Plot analysis notice

This commit is contained in:
boy0001 2015-07-19 03:28:03 +10:00
parent 514cb8134a
commit 4fe2973ccf

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@ -1229,7 +1229,26 @@ public class PS {
options.put("", 1);
options.put("", 32);
options.put("", 1);
options.put("", Settings.CLEAR_THRESHOLD);
int keep = config.getInt("keep-if-modified");
int ignore = config.getInt("ignore-if-modified");
if (keep > 0 || ignore > 0) {
options.put("", 1);
log("&cIMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT THIS UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
log("&cSorry for all the exclamation marks, but this could be important.");
log("&cPlot clearing has changed to a new system that requires calibration.");
log("&cThis is how it will work: ");
log("&c - Players will rate plots");
log("&c - When enough plots are rated, you can run /plot debugexec calibrate-analysis");
log("&c - You can decide the (rough) percentage of expired plots to clear");
log("&c - To just clear all expired plot, ignore this and set: &7threshold: -1");
log("&cMore information:&7");
else {
options.put("", Settings.CLEAR_THRESHOLD);
config.set("keep-if-modified", null);
config.set("ignore-if-modified", null);
// Schematics
options.put("schematics.save_path", Settings.SCHEMATIC_SAVE_PATH);