403AccessDenied: "Acccesso Bloccato" command: argument: backupFile: description: "Name of the backup file (case sensitive)" name: "backup-file" code: description: "Code used to finalize registration." name: "${code}" dbBackup: description: "Type of the database to backup. Current database is used if not specified." dbRestore: description: "Type of the database to restore to. Current database is used if not specified." dbTypeHotswap: description: "Type of the database to start using." dbTypeMoveFrom: description: "Type of the database to move data from." dbTypeMoveTo: description: "Type of the database to move data to. Can not be same as previous." dbTypeRemove: description: "Type of the database to remove all data from." exportKind: "export kind" feature: description: "Name of the feature to disable: ${0}" name: "feature" group: description: "Web Permission Group, case sensitive." name: "group" importKind: "import kind" nameOrUUID: description: "Name or UUID of a player" name: "name/uuid" removeDescription: "Identifier for a player that will be removed from current database." server: description: "Name, ID or UUID of a server" name: "server" subcommand: description: "Use the command without subcommand to see help." name: "subcommand" username: description: "Username of another user. If not specified player linked user is used." name: "username" confirmation: accept: "Accept" cancelNoChanges: "Cancelled. No data was changed." cancelNoUnregister: "Cancelled. '${0}' was not unregistered" confirm: "Confirm: " dbClear: "You are about to remove all Plan-data in ${0}" dbOverwrite: "You are about to overwrite data in Plan ${0} with data in ${1}" dbRemovePlayer: "You are about to remove data of ${0} from ${1}" deny: "Cancel" expired: "Confirmation expired, use the command again" unregister: "You are about to unregister '${0}' linked to ${1}" database: creatingBackup: "Creating a backup file '${0}.db' with contents of ${1}" failDbNotOpen: "§cDatabase è ${0} - Riprova più tardi." manage: confirm: "> §cAggiungi l'argomento '-a' per confermare l'esecuzione: ${0}" confirmOverwrite: "Dati in ${0} saranno sovrascritti!" confirmPartialRemoval: "Join Address Data for Server ${0} in ${1} will be removed!" confirmRemoval: "Dati in ${0} saranno rimossi!" fail: "> §cErrore: ${0}" failFileNotFound: "> §cNessun file trovato su ${0}" failIncorrectDB: "> §c'${0}' non è un database supportato." failNoServer: "Nessun server trovato con i seguenti parametri." failSameDB: "> §cImpossibile operare da e verso lo stesso database!" failSameServer: "Impossibile rimuovere questo server (Sei dentro a questo server)" hotswap: "§eRircorda di cambiare il nuovo database (/plan db hotswap ${0}) e ricaricare il plugin." importers: "Importatori: " preparing: "Preparing.." progress: "${0} / ${1} processed.." start: "> §2Processando i dati.." success: "> §aCompletato!" playerRemoval: "Removing data of ${0} from ${1}.." removal: "Removing Plan-data from ${0}.." serverUninstalled: "§aIf the server is still installed, it will automatically set itself as installed in the database." unregister: "Unregistering '${0}'.." warnDbNotOpen: "§eDatabase è ${0} - Potrebbe volerci un pò di più tempo.." write: "Writing to ${0}.." fail: emptyString: "The search string can not be empty" invalidArguments: "Accepts following as ${0}: ${1}" invalidUsername: "§cQuesto Utente non ha un UUID." missingArguments: "§cArgomenti richiesti (${0}) ${1}" missingFeature: "§eDefinisci una feature da disabilitate! (Feature Supportate ${0})" missingLink: "User is not linked to your account and you don't have permission to remove other user's accounts." noPermission: "§cNon hai nessun permesso." onAccept: "The accepted action errored upon execution: ${0}" onDeny: "The denied action errored upon execution: ${0}" playerNotFound: "Player '${0}' was not found, they have no UUID." playerNotInDatabase: "Player '${0}' was not found in the database." seeConfig: "see '${0}' in config.yml" serverNotFound: "Server '${0}' was not found from the database." tooManyArguments: "§cArgomento singolo richiesto ${1}" unknownUsername: "§cGiocatore mai visto su questo server" webUserExists: "§cGiocatore già esistente!" webUserNotFound: "§cGiocatore non esistente!" footer: help: "§7Hover over command or arguments or use '/${0} ?' to learn more about them." general: failNoExporter: "§eEsportatore '${0}' non essite" failNoImporter: "§eImportatore '${0}' non essite" featureDisabled: "§aDisabilitato temporaneamente '${0}' fino al prossimo reload del plugin." noAddress: "§eNo address was available - using localhost as fallback. Set up 'Alternative_IP' settings." noWebuser: "Nessun utente web registrato, usa /plan register " notifyWebUserRegister: "Nuovi utenti web registrati: '${0}' Livello permessi: ${1}" pluginDisabled: "§aPlan è stato disabilitato. Puoi usare reload per riavviare il plugin." reloadComplete: "§aRicaricamento completato" reloadFailed: "§cErrore durante il reload del plugin, un riavvio è raccomandato." successWebUserRegister: "§aAggiunto il nuovo utente (${0})!" webPermissionLevels: ">\§70: Accesso a tutte le pagine\§71: Accesso '/players' e tutti i dati dei giocatori\§72: Accedi alle pagine dei giocatori con lo stesso username dell'Utente Web.