2022-06-27 14:56:44 +02:00

1481 lines
52 KiB

* PlotSquared, a land and world management plugin for Minecraft.
* Copyright (C) IntellectualSites <>
* Copyright (C) IntellectualSites team and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package com.plotsquared.core.plot;
import com.plotsquared.core.PlotSquared;
import com.plotsquared.core.collection.QuadMap;
import com.plotsquared.core.configuration.ConfigurationNode;
import com.plotsquared.core.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import com.plotsquared.core.configuration.ConfigurationUtil;
import com.plotsquared.core.configuration.Settings;
import com.plotsquared.core.configuration.caption.TranslatableCaption;
import com.plotsquared.core.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import com.plotsquared.core.generator.GridPlotWorld;
import com.plotsquared.core.generator.IndependentPlotGenerator;
import com.plotsquared.core.inject.annotations.WorldConfig;
import com.plotsquared.core.location.BlockLoc;
import com.plotsquared.core.location.Direction;
import com.plotsquared.core.location.Location;
import com.plotsquared.core.location.PlotLoc;
import com.plotsquared.core.permissions.Permission;
import com.plotsquared.core.player.ConsolePlayer;
import com.plotsquared.core.player.MetaDataAccess;
import com.plotsquared.core.player.PlayerMetaDataKeys;
import com.plotsquared.core.player.PlotPlayer;
import com.plotsquared.core.plot.flag.FlagContainer;
import com.plotsquared.core.plot.flag.FlagParseException;
import com.plotsquared.core.plot.flag.GlobalFlagContainer;
import com.plotsquared.core.plot.flag.PlotFlag;
import com.plotsquared.core.plot.flag.implementations.DoneFlag;
import com.plotsquared.core.queue.GlobalBlockQueue;
import com.plotsquared.core.queue.QueueCoordinator;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.MathMan;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.Permissions;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.PlotExpression;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.RegionUtil;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.StringMan;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector2;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector3;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.CuboidRegion;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.minimessage.MiniMessage;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.minimessage.Template;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
* @author Jesse Boyd, Alexander Söderberg
public abstract class PlotArea {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger("PlotSquared/" + PlotArea.class.getSimpleName());
private static final MiniMessage MINI_MESSAGE = MiniMessage.builder().build();
private static final DecimalFormat FLAG_DECIMAL_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("0");
static {
protected final ConcurrentHashMap<PlotId, Plot> plots = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final String worldName;
private final String id;
private final PlotManager plotManager;
private final int worldHash;
private final PlotId min;
private final PlotId max;
private final IndependentPlotGenerator generator;
* Area flag container
private final FlagContainer flagContainer =
new FlagContainer(GlobalFlagContainer.getInstance());
private final FlagContainer roadFlagContainer =
new FlagContainer(GlobalFlagContainer.getInstance());
private final YamlConfiguration worldConfiguration;
private final GlobalBlockQueue globalBlockQueue;
private boolean roadFlags = false;
private boolean autoMerge = false;
private boolean allowSigns = true;
private boolean miscSpawnUnowned = false;
private boolean mobSpawning = false;
private boolean mobSpawnerSpawning = false;
private BiomeType plotBiome = BiomeTypes.FOREST;
private boolean plotChat = true;
private boolean forcingPlotChat = false;
private boolean schematicClaimSpecify = false;
private boolean schematicOnClaim = false;
private String schematicFile = "null";
private boolean spawnEggs = false;
private boolean spawnCustom = true;
private boolean spawnBreeding = false;
private PlotAreaType type = PlotAreaType.NORMAL;
private PlotAreaTerrainType terrain = PlotAreaTerrainType.NONE;
private boolean homeAllowNonmember = false;
private BlockLoc nonmemberHome;
private BlockLoc defaultHome;
private int maxBuildHeight = PlotSquared.platform().versionMaxHeight() + 1; // Exclusive
private int minBuildHeight = PlotSquared.platform().versionMinHeight() + 1; // Inclusive
private int maxGenHeight = PlotSquared.platform().versionMaxHeight(); // Inclusive
private int minGenHeight = PlotSquared.platform().versionMinHeight(); // Inclusive
private GameMode gameMode = GameModes.CREATIVE;
private Map<String, PlotExpression> prices = new HashMap<>();
private List<String> schematics = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean worldBorder = false;
private boolean useEconomy = false;
private int hash;
private CuboidRegion region;
private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object> meta;
private QuadMap<PlotCluster> clusters;
private String signMaterial = "OAK_WALL_SIGN";
private String legacySignMaterial = "WALL_SIGN";
public PlotArea(
final @NonNull String worldName, final @Nullable String id,
@NonNull IndependentPlotGenerator generator, final @Nullable PlotId min,
final @Nullable PlotId max,
@WorldConfig final @Nullable YamlConfiguration worldConfiguration,
final @NonNull GlobalBlockQueue blockQueue
) {
this.worldName = worldName; = id;
this.plotManager = createManager();
this.generator = generator;
this.globalBlockQueue = blockQueue;
if (min == null || max == null) {
if (min != max) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"None of the ids can be null for this constructor");
this.min = null;
this.max = null;
} else {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.worldHash = worldName.hashCode();
this.worldConfiguration = worldConfiguration;
private static Collection<PlotFlag<?, ?>> parseFlags(List<String> flagStrings) {
final Collection<PlotFlag<?, ?>> flags = new ArrayList<>();
for (final String key : flagStrings) {
final String[] split;
if (key.contains(";")) {
split = key.split(";");
} else {
split = key.split(":");
final PlotFlag<?, ?> flagInstance =
if (flagInstance != null) {
try {
} catch (final FlagParseException e) {
"Failed to parse default flag with key '{}' and value '{}'. "
+ "Reason: {}. This flag will not be added as a default flag.",
return flags;
protected abstract PlotManager createManager();
public QueueCoordinator getQueue() {
return this.globalBlockQueue.getNewQueue(PlotSquared.platform().worldUtil().getWeWorld(worldName));
* Returns the region for this PlotArea, or a CuboidRegion encompassing
* the whole world if none exists.
