Updated PlotSquared.use_THIS.yml (markdown)

NotMyFault 2021-04-27 17:59:10 +02:00
parent 93469c9916
commit 4fe4bece21
1 changed files with 96 additions and 46 deletions

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Note: This file is deprecated. v6 and higher will use [MiniMessage](https://docs.adventure.kyori.net/minimessage.html) to style translations. Therefore we are using Crowding to manage translations.
You can help us translating PlotSquared into your language here: https://intellectualsites.crowdin.com/plotsquared
# PlotSquared Language
## The file is located at `/plugins/PlotSquared/translations/PlotSquared.use_THIS.yml`
In version 5+, PlaceholderAPI placeholders may be used in these captions. See [this](https://github.com/IntellectualSites/PlotSquared/wiki/Placeholders#use-placeholderapi-placeholders-in-plotsquared) link for more information.
In version 5+, PlaceholderAPI placeholders may be used in these captions. See [this](https://github.com/IntellectualSites/PlotSquared/wiki/Placeholders) link for more information.
@ -10,6 +14,8 @@ confirm:
undone! If you are sure: $1/plot confirm'
move_success: $4Successfully moved plot.
move_merged: $2Merged plots may not be moved. Please unmerge the plot before performing
the move.
copy_success: $4Successfully copied plot.
requires_unowned: $2The location specified is already occupied.
@ -68,9 +74,9 @@ records:
notify_leave: $2%player $2left your plot ($1%plot$2)
swap_overlap: $2The proposed areas are not allowed to overlap
swap_dimensions: $2The proposed areas must have comparable dimensions
swap_syntax: $2/plot swap <id>
swap_success: $4Successfully swapped plots
swap_merged: $2Merged plots may not be swapped. Please unmerge the plot before performing
the swap.
inbox_notification: '%s unread messages. Use /plot inbox'
not_valid_inbox_index: $2No comment at index %s
@ -83,7 +89,6 @@ comment:
comment_removed_success: $4Successfully deleted comment/s:n$2 - '$3%s$2'
comment_removed_failure: $4Failed to delete comment!
comment_added: $4A comment has been left
comment_header: $2&m---------&r $1Comments $2&m---------&r
inbox_empty: $2No comments
not_console: $2For safety reasons, this command can only be executed by console.
@ -124,7 +129,7 @@ economy:
cannot_afford_merge: $2You cannot afford to merge the plots. It costs $1%s
added_balance: $1%s $2has been added to your balance
removed_balance: $1%s $2has been taken from your balance
removed_granted_plot: $2You used %s plot grant(s), you've got $1%s $2left
removed_granted_plot: $2You used %s0 plot grant(s), you've got $1%s1 $2left
setup_init: '$1Usage: $2/plot setup <value>'
setup_step: '$3[$1Step %s0$3] $1%s1 $2- $1Expecting: $2%s2 $1Default: $2%s3'
@ -135,19 +140,41 @@ setup:
you will need to set the generator manually using the bukkit.yml or your chosen
world management plugin.
setup_world_taken: $2%s is already a world
setup_missing_world: $2You need to specify a world name ($1/plot setup &l<world>$1
<generator>$2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot
setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_missing_generator: $2You need to specify a generator ($1/plot setup <world>
&l<generator>&r$2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot
setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_invalid_generator: '$2Invalid generator. Possible options: %s'
setup_cancelled: $7Cancelled setup.
setup_world_name: $1What do you want your world to be called?
setup_world_name_error: $7You need to choose a world name!
setup_world_name_taken: $7That world name is already taken!
setup_world_generator_error: $7You must choose a generator!
setup_world_type: $1What world type do you want?&-$3 - $6normal$3 - $2Standard plot
generation&-$3 - $6augmented$3 - $2Plot generation with terrain&-$3 - $6partial$3
- $2Vanilla with clusters of plots
setup_world_type_error: $7You must choose a world type!
setup_wrong_generator: $7The specified generator does not identify as BukkitPlotGenerator$3
- $6You may need to manually configure the other plugin
setup_world_name_format: '$7Non [a-z0-9_.-] character in the world name:$1 '
setup_world_apply_plotsquared: $7The world you specified already exists. After restarting,
new terrain will use $1PlotSquared$7, however you may need to reset the world
for it to generate correctly!
