContainer<T>> codecRW(IdMap<T> idList, Codec<T> entryCodec, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider, T defaultValue) {
- PalettedContainerRO.Unpacker<T, PalettedContainer<T>> unpacker = PalettedContainer::unpack;
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add preset values
+ @Deprecated @io.papermc.paper.annotation.DoNotUse public static <T> Codec<PalettedContainer<T>> codecRW(IdMap<T> idList, Codec<T> entryCodec, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider, T defaultValue) { return PalettedContainer.codecRW(idList, entryCodec, paletteProvider, defaultValue, null); }
+ public static <T> Codec<PalettedContainer<T>> codecRW(IdMap<T> idList, Codec<T> entryCodec, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider, T defaultValue, T @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable [] presetValues) {
+ PalettedContainerRO.Unpacker<T, PalettedContainer<T>> unpacker = (idListx, paletteProviderx, serialized) -> {
+ return unpack(idListx, paletteProviderx, serialized, defaultValue, presetValues);
+ };
+ // Paper end
return codec(idList, entryCodec, paletteProvider, defaultValue, unpacker);
public static <T> Codec<PalettedContainerRO<T>> codecRO(IdMap<T> idList, Codec<T> entryCodec, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider, T defaultValue) {
PalettedContainerRO.Unpacker<T, PalettedContainerRO<T>> unpacker = (idListx, paletteProviderx, serialized) -> {
- return unpack(idListx, paletteProviderx, serialized).map((result) -> {
+ return unpack(idListx, paletteProviderx, serialized, defaultValue, null).map((result) -> { // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add preset values
return result;
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class PalettedContainer<T> implements PaletteResize<T>, PalettedContainer
- public PalettedContainer(IdMap<T> idList, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider, PalettedContainer.Configuration<T> dataProvider, BitStorage storage, List<T> paletteEntries) {
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add preset values
+ @Deprecated @io.papermc.paper.annotation.DoNotUse public PalettedContainer(IdMap<T> idList, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider, PalettedContainer.Configuration<T> dataProvider, BitStorage storage, List<T> paletteEntries) { this(idList, paletteProvider, dataProvider, storage, paletteEntries, null, null); }
+ public PalettedContainer(IdMap<T> idList, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider, PalettedContainer.Configuration<T> dataProvider, BitStorage storage, List<T> paletteEntries, T defaultValue, T @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable [] presetValues) {
+ this.presetValues = presetValues;
this.registry = idList;
this.strategy = paletteProvider;
this.data = new PalettedContainer.Data<>(dataProvider, storage, dataProvider.factory().create(dataProvider.bits(), idList, this, paletteEntries));
+ if (presetValues != null && (dataProvider.factory() == PalettedContainer.Strategy.SINGLE_VALUE_PALETTE_FACTORY ? this.data.palette.valueFor(0) != defaultValue : dataProvider.factory() != PalettedContainer.Strategy.GLOBAL_PALETTE_FACTORY)) {
+ // In 1.18 Mojang unfortunately removed code that already handled possible resize operations on read from disk for us
+ // We readd this here but in a smarter way than it was before
+ int maxSize = 1 << dataProvider.bits();
+ for (T presetValue : presetValues) {
+ if (this.data.palette.getSize() >= maxSize) {
+ java.util.Set<T> allValues = new java.util.HashSet<>(paletteEntries);
+ allValues.addAll(Arrays.asList(presetValues));
+ int newBits = Mth.ceillog2(allValues.size());
+ if (newBits > dataProvider.bits()) {
+ this.onResize(newBits, null);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ this.data.palette.idFor(presetValue);
+ }
+ }
+ // Paper end
- private PalettedContainer(IdMap<T> idList, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider, PalettedContainer.Data<T> data) {
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add preset values
+ private PalettedContainer(IdMap<T> idList, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider, PalettedContainer.Data<T> data, T @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable [] presetValues) {
+ this.presetValues = presetValues;
+ // Paper end
this.registry = idList;
this.strategy = paletteProvider;
this.data = data;
- public PalettedContainer(IdMap<T> idList, T object, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider) {
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add preset values
+ @Deprecated @io.papermc.paper.annotation.DoNotUse public PalettedContainer(IdMap<T> idList, T object, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider) { this(idList, object, paletteProvider, null); }
+ public PalettedContainer(IdMap<T> idList, T object, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider, T @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable [] presetValues) {
+ this.presetValues = presetValues;
+ // Paper end
this.strategy = paletteProvider;
this.registry = idList;
this.data = this.createOrReuseData((PalettedContainer.Data<T>)null, 0);
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class PalettedContainer<T> implements PaletteResize<T>, PalettedContainer
