diff --git a/Database-Schema.md b/Database-Schema.md index c9f6635..09381e9 100644 --- a/Database-Schema.md +++ b/Database-Schema.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ![Plan Header](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plan-player-analytics/drawio-diagrams-storage/master/image/header/main-header-Plan.jpg) # Database Schema -Page Version: **5.4 build 1626** +Page Version: **5.5 build 2265** ## Tables in Plan database @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ SHOW TABLES IN Plan; +------------------------------------+ | Tables_in_Plan | +------------------------------------+ +| plan_access_log | | plan_cookies | | plan_extension_groups | | plan_extension_icons | @@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ SHOW TABLES IN Plan; | plan_extension_user_table_values | | plan_extension_user_values | | plan_geolocations | +| plan_join_address | | plan_kills | | plan_nicknames | | plan_ping | @@ -43,6 +45,8 @@ SHOW TABLES IN Plan; *You can open the diagram if you click it.* +Image version: **5.4 build 1626** + [![Database Schema](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plan-player-analytics/drawio-diagrams-storage/master/Database%20Schema.drawio.svg)](https://app.diagrams.net/#Hplan-player-analytics%2Fdrawio-diagrams-storage%2Fmaster%2FDatabase%20Schema.drawio.svg) ### Notes @@ -58,6 +62,13 @@ SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, COLUMN_DEFA +------------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------+--------------------------+----------------------+ | TABLE_NAME | COLUMN_NAME | DATA_TYPE | CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH | COLUMN_DEFAULT | +------------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------+--------------------------+----------------------+ +| plan_access_log | id | int | NULL | NULL | +| plan_access_log | time | bigint | NULL | NULL | +| plan_access_log | from_ip | varchar | 45 | NULL | +| plan_access_log | request_method | varchar | 8 | NULL | +| plan_access_log | request_uri | text | 65535 | NULL | +| plan_access_log | response_code | int | NULL | NULL | +| plan_access_log | username | varchar | 100 | NULL | | plan_cookies | web_username | varchar | 100 | NULL | | plan_cookies | expires | bigint | NULL | NULL | | plan_cookies | cookie | varchar | 64 | NULL | @@ -106,6 +117,7 @@ SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, COLUMN_DEFA | plan_extension_server_values | string_value | varchar | 50 | NULL | | plan_extension_server_values | group_value | varchar | 50 | NULL | | plan_extension_server_values | provider_id | int | NULL | NULL | +| plan_extension_server_values | component_value | varchar | 500 | NULL | | plan_extension_tables | id | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_extension_tables | name | varchar | 50 | NULL | | plan_extension_tables | color | varchar | 25 | 'NONE' | @@ -151,10 +163,13 @@ SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, COLUMN_DEFA | plan_extension_user_values | group_value | varchar | 50 | NULL | | plan_extension_user_values | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL | | plan_extension_user_values | provider_id | int | NULL | NULL | +| plan_extension_user_values | component_value | varchar | 500 | NULL | | plan_geolocations | id | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_geolocations | user_id | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_geolocations | geolocation | varchar | 50 | NULL | | plan_geolocations | last_used | bigint | NULL | 0 | +| plan_join_address | id | int | NULL | NULL | +| plan_join_address | join_address | varchar | 255 | NULL | | plan_kills | id | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_kills | killer_uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL | | plan_kills | victim_uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL | @@ -174,6 +189,14 @@ SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, COLUMN_DEFA | plan_ping | max_ping | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_ping | min_ping | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_ping | avg_ping | double | NULL | NULL | +| plan_platforms | id | int | NULL | NULL | +| plan_platforms | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL | +| plan_platforms | platform | int | NULL | NULL | +| plan_platforms | bedrockUsername | varchar | 32 | NULL | +| plan_platforms | javaUsername | varchar | 16 | NULL | +| plan_platforms | linkedPlayer | varchar | 16 | NULL | +| plan_platforms | languageCode | varchar | 8 | NULL | +| plan_platforms | version | varchar | 16 | NULL | | plan_security | username | varchar | 100 | NULL | | plan_security | linked_to_uuid | varchar | 36 | '' | | plan_security | salted_pass_hash | varchar | 100 | NULL | @@ -194,10 +217,19 @@ SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, COLUMN_DEFA | plan_sessions | mob_kills | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_sessions | deaths | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_sessions | afk_time | bigint | NULL | NULL | +| plan_sessions | join_address_id | int | NULL | 1 | | plan_settings | id | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_settings | server_uuid | varchar | 39 | NULL | | plan_settings | updated | bigint | NULL | NULL | | plan_settings | content | text | 65535 | NULL | +| plan_tebex_payments | id | int | NULL | NULL | +| plan_tebex_payments | tebex_id | bigint | NULL | NULL | +| plan_tebex_payments | player_name | varchar | 256 | NULL | +| plan_tebex_payments | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL | +| plan_tebex_payments | date | bigint | NULL | NULL | +| plan_tebex_payments | amount | double | NULL | NULL | +| plan_tebex_payments | currency_iso_4217 | varchar | 50 | NULL | +| plan_tebex_payments | packages | varchar | 256 | NULL | | plan_tps | server_id | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_tps | date | bigint | NULL | NULL | | plan_tps | tps | double | NULL | NULL | @@ -210,7 +242,7 @@ SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, COLUMN_DEFA | plan_users | id | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_users | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL | | plan_users | registered | bigint | NULL | NULL | -| plan_users | name | varchar | 16 | NULL | +| plan_users | name | varchar | 36 | NULL | | plan_users | times_kicked | int | NULL | 0 | | plan_user_info | id | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_user_info | user_id | int | NULL | NULL | @@ -219,6 +251,13 @@ SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, COLUMN_DEFA | plan_user_info | registered | bigint | NULL | NULL | | plan_user_info | opped | tinyint | NULL | 0 | | plan_user_info | banned | tinyint | NULL | 0 | +| plan_version_protocol | id | int | NULL | NULL | +| plan_version_protocol | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL | +| plan_version_protocol | protocol_version | int | NULL | NULL | +| plan_votes | id | int | NULL | NULL | +| plan_votes | user_name | varchar | 36 | NULL | +| plan_votes | service | varchar | 150 | NULL | +| plan_votes | votes | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_worlds | id | int | NULL | NULL | | plan_worlds | world_name | varchar | 100 | NULL | | plan_worlds | server_uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL | @@ -231,29 +270,5 @@ SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, COLUMN_DEFA | plan_world_times | creative_time | bigint | NULL | 0 | | plan_world_times | adventure_time | bigint | NULL | 0 | | plan_world_times | spectator_time | bigint | NULL | 0 | -| -- Extension tables | | | | | -| plan_platforms | id | int | NULL | NULL | -| plan_platforms | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL | -| plan_platforms | platform | int | NULL | NULL | -| plan_platforms | bedrockUsername | varchar | 32 | NULL | -| plan_platforms | javaUsername | varchar | 16 | NULL | -| plan_platforms | linkedPlayer | varchar | 16 | NULL | -| plan_platforms | languageCode | varchar | 8 | NULL | -| plan_platforms | version | varchar | 16 | NULL | -| plan_tebex_payments | id | int | NULL | NULL | -| plan_tebex_payments | tebex_id | bigint | NULL | NULL | -| plan_tebex_payments | player_name | varchar | 256 | NULL | -| plan_tebex_payments | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL | -| plan_tebex_payments | date | bigint | NULL | NULL | -| plan_tebex_payments | amount | double | NULL | NULL | -| plan_tebex_payments | currency_iso_4217 | varchar | 50 | NULL | -| plan_tebex_payments | packages | varchar | 256 | NULL | -| plan_version_protocol | id | int | NULL | NULL | -| plan_version_protocol | uuid | varchar | 36 | NULL | -| plan_version_protocol | protocol_version | int | NULL | NULL | -| plan_votes | id | int | NULL | NULL | -| plan_votes | user_name | varchar | 36 | NULL | -| plan_votes | service | varchar | 150 | NULL | -| plan_votes | votes | int | NULL | NULL | +------------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------+--------------------------+----------------------+ ``` \ No newline at end of file