Updated Plot flags (markdown)

NotMyFault 2020-02-18 20:19:35 +01:00
parent be70bf5ded
commit df13fd86ca

@ -86,18 +86,18 @@ The asterisk covers the values of the flag, if it's a boolean flag you cover `tr
| instabreak | Set to `true` to allow blocks to be instantaneously broken in survival mode | False |
| disable-physics | Set to `true` to disable block physics in the plot | False |
| liquid-flow | Set to `false` to disable liquid flowing | True |
| snow-melt | Set to `true` to enable snow melting | True |
| snow-form | Set to `true` to enable snow spawning on top of blocks | False |
| ice-melt | Set to `true` to ice melting | False |
| ice-form | Set to `true` to ice forming | False |
| block-burn | Set to `true` to enable block burning | False |
| block-ignition | Set to `true` to ignite blocks | False |
| soil-dry | Set to `true` to allow soil to dry | False |
| device-interact | Set to `true` to allow guests to work (pressure plates e.g.) | False |
| vehicle-break | Set to `true` to allow guests to break vehicles (minecarts e.g.) | False |
| vehicle-place | Set to `true` to allow guests to place vehicles (minecarts e.g.) | False |
| vehicle-use | Set to `true` to allow guests to use vehicles (minecarts e.g.) | False |
| hanging-break | Set to `true` to allow guests to break hangings | False |
| snow-melt | Set to `true` to allow snow to melt within the plot. | True |
| snow-form | Set to `false` to disallow snow to form within the plot | False |
| ice-melt | Set to `true` to allow ice to melt in the plot | False |
| ice-form | Set to `true` to allow ice to form in the plot | False |
| block-burn | Set to `true` to allow blocks to burn within the plot. | False |
| block-ignition | Set to `true` to allow blocks to ignite within the plot. | False |
| soil-dry | Set to `true` to allow soil to dry within the plot | False |
| device-interact | Set to `true` to allow devices to be interacted with in the plot | False |
| vehicle-break | Set to `true` to allow guests to break vehicles in the plot | False |
| vehicle-place | Set to `true` to allow guests to place vehicles in the plot | False |
| vehicle-use | Set to `true` to allow guests to use vehicles in the plot | False |
| hanging-break | Set to `true` to allow guests to break hanging objects in the plot. | False |
| hanging-place | Set to `true` to allow guests to place hangings | False |
| misc-place | Set to `true` to allow guests to place miscellaneous items (item frames e.g.) | False |
| misc-break | Set to `true` to allow guests to break miscellaneous items | False |