\§73+: Nessun permesso" webUserList: " §2${0} §7: §f${1}" header: analysis: "> §2Risultati Analisi" help: "> §2/${0} Help" info: "> §2Analisi Giocatore" inspect: "> §2Nome: §f${0}" network: "> §2Pagina Network" players: "> §2Giocatori" search: "> §2${0} Risultati per §f${1}§2:" serverList: "id::name::uuid::version" servers: "> §2Servers" webUserList: "username::linked to::permission level" webUsers: "> §2${0} Utenti Web" help: database: description: "Manage Plan database" inDepth: "Use different database subcommands to change the data in some way" dbBackup: description: "Backup data of a database to a file" inDepth: "Uses SQLite to backup the target database to a file." dbClear: description: "Remove ALL Plan data from a database" inDepth: "Clears all Plan tables, removing all Plan-data in the process." dbHotswap: description: "Cambia il database rapidamente" inDepth: "Reloads the plugin with the other database and changes the config to match." dbMove: description: "Sposta i dati tra i database" inDepth: "Overwrites contents in the other database with the contents in another." dbRemove: description: "Remove player's data from Current database" inDepth: "Removes all data linked to a player from the Current database." dbRestore: description: "Restore data from a file to a database" inDepth: "Uses SQLite backup file and overwrites contents of the target database." dbUninstalled: description: "Set a server as uninstalled in the database." inDepth: "Marks a server in Plan database as uninstalled so that it will not show up in server queries." disable: description: "Disable the plugin or part of it" inDepth: "Disable the plugin or part of it until next reload/restart." export: description: "Export html or json files manually" inDepth: "Performs an export to export location defined in the config." groups: description: "List web permission groups." inDepth: "List available web permission groups that are managed on the web interface." import: description: "Import data" inDepth: "Performs an import to load data into the database." info: description: "Information about the plugin" inDepth: "Display the current status of the plugin." ingame: description: "Mostra info dei giocatori in gioco" inDepth: "Visualizza alcune informazioni sul giocatore in gioco." json: description: "View json of Player's raw data." inDepth: "Allows you to download a player's data in json format. All of it." logout: description: "Log out other users from the panel." inDepth: "Give username argument to log out another user from the panel, give * as argument to log out everyone." migrateToOnlineUuids: description: "Migrate offline uuid data to online uuids" network: description: "Mostra la pagina del network" inDepth: "Obtain a link to the /network page, only does so on networks." player: description: "Mostra la pagina di un giocatore" inDepth: "Obtain a link to the /player page of a specific player, or the current player." players: description: "Mostra la pagina dei giocatori" inDepth: "Obtain a link to the /players page to see a list of players." register: description: "Registra un nuovo utente web" inDepth: "Use without arguments to get link to register page. Use --code [code] after registration to get a user." reload: description: "Ricarica Plan" inDepth: "Disable and enable the plugin to reload any changes in config." removejoinaddresses: description: "Remove join addresses of a specified server" search: description: "Cerca il nome di un giocatore" inDepth: "List all matching player names to given part of a name." server: description: "Mostra la pagina del server" inDepth: "Obtain a link to the /server page of a specific server, or the current server if no arguments are given." servers: description: "Elenca i server nel Database" inDepth: "List ids, names and uuids of servers in the database." setgroup: description: "Change users web permission group." inDepth: "Allows you to change a users web permission group to an existing web group. Use /plan groups for list of available groups." unregister: description: "Unregister a user of Plan website" inDepth: "Use without arguments to unregister player linked user, or with username argument to unregister another user." users: description: "List all web users" inDepth: "Lists web users as a table." ingame: activePlaytime: " §2Active Playtime: §f${0}" activityIndex: " §2Indice Attività: §f${0} | ${1}" afkPlaytime: " §2AFK Time: §f${0}" deaths: " §2Morti: §f${0}" geolocation: " §2Loggato da: §f${0}" lastSeen: " §2Ultima visita: §f${0}" longestSession: " §2Sessione più lunga: §f${0}" mobKills: " §2Mob Uccisi: §f${0}" playerKills: " §2Giocatori Uccisi: §f${0}" playtime: " §2Tempo di Gioco: §f${0}" registered: " §2Registrato: §f${0}" timesKicked: " §2Espulso: §f${0}" link: clickMe: "Cliccami" link: "Link" network: "Network page: " noNetwork: "Server is not connected to a network. The link redirects to server page." player: "Player page: " playerJson: "Player json: " players: "Players page: " register: "Register page: " server: "Server page: " subcommand: info: database: " §2Database corrente: §f${0}" proxy: " §2Connesso al Proxy: §f${0}" serverUUID: " §2Server UUID: §f${0}" update: " §2Aggiornamento Disponibile: §f${0}" version: " §2Versione: §f${0}" generic: noData: "Nessun Dato" html: button: nightMode: "Modalità Notte" calendar: new: "Nuovo:" unique: "Unico:" description: newPlayerRetention: "This value is a prediction based on previous players." noData24h: "Server has not sent data for over 24 hours." noData30d: "Server has not sent data for over 30 days." noData7d: "Server has not sent data for over 7 days." noGameServers: "Some data requires Plan to be installed on game servers." noGeolocations: "Geolocation gathering needs to be enabled in the config (Accept GeoLite2 EULA)." noServerOnlinActivity: "Nessun server con cui mostare attività" noServers: "Nessun server trovato in questo database" noServersLong: 'It appears that Plan is not installed on any game servers or not connected to the same database. See wiki for Network tutorial.' noSpongeChunks: "Chunks unavailable on Sponge" noUptimeCalculation: "Server is offline, or has never restarted with Plan installed." performanceNoGameServers: "TPS, Entity or Chunk data is not gathered from proxy servers since they don't have game tick loop." predictedNewPlayerRetention: "Questo valore è una previsione basata sui giocatori precedenti" error: 401Unauthorized: "Non Autorizzato" 403Forbidden: "Vietato" 404NotFound: "Non Trovato" 404PageNotFound: "Questa pagina non esiste." 404UnknownPage: "Assicurati che stai seguendo il link usando il commando, Esempi:


" UUIDNotFound: "UUID del Giocatore non trovato nel database." auth: dbClosed: "Database non trovato, controlla il database con /plan info" emptyForm: "Utente e Password non specificati" expiredCookie: "User cookie has expired" generic: "Autenticazione fallita a causa di un errore" groupNotFound: "Web Permission Group does not exist" loginFailed: "Utente e Password non corrispondono" noCookie: "User cookie not present" noPermissionGroup: "Registration failed, player did not have any 'plan.webgroup.{name}' permission" registrationFailed: "Registration failed, try again (The code expires after 15 minutes)" userNotFound: "Utente non esistente" authFailed: "Autenticazione Fallita." authFailedTips: "- Assicurati di registare un nuovo utente usando /plan register
- Controlla che il nome e password siano corretti
- Nome e password sono case-sensitive

Se hai dimenticato la tua passwrod, chiedi a uno staff di rimuovere i tuoi dati e registrarti di nuovo." noServersOnline: "Nessun Server online per fare la richiesta." playerNotSeen: "Questo giocatore non ha mai giocato su questo server." serverNotExported: "Server doesn't exist, its data might not have been exported yet." serverNotSeen: "Server doesn't exist" generic: none: "Nessuno" label: active: "Attivo" activePlaytime: "Active Playtime" activityIndex: "Indice Inattività" afk: "AFK" afkTime: "Tempo AFK" all: "Tutto" allTime: "Tutto il Tempo" allowed: "Allowed" allowlist: "Allowlist" allowlistBounces: "Allowlist Bounces" alphabetical: "Alphabetical" apply: "Apply" asNumbers: "Statistiche" attempts: "Attempts" average: "Average first session length" averageActivePlaytime: "Average Active Playtime" averageAfkTime: "Average AFK Time" averageChunks: "Average Chunks" averageCpuUsage: "Average CPU Usage" averageEntities: "Average Entities" averageKdr: "Media KDR" averageMobKdr: "Media Mob KDR" averagePing: "Ping Medio" averagePlayers: "Average Players" averagePlaytime: "Media Tempo di Gioco" averageRamUsage: "Average RAM Usage" averageServerDowntime: "Average Downtime / Server" averageSessionLength: "Media Lunghezza Sessione" averageSessions: "Average Sessions" averageTps: "Media TPS" averageTps7days: "Average TPS (7 days)" banned: "Bannato" bestPeak: "Record Migliore" bestPing: "Ping Migliore" blocked: "Blocked" calendar: " Calendario" comparing7days: "Comparazione di 7 giorni" connectionInfo: "Informazioni sulla Connessione" country: "Nazione" cpu: "CPU" cpuRam: "CPU & RAM" cpuUsage: "CPU Usage" currentPlayerbase: "Playerbase Corrente" currentUptime: "Current Uptime" currentlyInstalledPlugins: "Currently Installed Plugins" dayByDay: "Giorno Per Giorno" dayOfweek: "Giorno della Settimana" deadliestWeapon: "Arma PvP Preferita" deaths: "Morti" disk: "Spazio sul Disco" diskSpace: "Spazio Disco Disponibile" docs: "Swagger Docs" downtime: "Downtime" duringLowTps: "Durante Spicchi TPS bassi:" entities: "Entità" errors: "Plan Error Logs" export: "Export" exported: "Data export time" favoriteServer: "Server Preferito" firstSession: "Prima sessione" firstSessionLength: average: "Average first session length" median: "Median first session length" geoProjection: dropdown: "Select projection" equalEarth: "Equal Earth" mercator: "Mercator" miller: "Miller" ortographic: "Ortographic" geolocations: "Geolocalizazione" groupPermissions: "Manage Groups" groupUsers: "Manage Group Users" help: activityIndexBasis: "Activity index is based on non-AFK playtime in the past 3 weeks (21 days). Each week is considered separately." activityIndexExample1: "If someone plays as much as threshold every week, they are given activity index ~3." activityIndexExample2: "Very active is ~2x the threshold (y ≥ 3.75)." activityIndexExample3: "The index approaches 5 indefinitely." activityIndexVisual: "Here is a visualization of the curve where y = activity index, and x = playtime per week / threshold." activityIndexWeek: "Week {}" examples: "Examples" graph: labels: "You can hide/show a group by clicking on the label at the bottom." title: "Graph" zoom: "You can Zoom in by click + dragging on the graph." manage: groups: line-1: "This view allows you to modify web group permissions." line-10: "<1>{{permission}} permissions determine what parts of the page are visible. These permissions also limit requests to the related data endpoints." line-11: "<1>{{permission1}} permissions are not required for data: <2>{{permission2}} allows request to /v1/network/overview even without <3>{{permission3}}." line-12: "Saving changes" line-13: "When you add a group or delete a group that action is saved immediately after confirm (no undo)." line-14: "When you modify permissions those changes need to be saved by pressing the Save-button" line-15: "Documentation can be found from <1>{{link}}" line-2: "User's web group is determined during <1>{{command}} by checking if Player has <2>{{permission}} permission." line-3: "You can use <1>{{command}} to change permission group after registering." line-4: "<1>{{icon}} If you ever accidentally delete all groups with <2>{{permission}} permission just <3>{{command}}." line-5: "Permission inheritance" line-6: "Permissions follow inheritance model, where higher level permission grants all lower ones, eg. <1>{{permission1}} also gives <2>{{permission2}}, etc." line-7: "Access vs Page -permissions" line-8: "You need to assign both access and page permissions for users." line-9: "<1>{{permission1}} permissions allow user make the request to specific address, eg. <2>{{permission2}} allows request to /network." playtimeUnit: "hours" retention: calculationStep1: "First the data is filtered using '<>' option. Any players with 'registerDate' outside the time range are ignored." calculationStep2: "Then it is grouped into groups of players using '<0>' option, eg. With '<1>': All players who registered in January 2023, February 2023, etc" calculationStep3: "Then the '<0>' and '<1>' options select which visualization to render." calculationStep4: "'<>' controls how many points the graph has, eg. 'Days' has one point per day." calculationStep5: "On each calculated point all players are checked for the condition." calculationStep6: "Select X Axis below to see conditions." calculationStepDate: "This visualization shows the different groups of players that are still playing on your server. The visualization uses lastSeen date. If x < lastSeenDate, the player is visible on the graph." calculationStepDeltas: "This visualization is most effective using Player Count as the Y Axis. The visualization shows net gain of players (How many players joined minus players who stopped playing). The visualization uses both registered and lastSeen dates. If registerDate < x < lastSeenDate, the player is visible on the graph." calculationStepPlaytime: "This visualization tells how long the gameplay loop keeps players engaged on your server. The visualization uses playtime. If x < playtime, the player is visible on the graph." calculationStepTime: "This visualization tells how long people keep coming back to play on the server after they join the first time. The visualization uses timeDifference. If x < timeDifference, the player is visible on the graph." compareJoinAddress: "Grouping by join address allows measuring advertising campaigns on different sites." compareMonths: "You can compare different months by changing the '<0>' option to '<1>'" examples: adCampaign: "Comparing player gain of different ad campaigns using different Join Addresses (anonymized)" deltas: "<> shows net gain of players." pattern: "A general pattern emerges when all players start leaving the server at the same time" plateau: "Comparing player gain of different months. Plateaus suggest there were players Plan doesn't know about. In this example Plan was installed in January 2022." playtime: "Playtime tells how long the gameplay loop keeps players engaged on your server." stack: "Cumulative player gain can be checked with stacked player count as Y axis" howIsItCalculated: "How it is calculated" howIsItCalculatedData: "The graph is generated from player data:" options: "Select the options to analyze different aspects of Player Retention." retentionBasis: "New player retention is calculated based on session data. If a registered player has played within latter half of the timespan, they are considered retained." testPrompt: "Test it out:" testResult: "Test result" threshold: "Threshold" thresholdUnit: "hours / week" tips: "Tips" usingTheGraph: "Using the Graph" hourByHour: "Hour by Hour" inactive: "Inattivo" indexInactive: "Inattivo" indexRegular: "Regolare" information: "INFORMAZIONE" insights: "Insights" insights30days: "Grafico in 30 giorni" installed: "Installed" irregular: "Irregolare" joinAddress: "Join Address" joinAddresses: "Join Addresses" kdr: "KDR" killed: "Ucciso" last24hours: "Ultime 24 ore" last30days: "Ultimi 30 giorni" last7days: "Ultimi 7 giorni" lastAllowed: "Last Allowed" lastBlocked: "Last Blocked" lastConnected: "Ultima connessione" lastKnownAttempt: "Last Known Attempt" lastPeak: "Record Settimanale" lastSeen: "Ultima Visita" latestJoinAddresses: "Latest Join Addresses" length: " Durata" links: "LINKS" loadedChunks: "Chunks Caricati" loadedEntities: "Entità Caricate" loneJoins: "Entrate Solitarie" loneNewbieJoins: "Nuove entrate Solitarie" longestSession: "Sessione più lunga" lowTpsSpikes: "Spicchi TPS bassi" lowTpsSpikes7days: "Low TPS Spikes (7 days)" manage: "Manage" managePage: addGroup: header: "Add group" invalidName: "Group name can be 100 characters maximum." name: "Name of the group" alert: groupAddFail: "Failed to add group: {{error}}" groupAddSuccess: "Added group '{{groupName}}'" groupDeleteFail: "Failed to delete group: {{error}}" groupDeleteSuccess: "Deleted group '{{groupName}}'" saveFail: "Failed to save changes: {{error}}" saveSuccess: "Changes saved successfully!" changes: discard: "Discard Changes" save: "Save" unsaved: "Unsaved changes" deleteGroup: confirm: "Confirm & Delete {{groupName}}" confirmDescription: "This will move all users of '{{groupName}}' to group '{{moveTo}}'. There is no undo!" header: "Delete '{{groupName}}'" moveToSelect: "Move remaining users to group" groupHeader: "Manage Group Permissions" groupPermissions: "Permissions of {{groupName}}" maxFreeDisk: "Spazio Disco libero Max" medianSessionLength: "Median Session Length" minFreeDisk: "Spazio Disco libero Min" mobDeaths: "Mob che hanno causato la Morte" mobKdr: "Mob KDR" mobKills: "Mob uccisi" modified: "Modified" mostActiveGamemode: "La Gamemode più attiva" mostPlayedWorld: "Mondo più giocato" name: "Nome" network: "Network" networkAsNumbers: "Statistiche Network" networkCalendar: "Network Calendar" networkOnlineActivity: "Attività Online Network" networkOverview: "Informazioni sul Network" networkPage: "Pagina del Network" new: "Nuovi" newPlayerRetention: "Retenzione Nuovo Giocatore" newPlayers: "Nuovi Giocatori" newPlayers7days: "New Players (7 days)" nickname: "Nick" noDataToDisplay: "No Data to Display" now: "Ora" onlineActivity: "Attività Online" onlineActivityAsNumbers: "Statistiche Attività Online" onlineOnFirstJoin: "Giocatori Online entrati la prima volta" operator: "Operatore" overview: "Informazioni" perDay: "/ Giorno" perPlayer: "/ Giocatore" perRegularPlayer: "/ Giocatore regolare" performance: "Performance" performanceAsNumbers: "Prestazioni come numeri" ping: "Ping" player: "Player" playerDeaths: "Giocatori che hanno causato la Morte" playerKills: "Giocatori Uccisi" playerKillsVictimIndicator: "Player was killed within 24h of first time they were seen (Time since registered: <>)." playerList: "Elenco Giocatori" playerOverview: "Statistiche Giocatore" playerPage: "Pagina Giocatore" playerRetention: "Player Retention" playerbase: "Playerbase" playerbaseDevelopment: "Grafico Playerbase" playerbaseOverview: "Playerbase Overview" players: "Giocatori" playersOnline: "Giocatori Online" playersOnlineNow: "Players Online (Now)" playersOnlineOverview: "Panoramica delle attività online" playtime: "Gioco" pluginHistory: "Plugin History" pluginVersionHistory: "Plugin Version History" plugins: "Plugins" pluginsOverview: "Plugins Overview" punchcard: "Presenza Settimanale" punchcard30days: "Attività in 30 giorni" pvpPve: "PvP & PvE" pvpPveAsNumbers: "Statistiche PvP & PvE" query: "Make a query" quickView: "Vista Rapida" ram: "RAM" ramUsage: "RAM Usage" recentKills: "Uccisioni Recenti" recentPvpDeaths: "Morti PvP Recenti" recentPvpKills: "Uccisioni PvP Recenti" recentSessions: "Sessioni Recenti" registered: "Registrato" registeredPlayers: "Giocatori Registrati" regular: "Regolari" regularPlayers: "Giocatori Regolari" relativeJoinActivity: "Attività Entrate Relative" retention: groupByNone: "No grouping" groupByTime: "Group registered by" inAnytime: "any time" inLast180d: "in the last 6 months" inLast30d: "in the last 30 days" inLast365d: "in the last 12 months" inLast730d: "in the last 24 months" inLast7d: "in the last 7 days" inLast90d: "in the last 3 months" playersRegisteredInTime: "Players who registered" retainedPlayersPercentage: "Retained Players %" timeSinceRegistered: "Time since register date" timeStep: "Time step" secondDeadliestWeapon: "2° Arma PvP Preferita" seenNicknames: "Nick Usati" server: "Server" serverAnalysis: "Analisi Server" serverAsNumberse: "Statistiche Server" serverCalendar: "Server Calendar" serverDowntime: "Server Downtime" serverOccupied: "Server occupato" serverOverview: "Vista Server" serverPage: "Pagina del Server" serverPlaytime: "Tempo di Gioco Server" serverPlaytime30days: "Tempo di Gioco Server di 30 giorni" serverPossiblyOffline: "Possibly offline" serverSelector: "Server selector" servers: "Servers" serversTitle: "SERVERS" session: "Session" sessionCalendar: "Session Calendar" sessionEnded: " Fine" sessionMedian: "Media Sessioni" sessionStart: "Sessione Iniziata" sessions: "Sessioni" sortBy: "Sort By" stacked: "Stacked" table: showNofM: "Showing {{n}} of {{m}} entries" showPerPage: "Show per page" visibleColumns: "Visible columns" themeSelect: "Selezione Tema" thirdDeadliestWeapon: "3° Arma PvP Preferita" thirtyDays: "30 giorni" thirtyDaysAgo: "30 giorni fa" time: date: "Date" day: "Day" days: "Days" hours: "Hours" month: "Month" months: "Months" week: "Week" weeks: "Weeks" year: "Year" timesKicked: "Cacciato" toMainPage: "Ritorna alla pagina principale" total: "Total" totalActive: "Totale Attivo" totalAfk: "Totale AFK" totalPlayers: "Giocatori Totali" totalPlayersOld: "Totale Giocatori" totalPlaytime: "Tempo di gioco Totale" totalServerDowntime: "Total Server Downtime" tps: "TPS" trend: "Tendenza" trends30days: "Tendenza per 30 giorni" uninstalled: "Uninstalled" uniquePlayers: "Giocatori unici" uniquePlayers7days: "Unique Players (7 days)" unit: percentage: "Percentage" playerCount: "Player Count" users: "Manage Users" version: "Version" veryActive: "Molto Attivo" weekComparison: "Confronto settimanale" weekdays: "'Lunedì', 'Martedì', 'Mercoledì', 'Giovedì', 'Venerdì', 'Sabato', 'Domenica'" world: "Caricamento Mondo" worldPlaytime: "Tempo di gioco Mondo" worstPing: "Ping Peggiore" xAxis: "X Axis" yAxis: "Y Axis" login: failed: "Login failed: " forgotPassword: "Forgot Password?" forgotPassword1: "Forgot password? Unregister and register again." forgotPassword2: "Use the following command in game to remove your current user:" forgotPassword3: "Or using console:" forgotPassword4: "After using the command, " login: "Login" logout: "Logout" password: "Password" register: "Create an Account!" username: "Username" manage: permission: description: access: "Controls access to pages" access_docs: "Allows accessing /docs page" access_errors: "Allows accessing /errors page" access_network: "Allows accessing /network page" access_player: "Allows accessing any /player pages" access_player_self: "Allows accessing own /player page" access_players: "Allows accessing /players page" access_query: "Allows accessing /query and Query results pages" access_raw_player_data: "Allows accessing /player/{uuid}/raw json data. Follows 'access.player' permissions." access_server: "Allows accessing all /server pages" manage_groups: "Allows modifying group permissions & Access to /manage/groups page" manage_users: "Allows modifying what users belong to what group" page: "Controls what is visible on pages" page_network: "See all of network page" page_network_geolocations: "See Geolocations tab" page_network_geolocations_map: "See Geolocations Map" page_network_geolocations_ping_per_country: "See Ping Per Country table" page_network_join_addresses: "See Join Addresses -tab" page_network_join_addresses_graphs: "See Join Address graphs" page_network_join_addresses_graphs_pie: "See Latest Join Addresses graph" page_network_join_addresses_graphs_time: "See Join Addresses over time graph" page_network_overview: "See Network Overview -tab" page_network_overview_graphs: "See Network Overview graphs" page_network_overview_graphs_calendar: "See Network calendar" page_network_overview_graphs_day_by_day: "See Day by Day graph" page_network_overview_graphs_hour_by_hour: "See Hour by Hour graph" page_network_overview_graphs_online: "See Players Online graph" page_network_overview_numbers: "See Network Overview numbers" page_network_performance: "See network Performance tab" page_network_playerbase: "See Playerbase Overview -tab" page_network_playerbase_graphs: "See Playerbase Overview graphs" page_network_playerbase_overview: "See Playerbase Overview numbers" page_network_players: "See Player list -tab" page_network_plugin_history: "See Plugin History across the network" page_network_plugins: "See Plugins tab of Proxy" page_network_retention: "See Player Retention -tab" page_network_server_list: "See list of servers" page_network_sessions: "See Sessions tab" page_network_sessions_list: "See list of sessions" page_network_sessions_overview: "See Session insights" page_network_sessions_server_pie: "See Server Pie graph" page_network_sessions_world_pie: "See World Pie graph" page_player: "See all of player page" page_player_overview: "See Player Overview -tab" page_player_plugins: "See Plugins -tabs" page_player_servers: "See Servers -tab" page_player_sessions: "See Player Sessions -tab" page_player_versus: "See PvP & PvE -tab" page_server: "See all of server page" page_server_allowlist_bounce: "See list of Game allowlist bounces" page_server_geolocations: "See Geolocations tab" page_server_geolocations_map: "See Geolocations Map" page_server_geolocations_ping_per_country: "See Ping Per Country table" page_server_join_addresses: "See Join Addresses -tab" page_server_join_addresses_graphs: "See Join Address