public int onResize(int newBits, T object) {
PalettedContainer.Data<T> data = this.data;
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add preset values
+ if (this.presetValues != null && object != null && data.configuration().factory() == PalettedContainer.Strategy.SINGLE_VALUE_PALETTE_FACTORY) {
+ int duplicates = 0;
+ List<T> presetValues = Arrays.asList(this.presetValues);
+ duplicates += presetValues.contains(object) ? 1 : 0;
+ duplicates += presetValues.contains(data.palette.valueFor(0)) ? 1 : 0;
+ newBits = Mth.ceillog2((1 << this.strategy.calculateBitsForSerialization(this.registry, 1 << newBits)) + presetValues.size() - duplicates);
+ }
PalettedContainer.Data<T> data2 = this.createOrReuseData(data, newBits);
data2.copyFrom(data.palette, data.storage);
this.data = data2;
- return data2.palette.idFor(object);
+ this.addPresetValues();
+ return object == null ? -1 : data2.palette.idFor(object);
+ // Paper end
+ }
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add preset values
+ private void addPresetValues() {
+ if (this.presetValues != null && this.data.configuration().factory() != PalettedContainer.Strategy.GLOBAL_PALETTE_FACTORY) {
+ for (T presetValue : this.presetValues) {
+ this.data.palette.idFor(presetValue);
+ }
+ }
+ // Paper end
public T getAndSet(int x, int y, int z, T value) {
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class PalettedContainer<T> implements PaletteResize<T>, PalettedContainer
this.data = data;
+ this.addPresetValues(); // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add preset values (inefficient, but this isn't used by the server)
} finally {
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add chunk packet info
+ @Override
+ @Deprecated @io.papermc.paper.annotation.DoNotUse public void write(FriendlyByteBuf buf) { this.write(buf, null, 0); }
- public void write(FriendlyByteBuf buf) {
+ public void write(FriendlyByteBuf buf, @Nullable com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray.ChunkPacketInfo<T> chunkPacketInfo, int chunkSectionIndex) {
try {
- this.data.write(buf);
+ this.data.write(buf, chunkPacketInfo, chunkSectionIndex);
+ if (chunkPacketInfo != null) {
+ chunkPacketInfo.setPresetValues(chunkSectionIndex, this.presetValues);
+ }
+ // Paper end
} finally {
- private static <T> DataResult<PalettedContainer<T>> unpack(IdMap<T> idList, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider, PalettedContainerRO.PackedData<T> serialized) {
+ private static <T> DataResult<PalettedContainer<T>> unpack(IdMap<T> idList, PalettedContainer.Strategy paletteProvider, PalettedContainerRO.PackedData<T> serialized, T defaultValue, T @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable [] presetValues) { // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add preset values
List<T> list = serialized.paletteEntries();
int i = paletteProvider.size();
int j = paletteProvider.calculateBitsForSerialization(idList, list.size());
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class PalettedContainer<T> implements PaletteResize<T>, PalettedContainer
- return DataResult.success(new PalettedContainer<>(idList, paletteProvider, configuration, bitStorage, list));
+ return DataResult.success(new PalettedContainer<>(idList, paletteProvider, configuration, bitStorage, list, defaultValue, presetValues)); // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add preset values
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class PalettedContainer<T> implements PaletteResize<T>, PalettedContainer
public PalettedContainer<T> copy() {
- return new PalettedContainer<>(this.registry, this.strategy, this.data.copy());
+ return new PalettedContainer<>(this.registry, this.strategy, this.data.copy(), this.presetValues); // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add preset values
public PalettedContainer<T> recreate() {
- return new PalettedContainer<>(this.registry, this.data.palette.valueFor(0), this.strategy);
+ return new PalettedContainer<>(this.registry, this.data.palette.valueFor(0), this.strategy, this.presetValues); // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add preset values
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class PalettedContainer<T> implements PaletteResize<T>, PalettedContainer
return 1 + this.palette.getSerializedSize() + VarInt.getByteSize(this.storage.getRaw().length) + this.storage.getRaw().length * 8;
- public void write(FriendlyByteBuf buf) {
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add chunk packet info
+ public void write(FriendlyByteBuf buf, @Nullable com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray.ChunkPacketInfo<T> chunkPacketInfo, int chunkSectionIndex) {
+ if (chunkPacketInfo != null) {
+ chunkPacketInfo.setBits(chunkSectionIndex, this.configuration.bits());
+ chunkPacketInfo.setPalette(chunkSectionIndex, this.palette);
+ chunkPacketInfo.setIndex(chunkSectionIndex, buf.writerIndex() + VarInt.getByteSize(this.storage.getRaw().length));
+ }
+ // Paper end
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/PalettedContainerRO.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/PalettedContainerRO.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/PalettedContainerRO.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/PalettedContainerRO.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public interface PalettedContainerRO<T> {
