![Player Analytics](https://puu.sh/t8vin.png) # API - [API class](/Plan/src/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/api/API.java) - [API Javadocs](https://rsl1122.github.io/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/api/API.html) Accessing the API Methods: ``` API planAPI = Plan.getPlanAPI(); // Throws IllegalStateException if onEnable() method for Plan has not yet been called. ``` # Basics - [PluginData](/Plan/src/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/data/additional/PluginData.java) - [PluginData Javadoc](https://rsl1122.github.io/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/data/additional/PluginData.html) - [AnalysisType Enum](/Plan/src/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/data/additional/AnalysisType.java) - [AnalysisType Javadoc](https://rsl1122.github.io/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/data/additional/AnalysisType.html) - [Example classes](/Plan/src/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/data/additional) ## Adding plugin's data to the 'plugins'-tab on Analysis and/or Inspect pages Plan has a flexible data addition system since 3.1.0. With it you can add Averages, Totals, Percentages, Tables & Other Html elements to the Plugins tab on the Analysis and/or Inspect pages. To add data a class that extends PluginData class is needed. One PluginData object should only contain data for one user, but tables & other elements are an exception. Examples: - Basic Example - Inspect Example - Analysis Example - Table Example ## Basic Example ``` public class StepCounterSteps extends PluginData { private StepCounterPlugin stepCounter; // This is the example plugin where the data is taken from. // Constructor with the plugin as parameter. public StepCounterSteps(StepCounterPlugin stepCounter) { // A call to super constructor: PluginName, PlaceholderName super("StepCounter", "stepsTaken"); this.stepCounter = stepCounter; // Setting the plugin } // Required method. // This method is used with AnalysisType.HTML and for Inspect page's values. // All return values should use parseContainer(String modifier, String value)-method, more on that down below. @Override public String getHtmlReplaceValue(String modifier, UUID uuid) { return parseContainer(modifier, stepCounter.getSteps(uuid)+""); } // Required method. // This method is used to calculate values for the Analysis page. @Override public Serializable getValue(UUID uuid) { return stepCounter.getSteps(uuid); } } ``` **At the moment registering this data source will have Only show up on Inspect page.** It is disregarded on analysis page. Two variables inside PluginData determine what should be done with the datapoint: - List analysisTypes - boolean analysisOnly - analysisOnly is 'true' by default. - Inspect page will ignore the data. - analysisOnly is set to 'false' automatically when using the super constructor without AnalysisType parameters. - analysisTypes is empty. - Thus Analysis page will ignore the data. ## Registering the data point This might be the easiest step. get the API and call a single method - all done! ``` Plan.getPlanAPI().addPluginDataSource(new StepCounterSteps(stepCounter)); ``` **If you register multiple data sources, they will appear in the order they were registered.** ## Inspect Example We can add the data to the Inspect page with `super.setAnalysisOnly(false);`-call inside the constructor: ``` public StepCounterSteps(StepCounterPlugin stepCounter) { super("StepCounter", "stepsTaken"); super.setAnalysisOnly(false); // this.stepCounter = stepCounter; } ``` Now on the inspect page, there will be a "StepCounter" plugin box. Inside the box, however **is only a single number** This is because no prefix has been set. Let's do that: ``` public StepCounterSteps(StepCounterPlugin stepCounter) { super("StepCounter", "stepsTaken"); super.setPrefix("Steps taken: ") //super.setSuffix(" steps"); // You can also define the suffix super.setAnalysisOnly(false); this.stepCounter = stepCounter; } ``` Why should parseContainer(String modifier, String value)-method be used with getHtmlReplaceValue-method? - Automatically add `
` wrap around the text. - Automatically add the prefix, suffix & icon to the value. Wait, icons? [Font Awesome Icons](http://fontawesome.io/icons/) can be used. They are added before the prefix when parseContainer method is called. To set the icon call `super.setIcon(iconName)` in the constructor. Icon-names are visible on the linked page. ``` super.setIcon("wheelchair"); ``` ## Analysis Example Adding data to the Analysis page is straightforward as well. Please note that one class can add a data to both Analysis & Inspect pages. To add data to the Analysis page, analysisTypes need to be set. This is done in the super constructor. There are three ways to set them: ``` List: List types = new ArrayList<>(); types.add(AnalysisType.LONG_AVG); types.add(AnalysisType.LONG_TOTAL); super("StepCounter", "stepsTaken", types); ``` ``` Array: AnalysisType[] types = new AnalysisType{AnalysisType.LONG_AVG, AnalysisType.LONG_TOTAL}; super("StepCounter", "stepsTaken", types); ``` ``` Values (1): super("StepCounter", "stepsTaken", AnalysisType.LONG_AVG); Values (many): super("StepCounter", "stepsTaken", AnalysisType.LONG_AVG, AnalysisType.LONG_TOTAL); ``` Refer to AnalysisType for what types you should add. The type depends on the return of the getValue(UUID uuid)-method you have written. - [AnalysisType](/Plan/src/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/data/additional/AnalysisType.java) - [AnalysisType Javadoc](https://rsl1122.github.io/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/data/additional/AnalysisType.html) AnalysisType.HTML is for all other elements you might want to add. ## Table Example A good example is the [AdvancedAchievementsTable](/Plan/src/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/data/additional/advancedachievements/AdvanceAchievementsTable.java). You can use the [Html Enum] to quickly create table html. The Html Enum has easy lines for 2, 3 & 4 line columns - More than that will most likely not fit in the box. the parse(String... p)-method takes as many strings as parameters as needed to replace all the REPLACE# placeholders on the line. Let's deconstruct the constructor. ``` public AdvancedAchievementsTable(AdvancedAchievementsAPI aaAPI) { super("AdvancedAchievements", "achievementstable", AnalysisType.HTML); this.aaAPI = aaAPI; String player = Html.FONT_AWESOME_ICON.parse("user") + " Player"; String achievements = Html.FONT_AWESOME_ICON.parse("check-circle-o") + " Achievements"; // analysisOnly true by default. super.setPrefix(Html.TABLE_START_2.parse(player, achievements)); super.setSuffix(Html.TABLE_END.parse()); } ``` - analysisTypes is set as AnalysisType.HTML. - prefix is set as a sortable table's start with " Player" and " Achievements" columns. - suffix is set as the end tags for the whole table. Now let's see how the table gets the values: ``` @Override public String getHtmlReplaceValue(String modifierPrefix, UUID uuid) { StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); List offlinePlayers = Arrays.stream(getOfflinePlayers()).filter(p -> p.hasPlayedBefore()).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (offlinePlayers.isEmpty()) { html.append(Html.TABLELINE_2.parse("No Players.","")); } else { for (OfflinePlayer p : offlinePlayers) { String inspectUrl = HtmlUtils.getInspectUrl(p.getName()); String achievements = aaAPI.getPlayerTotalAchievements(p.getUniqueId()) + ""; html.append(Html.TABLELINE_2.parse(Html.LINK.parse(inspectUrl, p.getName()), achievements)); } } return parseContainer("", html.toString()); } ``` It simply gets the Players that have played on the server. If the list is empty, a row with "No Players" is added to the value (html, StringBuilder). Otherwise it get's the Url for the Inspect page of each player, and the amount of achievements a player has. The link is parsed inside a html a-tag (with the text of the players name). Then that is parsed into a table line with the a-tag & achievements. The parseContainer uses an empty string as modifierPrefix, because we don't want any extra text added in-front of the table. Inspect doesn't use getValue(UUID uuid) & AnalysisType.HTML disregards it's return values, so that simply returns an empty string. ``` @Override public Serializable getValue(UUID uuid) { return ""; } ```