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package com.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.core.config;
import com.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.api.enums.Target;
import com.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.api.enums.Unit;
import com.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.core.utils.FileHandler;
import com.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.core.utils.MyLogger;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.Map;
/** Handles all PlayerStats' config-settings. */
public final class ConfigHandler extends FileHandler {
private static volatile ConfigHandler instance;
private final int configVersion;
private FileConfiguration config;
private ConfigHandler() {
config = super.getFileConfiguration();
configVersion = 7;
public static ConfigHandler getInstance() {
ConfigHandler localVar = instance;
if (localVar != null) {
return localVar;
synchronized (ConfigHandler.class) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new ConfigHandler();
return instance;
public void reload() {
config = super.getFileConfiguration();
* Checks the number that "config-version" returns to see if the
* config needs updating, and if so, updates it.
* <br>
* <br>PlayerStats 1.1: "config-version" doesn't exist.
* <br>PlayerStats 1.2: "config-version" is 2.
* <br>PlayerStats 1.3: "config-version" is 3.
* <br>PlayerStats 1.4: "config-version" is 4.
* <br>PlayerStats 1.5: "config-version" is 5.
* <br>PlayerStats 1.6 and up: "config-version" is 6.
private void checkAndUpdateConfigVersion() {
if (!config.contains("config-version") || config.getInt("config-version") != configVersion) {
DefaultValueGetter defaultValueGetter = new DefaultValueGetter(config);
Map<String, Object> defaultValues = defaultValueGetter.getValuesToAdjust();
defaultValues.put("config-version", configVersion);
MyLogger.logLowLevelMsg("Your config has been updated to version " + configVersion +
", but all of your custom settings should still be there!");
/** Returns the desired debugging level.
* <br> 1 = low (only show unexpected errors)
* <br> 2 = medium (detail all encountered exceptions, log main tasks and show time taken)
* <br> 3 = high (log all tasks and time taken)
* @return the DebugLevel (default: 1)
public int getDebugLevel() {
return config.getInt("debug-level", 1);
* Whether command-senders should be limited to one stat-request at a time.
* @return the config setting (default: true)
public boolean limitStatRequests() {
return config.getBoolean("only-allow-one-lookup-at-a-time-per-player", true);
* Whether stat-sharing is allowed.
* @return the config setting (default: true)
public boolean allowStatSharing() {
return config.getBoolean("enable-stat-sharing", true);
* The number of minutes a player has to wait before being able to
* share another stat-result.
* @return the number (default: 0)
public int getStatShareWaitingTime() {
return config.getInt("waiting-time-before-sharing-again", 0);
* Whether to limit stat-calculations to whitelisted players only.
* @return the config setting (default: true)
public boolean whitelistOnly() {
return config.getBoolean("include-whitelist-only", false);
* Whether to exclude banned players from stat-calculations.
* @return the config setting for exclude-banned-players (default: false)
public boolean excludeBanned() {
return config.getBoolean("exclude-banned-players", false);
* The number of maximum days since a player has last been online.
* @return the number (default: 0 - which signals not to use this limit)
public int getLastPlayedLimit() {
return config.getInt("number-of-days-since-last-joined", 0);
* Whether to allow the /stat player command for excluded players.
* @return the config setting (default: true)
public boolean allowPlayerLookupsForExcludedPlayers() {
return config.getBoolean("allow-player-lookups-for-excluded-players", true);
* Whether to use TranslatableComponents wherever possible.
