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Raw Normal View History

* _____ _ _ _____ _
* | __ \| | | | / ____| | |
* | |__) | | ___ | |_| (___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __| |
* | ___/| |/ _ \| __|\___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \/ _` |
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* |_| |_|\___/ \__|_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|_| \___|\__,_|
* | |
* |_|
* PlotSquared plot management system for Minecraft
* Copyright (C) 2020 IntellectualSites
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
2020-08-15 14:59:29 +02:00
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package com.plotsquared.core.util;
import com.plotsquared.core.PlotSquared;
2020-09-11 13:59:40 +02:00
import com.plotsquared.core.configuration.Settings;
import com.plotsquared.core.configuration.caption.StaticCaption;
import com.plotsquared.core.inject.factory.ProgressSubscriberFactory;
import com.plotsquared.core.location.Location;
2020-09-11 13:59:40 +02:00
import com.plotsquared.core.player.PlotPlayer;
import com.plotsquared.core.plot.Plot;
import com.plotsquared.core.plot.PlotArea;
import com.plotsquared.core.plot.PlotManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.queue.BasicQueueCoordinator;
import com.plotsquared.core.queue.GlobalBlockQueue;
import com.plotsquared.core.queue.QueueCoordinator;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.entity.Entity;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.pattern.Pattern;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector2;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector3;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.CuboidRegion;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Region;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Set;
public abstract class RegionManager {
2020-07-24 17:24:53 +02:00
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("P2/" + RegionManager.class.getSimpleName());
public static RegionManager manager = null;
private final WorldUtil worldUtil;
private final GlobalBlockQueue blockQueue;
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private final ProgressSubscriberFactory subscriberFactory;
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@Inject public RegionManager(@Nonnull WorldUtil worldUtil, @Nonnull GlobalBlockQueue blockQueue, @Nonnull ProgressSubscriberFactory subscriberFactory) {
this.worldUtil = worldUtil;
this.blockQueue = blockQueue;
2020-10-09 17:34:59 +02:00
this.subscriberFactory = subscriberFactory;
public static BlockVector2 getRegion(Location location) {
int x = location.getX() >> 9;
int z = location.getZ() >> 9;
return, z);
* 0 = Entity
* 1 = Animal
* 2 = Monster
* 3 = Mob
* 4 = Boat
* 5 = Misc
* @param plot plot
* @return array of counts of entity types
public abstract int[] countEntities(Plot plot);
2020-07-24 17:24:53 +02:00
public void deleteRegionFiles(final String world, final Collection<BlockVector2> chunks, final Runnable whenDone) {
TaskManager.runTaskAsync(() -> {
for (BlockVector2 loc : chunks) {
2020-07-24 17:24:53 +02:00
String directory = world + File.separator + "region" + File.separator + "r." + loc.getX() + "." + loc.getZ() + ".mca";
File file = new File(PlotSquared.platform().getWorldContainer(), directory);
2020-08-18 15:50:28 +02:00"- Deleting file: {} (max 1024 chunks)", file.getName());
if (file.exists()) {
* Set a number of cuboids to a certain block between two y values.
* @param area plot area
* @param regions cuboid regions
* @param blocks pattern
* @param minY y to set from
* @param maxY y to set to
2020-09-11 13:59:40 +02:00
* @param actor the actor associated with the cuboid set
* @param queue Nullable {@link QueueCoordinator}. If null, creates own queue and enqueues,
* otherwise writes to the queue but does not enqueue.
* @return true if not enqueued, otherwise whether the created queue enqueued.
