package; import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType; import com.comphenix.protocol.injector.BukkitUnwrapper; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.EquivalentConverter; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.Accessors; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.ConstructorAccessor; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.FieldAccessor; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.MethodAccessor; import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.MinecraftProtocolVersion; import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.MinecraftReflection; import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.MinecraftVersion; import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.AbstractWrapper; import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.BukkitConverters; import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedChatComponent; import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedGameProfile; import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedServerPing; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Server; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Represents a server ping packet data. * @author Kristian */ public final class LegacyServerPing extends AbstractWrapper implements ServerPingImpl { private static final Class GAME_PROFILE = MinecraftReflection.getGameProfileClass(); // For converting to the underlying array private static final EquivalentConverter> PROFILE_CONVERT = BukkitConverters.getArrayConverter(GAME_PROFILE, BukkitConverters.getWrappedGameProfileConverter()); // Get profile from player private static final FieldAccessor ENTITY_HUMAN_PROFILE = Accessors.getFieldAccessor( MinecraftReflection.getEntityPlayerClass().getSuperclass(), GAME_PROFILE, true); private static final Class GAME_PROFILE_ARRAY = MinecraftReflection.getArrayClass(GAME_PROFILE); // Server ping fields private static final Class SERVER_PING = MinecraftReflection.getServerPingClass(); private static final ConstructorAccessor SERVER_PING_CONSTRUCTOR = Accessors.getConstructorAccessor(SERVER_PING); private static final FieldAccessor DESCRIPTION = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(SERVER_PING, MinecraftReflection.getIChatBaseComponentClass(), true); private static final FieldAccessor PLAYERS = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(SERVER_PING, MinecraftReflection.getServerPingPlayerSampleClass(), true); private static final FieldAccessor VERSION = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(SERVER_PING, MinecraftReflection.getServerPingServerDataClass(), true); private static final FieldAccessor FAVICON = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(SERVER_PING, String.class, true); private static final FieldAccessor[] BOOLEAN_ACCESSORS = Accessors.getFieldAccessorArray(SERVER_PING, boolean.class, true); // Server ping player sample fields private static final Class PLAYERS_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getServerPingPlayerSampleClass(); private static final ConstructorAccessor PLAYERS_CONSTRUCTOR = Accessors.getConstructorAccessor(PLAYERS_CLASS, int.class, int.class); private static final FieldAccessor[] PLAYERS_INTS = Accessors.getFieldAccessorArray(PLAYERS_CLASS, int.class, true); private static final FieldAccessor PLAYERS_PROFILES = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(PLAYERS_CLASS, GAME_PROFILE_ARRAY, true); private static final FieldAccessor PLAYERS_MAXIMUM = PLAYERS_INTS[0]; private static final FieldAccessor PLAYERS_ONLINE = PLAYERS_INTS[1]; // Server ping serialization private static final Class GSON_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftGsonClass(); private static final MethodAccessor GSON_TO_JSON = Accessors.getMethodAccessor(GSON_CLASS, "toJson", Object.class); private static final MethodAccessor GSON_FROM_JSON = Accessors.getMethodAccessor(GSON_CLASS, "fromJson", String.class, Class.class); private static final FieldAccessor PING_GSON = Accessors.getMemorizing(Accessors.getFieldAccessor( PacketType.Status.Server.SERVER_INFO.getPacketClass(), GSON_CLASS, true )); // Server data fields private static final Class VERSION_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getServerPingServerDataClass(); private static final ConstructorAccessor VERSION_CONSTRUCTOR = Accessors.getConstructorAccessor(VERSION_CLASS, String.class, int.class); private static final FieldAccessor VERSION_NAME = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(VERSION_CLASS, String.class, true); private static final FieldAccessor VERSION_PROTOCOL = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(VERSION_CLASS, int.class, true); // Inner class private Object players; // may be NULL private Object version; /** * Construct a new server ping initialized with a zero player count, and zero maximum. *

