Updated BlockBucket (markdown)

Jesse Boyd 2019-11-11 01:08:05 -08:00
parent c666bdfcb7
commit ec94897eed

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
## This guide is for PlotSquared versions 1.13+
Block buckets allow you to specify however many blocks you want, for every component of a plot. You can specify the block weight, which will determine how likely the block is to be picked from the bucket.
- `block1,block2,block3,block4` will automatically infer that there should be 25% of each of the four blocks
- `50%block1,30%block2,20%block3` will use 50% of block1, 30% of block2 and 20% of block3.
- `stone,grass_block,cobblestone,sandstone` will automatically infer that there should be 25% of each of the four blocks
- `stone:50,grass_block:30,sandstone:20` will use 50% of stone, 30% of grass_blockand 20% of sandstone.
You can choose to leave out the weight for any block, and it will be automatically inferred from the other numbers. If [WorldEdit](https://worldedit.enginehub.org/en/latest/usage/general/patterns/) or [FAWE](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/wiki/WorldEdit-and-FAWE-patterns) is installed, complex patterns are also accepted.
_Note: Omitting the weight for any block, and it will be automatically inferred from the other numbers._
To restrict what patterns are allowed, configure the `disallowed-blocks` list in `plugins/WorldEdit/config.yml`, or `plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/config-legacy.yml`
### PlotSquared 1.14+ Patterns
Blockstates are in the format `namespace:block[property1=value1,property2=value2]` (The properties and namespace are optional, and `grass_block` will resolve to `minecraft:grass_block[snowy=false]`. [More info](https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Block_states))
If [WorldEdit](https://worldedit.enginehub.org/en/latest/usage/general/patterns/) or [FAWE](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/wiki/WorldEdit-and-FAWE-patterns) is installed, complex patterns are also accepted.
To restrict what blocks are allowed for the patterns, configure the `disallowed-blocks` list in `plugins/WorldEdit/config.yml`, or `plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/config-legacy.yml`