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package com.github.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.msg.msgutils;
import com.github.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.Main;
import com.github.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.utils.EnumHandler;
import com.github.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.utils.MyLogger;
import com.github.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.enums.Unit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Statistic;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
* A utility class that provides language keys to be
* put in a TranslatableComponent.
public final class LanguageKeyHandler {
private static Main plugin;
private static HashMap<Statistic, String> statNameKeys;
private static File languageKeyFile;
private static FileConfiguration languageKeys;
public LanguageKeyHandler(Main plugin) {
LanguageKeyHandler.plugin = plugin;
statNameKeys = generateStatNameKeys();
private static void loadFile() {
languageKeyFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "language.yml");
if (!languageKeyFile.exists()) {
plugin.saveResource("language.yml", false);
languageKeys = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(languageKeyFile);
public static void reloadFile() {
if (!languageKeyFile.exists()) {
} else {
languageKeys = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(languageKeyFile);
MyLogger.logLowLevelMsg("Language file reloaded!");
* Checks if a given Key is the language key "stat_type.minecraft.killed"
* or "commands.kill.success.single" (which results in "Killed %s").
public static boolean isKeyForKillEntity(String statKey) {
return statKey.equalsIgnoreCase("stat_type.minecraft.killed") ||
* Returns a language key to replace the default Statistic.Kill_Entity key.
* @return the key "commands.kill.success.single", which results in "Killed %s"
public static String getAlternativeKeyForKillEntity() {
return "commands.kill.success.single";
* Checks if a given Key is the language key "stat_type.minecraft.killed_by"
* or "stat.minecraft.deaths" (which results in "Number of Deaths").
public static boolean isKeyForEntityKilledBy(String statKey) {
return statKey.equalsIgnoreCase("stat_type.minecraft.killed_by") ||
* Returns a language key to replace the default Statistic.Entity_Killed_By key.
* @return the key "stat.minecraft.deaths", which results in "Number of Deaths"
* (meant to be followed by {@link #getAlternativeKeyForEntityKilledByArg()})
public static String getAlternativeKeyForEntityKilledBy() {
return "stat.minecraft.deaths";
* Checks if a given Key is the language key "book.byAuthor"
* (which results in "by %s").
public static boolean isKeyForEntityKilledByArg(String statKey) {
return statKey.equalsIgnoreCase("book.byAuthor");
* Returns a language key to complete the alternative key for Statistic.Entity_Killed_By.
* @return the key "book.byAuthor", which results in "by %". If used after
* {@link #getAlternativeKeyForEntityKilledBy()}, you will get "Number of Deaths" "by %s"
public static String getAlternativeKeyForEntityKilledByArg() {
return "book.byAuthor";
public static String convertToName(String key) {
if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("soundCategory.block")) {
return Unit.BLOCK.getLabel();
} else if (isKeyForKillEntity(key)) {
return "times_killed";
} else if (isKeyForEntityKilledBy(key)) {
return "number_of_times_killed_by";
} else if (isKeyForEntityKilledByArg(key)) { //this one returns nothing, because the previous one returns the full text
return "";
String toReplace = "";
if (key.contains("stat")) {
if (key.contains("type")) {
toReplace = "stat_type";
} else {
toReplace = "stat";
} else if (key.contains("entity")) { //for the two entity-related ones, put brackets around it to make up for the multiple-keys/args-serializer issues
toReplace = "entity";
} else if (key.contains("block")) {
toReplace = "block";
} else if (key.contains("item")) {
toReplace = "item";
toReplace = toReplace + ".minecraft.";
return key.replace(toReplace, "");
private static @Nullable String convertToNormalStatKey(String statKey) {
if (isKeyForKillEntity(statKey)) {
return "stat_type.minecraft.killed";
} else if (isKeyForEntityKilledBy(statKey)) {
return "stat_type.minecraft.killed_by";
} else if (isKeyForEntityKilledByArg(statKey)) {
return null;
} else {
return statKey;
public static String getStatKeyTranslation(String statKey) {
String realKey = convertToNormalStatKey(statKey);
if (realKey == null) {
return "";
return languageKeys.getString(realKey);
public String getStatKey(@NotNull Statistic statistic) {
if (statistic.getType() == Statistic.Type.UNTYPED) {
return "stat.minecraft." + statNameKeys.get(statistic);
else {
return "stat_type.minecraft." + statNameKeys.get(statistic);
* Get the official Key from the NameSpacedKey for this entityType,
* or return null if no enum constant can be retrieved or entityType is UNKNOWN.
