package com.comphenix.protocol.injector.player; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; /** * Represents an array list that wraps another list, while automatically replacing one element with another. *

* The replaced elements can be recovered. * * @author Kristian * @param - type of the elements we're replacing. */ class ReplacedArrayList extends ForwardingList { private BiMap replaceMap = HashBiMap.create(); private List underlyingList; public ReplacedArrayList(List underlyingList) { this.underlyingList = underlyingList; } /** * Invoked when a element inserted is replaced. * @param inserting - the element inserted. * @param replacement - the element that it should replace. */ protected void onReplacing(TKey inserting, TKey replacement) { // Default is to do nothing. } @Override public boolean add(TKey element) { if (replaceMap.containsKey(element)) { TKey replacement = replaceMap.get(element); onReplacing(element, replacement); return super.add(replacement); } else { return super.add(element); } } @Override public void add(int index, TKey element) { if (replaceMap.containsKey(element)) { TKey replacement = replaceMap.get(element); onReplacing(element, replacement); super.add(index, replacement); } else { super.add(index, element); } } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection collection) { int oldSize = size(); for (TKey element : collection) add(element); return size() != oldSize; } @Override public boolean addAll(int index, Collection elements) { int oldSize = size(); for (TKey element : elements) add(index++, element); return size() != oldSize; } @Override protected List delegate() { return underlyingList; } /** * Add a replace rule. *

* This automatically replaces every existing element. * @param target - instance to find. * @param replacement - instance to replace with. */ public synchronized void addMapping(TKey target, TKey replacement) { replaceMap.put(target, replacement); // Replace existing elements replaceAll(target, replacement); } /** * Revert the given mapping. * @param target - the instance we replaced. */ public synchronized void removeMapping(TKey target) { // Make sure the mapping exist if (replaceMap.containsKey(target)) { TKey replacement = replaceMap.get(target); replaceMap.remove(target); // Revert existing elements replaceAll(replacement, target); } } /** * Replace all instances of the given object. * @param find - object to find. * @param replace - object to replace it with. */ public synchronized void replaceAll(TKey find, TKey replace) { for (int i = 0; i < underlyingList.size(); i++) { if (Objects.equal(underlyingList.get(i), find)) { onReplacing(find, replace); underlyingList.set(i, replace); } } } /** * Undo all replacements. */ public synchronized void revertAll() { // No need to do anything else if (replaceMap.size() < 1) return; BiMap inverse = replaceMap.inverse(); for (int i = 0; i < underlyingList.size(); i++) { TKey replaced = underlyingList.get(i); if (inverse.containsKey(replaced)) { TKey original = inverse.get(replaced); onReplacing(replaced, original); underlyingList.set(i, original); } } replaceMap.clear(); } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { revertAll(); super.finalize(); } }