Adds block-ignition, which allows fire being set by players,
dispensers, explosions, and fireballs (if their origin is the same as
the plot that they land in)
Adds fire-spread, which allows fire to spread from lava and fire
spreading in general
Adds block-burn, which allows blocks to burn away
Notify core of all world loading regardless of generator
Optimize plot area fetching
Fix plot delete not deleting the plot until restart
Fix plot unclaim not removing the owner on any cached plots
Change gradle output directory
Fix plotme conversion sometimes not copying over the floor/main blocks
Fix archive names (includes project/module name + version)
Generate MD5 hash alongside jar
Improve build time
- asynchronous building
- enable daemon
- change scope of a few statements
- skip building of 3 jars
Add filtering to the plugin.yml (maven/gradle)
Bump version to 3.3.0 in pom
Fixes hybridplotworld rotation for stairs
Fixes hybridplotworld skipping non-rotatable blocks on swapped sideroad
Fixes schematic generation using wrong height
Fixes debug spam printed when using download cmd
Fixes pagination having page number instead of total list items
Fixes plot area list page being off by 1
Remove compatibility for a spigot 1.8.0 bug where getting the world name
during initialization crashes the server.
Fixes type 1,2 plot worlds not being fetchable if there are more than 8
plot worlds loaded.
Fixes attributes passing wrong key to persistent meta
Fixes blob compatibility with JDBC driver for persistent meta
Fix stackoverflow from countEntities under certain circumstances
Minor cleanup
Mass block changes / chunk packet sending
AsyncWorldEdit (buggy)
Fixed world ground cover layers being generated
Fixed tab completion
Fixed plot title color
Fixed worlds unloading when no players are present
Fixed falling blocks not falling where they should
Fixed console color
Fixed chunk regeneration on full plot worlds
Other stuff