* @return the config setting (default: true)
* @implNote Currently supported: statistic, block, item and entity names.
public boolean useTranslatableComponents() {
return config.getBoolean("translate-to-client-language", true);
* Whether to use HoverComponents for additional information
* @return the config setting (default: true)
public boolean useHoverText() {
return config.getBoolean("enable-hover-text", true);
* Whether to use festive formatting, such as pride colors
* @return the config setting (default: true)
public boolean useFestiveFormatting() {
return config.getBoolean("enable-festive-formatting", true);
* Whether to use rainbow colors for the [PlayerStats] prefix rather than the
* default gold/purple
* @return the config setting (default: false)
public boolean useRainbowMode() {
return config.getBoolean("rainbow-mode", false);
* Whether to use enters before the statistic output in chat
* @param selection the Target (Player, Server or Top)
* @return the config setting (default: true for non-shared top
* statistics, false for everything else)
public boolean useEnters(Target selection, boolean getSharedSetting) {
ConfigurationSection section = config.getConfigurationSection("use-enters");
boolean def = selection == Target.TOP && !getSharedSetting;
if (section != null) {
String path = switch (selection) {
case TOP -> getSharedSetting ? "top-stats-shared" : "top-stats";
case PLAYER -> getSharedSetting ? "player-stats-shared" : "player-stats";
case SERVER -> getSharedSetting ? "server-stats-shared" : "server-stats";
return section.getBoolean(path, def);
MyLogger.logWarning("Config settings for use-enters could not be retrieved! " +
"Please check your file if you want to use custom settings. " +
"Using default values...");
return def;
* Whether dots should be used to align the numbers in a top-stat-result.
* @return the config setting (default: true)
public boolean useDots() {
return config.getBoolean("use-dots", true);
* The maximum size for the top-stat-list.
* @return the config setting (default: 10)
public int getTopListMaxSize() {
return config.getInt("top-list-max-size", 10);
* The title that a top-statistic should start with.
* @return a String that represents the title for a top statistic
* (default: "Top")
public String getTopStatsTitle() {
return config.getString("top-list-title", "Top");
* The title that a server statistic should start with.
* @return the title (default: "Total on")
public String getServerTitle() {
return config.getString("total-server-stat-title", "Total on");
* The specified server name for a server stat title.
* @return the title (default: "this server")
public String getServerName() {
return config.getString("your-server-name", "this server");
* The unit that should be used for distance-related statistics.
* @param isUnitForHoverText whether the number formatted with this
* Unit is inside a HoverComponent
* @return the Unit (default: Blocks for plain text, km for hover-text)
public String getDistanceUnit(boolean isUnitForHoverText) {
return getUnitString(isUnitForHoverText, "blocks", "km", "distance-unit");
* The unit that should be used for damage-based statistics.
* @param isUnitForHoverText whether the number formatted with this
* Unit is inside a HoverComponent
* @return the Unit (default: Hearts for plain text, HP for hover-text)
public String getDamageUnit(boolean isUnitForHoverText) {
return getUnitString(isUnitForHoverText, "hearts", "hp", "damage-unit");
* Whether PlayerStats should automatically detect the most suitable
* unit to use for time-based statistics
* @param isUnitForHoverText whether the number formatted with this
* Unit is inside a HoverComponent
* @return the config setting (default: true)
public boolean autoDetectTimeUnit(boolean isUnitForHoverText) {
String path = "auto-detect-biggest-time-unit";
if (isUnitForHoverText) {
path = path + "-for-hover-text";
boolean defaultValue = !isUnitForHoverText;
return config.getBoolean(path, defaultValue);
* How many additional units should be displayed next to the most
* suitable largest unit for time-based statistics
* @param isUnitForHoverText whether the number formatted with this
* Unit is inside a HoverComponent
* @return the config setting (default: 1 for plain text,
* 0 for hover-text)
public int getNumberOfExtraTimeUnits(boolean isUnitForHoverText) {
String path = "number-of-extra-units";
if (isUnitForHoverText) {
path = path + "-for-hover-text";
int defaultValue = isUnitForHoverText ? 0 : 1;
return config.getInt(path, defaultValue);
* The largest unit that should be used for time-based statistics.
* @param isUnitForHoverText whether the number formatted with this
* Unit is inside a HoverComponent
* @return a String representation of the largest time-unit
* (default: days for plain text, hours for hover-text)
public String getTimeUnit(boolean isUnitForHoverText) {
return getTimeUnit(isUnitForHoverText, false);
* The unit that should be used for time-based statistics.
* If the optional smallUnit flag is true, this will return
* the smallest unit (and otherwise the biggest).
