CraftBukkit/Spigot df534616e3 SPIGOT-5906: Huge Fungi tree generation
By: md_5 <>
2020-07-01 09:50:58 +10:00
Advancement.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
AdvancementDataPlayer.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
Advancements.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.3-pre4 2019-06-21 20:00:00 +10:00
ArgumentBlock.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
AttributeRanged.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BehaviorCareer.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BehaviorFarm.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BehaviorInteractDoor.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BehaviorMakeLove.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BehaviorProfession.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BehaviorUtil.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BehaviorWork.patch SPIGOT-5889: Villager using composter should call EntityChangeBlockEvent 2020-06-30 12:18:39 +10:00
BehaviorWorkComposter.patch SPIGOT-5889: Villager using composter should call EntityChangeBlockEvent 2020-06-30 12:18:39 +10:00
BiomeStorage.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15.1 2019-12-18 08:00:00 +11:00
Block.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockBamboo.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockBambooSapling.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
BlockBed.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockBeehive.patch SPIGOT-5866: Beehive unknown TargetReason 2020-06-28 08:56:12 +10:00
BlockButtonAbstract.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockCactus.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockCake.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
BlockCampfire.patch SPIGOT-5830: Server crash when campfire lit via dispenser. 2020-06-25 19:01:18 -04:00
BlockCauldron.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockChest.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockChorusFlower.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockCocoa.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockCommand.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
BlockComposter.patch Fix event for unlucky composts 2020-07-01 09:36:38 +10:00
BlockConcretePowder.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockCoral.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockCoralFan.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockCoralFanWall.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockCoralPlant.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockCrops.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockDiodeAbstract.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockDirtSnowSpreadable.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockDispenser.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockDoor.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockEnderPortal.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockFenceGate.patch SPIGOT-5606: call BlockRedstoneEvent for fence gates 2020-03-15 19:05:50 +11:00
BlockFire.patch SPIGOT-5847: BlockFadeEvent cannot be triggered asynchronously from another thread 2020-06-27 08:41:54 +10:00
BlockFireAbstract.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockFluids.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockFungi.patch SPIGOT-5906: Huge Fungi tree generation 2020-07-01 09:50:58 +10:00
BlockGrass.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
BlockGrowingTop.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockIce.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockJukeBox.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockLeaves.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockLectern.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockLever.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
BlockMinecartDetector.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockMonsterEggs.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockMushroom.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockNetherWart.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockNote.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockObserver.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockPiston.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockPlant.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockPortal.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockPoweredRail.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockPressurePlateAbstract.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockPressurePlateWeighted.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockPumpkinCarved.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockRedstoneComparator.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockRedstoneLamp.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockRedstoneOre.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockRedstoneTorch.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockRedstoneWire.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockReed.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockSapling.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockScaffolding.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
BlockSnow.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockSoil.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockSponge.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockStateInteger.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockStem.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockSweetBerryBush.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockTallPlant.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockTNT.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockTripwire.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
BlockTurtleEgg.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockVine.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockWaterLily.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
BlockWitherRose.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
BlockWitherSkull.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ChatHexColor.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ChatModifier.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
Chunk.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ChunkGenerator.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ChunkGeneratorAbstract.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ChunkMapDistance.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ChunkProviderServer.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ChunkStatus.patch SPIGOT-5901: Structures are generated in all worlds based on the setting for the main world 2020-06-30 10:29:41 +10:00
CommandBlockListenerAbstract.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
CommandDispatcher.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
CommandEffect.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
CommandGamerule.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.3-pre4 2019-06-21 20:00:00 +10:00
CommandListenerWrapper.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
CommandReload.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
CommandSpreadPlayers.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
CommandTeleport.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
CommandTime.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
Container.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ContainerAnvil.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ContainerAnvilAbstract.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ContainerBeacon.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ContainerCartography.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
ContainerEnchantTable.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ContainerFurnace.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.2 2019-05-28 06:30:00 +10:00
ContainerGrindstone.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.2 2019-05-28 06:30:00 +10:00
ContainerLectern.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.2 2019-05-28 06:30:00 +10:00
ContainerLoom.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
ContainerMerchant.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
ContainerPlayer.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
Containers.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ContainerSmithing.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ContainerStonecutter.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
ContainerWorkbench.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
Convertable.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
CraftingManager.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
CrashReport.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.4 2019-07-20 09:00:00 +10:00
CustomFunctionData.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