* @return CuboidRegion
public CuboidRegion getRegion() {
this.region = getRegionAbs();
if (this.region == null) {
return new CuboidRegion(, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE),, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
return this.region;
* Returns the region for this PlotArea.
* @return CuboidRegion or null if no applicable region
private CuboidRegion getRegionAbs() {
if (this.region == null) {
if (this.min != null) {
Location bot = getPlotManager().getPlotBottomLocAbs(this.min);
Location top = getPlotManager().getPlotTopLocAbs(this.max);
BlockVector3 pos1 = bot.getBlockVector3().subtract(BlockVector3.ONE);
BlockVector3 pos2 = top.getBlockVector3().add(BlockVector3.ONE);
this.region = new CuboidRegion(pos1, pos2);
return this.region;
* Returns the minimum value of a {@link PlotId}.
* @return the minimum value for a {@link PlotId}
public @NonNull PlotId getMin() {
return this.min == null ? PlotId.of(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE) : this.min;
* Returns the max PlotId.
* @return the maximum value for a {@link PlotId}
public @NonNull PlotId getMax() {
return this.max == null ? PlotId.of(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE) : this.max;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
PlotArea plotarea = (PlotArea) obj;
return this.getWorldHash() == plotarea.getWorldHash() && this.getWorldName()
.equals(plotarea.getWorldName()) && StringMan.isEqual(this.getId(), plotarea.getId());
public Set<PlotCluster> getClusters() {
return this.clusters == null ? new HashSet<>() : this.clusters.getAll();
* Check if a PlotArea is compatible (move/copy etc.).
* @param plotArea the {@link PlotArea} to compare
* @return {@code true} if both areas are compatible
public boolean isCompatible(final @NonNull PlotArea plotArea) {
final ConfigurationSection section = this.worldConfiguration.getConfigurationSection("worlds");
for (ConfigurationNode setting : plotArea.getSettingNodes()) {
Object constant = section.get(plotArea.worldName + '.' + setting.getConstant());
if (constant == null || !constant
.equals(section.get(this.worldName + '.' + setting.getConstant()))) {
return false;
return true;
* When a world is created, the following method will be called for each.
* @param config Configuration Section
public void loadDefaultConfiguration(ConfigurationSection config) {
if ((this.min != null || this.max != null) && !(this instanceof GridPlotWorld)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must extend GridPlotWorld to provide");
if (config.contains("generator.terrain")) {
this.terrain = ConfigurationUtil.getTerrain(config);
this.type = ConfigurationUtil.getType(config);
this.mobSpawning = config.getBoolean("natural_mob_spawning");
this.miscSpawnUnowned = config.getBoolean("misc_spawn_unowned");
this.mobSpawnerSpawning = config.getBoolean("mob_spawner_spawning");
this.autoMerge = config.getBoolean("plot.auto_merge");
this.allowSigns = config.getBoolean("plot.create_signs");
if (PlotSquared.platform().serverVersion()[1] == 13) {
this.legacySignMaterial = config.getString("plot.legacy_sign_material");
} else {
this.signMaterial = config.getString("plot.sign_material");
String biomeString = config.getString("plot.biome");
if (!biomeString.startsWith("minecraft:")) {
biomeString = "minecraft:" + biomeString;
config.set("plot.biome", biomeString.toLowerCase());
this.plotBiome = ConfigurationUtil.BIOME.parseString(biomeString.toLowerCase());
this.schematicOnClaim = config.getBoolean("schematic.on_claim");
this.schematicFile = config.getString("schematic.file");
this.schematicClaimSpecify = config.getBoolean("schematic.specify_on_claim");
this.schematics = new ArrayList<>(config.getStringList("schematic.schematics"));
this.useEconomy = config.getBoolean("economy.use");
ConfigurationSection priceSection = config.getConfigurationSection("economy.prices");
if (this.useEconomy) {
this.prices = new HashMap<>();
for (String key : priceSection.getKeys(false)) {
String raw = priceSection.getString(key);
if (raw.contains("{arg}")) {
raw = raw.replace("{arg}", "plots");
priceSection.set(key, raw); // update if replaced
this.prices.put(key, PlotExpression.compile(raw, "plots"));
this.plotChat = config.getBoolean("chat.enabled");
