
22 lines
838 B

# PhantomSMP by Simon Chuu
# For help, follow the plugin project link below:
# Remove phantoms that try to target player slept within three (Minecraft)
# days?
# true = remove phantom targeting rested player
# false = Keep phantoms (and make phantoms ignore the player)
remove-targeting-rested: true
# Remove phantoms right away when the player sleeps in bed?
# true = remove phantoms as soon as player sleeps
# false = Keep phantoms (and let the above option take care of it)
remove-when-sleeping: false
# How many ticks since player rested should phantoms ignore the player?
# NOTE: Any value under 72000 (3 full Minecraft days) will essentially be
# ignored for phantom spawning. It will only have an effect on already
# spawned phantoms only.
disallow-targeting-for: 72000