DamageSource.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
DataConverterFlatten.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
DataConverterMap.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
DedicatedServer.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
DedicatedServerProperties.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
DefinedStructure.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
DefinedStructureManager.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
DispenseBehaviorBoat.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
DispenseBehaviorProjectile.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
DispenseBehaviorShears.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
DispenseBehaviorShulkerBox.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
DispenserRegistry.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
EnchantmentFrostWalker.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.3-pre4 2019-06-21 20:00:00 +10:00
Enchantments.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EnchantmentWeaponDamage.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.3-pre4 2019-06-21 20:00:00 +10:00
EnderDragonBattle.patch SPIGOT-5853: DragonBattle#getEndPortalLocation() throws NPE on new world 2020-06-27 11:09:01 +10:00
Entity.patch SPIGOT-5903: EntityDismountEvent cannot be triggered asynchronously 2020-06-30 10:55:06 +10:00
EntityAgeable.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityAnimal.patch SPIGOT-5735: Add EntityEnterLoveModeEvent 2020-06-26 11:12:25 +10:00
EntityArmorStand.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityArrow.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityBat.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityBee.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityBoat.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityCat.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityCaveSpider.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityChicken.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityCow.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityCreature.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityCreeper.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityDamageSourceIndirect.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityDolphin.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityEgg.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityEnderCrystal.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityEnderDragon.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityEnderman.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityEnderPearl.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityExperienceOrb.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityFallingBlock.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityFireball.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityFireballFireball.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityFireworks.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityFish.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityFishingHook.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityFox.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityGhast.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityGuardianElder.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityHanging.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityHoglin.patch SPIGOT-5899: Hoglins API similar to Piglins 2020-06-30 12:03:19 +10:00
EntityHorseAbstract.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityHuman.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityIllagerIllusioner.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityInsentient.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityIronGolem.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityItem.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityItemFrame.patch #687: Add visibility and fixed API for ItemFrames 2020-06-26 10:58:17 +10:00
EntityLargeFireball.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityLeash.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityLightning.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityLiving.patch SPIGOT-2106, SPIGOT-3942: Improve collidable API 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityLlamaTrader.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
EntityMinecartAbstract.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityMinecartCommandBlock.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityMinecartContainer.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityMushroomCow.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityOcelot.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityPanda.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityParrot.patch SPIGOT-2106, SPIGOT-3942: Improve collidable API 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityPhantom.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityPig.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityPiglin.patch SPIGOT-5803: Implement the missing methods for the Piglin API. 2020-06-29 09:58:04 +10:00
EntityPigZombie.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityPillager.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
EntityPlayer.patch SPIGOT-5902: PlayerRespawnEvent places player at spawn before event is called 2020-06-30 10:35:28 +10:00
EntityPotion.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityProjectileThrowable.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityPufferFish.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityRabbit.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityRaider.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityRavager.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntitySheep.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityShulker.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityShulkerBullet.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntitySilverfish.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntitySkeletonAbstract.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntitySkeletonWither.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntitySlime.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntitySmallFireball.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntitySnowman.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntitySpider.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityStrider.patch #686: Expand Strider and Steerable entity API 2020-06-30 09:54:28 +10:00
EntityThrownExpBottle.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityThrownTrident.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityTippedArrow.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
EntityTNTPrimed.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityTrackerEntry.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityTurtle.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityTypes.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityVex.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityVillager.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityVillagerAbstract.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityVillagerTrader.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityWitch.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityWither.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityWitherSkull.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityWolf.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityZombie.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityZombieHusk.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
EntityZombieVillager.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ExpirableListEntry.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
Explosion.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
FluidTypeFlowing.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
FluidTypeLava.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
FoodMetaData.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
FurnaceRecipe.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.3-pre4 2019-06-21 20:00:00 +10:00
GameRules.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
HandshakeListener.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
IBlockAccess.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
IChatBaseComponent.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
IChunkLoader.patch Misc bugfixes to multiworld support 2020-06-25 17:58:10 +10:00
ICommandListener.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
IDispenseBehavior.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
IEntityAngerable.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
IEntitySelector.patch SPIGOT-2106, SPIGOT-3942: Improve collidable API 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
IMerchant.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.3-pre4 2019-06-21 20:00:00 +10:00
InventoryCrafting.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
