Package com.djrapitops.plan
package com.djrapitops.plan
ClassDescriptionServerShutdownSave implementation for Bukkit based servers.ServerShutdownSave implementation for Nukkit based servers.Main class for Bukkit that manages the plugin.Dagger Component that constructs the plugin systems running on Bukkit.Bungee Main class.Dagger Component that constructs the plugin systems running on Bungee.Main class for Nukkit that manages the plugin.Dagger Component that constructs the plugin systems running on Nukkit.Abstraction interface for both Plan and PlanBungee.Dagger Component that constructs the plugin systems running on Sponge.PlanSystem contains everything Plan needs to run.Velocity Main class.Dagger Component that constructs the plugin systems running on Velocity.ServerShutdownSave implementation for SpongeRepresents a system that can be enabled and disabled.TaskSystem that registers tasks for the plugin.