Formatter for timestamp which includes seconds as the smallest entry.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This is a LineGraph for any set of Points, thus it is Abstract.
Factory class for different objects representing HTML line graphs.
Implementation of commands that send a link to the command sender.
Adds linked_to_uuid field to plan_security table that stores web users.
Populates new linked_to_uuid field with the uuid of a username (same as minecraft name) or 'console'.
Service for registering listeners as Plan.
Methods that can be used as functional interfaces when dealing with Maps.
Removes invalid data caused by
Represents loaded language information.
Compares Locale Map Entries and sorts them alphabetically according to the Enum Names.
Utility for reading locale files.
Utility for writing a Locale into a file.
Html String generator for /login and /register page.
Task in charge of removing old log files
Methods that can be used as functional interfaces when dealing with Maps.
Calculates maximum from given values.
Math utility for calculating the median from Integer values.
Represents a Message that can be modified by the caller.
Utility enum for determining what kind of parameters a provider method used.
Wrap a Method so that it is easier to call.
Utility method class containing various static methods.
Processor Class for KillEvent information when the killer is a
+ player.
Static method class for MySQL Schema related queries.
Represents a FOREIGN KEY constraint in a MySQL database.
Html utility for creating navigation link html.
Queries for Activity Index that attempts to gain insight into player activity levels.
Task on networks that stores server configs in /plugins/Plan/serverConfiguration in database on boot.
Resolves /v1/network/ JSON requests.
Creates JSON payload for /network-page Network Overview tab.
Html String generator for /network page.
Handles exporting of /network page html, data and resources.
Creates JSON payload for /server-page Performance tab.
Creates JSON payload for /network-page Playerbase Overview tab.
Creates JSON payload for /network-page Sessions tab.
In charge of updating network-server configs.
Interface for different tab JSON creators.
Functional interface wrapper for resolving network JSON directly from other methods.
Query for displaying players on /players page.
Query to fetch a newer config from the database.
Object storing nickname information.
Used for caching nicknames when the player is online.
Adds last_seen to nickname table by populating it with the data in actions table, and removes the actions table.
Replaces user_id and server_id foreign keys with respective uuid fields in nickname table.
Table information about 'plan_nicknames'.
Special Resolver that gives responses without user authentication.
In charge of disabling Webserver if a Proxy server is detected in the database.
Throw this exception when a Resolver can not resolve a path.
Exception to throw inside DataExtension if a method is not ready to be called (Data is not available etc).
Listener that keeps track of actions that are not considered being AFK.
ConfigSystem for Bukkit.
Nukkit Database system that initializes SQLite and MySQL database objects.
Task that handles player ping calculation on Nukkit based servers.
Placeholder expansion used to provide data from Plan on Nukkit.
Dagger module for binding Plan instance.
ServerProperties for Nukkit.
Dagger module for Nukkit ServerProperties.
ServerShutdownSave implementation for Nukkit based servers.
Module for binding Nukkit specific classes as interface implementations.
Method annotation to provide a long (64bit number) value.
Creates JSON payload for /server-page Online Activity Overview tab.
Transaction that is required to be executed before a database is operable.
Placeholders about operators.
Transaction to update a player's operator status.
Utility for loading version information from Ore, Sponge's plugin repository
Interface for generating page HTML String.
Factory for creating different
Guards against password brute-force break attempts.
Password Encryption utility.
Formatter for percentages.
Method annotation to provide a double (Percentage).
Creates JSON payload for /server-page Performance tab.
Permissions class is used easily check every permission node.
Static method class for queries that count together counts for a player on a per server basis.
Container for data about a player linked.
Used to get a PerServerContainer for a specific player.
Key objects for PerServerContainer container.
Mutator for PerServerContainer object.
This is a PieChart for any set of PieSlices, thus it is Abstract.
Factory class for different objects representing HTML pie graphs.
Represents a slice of a pie.
Comparator for PieSlices to descending Percentage order.
PieChart with a Pie about each slice as well.
Replaces uuid and server_uuid with foreign keys in ping table.
Queries for
Transaction to store player's Ping value on a server.
Table information about 'plan_ping'.
Special Key object that can be used for placeholders when replacing values in html files.
Module for the Placeholder API related objects.
Formatter for replacing ${placeholder} values inside strings.
Main class for Bukkit that manages the plugin.
Dagger Component that constructs the plugin systems running on Bukkit.
Event that is called when Plan is enabled.
Dagger Component that constructs the plugin systems running on Bungee.
Event that is called when Plan is enabled.
ColorScheme that uses values in config settings specific to Plan or PlanBungee.
Plan configuration file.
Main class for Plan's Fabric version.
Dagger component for constructing the required plugin systems on Fabric.
Abstracts File methods of Plugin classes so that they can be tested without Mocks.
Main class for Nukkit that manages the plugin.
Dagger Component that constructs the plugin systems running on Nukkit.
Placeholder expansion used to provide data from Plan on Bukkit.
Registry for all placeholders.
Abstraction interface for both Plan and PlanBungee.
