## About PlayerStats is a Minecraft server plugin that adds a command to view player statistics in top-10 format or individually. Currently tested on all versions between **1.16.5** and **1.21.1** on platforms: - Bukkit - Spigot - Paper - Purpur (It's possible PlayerStats works on other platforms too, but these are the ones I have explicitly tested.)   ## Features * **Easy to use** - One central command that can: - Explain **how to use** the plugin with `/statistic` ![Usage](src/main/resources/images/usage.png) - Show you the **top 10** on your server for all possible statistics with `/statistic ... top` ![Top_10](src/main/resources/images/top_10.png) - See those same statistics for any **individual player** with `/statistic ... player` ![Individual_Stat](src/main/resources/images/individual_stat.png) - Or look up the **combined total** of everyone on your server ![New_Numbers](src/main/resources/images/new_numbers.png) - Guide you through the available options while you type with an extensive **tab-complete** feature ![Tab_Complete](src/main/resources/images/tab_complete.png) - See the output in a **readable format** that makes sense in the Minecraft world, with more information in hover-text: ![Damage_Format](src/main/resources/images/damage_format.png) - **Share statistics** that you look up with the other players in chat: ![Shared_Top_10](src/main/resources/images/shared_top_10.png) * **No set-up required** - PlayerStats will work correctly regardless of how long your server has already existed - it doesn't have to be present when you start a new world - Data is retrieved directly from already existing playerfiles, so you don't have to set up a database, use scoreboards, or anything of the sort * **PlaceholderAPI support** - Placeholders are added in a separate expansion, which can be found on [GitHub](https://github.com/Artemis-the-gr8/PlayerStatsExpansion), in the PlaceholderAPI [eCloud](https://api.extendedclip.com/expansions/playerstatsexpansion/), or downloaded in-game with `/papi ecloud download PlayerStats` - For more information about the placeholders, see the expansion's [GitHub](https://github.com/Artemis-the-gr8/PlayerStatsExpansion)! * **Safe** - PlayerStats uses **multi-threading** to ensure server performance does not suffer and players cannot crash the server by spamming its commands - This also means that calculating statistics will be very **fast** * **Customizable** - You can customize the following (and more): - Choose which **range of units** you want to display your time-, damage- and distance-based statistics in: ![Time_Format](src/main/resources/images/time_format.png) - **Automatically translate** statistics to the language of the client that views them, or customize the statistic-names through the **language.yml** file - Use festive formatting, or enable rainbow mode whenever! ![Translated](src/main/resources/images/translated.png) - Only show statistics for **whitelisted** players - Exclude statistics from **banned** players - Exclude statistics from specific players with `/statexclude` - Limit who is allowed to **share statistics** in chat and how often players can share - Limit statistics based on when a player **last joined**. This option can be particularly useful if you have had a lot of players join your server in the past whose statistics aren't of particular interest to your current player-base. On top of that, limiting the amount of players shown in the top 10 can greatly increase performance speed. - The **colors** you want the output to be - You can go for default Minecraft chat colors, or use **hex colors**! - Whether you want the output to have additional **style**, such as italics - You can configure the following **permissions**: - `playerstats.stat` for using the general command (true for everyone by default) - `playerstats.share` for sharing statistics in chat (true for everyone by default) - `playerstats.reload` for reloading the config (only for OP players by default) - `playerstats.exclude` to exclude players from top- and server-statistics (only for OP players by default)   ## API Usage To import the PlayerStats API with Maven, add the following dependency and repository to your POM.xnl: ```xml sonatype-oss-snapshots1 https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/ io.github.ithotl PlayerStats 2.0-SNAPSHOT provided ``` You can download the sources and Javadocs through your code editor, or visit the Javadocs [here](https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/snapshots/archive/io/github/ithotl/PlayerStats/2.0-SNAPSHOT/PlayerStats-2.0-20230228.110241-1-javadoc.jar/!/com/artemis/the/gr8/playerstats/api/PlayerStats.html). To get an instance of the API, you can do the following: ```java PlayerStats playerStats = PlayerStats.getAPI(); ```   ## Author Info I am a relatively new programmer, and this is one of my first projects. I greatly enjoyed making it, and I tried to make it as efficient as I could. If you have any questions, remarks, or suggestions, please let me know! You can find me [here](https://github.com/Artemis-the-gr8) on GitHub.   ## Licence PlayerStats is licenced under the MIT licence. Please see [LICENCE](LICENSE) for more information.