graphs" page_server_join_addresses_graphs_pie: "See Latest Join Addresses graph" page_server_join_addresses_graphs_time: "See Join Addresses over time graph" page_server_online_activity: "See Online Activity -tab" page_server_online_activity_graphs: "See Online Activity graphs" page_server_online_activity_graphs_calendar: "See Server calendar" page_server_online_activity_graphs_day_by_day: "See Day by Day graph" page_server_online_activity_graphs_hour_by_hour: "See Hour by Hour graph" page_server_online_activity_graphs_punchcard: "See Punchcard graph" page_server_online_activity_overview: "See Online Activity numbers" page_server_overview: "See Server Overview -tab" page_server_overview_numbers: "See Server Overview numbers" page_server_overview_players_online_graph: "See Players Online graph" page_server_performance: "See Performance tab" page_server_performance_graphs: "See Performance graphs" page_server_performance_overview: "See Performance numbers" page_server_player_versus: "See PvP & PvE -tab" page_server_player_versus_kill_list: "See Player kill and death lists" page_server_player_versus_overview: "See PvP & PvE numbers" page_server_playerbase: "See Playerbase Overview -tab" page_server_playerbase_graphs: "See Playerbase Overview graphs" page_server_playerbase_overview: "See Playerbase Overview numbers" page_server_players: "See Player list -tab" page_server_plugin_history: "See Plugin History" page_server_plugins: "See Plugins -tabs of servers" page_server_retention: "See Player Retention -tab" page_server_sessions: "See Sessions tab" page_server_sessions_list: "See list of sessions" page_server_sessions_overview: "See Session insights" page_server_sessions_world_pie: "See World Pie graph" modal: info: bugs: "Segnala Problemi" contributors: bugreporters: "& Bug reporters!" code: "contributori codice" donate: "Un ringraziamento speciale a coloro che hanno sostenuto monetariamente lo sviluppo." text: 'Inoltre, hanno contribuito queste fantastiche persone:' translator: "traduttore" developer: "è stato svillupato da" discord: "Supporto generale su Discord" license: "Player Analytics è stato svillpato e licenziato sotto" metrics: "Metriche bStats" text: "Informazioni su questo plugin" wiki: "Plan Wiki, Tutorial e Documentazione" version: available: "è Disponibile" changelog: "Vedi aggiornamenti" dev: "Questa versione è una versione DEV." download: "Download" text: "Una nuova versione è stata rilasciata ed è ora disponibile da scaricare." title: "Versione" query: filter: activity: text: "are in Activity Groups" banStatus: name: "Ban status" banned: "Banned" country: text: "have joined from country" generic: allPlayers: "All players" and: "and " start: "of Players who " hasPlayedOnServers: name: "Has played on one of servers" text: "have played on at least one of" hasPluginBooleanValue: name: "Has plugin boolean value" text: "have Plugin boolean value" joinAddress: text: "joined with address" nonOperators: "Non operators" notBanned: "Not banned" operatorStatus: name: "Operator status" operators: "Operators" playedBetween: text: "Played between" pluginGroup: name: "Group: " text: "are in ${plugin}'s ${group} Groups" registeredBetween: text: "Registered between" skipped: "Skipped" title: activityGroup: "Current activity group" view: " View:" filters: add: "Add a filter.." loading: "Loading filters.." generic: are: "`are`" label: editQuery: "Edit Query" from: ">from" makeAnother: "Make another query" servers: all: "using data of all servers" many: "using data of {number} servers" single: "using data of 1 server" two: "using data of 2 servers" showFullQuery: "Show Full Query" to: ">to" view: "Show a view" performQuery: "Perform Query!" results: match: "matched ${resultCount} players" none: "Query produced 0 results" title: "Query Results" title: activity: "Activity of matched players" activityOnDate: 'Activity on ' sessionsWithinView: "Sessions within view" text: "Query<" register: completion: "Complete Registration" completion1: "You can now finish registering the user." completion2: "Code expires in 15 minutes" completion3: "Use the following command in game to finish registration:" completion4: "Or using console:" createNewUser: "Create a new user" disabled: "Registering new users has been disabled in the config." error: checkFailed: "Checking registration status failed: " failed: "Registration failed: " noPassword: "You need to specify a Password" noUsername: "You need to specify a Username" usernameLength: "Username can be up to 50 characters, yours is " login: "Already have an account? Login!" passwordTip: "Password should be more than 8 characters, but there are no limitations." register: "Register" success: "Registered a new user successfully! You can now login." usernameTip: "Username can be up to 50 characters." text: click: "Click for more" clickAndDrag: "Click and Drag for more" clickToExpand: "Clicca per espendere" comparing15days: "Comparazione di 15 giorni" comparing30daysAgo: "Comparazione di 30g fa a Ora" noExtensionData: "Nessun dato estensione" noLowTps: "Nennun picco