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public boolean setCuboids(@Nonnull final PlotArea area,
@Nonnull final Set<CuboidRegion> regions,
@Nonnull final Pattern blocks,
2020-07-24 17:24:53 +02:00
int minY,
int maxY,
2020-09-11 13:59:40 +02:00
@Nullable PlotPlayer<?> actor,
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@Nullable QueueCoordinator queue) {
boolean enqueue = false;
if (queue == null) {
queue = area.getQueue();
enqueue = true;
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if (actor != null && Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_PROGRESS) {
2020-10-09 17:34:59 +02:00
2020-09-11 13:59:40 +02:00
for (CuboidRegion region : regions) {
2020-07-24 17:24:53 +02:00
Location pos1 =, region.getMinimumPoint().getX(), minY, region.getMinimumPoint().getZ());
Location pos2 =, region.getMaximumPoint().getX(), maxY, region.getMaximumPoint().getZ());
queue.setCuboid(pos1, pos2, blocks);
return !enqueue || queue.enqueue();
* Notify any plugins that may want to modify clear behaviour that a clear is occuring
* @param manager plot manager
* @return true if the notified will accept the clear task
public boolean notifyClear(PlotManager manager) {
return false;
* Only called when {@link RegionManager#notifyClear(PlotManager)} returns true in specific PlotManagers
* @param plot plot
* @param whenDone task to run when complete
* @param manager plot manager
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* @param actor the player running the clear
* @return true if the clear worked. False if someone went wrong so P2 can then handle the clear
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public abstract boolean handleClear(@Nonnull Plot plot,
@Nullable final Runnable whenDone,
@Nonnull PlotManager manager,
@Nullable PlotPlayer<?> actor);
* Copy a region to a new location (in the same world)
* @param pos1 position 1
* @param pos2 position 2
* @param newPos position to move pos1 to
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* @param actor the actor associated with the region copy
* @param whenDone task to run when complete
* @return success or not
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public boolean copyRegion(@Nonnull final Location pos1,
@Nonnull final Location pos2,
@Nonnull final Location newPos,
@Nullable final PlotPlayer<?> actor,
@Nonnull final Runnable whenDone) {
final int relX = newPos.getX() - pos1.getX();
final int relZ = newPos.getZ() - pos1.getZ();
final oldWorld = worldUtil.getWeWorld(pos1.getWorldName());
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final newWorld = worldUtil.getWeWorld(newPos.getWorldName());
final QueueCoordinator copyFrom = blockQueue.getNewQueue(oldWorld);
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final BasicQueueCoordinator copyTo = (BasicQueueCoordinator) blockQueue.getNewQueue(newWorld);
copyFromTo(pos1, pos2, relX, relZ, oldWorld, copyFrom, copyTo, false);
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if (actor != null && Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_PROGRESS) {
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copyFrom.addProgressSubscriber(subscriberFactory.createFull(actor, Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_INTERVAL, Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_WAIT,
2020-09-11 13:59:40 +02:00
StaticCaption.of("<prefix><gray>Current copy progress: </gray><gold><progress></gold><gray>%</gray>")));
2020-07-24 17:24:53 +02:00
.addReadChunks(new CuboidRegion(, 0, pos1.getZ()),, 0, pos2.getZ())).getChunks());
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if (actor != null && Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_PROGRESS) {
2020-10-09 17:34:59 +02:00
copyTo.addProgressSubscriber(subscriberFactory.createFull(actor, Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_INTERVAL, Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_WAIT,
2020-09-11 13:59:40 +02:00
StaticCaption.of("<prefix><gray>Current paste progress: </gray><gold><progress></gold><gray>%</gray>")));
return copyFrom.enqueue();
* Assumptions:<br>
* - pos1 and pos2 are in the same plot<br>
* It can be harmful to the world if parameters outside this scope are provided
* @param pos1 position 1
* @param pos2 position 2
* @param ignoreAugment if to bypass synchronisation ish thing
* @param whenDone task to run when regeneration completed
* @return success or not
2020-07-24 17:24:53 +02:00
public abstract boolean regenerateRegion(Location pos1, Location pos2, boolean ignoreAugment, Runnable whenDone);
public abstract void clearAllEntities(Location pos1, Location pos2);
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* Swap two regions withn the same world
* @param pos1 position 1
* @param pos2 position 2
* @param swapPos position to swap with
* @param actor the actor associated with the region copy
* @param whenDone task to run when complete
public void swap(Location pos1, Location pos2, Location swapPos, @Nullable final PlotPlayer<?> actor, final Runnable whenDone) {
