Updated Installation (markdown)

NotMyFault 2020-02-16 18:01:06 +01:00
parent ea7b629aeb
commit 7e7238a5f5

@ -1,121 +1,49 @@
## Initial Setup:
- Download the files ([< 1.13](http://ci.athion.net/job/PlotSquared-Legacy/)) ([1.13+](https://ci.athion.net/job/PlotSquared-Releases/))
- Extract the contents from the zip (if it's in a zip file)
- Put "PlotSquared.jar" into your "plugins" directory for the server
- If you are installing PlotSquared for Bukkit 1.13 and above, you need to install [WorldEdit 7](https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/worldedit/files). AWE is not directly supported by us, please consult the plugin author if you encounter issues with AWE.
- Run the server once to generate the necessary files
- [Download the plugin](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/plotsquared.1177/)
- Put "PlotSquared-Bukkit-4.x.jar" into your `plugins` folder on your server.
- If you are installing PlotSquared, you need to install [WorldEdit 7.1 or higher](https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/worldedit/files). AWE is not directly supported by us, please consult the plugin author if you encounter issues with AWE.
- Run the server once to generate the necessary files.
## Database Configuration
### Database: SQLite
If you do not have a MySQL database, storage should automatically be set for SQLite and you may skip this step.
If you do not have a MySQL database, storage will be automatically set to SQLite and you may skip this step.
### Database: MySQL
**Please remember that you can use MySQL or SQLite, but not both at the same time.**
**Also note that you can convert to MySQL at any time using the `/plot database` command**
- Navigate to "storage.yml"
**Enabling MySQL also supports other storage types like MariaDB.
- Navigate to `/plugins/PlotSquared/config/storage.yml`
- Configure the settings for your MySQL database
## PlotMe conversion (Optional)
- Conversion is automated, you don't need to do a thing.
- All plot data is converted
- Permissions + PlotMe/Multiverse/Bukkit configuration is converted
#### Create a new Plot world
You can create a plotworld using the setup wizard. Use `/plot setup` to start the wizard.
Every step requires the command, e.g. `/plot set PlotSquared` and replace "PlotSquared" with your desired value.
If you are done, PlotSquared will teleport you to the generated plotworld.
#### Switching Generators
Sometimes PlotSquared will be unable to switch the generators for your plot worlds. If this is the case, you will need to manually switch the generator over while the server is stopped. Check the bukkit.yml or MultiWorld configuration and change the generator while the server is stopped.
Sometimes PlotSquared will be unable to switch the generators for your plot worlds. If this is the case, you will need to manually switch the generator over while the server is stopped. Check the bukkit.yml and change the generator while the server is stopped using the following format:
generator: PlotSquared
Replace `plotworld` with the name of your plotworld.
#### Permissions
Some PlotMe permissions may not work with PlotSquared, see here for commands and perms:
#### Commands and Permissions
[Main Commands](https://github.com/IntellectualSites/PlotSquared/wiki/Commands)
[Permission Packs](https://github.com/IntellectualSites/PlotSquared/wiki/Permission-Packs)
[Administrative Permissions](https://github.com/IntellectualSites/PlotSquared/wiki/Bypass-Permissions)
#### Optimize your world
[See here](https://github.com/IntellectualCrafters/PlotSquared/wiki/World-reduction)
## Updating to 1.13
If you are updating to 1.13 you might have to manually change some things.
PlotSquared will attempt to convert your `worlds.yml` configuration file on startup. After that has been done, you should review the file to see that everything has converted properly.
Please note that PlotSquared for 1.13 only supports Bukkit at the moment.
#### Schematics
PlotSquared will not update your schematics, so you might have to do that manually.
The new version of PlotSquared introduced a format for configuring blocks for the different plot components. You can read more about that [here](https://github.com/IntellectualCrafters/PlotSquared/wiki/BlockBucket "here"). This change allows you to use multiple block types in every plot component.
#### Dependencies
PlotSquared now depends on [WorldEdit](https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/worldedit/files "WorldEdit"), so you will need to have that installed on the server in order to use PlotSquared.