public @Nullable String getEntityKey(EntityType entity) {
if (entity == null || entity == EntityType.UNKNOWN) return null;
else {
return "entity.minecraft." + entity.getKey().getKey();
* Get the official Key from the NameSpacedKey for this item Material,
* or return null if no enum constant can be retrieved.
public @Nullable String getItemKey(Material item) {
if (item == null) return null;
else if (item.isBlock()) {
return getBlockKey(item);
else {
return "item.minecraft." + item.getKey().getKey();
* Returns the official Key from the NameSpacedKey for the block Material provided,
* or return null if no enum constant can be retrieved.
public @Nullable String getBlockKey(Material block) {
if (block == null) return null;
else if (block.toString().toLowerCase().contains("wall_banner")) { //replace wall_banner with regular banner, since there is no key for wall banners
String blockName = block.toString().toLowerCase().replace("wall_", "");
Material newBlock = EnumHandler.getBlockEnum(blockName);
return (newBlock != null) ? "block.minecraft." + newBlock.getKey().getKey() : null;
else {
return "block.minecraft." + block.getKey().getKey();
public @Nullable String getUnitKey(Unit unit) {
if (unit == Unit.BLOCK) {
return "soundCategory.block";
} else {
return null;
private @NotNull HashMap<Statistic, String> generateStatNameKeys() {
//get the enum names for all statistics first
HashMap<Statistic, String> statNames = new HashMap<>(Statistic.values().length); -> statNames.put(statistic, statistic.toString().toLowerCase()));
//replace the ones for which the language key is different from the enum name
statNames.put(Statistic.ARMOR_CLEANED, "clean_armor");
statNames.put(Statistic.BANNER_CLEANED, "clean_banner");
statNames.put(Statistic.DROP_COUNT, "drop");
statNames.put(Statistic.CAKE_SLICES_EATEN, "eat_cake_slice");
statNames.put(Statistic.ITEM_ENCHANTED, "enchant_item");
statNames.put(Statistic.CAULDRON_FILLED, "fill_cauldron");
statNames.put(Statistic.DISPENSER_INSPECTED, "inspect_dispenser");
statNames.put(Statistic.DROPPER_INSPECTED, "inspect_dropper");
statNames.put(Statistic.HOPPER_INSPECTED, "inspect_hopper");
statNames.put(Statistic.BEACON_INTERACTION, "interact_with_beacon");
statNames.put(Statistic.BREWINGSTAND_INTERACTION, "interact_with_brewingstand");
statNames.put(Statistic.CRAFTING_TABLE_INTERACTION, "interact_with_crafting_table");
statNames.put(Statistic.FURNACE_INTERACTION, "interact_with_furnace");
statNames.put(Statistic.CHEST_OPENED, "open_chest");
statNames.put(Statistic.ENDERCHEST_OPENED, "open_enderchest");
statNames.put(Statistic.SHULKER_BOX_OPENED, "open_shulker_box");
statNames.put(Statistic.NOTEBLOCK_PLAYED, "play_noteblock");
statNames.put(Statistic.PLAY_ONE_MINUTE, "play_time");
statNames.put(Statistic.RECORD_PLAYED, "play_record");
statNames.put(Statistic.FLOWER_POTTED, "pot_flower");
statNames.put(Statistic.TRAPPED_CHEST_TRIGGERED, "trigger_trapped_chest");
statNames.put(Statistic.NOTEBLOCK_TUNED, "tune_noteblock");
statNames.put(Statistic.CAULDRON_USED, "use_cauldron");
//do the same for the statistics that have a subtype
statNames.put(Statistic.DROP, "dropped");
statNames.put(Statistic.PICKUP, "picked_up");
statNames.put(Statistic.MINE_BLOCK, "mined");
statNames.put(Statistic.USE_ITEM, "used");
statNames.put(Statistic.BREAK_ITEM, "broken");
statNames.put(Statistic.CRAFT_ITEM, "crafted");
statNames.put(Statistic.KILL_ENTITY, "killed");
statNames.put(Statistic.ENTITY_KILLED_BY, "killed_by");
return statNames;