int relX = swapPos.getX() - pos1.getX();
int relZ = swapPos.getZ() - pos1.getZ();
World world1 = worldUtil.getWeWorld(pos1.getWorldName());
World world2 = worldUtil.getWeWorld(swapPos.getWorldName());
QueueCoordinator fromQueue1 = blockQueue.getNewQueue(world1);
QueueCoordinator fromQueue2 = blockQueue.getNewQueue(world2);
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fromQueue1.addReadChunks(new CuboidRegion(pos1.getBlockVector3(), pos2.getBlockVector3()).getChunks());
fromQueue2.addReadChunks(new CuboidRegion(swapPos.getBlockVector3(), + pos2.getX() - pos1.getX(), 0, swapPos.getZ() + pos2.getZ() - pos1.getZ())).getChunks());
QueueCoordinator toQueue1 = blockQueue.getNewQueue(world1);
QueueCoordinator toQueue2 = blockQueue.getNewQueue(world2);
copyFromTo(pos1, pos2, relX, relZ, world1, fromQueue1, toQueue2, true);
copyFromTo(pos1, pos2, relX, relZ, world1, fromQueue2, toQueue1, true);
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if (actor != null && Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_PROGRESS) {
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fromQueue1.addProgressSubscriber(subscriberFactory.createFull(actor, Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_INTERVAL, Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_WAIT,
2020-09-11 13:59:40 +02:00
StaticCaption.of("<prefix><gray>Current region 1 copy progress: </gray><gold><progress></gold><gray>%</gray>")));
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if (actor != null && Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_PROGRESS) {
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fromQueue2.addProgressSubscriber(subscriberFactory.createFull(actor, Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_INTERVAL, Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_WAIT,
2020-09-11 13:59:40 +02:00
StaticCaption.of("<prefix><gray>Current region 2 copy progress: </gray><gold><progress></gold><gray>%</gray>")));
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if (actor != null && Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_PROGRESS) {
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toQueue1.addProgressSubscriber(subscriberFactory.createFull(actor, Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_INTERVAL, Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_WAIT,
2020-09-11 13:59:40 +02:00
StaticCaption.of("<prefix><gray>Current region 1 paste progress: </gray><gold><progress></gold><gray>%</gray>")));
2020-09-11 13:59:40 +02:00
if (actor != null && Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_PROGRESS) {
2020-10-09 17:34:59 +02:00
toQueue2.addProgressSubscriber(subscriberFactory.createFull(actor, Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_INTERVAL, Settings.QUEUE.NOTIFY_WAIT,
2020-09-11 13:59:40 +02:00
StaticCaption.of("<prefix><gray>Current region 2 paste progress: </gray><gold><progress></gold><gray>%</gray>")));
2020-07-24 17:24:53 +02:00
private void copyFromTo(Location pos1,
Location pos2,
int relX,
int relZ,
World world1,
QueueCoordinator fromQueue,
QueueCoordinator toQueue,
boolean removeEntities) {
fromQueue.setChunkConsumer(chunk -> {
int cx = chunk.getX();
int cz = chunk.getZ();
int cbx = cx << 4;
int cbz = cz << 4;
int bx = Math.max(pos1.getX() & 15, 0);
int bz = Math.max(pos1.getZ() & 15, 0);
int tx = Math.min(pos2.getX() & 15, 15);
int tz = Math.min(pos2.getZ() & 15, 15);
for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++) {
for (int x = bx; x <= tx; x++) {
for (int z = bz; z <= tz; z++) {
int rx = cbx + x;
int rz = cbz + z;
BlockVector3 loc =, y, rz);
toQueue.setBlock(rx + relX, y, rz + relZ, world1.getFullBlock(loc));
toQueue.setBiome(rx + relX, y, rz + relZ, world1.getBiome(loc));
2020-07-24 17:24:53 +02:00
Region region = new CuboidRegion( + bx, 0, cbz + bz), + tx, 255, cbz + tz));
if (removeEntities) {
for (Entity entity : world1.getEntities(region)) {
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public void setBiome(final CuboidRegion region, final int extendBiome, final BiomeType biome, final String world, final Runnable whenDone) {
Location pos1 = Location
.at(world, region.getMinimumPoint().getX() - extendBiome, region.getMinimumPoint().getY(), region.getMinimumPoint().getZ() - extendBiome);
Location pos2 = Location
.at(world, region.getMaximumPoint().getX() + extendBiome, region.getMaximumPoint().getY(), region.getMaximumPoint().getZ() + extendBiome);
final QueueCoordinator queue = blockQueue.getNewQueue(worldUtil.getWeWorld(world));
final int minX = pos1.getX();
final int minZ = pos1.getZ();
final int maxX = pos2.getX();
final int maxZ = pos2.getZ();
queue.setChunkConsumer(blockVector2 -> {
final int cx = blockVector2.getX() << 4;
final int cz = blockVector2.getZ() << 4;
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WorldUtil.setBiome(world, Math.max(minX, cx), Math.max(minZ, cz), Math.min(maxX, cx + 15), Math.min(maxZ, cz + 15), biome);
worldUtil.refreshChunk(blockVector2.getBlockX(), blockVector2.getBlockZ(), world);