void getAll(Consumer<T> action);
- void write(FriendlyByteBuf buf);
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add chunk packet info
+ @Deprecated @io.papermc.paper.annotation.DoNotUse void write(FriendlyByteBuf buf);
+ void write(FriendlyByteBuf buf, @javax.annotation.Nullable com.destroystokyo.paper.antixray.ChunkPacketInfo<T> chunkPacketInfo, int chunkSectionIndex);
+ // Paper end
int getSerializedSize();
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/ChunkSerializer.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/ChunkSerializer.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/ChunkSerializer.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/ChunkSerializer.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import org.slf4j.Logger;
public class ChunkSerializer {
- public static final Codec<PalettedContainer<BlockState>> BLOCK_STATE_CODEC = PalettedContainer.codecRW(Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY, BlockState.CODEC, PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_STATES, Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState());
+ public static final Codec<PalettedContainer<BlockState>> BLOCK_STATE_CODEC = PalettedContainer.codecRW(Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY, BlockState.CODEC, PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_STATES, Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(), null); // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add preset block states
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger();
private static final String TAG_UPGRADE_DATA = "UpgradeData";
private static final String BLOCK_TICKS_TAG = "block_ticks";
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ChunkSerializer {
if (k >= 0 && k < achunksection.length) {
Logger logger;
PalettedContainer datapaletteblock;
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add preset block states
+ BlockState[] presetBlockStates = world.chunkPacketBlockController.getPresetBlockStates(world, chunkPos, b0);
if (nbttagcompound1.contains("block_states", 10)) {
- dataresult = ChunkSerializer.BLOCK_STATE_CODEC.parse(NbtOps.INSTANCE, nbttagcompound1.getCompound("block_states")).promotePartial((s) -> {
+ Codec<PalettedContainer<BlockState>> blockStateCodec = presetBlockStates == null ? ChunkSerializer.BLOCK_STATE_CODEC : PalettedContainer.codecRW(Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY, BlockState.CODEC, PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_STATES, Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(), presetBlockStates);
+ dataresult = blockStateCodec.parse(NbtOps.INSTANCE, nbttagcompound1.getCompound("block_states")).promotePartial((s) -> {
ChunkSerializer.logErrors(chunkPos, b0, s);
logger = ChunkSerializer.LOGGER;
datapaletteblock = (PalettedContainer) ((DataResult<PalettedContainer<BlockState>>) dataresult).getOrThrow(false, logger::error); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
} else {
- datapaletteblock = new PalettedContainer<>(Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY, Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(), PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_STATES);
+ datapaletteblock = new PalettedContainer<>(Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY, Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(), PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_STATES, presetBlockStates);
+ // Paper end
PalettedContainer object; // CraftBukkit - read/write
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ChunkSerializer {
object = ((DataResult<PalettedContainer<Holder<Biome>>>) dataresult).getOrThrow(false, logger::error); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
} else {
- object = new PalettedContainer<>(iregistry.asHolderIdMap(), iregistry.getHolderOrThrow(Biomes.PLAINS), PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_BIOMES);
+ object = new PalettedContainer<>(iregistry.asHolderIdMap(), iregistry.getHolderOrThrow(Biomes.PLAINS), PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_BIOMES, null); // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add preset biomes
LevelChunkSection chunksection = new LevelChunkSection(datapaletteblock, (PalettedContainer) object); // CraftBukkit - read/write
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ChunkSerializer {
// CraftBukkit start - read/write
private static Codec<PalettedContainer<Holder<Biome>>> makeBiomeCodecRW(Registry<Biome> iregistry) {
- return PalettedContainer.codecRW(iregistry.asHolderIdMap(), iregistry.holderByNameCodec(), PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_BIOMES, iregistry.getHolderOrThrow(Biomes.PLAINS));
+ return PalettedContainer.codecRW(iregistry.asHolderIdMap(), iregistry.holderByNameCodec(), PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_BIOMES, iregistry.getHolderOrThrow(Biomes.PLAINS), null); // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add preset biomes
// CraftBukkit end