## World Creation
#### [Tutorial: Custom Augmented](https://github.com/IntellectualCrafters/PlotSquared/wiki/TerrainControl)
- Tutorial for using a non PlotSquared generator such as TerrainControl
#### [Tutorial: Partial Augmented](https://github.com/IntellectualCrafters/PlotSquared/wiki/Augmented-Plot-Worlds)
- Tutorial for adding plot clusters to an existing world
#### Optional: Generate a world with a schematic already in the plot:
Navigate to the following directory:
You may need to create the directories if they do not exist (case sensitive).
- Replace `<world>` with the name of your world
Put a schematic called `plot.schematic` in the folder, then generate the world (see below).
_Note: the schematic pastes from the plot height defined in the worlds.yml_
#### Option 1: Using the setup command:
- Use the command: `/plot setup`
#### Option 2: Creating a world with Multiworld:
`/mw create <world> plugin:PlotSquared`
#### Option 3: Using the area create command
Use `/plot area create <world>[:name] [modifiers]`
- `/plot area create plotworld size=24`
- `/plot area create worldname:areaname type=2 terrain=2`
- `s` or `size` (plot size)
- `g` or `gap` (road width)
- `h` or `height` (plot height)
- `f` or `floor` (plot floor block)
- `m` or `main` (plot main block)
- `w` or `wall` (plot wall block)
- `b` or `border` (plot border block)
- `type` (0=infinite plots,1=plots with vanilla terrain,2=partial plotworld)
- `terrain` (0=flat,1=ores,2=only road,3=entirely vanilla)
(Note: The terrain modifier can only be applied to type 1 or 2 worlds)
#### Option 4: Creating a world with Multiverse:
`/mv create <world> normal -g PlotSquared`
It will also accept several arguments:
- `s` or `size` (plot size)
- `g` or `gap` (road width)
- `h` or `height` (plot height)
- `f` or `floor` (plot floor block)
- `m` or `main` (plot main block)
- `w` or `wall` (plot wall block)
- `b` or `border` (plot border block)
- `/mv create <world> normal -g PlotSquared:size=64`
Up to 1.12:
- `/mv create <world> normal -g PlotSquared:h=64,main=5:2`
- `/mv create <world> normal -g PlotSquared:h=64,main=oak_planks:50,dirt:25,stone:25`
(50% oak planks, 25% dirt and 25% stone)
#### Manual generation setting
This is required if the DEFAULT world (as defined in server.properties) is using the PlotSquared generator, or you don't have Multiverse or MultiWorld installed: [**Click Here**](https://github.com/IntellectualCrafters/PlotSquared/wiki/Manual-generator-setting)
#### Setup PlotSquared as default world
This is required if the DEFAULT world (as defined in server.properties) should be set to PlotSquared, click [here](https://github.com/IntellectualSites/PlotSquared/wiki/Set-a-plotworld-as-default-world) to learn how to setup PlotSquared as default world.
## Adding Road Schematics
##### Road schematics are added after world generation. You are also capable of changing the roads whenever you want, however newly created roads are recommended.
First you want to build a road surrounding your plot. If you want to save time, you are only required to create roads on the west, and northwest part of the road relative to the plot. (If you are worried about messing up, it's best just to build the road around the whole plot). The road includes the walls and the full intersection.
First you want to build a road surrounding your plot. The road includes the walls and the full intersection. Therefore you have to build over the intersections as well, we recommend going 3 or 4 blocks ahead.
Here is what a road might look like:
![Road schematic](http://i.imgur.com/XeVojbB.png)
Here is a link of the parts of a road schematic you have to create. The pink parts are just a recommendation, but the past has shown us that it's good to add them before creating the road schematic:
![Road schematic](https://i.imgur.com/ISPEJPC.png)
Once you have created the road, stand in the plot and execute the following command:
@ -125,12 +53,9 @@ To test the schematic (recommended), stand in some other road not part of the sc
- Road schematics are stored in plugins/PlotSquared/schematics/GEN_ROAD_SCHEMATIC/`world`
- Once creating a road schem, it can be **copied** to a new `world` folder in this directory, providing the schematic for generating a new world.
`/plot debugroadregen`
`/plot debugroadregen plot`
If all is well, you can begin regenerating the roads in the entire map. Open up your console and execute the following command (this may take a while / also causes lag spikes):
`/plot regenallroads <world> [height]`
- The height option, if specified, changes the amount of air to paste above the schematic.
## Example configuration:
[Click Here](https://github.com/IntellectualCrafters/PlotSquared/wiki/Example-configuration)
- The height option, if specified, changes the amount of air to paste above the schematic.