updated "Adding placeholders to PlaceholderAPI"

aBooDyy 2019-06-27 20:59:21 +03:00
parent b83b1581ab
commit 4f47b0ed01
1 changed files with 9 additions and 3 deletions

@ -90,9 +90,15 @@ depend: [PlaceholderAPI] # If your plugin requires PlaceholderAPI, to work, use
## Adding placeholders to PlaceholderAPI
- If you are not including placeholders from within the dependency, you probably want to create a placeholder expansion. A guide on how to create placeholder expansions can be found [[here|PlaceholderExpansion]]!
- The later mentioned `EZPlaceholderHook` is deprecated since the implementation of `PlaceholderExpansion`. Just use the method explained in the above-linked page.
You can add your placeholders to PlaceholderAPI plugin by making an external expansion or by implementing that into your plugin itself if you're adding placeholders from a plugin.
### Without external plugin
[[Here|PlaceholderExpansion#without-external-plugin]] you can see how to make an external expansion that doesn't require a plugin (Placeholders without a plugin).
### With external plugin
You can add your plugin's placeholders to PlaceholderAPI with [[two ways|PlaceholderExpansion#with-external-plugin]]:
1. By making an external expansion ([[Separate jar file|PlaceholderExpansion#separate-jar]]).
2. By creating a class inside your plugin ([[Inner class|PlaceholderExpansion#internal-class]]).
## Using placeholders from PlaceholderAPI in your plugin
To use placeholders from other plugins in our own plugin, we simply have to use the `setPlaceholders` method.