this.forcingPlotChat = config.getBoolean("chat.forced");
this.worldBorder = config.getBoolean("world.border");
this.maxBuildHeight = config.getInt("world.max_height");
this.minBuildHeight = config.getInt("world.min_height");
this.minGenHeight = config.getInt("world.min_gen_height");
this.maxGenHeight = config.getInt("world.max_gen_height");
switch (config.getString("world.gamemode").toLowerCase()) {
case "creative", "c", "1" -> this.gameMode = GameModes.CREATIVE;
case "adventure", "a", "2" -> this.gameMode = GameModes.ADVENTURE;
case "spectator", "3" -> this.gameMode = GameModes.SPECTATOR;
default -> this.gameMode = GameModes.SURVIVAL;
String homeNonMembers = config.getString("home.nonmembers");
String homeDefault = config.getString("home.default");
this.defaultHome = BlockLoc.fromString(homeDefault);
this.homeAllowNonmember = homeNonMembers.equalsIgnoreCase(homeDefault);
if (this.homeAllowNonmember) {
this.nonmemberHome = defaultHome;
} else {
this.nonmemberHome = BlockLoc.fromString(homeNonMembers);
if ("side".equalsIgnoreCase(homeDefault)) {
this.defaultHome = null;
} else if (StringMan.isEqualIgnoreCaseToAny(homeDefault, "center", "middle", "centre")) {
this.defaultHome = new BlockLoc(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
} else {
try {
/*String[] split = homeDefault.split(",");
new PlotLoc(Integer.parseInt(split[0]), Integer.parseInt(split[1]));*/
this.defaultHome = BlockLoc.fromString(homeDefault);
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
this.defaultHome = null;
List<String> flags = config.getStringList("flags.default");
if (flags.isEmpty()) {
flags = config.getStringList("flags");
if (flags.isEmpty()) {
flags = new ArrayList<>();
ConfigurationSection section = config.getConfigurationSection("flags");
Set<String> keys = section.getKeys(false);
for (String key : keys) {
if (!"default".equals(key)) {
flags.add(key + ';' + section.get(key));
Template.of("flags", flags.toString())
this.spawnEggs = config.getBoolean("event.spawn.egg");
this.spawnCustom = config.getBoolean("event.spawn.custom");
this.spawnBreeding = config.getBoolean("event.spawn.breeding");
List<String> roadflags = config.getStringList("road.flags");
if (roadflags.isEmpty()) {
roadflags = new ArrayList<>();
ConfigurationSection section = config.getConfigurationSection("road.flags");
Set<String> keys = section.getKeys(false);
for (String key : keys) {
if (!"default".equals(key)) {
roadflags.add(key + ';' + section.get(key));
this.roadFlags = roadflags.size() > 0;
Template.of("flags", roadflags.toString())
public abstract void loadConfiguration(ConfigurationSection config);
* Saving core PlotArea settings.
* @param config Configuration Section
public void saveConfiguration(ConfigurationSection config) {
HashMap<String, Object> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put("natural_mob_spawning", this.isMobSpawning());
options.put("misc_spawn_unowned", this.isMiscSpawnUnowned());
options.put("mob_spawner_spawning", this.isMobSpawnerSpawning());
options.put("plot.auto_merge", this.isAutoMerge());
options.put("plot.create_signs", this.allowSigns());
if (PlotSquared.platform().serverVersion()[1] == 13) {
options.put("plot.legacy_sign_material", this.legacySignMaterial);
} else {
options.put("plot.sign_material", this.signMaterial());
options.put("plot.biome", "minecraft:forest");
options.put("schematic.on_claim", this.isSchematicOnClaim());
options.put("schematic.file", this.getSchematicFile());
options.put("schematic.specify_on_claim", this.isSchematicClaimSpecify());
options.put("schematic.schematics", this.getSchematics());
options.put("economy.use", this.useEconomy());
options.put("economy.prices.claim", 100);
options.put("economy.prices.merge", 100);
options.put("economy.prices.sell", 100);
options.put("chat.enabled", this.isPlotChat());
options.put("chat.forced", this.isForcingPlotChat());
options.put("flags.default", null);
options.put("event.spawn.egg", this.isSpawnEggs());
options.put("event.spawn.custom", this.isSpawnCustom());
options.put("event.spawn.breeding", this.isSpawnBreeding());
options.put("world.border", this.hasWorldBorder());
options.put("home.default", "side");
String position = config.getString(
config.getBoolean("home.allow-nonmembers", false) ?
