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package com.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.enums;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.NamedTextColor;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.TextColor;
import java.util.Random;
* This enum represents the colorscheme PlayerStats uses in its output messages.
* The first set of colors is used throughout the plugin, while the set of NAME-colors
* represents the colors that player-names can be in the "shared by player-name"
* section of shared statistics
public enum PluginColor {
* ChatColor Gray (#AAAAAA)
GRAY (NamedTextColor.GRAY),
* A Dark Purple that is mainly used for title-underscores (#6E3485).
DARK_PURPLE (TextColor.fromHexString("#6E3485")),
* A Light Purple that is meant to simulate the color of a clicked link.
* Used for the "Hover Here" part of shared statistics (#845EC2)
* */
LIGHT_PURPLE (TextColor.fromHexString("#845EC2")),
* ChatColor Blue (#5555FF)
BLUE (NamedTextColor.BLUE),
* A Medium Blue that is used for default feedback and error messages (#55AAFF).
MEDIUM_BLUE (TextColor.fromHexString("#55AAFF")),
* A Light Blue that is used for hover-messages and the share-button (#55C6FF).
LIGHT_BLUE (TextColor.fromHexString("#55C6FF")),
* ChatColor Gold (#FFAA00)
GOLD (NamedTextColor.GOLD),
* A Medium Gold that is used for the example message and for hover-text accents (#FFD52B).
MEDIUM_GOLD (TextColor.fromHexString("#FFD52B")),
* A Light Gold that is used for the example message and for hover-text accents (#FFEA40).
LIGHT_GOLD (TextColor.fromHexString("#FFEA40")),
* A Light Yellow that is used for final accents in the example message (#FFFF8E).
LIGHT_YELLOW (TextColor.fromHexString("#FFFF8E")),
* The color of vanilla Minecraft hearts (#FF1313).
RED (TextColor.fromHexString("#FF1313")),
* ChatColor Blue (#5555FF)
NAME_1 (NamedTextColor.BLUE), //#5555FF - blue
* A shade of blue between Blue and Medium Blue (#4287F5)
NAME_2 (TextColor.fromHexString("#4287F5")),
* Medium Blue (#55AAFF)
NAME_3 (TextColor.fromHexString("#55AAFF")),
* A shade of magenta/purple (#D65DB1)
NAME_4 (TextColor.fromHexString("#D65DB1")),
* A dark shade of orange (#EE8A19)
NAME_5 (TextColor.fromHexString("#EE8A19")),
* A shade of green/aqua/cyan-ish (#01C1A7)
NAME_6 (TextColor.fromHexString("#01C1A7")),
* A light shade of green (#46D858)
NAME_7 (TextColor.fromHexString("#46D858"));
private final TextColor color;
PluginColor(TextColor color) {
this.color = color;
* Returns the TextColor value belonging to the corresponding enum constant.
public TextColor getColor() {
return color;
* Gets the nearest NamedTextColor for the corresponding enum constant.
public TextColor getConsoleColor() {
return NamedTextColor.nearestTo(color);
* Randomly selects one of the 7 different NAME-colors.
public static TextColor getRandomNameColor() {
return getRandomNameColor(false);
* Randomly selects one of the 7 different NAME-colors, and if isConsole is true,
* returns the closest NamedTextColor
public static TextColor getRandomNameColor(boolean isConsole) {
Random randomizer = new Random();
PluginColor color = switch (randomizer.nextInt(7)) {
case 0 -> NAME_1;
case 2 -> NAME_3;
case 3 -> NAME_4;
case 4 -> NAME_5;
case 5 -> NAME_6;
case 6 -> NAME_7;
default -> NAME_2;
return getCorrespondingColor(color, isConsole);
private static TextColor getCorrespondingColor(PluginColor nameColor, boolean isConsole) {
return isConsole ? nameColor.getConsoleColor() : nameColor.getColor();