basso di TPS" unit: chunks: "Chunks" players: "Giocatori" value: localMachine: "Macchina Locale" noKills: "Nessuna Uccisione" offline: " Offline" online: " Online" with: "Con" version: changelog: "View Changelog" current: "You have version ${0}" download: "Download Plan-${0}.jar" isDev: "This version is a DEV release." updateButton: "Update" updateModal: text: "A new version has been released and is now available for download." title: "Version ${0} is Available!" plugin: apiCSSAdded: "PageExtension: ${0} added stylesheet(s) to ${1}, ${2}" apiJSAdded: "PageExtension: ${0} added javascript(s) to ${1}, ${2}" disable: database: "Elaborazione di attività critiche non elaborate. (${0})" disabled: "Analisi Giocatori Disabilitato." processingComplete: "Elaborazione completata." savingSessions: "Salvataggio di sessioni incompiute.." savingSessionsTimeout: "Timeout hit, storing the unfinished sessions on next enable instead." waitingDb: "Waiting queries to finish to avoid SQLite crashing JVM.." waitingDbComplete: "Closed SQLite connection." waitingTransactions: "Waiting for unfinished transactions to avoid data loss.." waitingTransactionsComplete: "Transaction queue closed." webserver: "Il Webserver è stato disabilitato." enable: database: "${0}-Connessione al database stabilita." enabled: "Analisi Giocatori Abilitata." fail: database: "${0}-Connessione al Database fallita: ${1}" databasePatch: "Upgrade del Database fallito, plan è stato disabilitato. Si prega di segnalare questo problema." databaseType: "${0} non è un Database supportato" geoDBWrite: "Qualcosa è andato storto durante lo scaricamento del database GeoLite2" webServer: "WebServer non avviato!" notify: badIP: " is not a valid address, set up Alternative_IP settings. Incorrect links might be given!" emptyIP: "L'IP in server.properties è vuoto e Alternative_IP non è in uso. Correggi queste informazioni!" geoDisabled: "Geolocalizazione non attiva. (Data.Geolocations: false)" geoInternetRequired: "Plan Richiede l'accesso a Internet al primo avvio per scaricare il database di geolocalizzazione GeoLite2." proxyAddress: "Proxy server detected in the database - Proxy Webserver address is '${0}'." proxyDisabledWebserver: "Disabling Webserver on this server - You can override this behavior by setting '${0}' to false." settingChange: "Note: Set '${0}' to ${1}" storeSessions: "Storing sessions that were preserved before previous shutdown." webserverDisabled: "WebServer non avviato. (WebServer.DisableWebServer: true)" webserver: "Webserver avviato sulla PORTA ${0} ( ${1} )" generic: dbApplyingPatch: "Applicando Patch: ${0}.." dbFaultyLaunchOptions: "Le opzioni di Lancio sono errate, usando le opzioni default (${0})" dbNotifyClean: "Rimossi i dati di ${0} giocatorri." dbNotifySQLiteWAL: "Modalità SQLite WAL non supportato da questa versione del server, uso le impostazioni predefinite. Ciò potrebbe causare dei problemi." dbPatchesAlreadyApplied: "Tutte le patch sono già state applicate." dbPatchesApplied: "Tutte le patch sono satte applicate al database." dbSchemaPatch: "Database: Making sure schema is up to date.." loadedServerInfo: "Server identifier loaded: ${0}" loadingServerInfo: "Loading server identifying information" no: "No" today: "'Oggi'" unavailable: "Non Disponibile" unknown: "Sconosciuto" yes: "Sì" yesterday: "'Ieri'" localeReloaded: "Custom locale.yml was modified so it was reloaded and is now in use." version: checkFail: "Impossibile controllare nuove versioni" checkFailGithub: "Informazioni sulla vesione non trovate su Github/versions.txt" isDev: " Questa è una versione DEV." isLatest: "Stai usando l'ultima versione." updateAvailable: "Nuova versione (${0}) è disponibile ${1}" updateAvailableSpigot: "Nuova versione disponibile su ${0}" webserver: fail: SSLContext: "WebServer: Inilizazione Contenuto SSL Fallito." certFileEOF: "WebServer: EOF when reading Certificate file. (Check that the file is not empty)" certStoreLoad: "WebServer: Caricamento Certificato SSL Fallito." portInUse: "WebServer non avviato. La porta (${0}) è già occupata?" notify: authDisabledConfig: "WebServer: User Authorization Disabled! (Disabled in config)" authDisabledNoHTTPS: "WebServer: Autorizzazione Utente Disabilitato! (Non sicuro su HTTP)" certificateExpiresOn: "Webserver: Loaded certificate is valid until ${0}." certificateExpiresPassed: "Webserver: Certificate has expired, consider renewing the certificate." certificateExpiresSoon: "Webserver: Certificate expires in ${0}, consider renewing the certificate." certificateNoSuchAlias: "Webserver: Certificate with alias '${0}' was not found inside the keystore file '${1}'." http: "WebServer: Nessun Certificato -> Uso ora server HTTP per la Visualizazione." ipWhitelist: "Webserver: IP Whitelist is enabled." ipWhitelistBlock: "Webserver: ${0} was denied access to '${1}'. (not whitelisted)" noCertFile: "WebServer: Chiave del Certfiicato non trovato: ${0}" reverseProxy: "WebServer: Proxy-mode HTTPS enabled, make sure that your reverse-proxy is routing using HTTPS and Plan Alternative_IP.Address points to the Proxy"