setup_partial_area: $1What terrain would you like in plots?&-$3 - $6NONE$3 - $2No
terrain at all&-$3 - $6ORE$3 - $2Just some ore veins and trees&-$3 - $6ROAD$3
- $2Terrain separated by roads&-$3 - $6ALL$3 - $2Entirely vanilla generation
setup_partial_area_error: $7You must choose the terrain!
setup_area_name: $1What would you like this area called?
setup_area_non_alphanumerical: $7The area id must be alphanumerical!
setup_area_invalid_id: $7You must choose an area id that is not in use!
setup_area_min_plot_id: $1What should be the minimum Plot Id?
setup_area_min_plot_id_error: $7You must choose a valid minimum Plot Id!
setup_area_max_plot_id: $1What should be the maximum Plot Id?
setup_area_max_plot_id_error: $7You must choose a valid maximum Plot Id!
setup_area_plot_id_greater_than_minimum: $7The max PlotId must be greater than the
schematic_too_large: $2The plot is too large for this action!
schematic_missing_arg: '$2You need to specify an argument. Possible values: $1save$2,
$1paste $2, $1exportall$2, $1list'
schematic_invalid: '$2That is not a valid schematic. Reason: $2%s'
schematic_valid: $2That is a valid schematic
schematic_paste_merged: $2Schematics cannot be pasted onto merged plots. Please
unmerge the plot before performing the paste.
schematic_paste_failed: $2Failed to paste the schematic
schematic_paste_success: $4The schematic pasted successfully
schematic_list: '$4Saved Schematics: $1%s'
@ -157,9 +184,6 @@ schematics:
schematic_exportall_started: $1Starting export...
schematic_exportall_world_args: $1Need world argument. Use $3/plot sch exportall
schematic_exportall_mass_started: $1Schematic mass export has been started. This
may take a while
schematic_exportall_count: $1Found $3%s $1plots...
schematic_exportall_finished: $1Finished mass export
schematic_exportall_single_finished: $1Finished export
@ -205,7 +229,6 @@ merge:
merge_accepted: $2The merge request has been accepted
success_merge: $2Plots have been merged!
merge_requested: $2Successfully sent a merge request
no_perm_merge: '$2You are not the owner of the plot: $1%plot%'
no_available_automerge: $2You do not own any adjacent plots in the specified direction
or are not allowed to merge to the required size.
unlink_impossible: $2You can only unlink a mega-plot
@ -217,6 +240,17 @@ commandconfig:
subcommand_set_options_header: '$2Possible Values: '
command_syntax: '$1Usage: $2%s'
flag_tutorial_usage: '$1Have an admin set the flag: $2%s'
component_illegal_block: $2You are not allowed to generate a component containg
the block '%s'
not_valid_block: '$2That''s not a valid block: %s'
not_allowed_block: '$2That block is not allowed: %s'
not_valid_number: '$2That''s not a valid number within the range: %s'
not_valid_plot_id: $2That's not a valid plot id.
found_no_plots: $2Found no plots with your search query
number_not_in_range: 'That''s not a valid number within the range: (%s, %s)'
number_not_positive: 'That''s not a positive number: %s'
not_a_number: '%s is not a valid number.'
invalid_player: '$2Player not found: $1%s$2.'
invalid_player_offline: '$2The player must be online: $1%s.'
@ -225,7 +259,6 @@ errors:
command_went_wrong: $2Something went wrong when executing that command...
no_free_plots: $2There are no free plots available
not_in_plot: $2You're not in a plot
not_loaded: $2The plot could not be loaded
not_in_cluster: $2You must be within a plot cluster to perform that action
not_in_plot_world: $2You're not in a plot area
plotworld_incompatible: $2The two worlds must be compatible
@ -234,6 +267,8 @@ errors:
no_plots: $2You don't have any plots
wait_for_timer: $2A set block timer is bound to either the current plot or you.