config.getString("home.default", "side") :
options.put("home.nonmembers", position);
options.put("world.max_height", this.getMaxBuildHeight());
options.put("world.min_height", this.getMinBuildHeight());
options.put("world.min_gen_height", this.getMinGenHeight());
options.put("world.max_gen_height", this.getMaxGenHeight());
options.put("world.gamemode", this.getGameMode().getName().toLowerCase());
options.put("road.flags.default", null);
if (this.getType() != PlotAreaType.NORMAL) {
options.put("generator.terrain", this.getTerrain());
options.put("generator.type", this.getType().toString());
ConfigurationNode[] settings = getSettingNodes();
* Saving generator specific settings
for (ConfigurationNode setting : settings) {
options.put(setting.getConstant(), setting.getValue());
for (Entry<String, Object> stringObjectEntry : options.entrySet()) {
if (!config.contains(stringObjectEntry.getKey())) {
config.set(stringObjectEntry.getKey(), stringObjectEntry.getValue());
if (!config.contains("flags")) {
if (!config.contains("road.flags")) {
config.set("road.flags.liquid-flow", false);
public String toString() {
if (this.getId() == null) {
return this.getWorldName();
} else {
return this.getWorldName() + ";" + this.getId();
public int hashCode() {
if (this.hash != 0) {
return this.hash;
return this.hash = toString().hashCode();
* Used for the <b>/plot setup</b> command Return null if you do not want to support this feature
* @return ConfigurationNode[]
public abstract ConfigurationNode[] getSettingNodes();
* Gets the {@link Plot} at a location.
* @param location the location
* @return the {@link Plot} or null if none exists
public @Nullable Plot getPlotAbs(final @NonNull Location location) {
final PlotId pid =
this.getPlotManager().getPlotId(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ());
if (pid == null) {
return null;
return getPlotAbs(pid);
* Gets the base plot at a location.
* @param location the location
* @return base Plot
public @Nullable Plot getPlot(final @NonNull Location location) {
final PlotId pid =
this.getPlotManager().getPlotId(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ());
if (pid == null) {
return null;
return getPlot(pid);
* Get the owned base plot at a location.
* @param location the location
* @return the base plot or null
public @Nullable Plot getOwnedPlot(final @NonNull Location location) {
final PlotId pid =
this.getPlotManager().getPlotId(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ());
if (pid == null) {
return null;
Plot plot = this.plots.get(pid);
return plot == null ? null : plot.getBasePlot(false);
* Get the owned plot at a location.
* @param location the location
* @return Plot or null
public @Nullable Plot getOwnedPlotAbs(final @NonNull Location location) {
final PlotId pid =
this.getPlotManager().getPlotId(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ());
if (pid == null) {
return null;
return this.plots.get(pid);
* Get the owned Plot at a PlotId.
* @param id the {@link PlotId}
* @return the plot or null
public @Nullable Plot getOwnedPlotAbs(final @NonNull PlotId id) {
return this.plots.get(id);
public @Nullable Plot getOwnedPlot(final @NonNull PlotId id) {
Plot plot = this.plots.get(id);
return plot == null ? null : plot.getBasePlot(false);
public boolean contains(final int x, final int z) {
return this.getType() != PlotAreaType.PARTIAL || RegionUtil.contains(getRegionAbs(), x, z);
public boolean contains(final @NonNull PlotId id) {
return this.min == null || (id.getX() >= this.min.getX() && id.getX() <= this.max.getX() &&
id.getY() >= this.min.getY() && id.getY() <= this.max.getY());
public boolean contains(final @NonNull Location location) {
return StringMan.isEqual(location.getWorldName(), this.getWorldName()) && (
getRegionAbs() == null || this.region.contains(location.getBlockVector3()));
* Get if the {@code PlotArea}'s build range (min build height -> max build height) contains the given y value
* @param y y height
* @return if build height contains y
public boolean buildRangeContainsY(int y) {
return y >= minBuildHeight && y < maxBuildHeight;
* Utility method to check if the player is attempting to place blocks outside the build area, and notify of this if the
* player does not have permissions.
* @param player Player to check
* @param y y height to check
* @return true if outside build area with no permissions
* @since 6.9.1
public boolean notifyIfOutsideBuildArea(PlotPlayer<?> player, int y) {
if (!buildRangeContainsY(y) && !Permissions.hasPermission(player, Permission.PERMISSION_ADMIN_BUILD_HEIGHT_LIMIT)) {
Template.of("minHeight", String.valueOf(minBuildHeight)),
Template.of("maxHeight", String.valueOf(maxBuildHeight))
// Return true if "failed" as the method will always be inverted otherwise
return true;
return false;
public @NonNull Set<Plot> getPlotsAbs(final UUID uuid) {
if (uuid == null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
final HashSet<Plot> myPlots = new HashSet<>();
forEachPlotAbs(value -> {
if (uuid.equals(value.getOwnerAbs())) {
return myPlots;
public @NonNull Set<Plot> getPlots(final @NonNull UUID uuid) {
return getPlots().stream().filter(plot -> plot.isBasePlot() && plot.isOwner(uuid))
* A collection of the claimed plots in this {@link PlotArea}.
