
167 lines
6.2 KiB

package com.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.commands;
import com.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.utils.EnumHandler;
import com.artemis.the.gr8.playerstats.utils.OfflinePlayerHandler;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Statistic;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public final class TabCompleter implements org.bukkit.command.TabCompleter {
private final EnumHandler enumHandler;
private final OfflinePlayerHandler offlinePlayerHandler;
private List<String> targetSuggestions;
private List<String> itemBrokenSuggestions;
private List<String> entitySuggestions;
public TabCompleter(EnumHandler enumHandler, OfflinePlayerHandler offlinePlayerHandler) {
this.enumHandler = enumHandler;
this.offlinePlayerHandler = offlinePlayerHandler;
//args[0] = statistic (length = 1)
//args[1] = target (player/server/top) OR sub-stat (block/item/entity) (length = 2)
//args[2] = playerName OR target (player/server/top) (length = 3)
//args[3] = playerName (length = 4)
public @Nullable List<String> onTabComplete(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull Command command, @NotNull String label, @NotNull String[] args) {
if (command.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("statistic")) {
return getStatCommandSuggestions(args);
else if (command.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("statisticexclude")) {
return getExcludeCommandSuggestions(args);
return null;
private @Nullable List<String> getExcludeCommandSuggestions(@NotNull String[] args) {
if (args.length == 1) {
return getDynamicTabSuggestions(offlinePlayerHandler.getOfflinePlayerNames(), args[0]);
return null;
private @Nullable List<String> getStatCommandSuggestions(@NotNull String[] args) {
if (args.length == 1) {
return getFirstArgSuggestions(args[0]);
else if (args.length > 1) {
String currentArg = args[args.length-1];
String previousArg = args[args.length-2];
//after checking if args[0] is a viable statistic, suggest sub-stat or targets
if (enumHandler.isStatistic(previousArg)) {
Statistic stat = EnumHandler.getStatEnum(previousArg);
if (stat != null) {
return getDynamicTabSuggestions(getSuggestionsAfterStat(stat), currentArg);
else if (previousArg.equalsIgnoreCase("player")) {
if (args.length >= 3 && enumHandler.isEntityStatistic(args[args.length-3])) {
return targetSuggestions; //if arg before "player" was entity-sub-stat, suggest targets
else { //otherwise "player" is the target: suggest playerNames
return getDynamicTabSuggestions(offlinePlayerHandler.getOfflinePlayerNames(), currentArg);
//after a substatistic, suggest targets
else if (enumHandler.isSubStatEntry(previousArg)) {
return targetSuggestions;
return null;
private List<String> getFirstArgSuggestions(String currentArg) {
List<String> suggestions = enumHandler.getStatNames();
return getDynamicTabSuggestions(suggestions, currentArg);
* These tabSuggestions take into account that the commandSender
* will have been typing, so they are filtered for the letters
* that have already been typed.
private List<String> getDynamicTabSuggestions(@NotNull List<String> completeList, String currentArg) {
.filter(item -> item.toLowerCase().contains(currentArg.toLowerCase()))
private List<String> getSuggestionsAfterStat(@NotNull Statistic stat) {
switch (stat.getType()) {
case BLOCK -> {
return getAllBlockNames();
case ITEM -> {
if (stat == Statistic.BREAK_ITEM) {
return getItemBrokenSuggestions();
} else {
return getAllItemNames();
case ENTITY -> {
return getEntitySuggestions();
default -> {
return targetSuggestions;
private List<String> getAllItemNames() {
return enumHandler.getItemNames();
private List<String> getItemBrokenSuggestions() {
return itemBrokenSuggestions;
private List<String> getAllBlockNames() {
return enumHandler.getBlockNames();
private List<String> getEntitySuggestions() {
return entitySuggestions;
private void prepareLists() {
targetSuggestions = new ArrayList<>();
//breaking an item means running its durability negative
itemBrokenSuggestions =
.filter(item -> item.getMaxDurability() != 0)
//the only statistics dealing with entities are killed_entity and entity_killed_by
entitySuggestions =