Please wait for it to finish
tile_entity_cap_reached: $2The total number of tile entities in this chunk may not
exceed $1%s
debug_report_created: '$1Uploaded a full debug to: $1%url%'
@ -255,15 +290,6 @@ set block:
debugallowunsafe_on: $2Unsafe actions allowed
debugallowunsafe_off: $2Unsafe actions disabled
not_valid_block: '$2That''s not a valid block: %s'
not_allowed_block: '$2That block is not allowed: %s'
not_valid_number: '$2That''s not a valid number within the range: %s'
not_valid_plot_id: $2That's not a valid plot id.
found_no_plots: $2Found no plots with your search query
number_not_in_range: 'That''s not a valid number within the range: (%s, %s)'
number_not_positive: 'That''s not a positive number: %s'
not_a_number: '%s is not a valid number.'
need_block: $2You've got to specify a block
@ -299,6 +325,8 @@ info:
plot_flag_list: $2%s0:%s1$3
plot_no_description: No description set.
info_syntax_console: $2/plot info X;Z
plot_caps_header: $3&m---------&r $1CAPS $3&m---------
plot_caps_format: '$2- Cap Type: $1%cap% $2| Status: $1%current%$2/$1%limit% $2($1%percentage%%$2)'
generating_component: $1Started generating component from your settings
clearing_done: $4Clear completed! Took %sms.
@ -312,20 +340,12 @@ list:
area_list_header_paged: $2(Page $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1List of %amount% areas
plot_list_header_paged: $2(Page $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1List of %amount% plots
plot_list_header: $1List of %word% plots
plot_list_item: $2>> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_item_ordered: $2[$1%in$2] >> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_footer: $2>> $1%word% a total of $2%num% $1claimed %plot%.
plot_chat_spy_format: '$2[$1Plot Spy$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_format: '$2[$1Plot Chat$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_forced: $2This world forces everyone to use plot chat.
plot_chat_on: $4Plot chat enabled.
plot_chat_off: $4Plot chat disabled.
denied_added: $4You successfully denied the player from this plot
denied_need_argument: $2Arguments are missing. $1/plot denied add <name> $2or $1/plot
denied remove <name>
was_not_denied: $2That player was not denied on this plot
you_got_denied: $4You are denied from the plot you were previously on, and got teleported
to spawn
cant_remove_owner: $2You can't remove the plot owner
@ -333,7 +353,6 @@ kick:
you_got_kicked: $4You got kicked!
flag_key: '$2Key: %s'
flag_type: '$2Type: %s'
flag_desc: '$2Desc: %s'
not_valid_flag: $2That is not a valid flag
not_valid_flag_suggested: '$2That is not a valid flag. Did you mean: $1%s'
@ -343,9 +362,9 @@ flag:
flag_removed: $4Successfully removed flag
flag_partially_removed: $4Successfully removed flag value(s)
flag_added: $4Successfully added flag
flag_list_entry: '$2%s: $1%s'
flag_list_see_info: Click to view information about the flag
flag_parse_exception: '$2Failed to parse flag ''%s'', value ''%s'': %s'
flag_parse_error: '$2Failed to parse flag ''%flag_name%'', value ''%flag_value%'':
flag_info_header: $3&m---------&r $1Plot² Flags $3&m---------
flag_info_footer: $3&m---------&r $1Plot² Flags $3&m---------
flag_info_color_key: $1
@ -370,6 +389,7 @@ flags:
flag_category_enum: Generic Enum Flags
flag_category_decimal: Decimal Flags
flag_category_boolean: Boolean Flags
flag_category_fly: Flight Flags
flag_category_mixed: Mixed Value Flags
flag_description_entity_cap: Set to an integer value to limit the amount of entities
on the plot.
@ -378,10 +398,12 @@ flags:
flag_description_music: Set to a music disk ID (item name) to play the music disc
inside of the plot.
flag_description_flight: Set to `true` to enable flight within the plot when in
survival or adventure mode.
survival or adventure mode, set to `default` to use the gamemode default, and
`false` to disable flight entirely.
flag_description_untrusted: Set to `false` to disallow untrusted players from visiting
the plot.
flag_description_deny_exit: Set to `true` to disallow players from exiting the plot.
flag_description_chat: Set to `false` to prevent plot chat on the plot.
flag_description_description: Plot description. Supports '&' color codes.