* @return a collection of claimed plots
public Collection<Plot> getPlots() {
return this.plots.values();
public int getPlotCount(final @NonNull UUID uuid) {
if (!Settings.Done.COUNTS_TOWARDS_LIMIT) {
return (int) getPlotsAbs(uuid).stream().filter(plot -> !DoneFlag.isDone(plot)).count();
return getPlotsAbs(uuid).size();
* Retrieves the plots for the player in this PlotArea.
* @param player player to get plots of
* @return set of player's plots
* @deprecated Use {@link #getPlots(UUID)}
public Set<Plot> getPlots(final @NonNull PlotPlayer<?> player) {
return getPlots(player.getUUID());
//todo check if this method is needed in this class
public boolean hasPlot(final @NonNull UUID uuid) {
return this.plots.entrySet().stream().anyMatch(entry -> entry.getValue().isOwner(uuid));
public int getPlotCount(final @Nullable PlotPlayer<?> player) {
return player != null ? getPlotCount(player.getUUID()) : 0;
public @Nullable Plot getPlotAbs(final @NonNull PlotId id) {
Plot plot = getOwnedPlotAbs(id);
if (plot == null) {
if (this.min != null && (id.getX() < this.min.getX() || id.getX() > this.max.getX() || id.getY() < this.min.getY()
|| id.getY() > this.max.getY())) {
return null;
return new Plot(this, id);
return plot;
public @Nullable Plot getPlot(final @NonNull PlotId id) {
final Plot plot = getOwnedPlotAbs(id);
if (plot == null) {
if (this.min != null && (id.getX() < this.min.getX() || id.getX() > this.max.getX() || id.getY() < this.min.getY()
|| id.getY() > this.max.getY())) {
return null;
return new Plot(this, id);
return plot.getBasePlot(false);
* Retrieves the number of claimed plot in the {@link PlotArea}.
* @return the number of claimed plots
public int getPlotCount() {
return this.plots.size();
public @Nullable PlotCluster getCluster(final @NonNull Location location) {
final Plot plot = getPlot(location);
if (plot == null) {
return null;
return this.clusters != null ? this.clusters.get(plot.getId().getX(), plot.getId().getY()) : null;
public @Nullable PlotCluster getFirstIntersectingCluster(
final @NonNull PlotId pos1,
final @NonNull PlotId pos2
) {
if (this.clusters == null) {
return null;
for (PlotCluster cluster : this.clusters.getAll()) {
if (cluster.intersects(pos1, pos2)) {
return cluster;
return null;
@Nullable PlotCluster getCluster(final @NonNull PlotId id) {
return this.clusters != null ? this.clusters.get(id.getX(), id.getY()) : null;
* Session only plot metadata (session is until the server stops).
* <br>
* For persistent metadata use the flag system
* @param key metadata key
* @param value metadata value
public void setMeta(final @NonNull String key, final @Nullable Object value) {
if (this.meta == null) {
this.meta = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
this.meta.put(key, value);
public @NonNull <T> T getMeta(final @NonNull String key, final @NonNull T def) {
final Object v = getMeta(key);
return v == null ? def : (T) v;
* Get the metadata for a key<br>
* <br>
* For persistent metadata use the flag system
* @param key metadata key to get value for
* @return metadata value
public @Nullable Object getMeta(final @NonNull String key) {
if (this.meta != null) {
return this.meta.get(key);
return null;
public @NonNull Set<Plot> getBasePlots() {
final HashSet<Plot> myPlots = new HashSet<>(getPlots());
myPlots.removeIf(plot -> !plot.isBasePlot());
return myPlots;
private void forEachPlotAbs(Consumer<Plot> run) {
for (final Entry<PlotId, Plot> entry : this.plots.entrySet()) {
public void forEachBasePlot(Consumer<Plot> run) {
for (final Plot plot : getPlots()) {
if (plot.isBasePlot()) {
* Returns an ImmutableMap of PlotId's and Plots in this PlotArea.
* @return map of PlotId against Plot for all plots in this area
* @deprecated Poorly implemented. May be removed in future.
