# ----------------------------------------------------- # Plan Bungee Configuration file # More information about each setting: # https://github.com/plan-player-analytics/Plan/wiki/Bungee-Configuration # https://github.com/plan-player-analytics/Plan/wiki/Bukkit-Configuration # ----------------------------------------------------- Server: IP: Network: Name: Plan # ----------------------------------------------------- Plugin: Logging: Locale: default Create_new_locale_file_on_next_enable: false Dev: false Delete_logs_after_days: 7 Update_notifications: # Display update notification on the website Check_for_updates: true Notify_about_DEV_releases: false Frontend_BETA: false # ----------------------------------------------------- # Supported databases: MySQL # ----------------------------------------------------- Database: MySQL: Host: localhost Port: 3306 User: root Password: minecraft Database: Plan # Launch options to append after mysql driver address Launch_options: "?rewriteBatchedStatements=true&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC" Max_connections: 8 # ----------------------------------------------------- # More information about SSL Certificate Settings: # https://github.com/plan-player-analytics/Plan/wiki/SSL-Certificate-%28HTTPS%29-Set-Up # ----------------------------------------------------- Webserver: Port: 8804 Alternative_IP: Enabled: false # %port% is replaced automatically with Webserver.Port Address: your.domain.here:%port% # Internal IP usually does not need to be changed, only change it if you know what you're doing! # allocates Internal (local) IP automatically for the WebServer. Internal_IP: # Use absolute path ("C:\Example\Path", "/var/example/path") or relative ("public_html" -> {server}/plugins/Plan/public_html) # NOTE: All files in this directory can be read by anyone who can access the webserver. # This can be used to host certbot http challenge file, or for customizing Plan React-bundle Public_html_directory: "public_html" Security: SSL_certificate: KeyStore_path: Cert.jks Key_pass: default Store_pass: default Alias: alias # HTTPS is required for Login. Disable_authentication: false # Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (Requests from non-Plan web pages) # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS CORS: Allow_origin: "*" # Allows using the whitelist & brute-force shield with a reverse-proxy. # ! Make sure non-proxy access is not possible, it would allow IP spoofing ! Use_X-Forwarded-For_Header: false Access_log: Print_to_console: false Remove_logs_after_days: 30 IP_whitelist: Enabled: false Whitelist: - "" - "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" # Does not affect existing cookies Cookies_expire_after: Time: 2 Unit: HOURS Disable_Webserver: false External_Webserver_address: "https://www.example.address" Cache: Reduced_refresh_barrier: Time: 15 Unit: SECONDS Invalidate_query_results_on_disk_after: Time: 7 Unit: DAYS Invalidate_disk_cache_after: Time: 2 Unit: DAYS Invalidate_memory_cache_after: Time: 5 Unit: MINUTES # ----------------------------------------------------- Data_gathering: Geolocations: true # Please accept the EULA to download GeoLite2 IP-Country Database # https://www.maxmind.com/en/geolite2/eula Accept_GeoLite2_EULA: false Ping: true Disk_space: true # Does not affect already gathered data Preserve_join_address_case: false # ----------------------------------------------------- # Supported time units: MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS # ----------------------------------------------------- Time: Delays: Ping_server_enable_delay: Time: 300 Unit: SECONDS Ping_player_join_delay: Time: 30 Unit: SECONDS Wait_for_DB_Transactions_on_disable: Time: 20 Unit: SECONDS Thresholds: # How long player needs to be idle until Plan considers them AFK AFK_threshold: Time: 3 Unit: MINUTES # Activity Index considers last 3 weeks and uses these thresholds in the calculation # The index is a number from 0 to 5. # These numbers were calibrated with data of 250 players (Small sample size). Activity_index: Playtime_threshold: Time: 30 Unit: MINUTES Remove_inactive_player_data_after: Time: 3650 Unit: DAYS # Includes players online, tps and performance time series Remove_time_series_data_after: Time: 90 Unit: DAYS Remove_ping_data_after: Time: 14 Unit: DAYS Remove_disabled_extension_data_after: Time: 2 Unit: DAYS Periodic_tasks: Extension_data_refresh_every: Time: 1 Unit: HOURS Check_DB_for_server_config_files_every: Time: 1 Unit: MINUTES Clean_Database_every: Time: 1 Unit: HOURS # ----------------------------------------------------- Display_options: # More information about Themes: # https://github.com/plan-player-analytics/Plan/wiki/Themes Theme: default # Can use ${playerName} or ${playerUUID} or ${playerUUIDNoDash} Player_head_image_url: "https://crafatar.com/avatars/${playerUUID}?size=120&default=MHF_Steve&overlay" Sessions: Show_on_page: 50 # By Default World playtime pie is ordered alphabetically. # Colors will be determined alphabetically in any case. Order_world_pies_by_percentage: false Players_table: Show_on_server_page: 2500 Show_on_players_page: 25000 Open_player_links_in_new_tab: false Graphs: Show_gaps_in_data: false TPS: High_threshold: 18 Medium_threshold: 10 Disk_space: High_threshold: 500 Medium_threshold: 100 Command_colors: Main: '&2' Secondary: '&7' Highlight: '&f' # ----------------------------------------------------- Formatting: Decimal_points: '#.##' Time_amount: Year: '1 year, ' Years: '%years% years, ' Month: '1 month, ' Months: '%months% months, ' Day: '1d ' Days: '%days%d ' Hours: '%hours%h ' Minutes: '%minutes%m ' Seconds: '%seconds%s' Zero: '0s' # Dates settings use Java SimpleDateFormat. # You can find the patterns & examples here: # https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html Dates: # Show_recent_day_names replaces day number with Today, Yesterday, Wednesday etc. Show_recent_day_names: true # Non-regex pattern to replace Show_recent_day_names_date_pattern: 'MMM d YYYY' Full: 'MMM d YYYY, HH:mm:ss' NoSeconds: 'MMM d YYYY, HH:mm' JustClock: 'HH:mm:ss' # TimeZone Option uses format 'GMT+2' or 'GMT-04:30' # Other valid options are 'server' and 'UTC' TimeZone: 'server' # ----------------------------------------------------- # World aliases can be used to rename worlds and to combine multiple worlds into a group. # ----------------------------------------------------- World_aliases: # List of world names: aliases, case sensitive. Set alias of two worlds to same one to group them. # Automatically generated, if regex matches world will not be added here. List: world: world # List of - "alias:regex" rules, Set alias of multiple worlds that match regex to group them Regex: - "Alias for world:^abc$" # ----------------------------------------------------- # These settings will make Plan write .js, .css, .json and .html files to some location on disk. # Relative path will render to /plugins/Plan/path # Make sure user running the server has write permissions to the path. # On networks export is disabled on Bukkit/Sponge servers. # ----------------------------------------------------- Export: HTML_Export_path: 'Analysis Results' JSON_Export_path: 'Raw JSON' Parts: # Player pages/JSON are only written on join/leave. Player_pages: false Player_JSON: false Players_page: false Server_page: false Server_JSON: false Export_player_on_login_and_logout: false # If there are multiple servers the period is divided evenly to avoid export of all servers at once # Also affects Players page export Server_refresh_period: Time: 20 Unit: MINUTES # ----------------------------------------------------- # These settings affect Plugin data integration. # If a plugin is causing issues the integration can be disabled by setting Plugin_name.Enabled: false # ----------------------------------------------------- Plugins: Buycraft: # https://docs.tebex.io/store/faq#how-can-i-find-my-secret-key Secret: "-" Customized_files: Path: "web" # Web dev mode enables all customized files and disables webserver resource cache for instant changes on browser refresh. Enable_web_dev_mode: false