* @param isUnitForHoverText whether the number formatted with this
* Unit is inside a HoverComponent
* @param smallUnit if this is true, get the minimum time-unit
* @return the Unit (default: hours for plain text, seconds for hover-text)
public String getTimeUnit(boolean isUnitForHoverText, boolean smallUnit) {
if (smallUnit) {
return getUnitString(isUnitForHoverText, "hours", "seconds", "smallest-time-unit");
return getUnitString(isUnitForHoverText, "days", "hours", "biggest-time-unit");
* Returns an integer between 0 and 100 that represents how much lighter
* a hoverColor should be.
* @return an {@code int} that represents a percentage (default: 20)
public int getHoverTextAmountLighter() {
return config.getInt("hover-text-amount-lighter", 20);
* Gets a String that represents either a Chat Color, hex color code,
* or a Style.
* @param getStyleSetting if true, returns a Style instead of a Color
* @return the config setting. Default:
* <br>Style: "italic"
* <br>Color: "gray"
public String getSharedByTextDecoration(boolean getStyleSetting) {
String def = getStyleSetting ? "italic" : "gray";
return getDecorationString(null, getStyleSetting, def, "shared-by");
* Gets a String that represents either a Chat Color, hex color code, or a Style.
* @param getStyleSetting if true, returns a Style instead of a Color
* @return the config setting. Default:
* <br>Style: "none"
* <br>Color: "#845EC2"
public String getSharerNameDecoration(boolean getStyleSetting) {
return getDecorationString(null, getStyleSetting, "#845EC2", "player-name");
* Gets a String that represents either a Chat Color, hex color code, or a Style.
* @param selection the Target (Player, Server or Top)
* @param getStyleSetting if true, returns a Style instead of a Color
* @return the config setting. Default:
* <br>Style: "none"
* <br>Color Top: "green"
* <br>Color Individual/Server: "gold"
public String getPlayerNameDecoration(Target selection, boolean getStyleSetting) {
String def;
if (selection == Target.TOP) {
def = "green";
else {
def = "gold";
return getDecorationString(selection, getStyleSetting, def, "player-names");
* Whether the playerNames Style is "bold" for a top-stat.
* @return the config setting (default: false)
public boolean playerNameIsBold() {
ConfigurationSection style = getRelevantSection(Target.TOP);
if (style != null) {
String styleString = style.getString("player-names");
return styleString != null && styleString.equalsIgnoreCase("bold");
return false;
* Gets a String that represents either a Chat Color, hex color code,
* or a Style.
* @param selection the Target (Player, Server or Top)
* @param getStyleSetting if true, returns a Style instead of a Color
* @return the config setting. Default:
* <br>Style: "none"
* <br>Color: "yellow"
public String getStatNameDecoration(Target selection, boolean getStyleSetting) {
return getDecorationString(selection, getStyleSetting, "yellow", "stat-names");
* Gets a String that represents either a Chat Color, hex color code,
* or a Style.
* @param selection the Target (Player, Server or Top)
* @param getStyleSetting if true, returns a Style instead of a Color
* @return the config setting. Default:
* <br>Style: "none"
* <br>Color: "#FFD52B"
public String getSubStatNameDecoration(Target selection, boolean getStyleSetting) {
return getDecorationString(selection, getStyleSetting, "#FFD52B", "sub-stat-names");
* Gets a String that represents either a Chat Color, hex color code,
* or Style.
* @param selection the Target (Player, Server or Top)
* @param getStyleSetting if true, returns a Style instead of a Color
* @return the config setting. Default:
* <br>Style: "none"
* <br>Color Top: "#55AAFF"
* <br>Color Individual/Server: "#ADE7FF"
public String getStatNumberDecoration(Target selection, boolean getStyleSetting) {
String def;
if (selection == Target.TOP) {
def = "#55AAFF";
else {
def = "#ADE7FF";
return getDecorationString(selection, getStyleSetting, def,"stat-numbers");
* Gets a String that represents either a Chat Color, hex color code,
* or Style.