flag_description_greeting: Message sent to players on plot entry. Supports '&' color
@ -469,6 +491,8 @@ flags:
flag_description_snow_form: Set to `true` to allow snow to form within the plot.
flag_description_snow_melt: Set to `true` to allow snow to melt within the plot.
flag_description_soil_dry: Set to `true` to allow soil to dry within the plot.
flag_description_coral_dry: Set to `true` to allow coral blocks to dry within the
flag_description_tamed_attack: Set to `true` to allow guests to attack tamed animals
in the plot.
flag_description_tamed_interact: Set to `true` to allow guests to interact with
@ -497,6 +521,10 @@ flags:
flag_description_blocked_cmds: A list of commands that are blocked in the plot.
flag_description_keep: 'Prevents the plot from expiring. Can be set to: true, false,
the number of milliseconds to keep the plot for or a timestamp (3w 2d 5h).'
flag_description_keep_inventory: Prevents players from dropping their items when
they die inside of the plot.
flag_description_prevent_creative_copy: Prevents people from copying item NBT data
in the plot unless they're added as members.
flag_error_boolean: Flag value must be a boolean (true|false)
flag_error_enum: 'Must be one of: %s'
flag_error_gamemode: 'Flag value must be a gamemode: ''survival'', ''creative'',
@ -508,7 +536,7 @@ flags:
flag_error_keep: Flag value must be a timestamp or a boolean
flag_error_long: Flag value must be a whole number (large numbers allowed)
flag_error_plotblocklist: Flag value must be a block list
flag_error_invalid_block: The provided value is not a valid block
flag_error_invalid_block: The provided value is not a valid block or block category
flag_error_double: Flag value must be a decimal number.
flag_error_string: Flag value must be alphanumeric. Some special characters are
@ -517,11 +545,10 @@ flags:
flag_error_music: Flag value must be a valid music disc ID.
trusted_added: $4You successfully trusted a user to the plot
was_not_added: $2That player was not trusted on this plot
plot_removed_user: $1Plot %s of which you were added to has been deleted due to
owner inactivity
removed_players: $2Removed %s players from this plot.
removed_players: $2Removed %s player(s) from this plot.
plot_left: $2%s left the plot.
already_owner: '$2That user is already the plot owner: %s0'
already_added: '$2That user is already added to that category: %s0'
@ -547,9 +574,6 @@ help:
help_item: $1%usage% [%alias%]&- $3- $2%desc%&-
help_display_all_commands: Display all commands
direction: '$1Current direction: %dir%'
bucket_entries_ignored: $2Total bucket values add up to 1 or more. Blocks without
a specified chance will be ignored
command_category_claiming: Claiming
command_category_teleport: Teleport
@ -563,7 +587,33 @@ category:
granted_plots: '$1Result: $2%s $1grants left'
granted_plot: $1You granted %s0 plot to $2%s1
granted_plot_failed: '$1Grant failed: $2%s'
event_denied: $1%s $2Cancelled by external plugin.
backup_usage: '$1Usage: $2/plot backup save/list/load'
backup_impossible: '$2Backups are not enabled for this plot: %s'
backup_save_success: $1The backup was created successfully
backup_save_failed: '$2The backup could not be created: %s'
backup_load_success: $1The backup was restored successfully
backup_load_failure: '$2The backup could not be restored: %s'
backup_load_usage: '$1Usage: $2/plot backup load [#]'
backup_list_header: $1Available backups for plot $2%s
backup_list_entry: $3- $1#%s0 $2%s1
backup_list_failed: '$2Backup listing failed: %s'
backup_automatic_started: $1Backing up the plot...
backup_automatic_finished: $1The automatic backup process finished successfully!
backup_automatic_failure: '$2The automatic backup process failed. Your pending action
has been canceled. Reason: %s'
preset_cannot_afford: $2You cannot afford that preset
preset_invalid: $2Could not generate a pattern from that preset
preset_lore_cost: '$2Cost: $1%cost%'
preset_lore_component: '$2Component: $1%component%'
generic_other: other
generic_merged: merged
generic_unowned: unowned
generic_invalid_choice: invalid choice
legacy_config_found: A legacy configuration file was detected. Conversion will be