//todo eventually remove
public @NonNull Map<PlotId, Plot> getPlotsRaw() {
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(plots);
public @NonNull Set<Entry<PlotId, Plot>> getPlotEntries() {
return this.plots.entrySet();
public boolean addPlot(final @NonNull Plot plot) {
for (final PlotPlayer<?> pp : plot.getPlayersInPlot()) {
try (final MetaDataAccess<Plot> metaDataAccess = pp.accessTemporaryMetaData(
PlayerMetaDataKeys.TEMPORARY_LAST_PLOT)) {
return this.plots.put(plot.getId(), plot) == null;
public Plot getNextFreePlot(final PlotPlayer<?> player, @Nullable PlotId start) {
int plots;
PlotId center;
PlotId min = getMin();
PlotId max = getMax();
if (getType() == PlotAreaType.PARTIAL) {
center = PlotId.of(MathMan.average(min.getX(), max.getX()), MathMan.average(min.getY(), max.getY()));
plots = Math.max(max.getX() - min.getX() + 1, max.getY() - min.getY() + 1) + 1;
if (start != null) {
start = PlotId.of(start.getX() - center.getX(), start.getY() - center.getY());
} else {
center = PlotId.of(0, 0);
plots = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < plots; i++) {
if (start == null) {
start = getMeta("lastPlot", PlotId.of(0, 0));
} else {
start = start.getNextId();
PlotId currentId = PlotId.of(center.getX() + start.getX(), center.getY() + start.getY());
Plot plot = getPlotAbs(currentId);
if (plot != null && plot.canClaim(player)) {
setMeta("lastPlot", start);
return plot;
return null;
public boolean addPlotIfAbsent(final @NonNull Plot plot) {
if (this.plots.putIfAbsent(plot.getId(), plot) == null) {
for (PlotPlayer<?> pp : plot.getPlayersInPlot()) {
try (final MetaDataAccess<Plot> metaDataAccess = pp.accessTemporaryMetaData(
PlayerMetaDataKeys.TEMPORARY_LAST_PLOT)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean addPlotAbs(final @NonNull Plot plot) {
return this.plots.put(plot.getId(), plot) == null;
* Get the plot border distance for a world<br>
* @return The border distance or Integer.MAX_VALUE if no border is set
public int getBorder() {
final Integer meta = (Integer) getMeta("worldBorder");
if (meta != null) {
int border = meta + 1;
if (border == 0) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
return border;
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Setup the plot border for a world (usually done when the world is created).
public void setupBorder() {
if (!this.hasWorldBorder()) {
final Integer meta = (Integer) getMeta("worldBorder");
if (meta == null) {
setMeta("worldBorder", 1);
for (final Plot plot : getPlots()) {
* Delete the metadata for a key.
* - metadata is session only
* - deleting other plugin's metadata may cause issues
* @param key Meta data key
public void deleteMeta(final @NonNull String key) {
if (this.meta != null) {
public @Nullable List<Plot> canClaim(
final @Nullable PlotPlayer<?> player, final @NonNull PlotId pos1,
final @NonNull PlotId pos2
) {
if (pos1.getX() == pos2.getX() && pos1.getY() == pos2.getY()) {
if (getOwnedPlot(pos1) != null) {
return null;
final Plot plot = getPlotAbs(pos1);
if (plot == null) {
return null;
if (plot.canClaim(player)) {
return Collections.singletonList(plot);
} else {
return null;
final List<Plot> plots = new LinkedList<>();
for (int x = pos1.getX(); x <= pos2.getX(); x++) {
for (int y = pos1.getY(); y <= pos2.getY(); y++) {
final PlotId id = PlotId.of(x, y);
final Plot plot = getPlotAbs(id);
if (plot == null) {
return null;
if (!plot.canClaim(player)) {
return null;
} else {
return plots;
public boolean removePlot(final @NonNull PlotId id) {
return this.plots.remove(id) != null;
* Merge a list of plots together. This is non-blocking for the world-changes that will be made. To run a task when the
* world changes are complete, use {@link PlotArea#mergePlots(List, boolean, Runnable)};
* @param plotIds List of plot IDs to merge
* @param removeRoads If the roads between plots should be removed
* @return if merges were completed successfully.
public boolean mergePlots(final @NonNull List<PlotId> plotIds, final boolean removeRoads) {
return mergePlots(plotIds, removeRoads, null);
* Merge a list of plots together. This is non-blocking for the world-changes that will be made.
* @param plotIds List of plot IDs to merge
* @param removeRoads If the roads between plots should be removed
* @param whenDone Task to run when any merge world changes are complete. Also runs if no changes were made. Does not
* run if there was an error or if too few plots IDs were supplied.
* @return if merges were completed successfully.
