const colorMap = { PLAN: { name: "plan", hex: "#468F17" }, RED: { name: "red", hex: "#F44336" }, PINK: { name: "pink", hex: "#E91E63" }, PURPLE: { name: "purple", hex: "#9C27B0" }, DEEP_PURPLE: { name: "deep-purple", hex: "#673AB7" }, INDIGO: { name: "indigo", hex: "#3F61B5" }, BLUE: { name: "blue", hex: "#2196F3" }, LIGHT_BLUE: { name: "light-blue", hex: "#03A9F4" }, CYAN: { name: "cyan", hex: "#00BCD4" }, TEAL: { name: "teal", hex: "#009688" }, GREEN: { name: "green", hex: "#4CAF50" }, LIGHT_GREEN: { name: "light-green", hex: "#8BC34A" }, LIME: { name: "lime", hex: "#CDDC39" }, YELLOW: { name: "yellow", hex: "#FFE821" }, AMBER: { name: "amber", hex: "#FFC107" }, ORANGE: { name: "orange", hex: "#FF9800" }, DEEP_ORANGE: { name: "deep-orange", hex: "#FF5722" }, BROWN: { name: "brown", hex: "#795548" }, GREY: { name: "grey", hex: "#9E9E9E" }, BLUE_GREY: { name: "blue-grey", hex: "#607D8B" }, BLACK: { name: "black", hex: "#555555" }, SUCCESS: { name: "success", hex: "#1CC88A" }, WARNING: { name: "warning", hex: "#F6C23E" }, DANGER: { name: "danger", hex: "#e74A3B" }, NONE: "" }; export const getColors = () => { return Object.values(colorMap).filter(color => color); } export const colorEnumToColorClass = color => { const mapped = "col-" + colorMap[color].name; return mapped ? mapped : ""; } export const bgClassToColorClass = bgClass => { return "col-" + bgClass.substring(3); } export const colorClassToColorName = (colorClass) => { return colorClass.substring(4); } export const colorEnumToBgClass = color => { return "bg-" + color; } export const colorClassToBgClass = colorClass => { return "bg-" + colorClassToColorName(colorClass); } // From export const withReducedSaturation = hex => { const saturationReduction = 0.70; // To RGB let r = parseInt(hex.substr(1, 2), 16); // Grab the hex representation of red (chars 1-2) and convert to decimal (base 10). let g = parseInt(hex.substr(3, 2), 16); let b = parseInt(hex.substr(5, 2), 16); // To HSL r /= 255; g /= 255; b /= 255; const max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b); let h, s; const l = (max + min) / 2; if (max === min) { h = s = 0; // achromatic } else { const d = max - min; s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min); switch (max) { case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break; case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break; case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break; default: break; } h /= 6; } // To css property return 'hsl(' + h * 360 + ',' + s * 100 * saturationReduction + '%,' + l * 95 + '%)'; } const createNightModeColorCss = () => { return ':root {' + getColors() .filter(color => !== 'white' && !== 'black' && !== 'plan') .map(color => { const desaturatedColor = withReducedSaturation(color.hex); return `--color-${}: ${desaturatedColor} !important;` }).join('') + '}'; } export const createNightModeCss = () => { return `#content-wrapper {background-color:var(--color-night-black)!important;}` + `#wrapper {background-image: linear-gradient(to right, var(--color-night-dark-blue) 0%, var(--color-night-dark-blue) 14rem, var(--color-night-black) 14.01rem, var(--color-night-black) 100%);}` + `body,.btn,.bg-transparent-light {color: var(--color-night-text-dark-bg);}` + `.card,.bg-white,.modal-content,.page-loader,.nav-tabs .nav-link:hover,.nav-tabs,hr,form .btn, .btn-outline-secondary{background-color:var(--color-night-dark-blue)!important;border-color:var(--color-night-blue)!important;}` + `.bg-white.collapse-inner {border:1px solid;}` + `.card-header {background-color:var(--color-night-dark-blue);border-color:var(--color-night-blue);}` + `#content,.col-black,.text-gray-900,.text-gray-800,.collapse-item,.modal-title,.modal-body,.page-loader,.fc-title,.fc-time,pre,.table-dark,input::placeholder{color:var(--color-night-text-dark-bg) !important;}` + `.collapse-item:hover, {background-color: var(--color-night-dark-grey-blue) !important;}` + `.nav-tabs {background-color: var(--color-night-dark-blue) !important;border-color:var(--color-night-blue) var(--color-night-blue) var(--color-night-dark-blue) !important;}` + `.fc-today {background:var(--color-night-grey-blue) !important}` + `.fc-popover-body,.fc-popover-header{background-color: var(--color-night-dark-blue) !important;color: var(--color-night-text-dark-bg) !important;}` + `select,input,.dataTables_paginate .page-item:not(.active) a,.input-group-text,.input-group-text > * {background-color:var(--color-night-dark-blue) !important;border-color:var(--color-night-blue) !important;color: var(--color-night-text-dark-bg) !important;}` + `.topbar-divider,.fc td,.fc tr,.fc th, .fc table, .modal-header,.modal-body,.modal-footer{border-color:var(--color-night-blue) !important;}` + `.fc a{color:var(--color-night-text-dark-bg) !important;}` + `.fc-button{ background-color: ${withReducedSaturation(colorMap.PLAN.hex)} !important;}` + `.loader{border: 4px solid var(--color-plan); background-color: var(--color-plan);}` + createNightModeColorCss() }