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftChunk.java b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftChunk.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftChunk.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftChunk.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class CraftChunk implements Chunk {
private final ServerLevel worldServer;
private final int x;
private final int z;
- private static final PalettedContainer<net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.BlockState> emptyBlockIDs = new PalettedContainer<>(net.minecraft.world.level.block.Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY, Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(), PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_STATES);
+ private static final PalettedContainer<net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.BlockState> emptyBlockIDs = new PalettedContainer<>(net.minecraft.world.level.block.Block.BLOCK_STATE_REGISTRY, Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(), PalettedContainer.Strategy.SECTION_STATES, null); // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add preset block states
private static final byte[] FULL_LIGHT = new byte[2048];
private static final byte[] EMPTY_LIGHT = new byte[2048];
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftServer.java b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftServer.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftServer.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftServer.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public final class CraftServer implements Server {
public ChunkGenerator.ChunkData createChunkData(World world) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(world != null, "World cannot be null");
ServerLevel handle = ((CraftWorld) world).getHandle();
- return new OldCraftChunkData(world.getMinHeight(), world.getMaxHeight(), handle.registryAccess().registryOrThrow(Registries.BIOME));
+ return new OldCraftChunkData(world.getMinHeight(), world.getMaxHeight(), handle.registryAccess().registryOrThrow(Registries.BIOME), world); // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add parameters
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class CraftWorld extends CraftRegionAccessor implements World {
List<ServerPlayer> playersInRange = playerChunk.playerProvider.getPlayers(playerChunk.getPos(), false);
if (playersInRange.isEmpty()) return true; // Paper - rewrite player chunk loader
- ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket refreshPacket = new ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket(chunk, this.world.getLightEngine(), null, null);
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Bypass
+ Map<Object, ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket> refreshPackets = new HashMap<>();
for (ServerPlayer player : playersInRange) {
if (player.connection == null) continue;
- player.connection.send(refreshPacket);
+ Boolean shouldModify = chunk.getLevel().chunkPacketBlockController.shouldModify(player, chunk);
+ player.connection.send(refreshPackets.computeIfAbsent(shouldModify, s -> { // Use connection to prevent creating firing event
+ return new ClientboundLevelChunkWithLightPacket(chunk, this.world.getLightEngine(), null, null, (Boolean) s);
+ }));
+ // Paper end
// Paper - rewrite player chunk loader
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/generator/OldCraftChunkData.java b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/generator/OldCraftChunkData.java
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/generator/OldCraftChunkData.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/generator/OldCraftChunkData.java
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public final class OldCraftChunkData implements ChunkGenerator.ChunkData {
private final Registry<net.minecraft.world.level.biome.Biome> biomes;
private Set<BlockPos> tiles;
private final Set<BlockPos> lights = new HashSet<>();
+ // Paper start - Anti-Xray - Add parameters
+ private final org.bukkit.World world;
- public OldCraftChunkData(int minHeight, int maxHeight, Registry<net.minecraft.world.level.biome.Biome> biomes) {
+ @Deprecated @io.papermc.paper.annotation.DoNotUse public OldCraftChunkData(int minHeight, int maxHeight, Registry<net.minecraft.world.level.biome.Biome> biomes) { this(minHeight, maxHeight, biomes, null); }
+ public OldCraftChunkData(int minHeight, int maxHeight, Registry<net.minecraft.world.level.biome.Biome> biomes, org.bukkit.World world) {
+ this.world = world;
+ // Paper end
this.minHeight = minHeight;
this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
this.biomes = biomes;
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public final class OldCraftChunkData implements ChunkGenerator.ChunkData {
int offset = (y - this.minHeight) >> 4;
LevelChunkSection section = this.sections[offset];
if (create && section == null) {
- this.sections[offset] = section = new LevelChunkSection(this.biomes);
+ this.sections[offset] = section = new LevelChunkSection(this.biomes, this.world instanceof org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftWorld ? ((org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftWorld) this.world).getHandle() : null, null, offset + (this.minHeight >> 4)); // Paper - Anti-Xray - Add parameters
return section;