Dagger Component that constructs the plugin systems running on Sponge.
Event that is called when Plan is enabled.
PlanSystem contains everything Plan needs to run.
Dagger Component that constructs the plugin systems running on Velocity.
Event that is called when Plan is enabled.
Dagger module for defining Platform Abstraction Layer utilities.
Creates JSON payload for /server-page Playerbase Overview tab.
Utility for creating FullCalendar calendar event array on Player page.
DataContainer about a Player.
Used to get a PlayerContainer of a specific player.
Queries for server overview tab data.
Static method class for queries that return information related to a single player.
Handles exporting of player json.
Class that holds Key objects for PlayerContainer.
Represents a player vs player kill.
Processor Class for KillEvent information when the killer is a
+ player.
Resolves /v1/kills JSON requests.
Event Listener for PlayerJoin, PlayerQuit and PlayerKickEvents.
Player Join listener for Bungee.
Event Listener for PlayerJoin, PlayerQuit and PlayerKickEvents.
Listener for Player Join/Leave on Sponge.
Player Join listener for Velocity.
Html String generator for /player page.
Handles exporting of /player page html, data and resources.
Resolves /player/${name/uuid} URLs.
Placeholders about a player.
Responsible for generating /player page plugin tabs based on DataExtension API data.
Transaction for registering player's BaseUser to the database.
Resolves dates into players online numbers with a help of a NavigableMap.
Html String generator for /players page.
Handles exporting of /players page html, data and resources.
Resolves /players URL.
Utility for creating jQuery Datatables JSON for a Players Table.
Resolves /v1/players JSON requests.
New logger that logs errors to specific files.
Class Annotation for informing Plan about a plugin.
implementation for Language that is logged when the plugin enables or disables.
values that are in "Server" or "Plugin" section.
Comparator for Points for ascending x value order.
Utility class for different Predicates used in the plugin.
Illegal State somewhere during preparation.
Represents the annotation information provided on a method.
ConfigSystem for Bungee.
Bungee Database system that initializes MySQL object.
values that are in "Database" section.
Dagger module for binding proxy server classes to super classes.
TPSCounter extension for game server platforms.
Bubble Chart that represents login "punches" of players.
Creates JSON payload for /server-page PvP and PvE tab.
Query utility for extracting Tabs.
Query utility for extracting Tables.
Interface for everything that returns results from the database.
SQL query that doesn't require preparing that closes proper elements.
Contains a single instance of each filter kind.
Page to display error stacktrace.
Service for Query API.
SQL query that closes proper elements.
Query for displaying players on /query page players table.
DataContainer that stores everything as raw object value.
Exporter in charge of exporting React related files.
Utility class for checking if RedisBungee API is available.
Players online supplier when using RedisBungee.
An utility class that simplifies reflection in Bukkit plugins.
An interface for retrieving the field content.
Changes register dates on networks to the smallest number found in the database.
Holds registrations of users before they are confirmed.
Takes care of data without foreign keys that is missing the foreign key target in plan_servers.
Takes care of data without foreign keys that is missing the foreign key target in plan_users.
Transaction for removing duplicate data in plan_user_info.
Transaction that removes everything from the database.
Removes incorrectly formatted package data from the database.
Transaction to remove method results that correspond to
Transaction that removes outdated plugin's data after configurable threshold.
Transaction for cleaning up old data from the database.
Transaction for removing a player's data from the database.
Transaction to remove older results that violate an updated condition value.
Transaction to remove older results that violate an updated condition value.
Sets username fields to NULL in plan_access_log table.
Transaction to remove a Plan
from the database.
Represents a HTTP request to use with
Interface for resolving requests of Plan webserver.
Service for modifying webserver request resolution.
ResolverService Implementation.
Interface for accessing plugin resources in jar or plugin files.
In-memory cache for different resources on disk or jar.
Service for making plugin resources customizable by user or Plan API.
ResourceService implementation.
Task in charge of writing html customized files on enable when they don't exist yet.
Represents a response that will be sent over HTTP.
Factory for creating different
Utility class for player retention calculations.
Root resolver for JSON requests, resolves /v1/ URLs.
Resolves '/' URL (Address Root).
Service for registering async tasks as Plan.
Formatter for timestamp which includes seconds as the smallest entry.
Table information about 'plan_security'
Represents a Server that is running Plan.
Utility for creating JSON for Server Accordion
Static method class for queries that count how many entries of particular kinds there are for a server.
Utility for creating FullCalendar calendar event array on Player page.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Represents outgoing server information json.
SubSystem for managing Server information.
Adds a is_proxy field to remove technical debt assuming name field "BungeeCord" being the proxy.
Interface for operating on server information.
Creates JSON payload for /server-page Server Overview tab.
Html String generator for /server page.
Handles exporting of /server page html, data and resources.
Resolves /network, /server and /server/${name/uuid} URLs.
Placeholders about a servers.
Responsible for generating /server page plugin tabs based on DataExtension API data.
Class responsible for holding server variable values that do not change
without a reload.