* @since 6.9.0
public boolean mergePlots(
final @NonNull List<PlotId> plotIds, final boolean removeRoads, final @Nullable Runnable whenDone
) {
if (plotIds.size() < 2) {
return false;
final PlotId pos1 = plotIds.get(0);
final PlotId pos2 = plotIds.get(plotIds.size() - 1);
final PlotManager manager = getPlotManager();
QueueCoordinator queue = getQueue();
manager.startPlotMerge(plotIds, queue);
final Set<UUID> trusted = new HashSet<>();
final Set<UUID> members = new HashSet<>();
final Set<UUID> denied = new HashSet<>();
for (int x = pos1.getX(); x <= pos2.getX(); x++) {
for (int y = pos1.getY(); y <= pos2.getY(); y++) {
PlotId id = PlotId.of(x, y);
Plot plot = getPlotAbs(id);
if (removeRoads) {
for (int x = pos1.getX(); x <= pos2.getX(); x++) {
for (int y = pos1.getY(); y <= pos2.getY(); y++) {
final boolean lx = x < pos2.getX();
final boolean ly = y < pos2.getY();
final PlotId id = PlotId.of(x, y);
final Plot plot = getPlotAbs(id);
Plot plot2;
if (lx) {
if (ly) {
if (!plot.isMerged(Direction.EAST) || !plot.isMerged(Direction.SOUTH)) {
if (removeRoads) {
if (!plot.isMerged(Direction.EAST)) {
plot2 = plot.getRelative(1, 0);
plot.mergePlot(plot2, removeRoads, queue);
if (ly) {
if (!plot.isMerged(Direction.SOUTH)) {
plot2 = plot.getRelative(0, 1);
plot.mergePlot(plot2, removeRoads, queue);
manager.finishPlotMerge(plotIds, queue);
if (whenDone != null) {
return true;
* Get a set of owned plots within a selection (chooses the best algorithm based on selection size.
* i.e. A selection of billions of plots will work fine
* @param pos1 first corner of selection
* @param pos2 second corner of selection
* @return the plots in the selection which are owned
public Set<Plot> getPlotSelectionOwned(final @NonNull PlotId pos1, final @NonNull PlotId pos2) {
final int size = (1 + pos2.getX() - pos1.getX()) * (1 + pos2.getY() - pos1.getY());
final Set<Plot> result = new HashSet<>();
if (size < 16 || size < getPlotCount()) {
for (final PlotId pid : Lists.newArrayList((Iterable<? extends PlotId>)
PlotId.PlotRangeIterator.range(pos1, pos2))) {
final Plot plot = getPlotAbs(pid);
if (plot.hasOwner()) {
if (plot.getId().getX() > pos1.getX() || plot.getId().getY() > pos1.getY()
|| plot.getId().getX() < pos2.getX() || plot.getId().getY() < pos2.getY()) {
} else {
for (final Plot plot : getPlots()) {
if (plot.getId().getX() > pos1.getX() || plot.getId().getY() > pos1.getY() || plot.getId().getX() < pos2.getX()
|| plot.getId().getY() < pos2.getY()) {
return result;
public void removeCluster(final @Nullable PlotCluster plotCluster) {
if (this.clusters == null) {
throw new IllegalAccessError("Clusters not enabled!");
public void addCluster(final @Nullable PlotCluster plotCluster) {
if (this.clusters == null) {
this.clusters = new QuadMap<>(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0, 62) {
public CuboidRegion getRegion(PlotCluster value) {
BlockVector2 pos1 =, value.getP1().getY());
BlockVector2 pos2 =, value.getP2().getY());
return new CuboidRegion(
public @Nullable PlotCluster getCluster(final String string) {
for (PlotCluster cluster : getClusters()) {
if (cluster.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(string)) {
return cluster;
return null;
* Get whether a schematic with that name is available or not.
* If a schematic is available, it can be used for plot claiming.
* @param schematic the schematic to look for.
* @return {@code true} if the schematic exists, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean hasSchematic(@NonNull String schematic) {
return getSchematics().contains(schematic.toLowerCase());
* Get whether economy is enabled and used on this plot area or not.
* @return {@code true} if this plot area uses economy, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean useEconomy() {
return useEconomy;
* Get whether the plot area is limited by a world border or not.
* @return {@code true} if the plot area has a world border, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean hasWorldBorder() {
return worldBorder;
* Get whether plot signs are allowed or not.
* @return {@code true} if plot signs are allowed, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean allowSigns() {
return allowSigns;
* Get the plot sign material.
* @return the sign material.
public String signMaterial() {
return signMaterial;
public String legacySignMaterial() {
return legacySignMaterial;
* Get the value associated with the specified flag. This will look at
* the default values stored in {@link GlobalFlagContainer}.
* @param flagClass The flag type (Class)
* @param <T> The flag value type
* @return The flag value
public <T> T getFlag(final Class<? extends PlotFlag<T, ?>> flagClass) {
return this.flagContainer.getFlag(flagClass).getValue();
* Get the value associated with the specified flag. This will look at
* the default values stored in {@link GlobalFlagContainer}.
* @param flag The flag type (Any instance of the flag)
* @param <V> The flag type (Any instance of the flag)
* @param <T> flag value type
* @return The flag value
public <T, V extends PlotFlag<T, ?>> T getFlag(final V flag) {
final Class<?> flagClass = flag.getClass();
final PlotFlag<?, ?> flagInstance = this.flagContainer.getFlagErased(flagClass);
return FlagContainer.<T, V>castUnsafe(flagInstance).getValue();
* Get the value associated with the specified road flag. This will look at
* the default values stored in {@link GlobalFlagContainer}.