* @param selection the Target (Player, Server or Top)
* @param getStyleSetting if true, returns a Style instead of a Color
* @return the config setting. Default:
* <br>Style: "none"
* <br>Color Top: "yellow"
* <br>Color Server: "gold"
public String getTitleDecoration(Target selection, boolean getStyleSetting) {
String def;
if (selection == Target.TOP) {
def = "yellow";
else {
def = "gold";
return getDecorationString(selection, getStyleSetting, def, "title");
* Gets a String that represents either a Chat Color, hex color code,
* or Style.
* @param getStyleSetting if true, returns a Style instead of a Color
* @return the config setting. Default:
* <br>Style: "none"
* <br>Color: "gold"
public String getTitleNumberDecoration(boolean getStyleSetting) {
return getDecorationString(Target.TOP, getStyleSetting, "gold", "title-number");
* Gets a String that represents either a Chat Color, hex color code,
* or Style.
* @param getStyleSetting if true, returns a Style instead of a Color
* @return the config setting. Default:
* <br>Style: "none"
* <br>Color: "#FFB80E"
public String getServerNameDecoration(boolean getStyleSetting) {
return getDecorationString(Target.SERVER, getStyleSetting, "#FFB80E", "server-name");
* Gets a String that represents either a Chat Color, hex color code,
* or Style.
* @param getStyleSetting if true, returns a Style instead of a Color
* @return the config setting. Default:
* <br>Style: "none"
* <br>Color: "gold"
public String getRankNumberDecoration(boolean getStyleSetting) {
return getDecorationString(Target.TOP, getStyleSetting, "gold", "rank-numbers");
* Gets a String that represents either a Chat Color, hex color code,
* or Style.
* @param getStyleSetting if true, returns a Style instead of a Color
* @return the config setting. Default:
* <br>Style: "none"
* <br>Color: "dark_gray"
public String getDotsDecoration(boolean getStyleSetting) {
return getDecorationString(Target.TOP, getStyleSetting, "dark_gray", "dots");
* Gets a String representing a {@link Unit}.
* @return a String representing the {@link Unit} that should be used for a
* certain {@link Unit.Type}. If no String can be retrieved from the config,
* the supplied defaultValue will be returned. If the defaultValue is different
* for hoverText, an optional String defaultHoverValue can be supplied.
* @param isHoverText if true, the unit for hovering text is returned,
* otherwise the unit for plain text
* @param defaultValue the default unit for plain text
* @param defaultHoverValue the default unit for hovering text
* @param pathName the config path to retrieve the value from
private String getUnitString(boolean isHoverText, String defaultValue, String defaultHoverValue, String pathName) {
String path = isHoverText ? pathName + "-for-hover-text" : pathName;
String def = defaultValue;
if (isHoverText && defaultHoverValue != null) {
def = defaultHoverValue;
return config.getString(path, def);
* @return the config value for a color or style option in string-format,
* the supplied default value, or null if no configSection was found.
* @param selection the Target this decoration is meant for (Player, Server or Top)
* @param getStyleSetting if true, the result will be a style String,
* otherwise a color String
* @param defaultColor the default color to return if the config value cannot be found
* (for style, the default is always "none")
* @param pathName the config path to retrieve the value from
private @Nullable String getDecorationString(Target selection, boolean getStyleSetting, String defaultColor, String pathName){
String path = getStyleSetting ? pathName + "-style" : pathName;
String defaultValue = getStyleSetting ? "none" : defaultColor;
ConfigurationSection section = getRelevantSection(selection);
return section != null ? section.getString(path, defaultValue) : null;
* @return the config section that contains the relevant color or style option.
private @Nullable ConfigurationSection getRelevantSection(Target selection) {
if (selection == null) { //rather than rework the whole Target enum, I have added shared-stats as the null-option for now
return config.getConfigurationSection("shared-stats");
switch (selection) {
case TOP -> {
return config.getConfigurationSection("top-list");
case PLAYER -> {
return config.getConfigurationSection("individual-statistics");
case SERVER -> {
return config.getConfigurationSection("total-server");
default -> {
return null;