import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.ShadowPlugin import net.minecrell.gradle.licenser.LicenseExtension import net.minecrell.gradle.licenser.Licenser plugins { java `java-library` `maven-publish` id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "6.0.0" id("net.minecrell.licenser") version "0.4.1" id("org.ajoberstar.grgit") version "4.1.0" eclipse idea } var ver by extra("6.0.0") var versuffix by extra("-SNAPSHOT") val versionsuffix: String? by project if (versionsuffix != null) { versuffix = "-$versionsuffix" } version = ver + versuffix allprojects { group = "com.plotsquared" version = rootProject.version repositories { mavenCentral() jcenter() maven { name = "Sonatype OSS" url = uri("") } maven { name = "Jitpack" url = uri("") } maven { name = "IntellectualSites Snapshots Repository" url = uri("") } maven { name = "EngineHub Repository" url = uri("") } } } subprojects { apply { plugin() plugin() plugin() plugin() plugin() plugin() plugin() } tasks { // This is to create the target dir under the root project with all jars. val assembleTargetDir = create("assembleTargetDirectory") { destinationDir = rootDir.resolve("target") into(destinationDir) from(withType()) } named("build") { dependsOn(assembleTargetDir) } } } allprojects { dependencies { // Tests testImplementation("junit:junit:4.13") } configure { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility = sourceCompatibility } configure { header = rootProject.file("HEADER.txt") include("**/*.java") newLine = false } java { withSourcesJar() withJavadocJar() } publishing { publications { create("maven") { // This includes not only the original jar (i.e. not shadowJar), // but also sources & javadocs due to the above java block. from(components["java"]) pom { licenses { license { name.set("GNU General Public License, Version 3.0") url.set("") distribution.set("repo") } } developers { developer { id.set("Sauilitired") name.set("Alexander Söderberg") } developer { id.set("N0tMyFaultOG") name.set("NotMyFault") } developer { id.set("SirYwell") name.set("Hannes Greule") } developer { id.set("dordsor21") name.set("dordsor21") } } scm { url.set("") connection.set("scm:") developerConnection.set("scm:git://") } } } } repositories { mavenLocal() // Install to own local repository // Accept String? to not err if they're not present. // Check that they both exist before adding the repo, such that // `credentials` doesn't err if one is null. // It's not pretty, but this way it can compile. val nexusUsername: String? by project val nexusPassword: String? by project if (nexusUsername != null && nexusPassword != null) { maven { val repositoryUrl = "" val snapshotRepositoryUrl = "" url = uri( if (version.toString().endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) snapshotRepositoryUrl else repositoryUrl ) credentials { username = nexusUsername password = nexusPassword } } } else { logger.warn("No nexus repository is added; nexusUsername or nexusPassword is null.") } } } val javadocDir = rootDir.resolve("docs").resolve("javadoc").resolve( tasks { named("clean") { doFirst { rootDir.resolve("target").deleteRecursively() javadocDir.deleteRecursively() } } compileJava { options.compilerArgs.addAll(arrayOf("-Xmaxerrs", "1000")) options.compilerArgs.add("-Xlint:all") for (disabledLint in arrayOf("processing", "path", "fallthrough", "serial")) options.compilerArgs.add("-Xlint:$disabledLint") options.isDeprecation = true options.encoding = "UTF-8" } javadoc { val opt = options as StandardJavadocDocletOptions opt.addStringOption("Xdoclint:none", "-quiet") opt.tags( "apiNote:a:API Note:", "implSpec:a:Implementation Requirements:", "implNote:a:Implementation Note:" ) opt.destinationDirectory = javadocDir } jar { this.archiveClassifier.set("jar") } shadowJar { this.archiveClassifier.set(null as String?) this.archiveFileName.set("${}-${project.version}.${this.archiveExtension.getOrElse("jar")}") this.destinationDirectory.set(rootProject.tasks.shadowJar.get().destinationDirectory.get()) } named("build") { dependsOn(named("shadowJar")) } } }