* @param flagClass The flag type (Class)
* @param <T> the flag value type
* @return The flag value
public <T> T getRoadFlag(final Class<? extends PlotFlag<T, ?>> flagClass) {
return this.roadFlagContainer.getFlag(flagClass).getValue();
* Get the value associated with the specified road flag. This will look at
* the default values stored in {@link GlobalFlagContainer}.
* @param flag The flag type (Any instance of the flag)
* @param <V> The flag type (Any instance of the flag)
* @param <T> flag value type
* @return The flag value
public <T, V extends PlotFlag<T, ?>> T getRoadFlag(final V flag) {
final Class<?> flagClass = flag.getClass();
final PlotFlag<?, ?> flagInstance = this.roadFlagContainer.getFlagErased(flagClass);
return FlagContainer.<T, V>castUnsafe(flagInstance).getValue();
public @NonNull String getWorldName() {
return this.worldName;
public String getId() {
public @NonNull PlotManager getPlotManager() {
return this.plotManager;
public int getWorldHash() {
return this.worldHash;
public @NonNull IndependentPlotGenerator getGenerator() {
return this.generator;
public boolean isAutoMerge() {
return this.autoMerge;
public boolean isMiscSpawnUnowned() {
return this.miscSpawnUnowned;
public boolean isMobSpawning() {
return this.mobSpawning;
public boolean isMobSpawnerSpawning() {
return this.mobSpawnerSpawning;
public BiomeType getPlotBiome() {
return this.plotBiome;
public boolean isPlotChat() {
return this.plotChat;
public boolean isForcingPlotChat() {
return this.forcingPlotChat;
public boolean isSchematicClaimSpecify() {
return this.schematicClaimSpecify;
public boolean isSchematicOnClaim() {
return this.schematicOnClaim;
public String getSchematicFile() {
return this.schematicFile;
public boolean isSpawnEggs() {
return this.spawnEggs;
public String getSignMaterial() {
return this.signMaterial;
* Get the legacy plot sign material before wall signs used a "wall" stance.
* @return the legacy sign material.
* @deprecated Use {@link #signMaterial()}. This method is used for 1.13 only and
* will be removed without replacement in favor of {@link #signMaterial()}
* once we remove the support for 1.13.
* @since 6.0.3
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "6.0.3")
public String getLegacySignMaterial() {
return this.legacySignMaterial;
public boolean isSpawnCustom() {
return this.spawnCustom;
public boolean isSpawnBreeding() {
return this.spawnBreeding;
public PlotAreaType getType() {
return this.type;
* Set the type of this plot area.
* @param type the type of the plot area.
public void setType(PlotAreaType type) {
// TODO this should probably work only if type == null
this.type = type;
public PlotAreaTerrainType getTerrain() {
return this.terrain;
* Set the terrain generation type of this plot area.
* @param terrain the terrain type of the plot area.
public void setTerrain(PlotAreaTerrainType terrain) {
this.terrain = terrain;
public boolean isHomeAllowNonmember() {
return this.homeAllowNonmember;
* Get the location for non-members to be teleported to.
* @since 6.1.4
public BlockLoc nonmemberHome() {
return this.nonmemberHome;
* Get the default location for players to be teleported to. May be overridden by {@link #nonmemberHome} if the player is
* not a member of the plot.
* @since 6.1.4
public BlockLoc defaultHome() {
return this.defaultHome;
* @deprecated Use {@link #nonmemberHome}
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "6.1.4")
public PlotLoc getNonmemberHome() {
return new PlotLoc(this.defaultHome.getX(), this.defaultHome.getY(), this.defaultHome.getZ());
* @deprecated Use {@link #defaultHome}
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "6.1.4")
public PlotLoc getDefaultHome() {
return new PlotLoc(this.defaultHome.getX(), this.defaultHome.getY(), this.defaultHome.getZ());
protected void setDefaultHome(BlockLoc defaultHome) {
this.defaultHome = defaultHome;
* Get the maximum height players may build in. Exclusive.
public int getMaxBuildHeight() {
return this.maxBuildHeight;
* Get the minimum height players may build in. Inclusive.
public int getMinBuildHeight() {
return this.minBuildHeight;
* Get the min height from which PlotSquared will generate blocks. Inclusive.
* @since 6.6.0
public int getMinGenHeight() {
return this.minGenHeight;
* Get the max height to which PlotSquared will generate blocks. Inclusive.
* @since 6.6.0
public int getMaxGenHeight() {
return this.maxGenHeight;
public GameMode getGameMode() {
return this.gameMode;
public Map<String, PlotExpression> getPrices() {
return this.prices;
protected List<String> getSchematics() {
return this.schematics;
public boolean isRoadFlags() {
return this.roadFlags;
public FlagContainer getFlagContainer() {
return this.flagContainer;
public FlagContainer getRoadFlagContainer() {
return this.roadFlagContainer;
public void setAllowSigns(boolean allowSigns) {
this.allowSigns = allowSigns;