InventoryCraftResult.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
InventoryMerchant.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
InventorySubcontainer.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
IProjectile.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
IRecipeComplex.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemArmor.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemArmorStand.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemBlock.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemBoat.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemBow.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemBucket.patch SPIGOT-5882: NPE when emptying bucket on already waterlogged blocks 2020-06-29 11:09:50 +10:00
ItemChorusFruit.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
ItemCrossbow.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemDye.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemEgg.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemEndCrystal.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemEnderEye.patch SPIGOT-5462: Cancelling EntitySpawnEvent takes Ender Eye from inventory 2019-12-18 13:07:14 +11:00
ItemEnderPearl.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemFireball.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemFishingRod.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemFlintAndSteel.patch SPIGOT-5830: Server crash when campfire lit via dispenser. 2020-06-25 19:01:18 -04:00
ItemLeash.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
ItemMonsterEgg.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemPotion.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemSnowball.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemStack.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemTrident.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ItemWorldMap.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
IWorldWriter.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
JsonList.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
LegacyPingHandler.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.2 2019-05-28 06:30:00 +10:00
LoginListener.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
LootContextParameters.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
LootEnchantFunction.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
LootEntryAbstract.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
LootItemConditionRandomChanceWithLooting.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
LootItemConditionSurvivesExplosion.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
LootTable.patch SPIGOT-2304: Implement LootGenerateEvent 2020-04-30 19:15:58 +10:00
LootTableRegistry.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
Main.patch Re-add default bukkit datapack 2020-06-26 12:24:35 +10:00
MerchantRecipe.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
MinecraftServer.patch SPIGOT-5884: Tab completions lost on reloadData / minecraft:reload 2020-06-30 10:51:26 +10:00
MobEffectList.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
MobSpawnerAbstract.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
MobSpawnerPatrol.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
MobSpawnerPhantom.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
MobSpawnerTrader.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
NameReferencingFileConverter.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
NetworkManager.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PacketDataSerializer.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PacketStatusListener.patch SPIGOT-5905: Fix hex colours not being allowed in MOTD 2020-06-30 13:12:26 +10:00
PathfinderGoalDefendVillage.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
PathfinderGoalEatTile.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PathfinderGoalFollowOwner.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PathfinderGoalHorseTrap.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PathfinderGoalHurtByTarget.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PathfinderGoalNearestAttackableTarget.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PathfinderGoalPanic.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PathfinderGoalSit.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PathfinderGoalTame.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PathfinderGoalTarget.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PersistentRaid.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
PersistentStructureLegacy.patch Misc bugfixes to multiworld support 2020-06-25 17:58:10 +10:00
PiglinAI.patch SPIGOT-5865: Piglin does not trigger EntityPickupItemEvent 2020-06-28 09:39:31 +10:00
PlayerChunk.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PlayerChunkMap.patch Misc bugfixes to multiworld support 2020-06-25 17:58:10 +10:00
PlayerConnection.patch SPIGOT-5887: ClickType doesn't include off hand swaps 2020-06-30 11:43:15 +10:00
PlayerConnectionUtils.patch SPIGOT-5477: Server not shutting down 2020-01-12 10:50:22 +11:00
PlayerInteractManager.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PlayerInventory.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PlayerList.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
PortalTravelAgent.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
Raid.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
RecipeBlasting.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.3-pre4 2019-06-21 20:00:00 +10:00
RecipeBookServer.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
RecipeCampfire.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.3-pre4 2019-06-21 20:00:00 +10:00
RecipeItemStack.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
RecipeSmithing.patch SPIGOT-5802: Add SmithingRecipe API 2020-06-25 12:41:55 +10:00
RecipeSmoking.patch Update to Minecraft 1.14.3-pre4 2019-06-21 20:00:00 +10:00
RegionFileCache.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
RegionLimitedWorldAccess.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
RemoteControlCommandListener.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
SaddleStorage.patch #686: Expand Strider and Steerable entity API 2020-06-30 09:54:28 +10:00
ServerConnection.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ServerGUI.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
ShapedRecipes.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
SpawnerCreature.patch Add configuration options for water_ambient spawning 2020-06-26 18:39:42 +10:00
StatisticManager.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TagRegistry.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TagsServer.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TicketType.patch Craftbukkit -> CraftBukkit 2020-02-02 11:18:17 +11:00
TickListServer.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TileEntity.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TileEntityBanner.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15.2 2020-01-22 08:00:00 +11:00
TileEntityBarrel.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
TileEntityBeacon.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TileEntityBeehive.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TileEntityBrewingStand.patch Update to Minecraft 1.15 2019-12-11 09:00:00 +11:00
TileEntityCampfire.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TileEntityChest.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TileEntityConduit.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TileEntityDispenser.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TileEntityEndGateway.patch SPIGOT-5801: End gateways crash server upon enderpearl use through them 2020-06-25 12:16:41 +10:00
TileEntityFurnace.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TileEntityHopper.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TileEntityLectern.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TileEntityShulkerBox.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
TileEntitySign.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
VillageSiege.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
World.patch Add configuration options for water_ambient spawning 2020-06-26 18:39:42 +10:00
WorldBorder.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
WorldDataServer.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
WorldGenMegaTreeProvider.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
WorldGenTreeProvider.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
WorldGenWitchHut.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
WorldMap.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
WorldNBTStorage.patch Update to Minecraft 1.16.1 2020-06-25 10:00:00 +10:00
WorldServer.patch SPIGOT-5901: Structures are generated in all worlds based on the setting for the main world 2020-06-30 10:29:41 +10:00
WorldUpgrader.patch Misc bugfixes to multiworld support 2020-06-25 17:58:10 +10:00