* Note that the version string is set to 1.9.4. */ public LegacyServerPing() { super(MinecraftReflection.getServerPingClass()); setHandle(SERVER_PING_CONSTRUCTOR.invoke()); resetPlayers(); resetVersion(); } public LegacyServerPing(Object handle) { super(MinecraftReflection.getServerPingClass()); setHandle(handle); this.players = PLAYERS.get(handle); this.version = VERSION.get(handle); } /** * Set the player count and player maximum to the default values. */ public void resetPlayers() { players = PLAYERS_CONSTRUCTOR.invoke(0, 0); PLAYERS.set(handle, players); } /** * Reset the version string to the default state. */ public void resetVersion() { MinecraftVersion minecraftVersion = MinecraftVersion.getCurrentVersion(); version = VERSION_CONSTRUCTOR.invoke(minecraftVersion.toString(), MinecraftProtocolVersion.getCurrentVersion()); VERSION.set(handle, version); } /** * Construct a wrapped server ping from a native NMS object. * @param handle - the native object. * @return The wrapped server ping object. */ public static LegacyServerPing fromHandle(Object handle) { return new LegacyServerPing(handle); } /** * Construct a wrapper server ping from an encoded JSON string. * @param json - the JSON string. * @return The wrapped server ping. */ public static LegacyServerPing fromJson(String json) { return fromHandle(GSON_FROM_JSON.invoke(PING_GSON.get(null), json, SERVER_PING)); } /** * Retrieve the message of the day. * @return The message of the day. */ @Override public WrappedChatComponent getMotD() { return WrappedChatComponent.fromHandle(DESCRIPTION.get(handle)); } /** * Set the message of the day. * @param description - message of the day. */ @Override public void setMotD(WrappedChatComponent description) { DESCRIPTION.set(handle, description != null ? description.getHandle() : null); } /** * Retrieve the compressed PNG file that is being displayed as a favicon. * @return The favicon, or NULL if no favicon will be displayed. */ @Override public WrappedServerPing.CompressedImage getFavicon() { String favicon = (String) FAVICON.get(handle); return (favicon != null) ? WrappedServerPing.CompressedImage.fromEncodedText(favicon) : null; } /** * Set the compressed PNG file that is being displayed. * @param image - the new compressed image or NULL if no favicon should be displayed. */ @Override public void setFavicon(WrappedServerPing.CompressedImage image) { FAVICON.set(handle, (image != null) ? image.toEncodedText() : null); } /** * Retrieve whether chat preview is enabled on the server. * @return whether chat preview is enabled on the server. * @since 1.19 * @deprecated Removed in 1.19.3 */ @Deprecated public boolean isChatPreviewEnabled() { return (Boolean) BOOLEAN_ACCESSORS[0].get(handle); } /** * Sets whether chat preview is enabled on the server. * @param chatPreviewEnabled true if enabled, false otherwise. * @since 1.19 * @deprecated Removed in 1.19.3 */ @Deprecated public void setChatPreviewEnabled(boolean chatPreviewEnabled) { BOOLEAN_ACCESSORS[0].set(handle, chatPreviewEnabled); } /** * Sets whether the server enforces secure chat. * @return whether the server enforces secure chat. * @since 1.19.1 */ @Override public boolean isEnforceSecureChat() { int index = MinecraftVersion.FEATURE_PREVIEW_UPDATE.atOrAbove() ? 0 : 1; return (Boolean) BOOLEAN_ACCESSORS[index].get(handle); } /** * Sets whether the server enforces secure chat. * @param enforceSecureChat true if enabled, false otherwise. * @since 1.19.1 */ @Override public void setEnforceSecureChat(boolean enforceSecureChat) { int index = MinecraftVersion.FEATURE_PREVIEW_UPDATE.atOrAbove() ? 0 : 1; BOOLEAN_ACCESSORS[index].set(handle, enforceSecureChat); } /** * Retrieve the displayed number of online players. * @return The displayed number. * @throws IllegalStateException If the player count has been hidden via {@link #setPlayersVisible(boolean)}. * @see #setPlayersOnline(int) */ @Override public int getPlayersOnline() { if (players == null) throw new IllegalStateException("The player count has been hidden."); return (Integer) PLAYERS_ONLINE.get(players); } /** * Set the displayed number of online players. *

* As of 1.7.2, this is completely unrestricted, and can be both positive and * negative, as well as higher than the player maximum. * @param online - online players. */ @Override public void setPlayersOnline(int online) { if (players == null) resetPlayers(); PLAYERS_ONLINE.set(players, online); } /** * Retrieve the displayed maximum number of players. * @return The maximum number. * @throws IllegalStateException If the player maximum has been hidden via {@link #setPlayersVisible(boolean)}. * @see #setPlayersMaximum(int) */ @Override public int getPlayersMaximum() { if (players == null) throw new IllegalStateException("The player maximum has been hidden."); return (Integer) PLAYERS_MAXIMUM.get(players); } /** * Set the displayed maximum number of players. *

* The 1.7.2 accepts any value as a player maximum, positive or negative. It even permits a player maximum that * is less than the player count. * @param maximum - maximum player count. */ @Override public void setPlayersMaximum(int maximum) { if (players == null) resetPlayers(); PLAYERS_MAXIMUM.set(players, maximum); } /** * Set whether or not the player count and player maximum is visible. *

* Note that this may set the current player count and maximum to their respective real values. * @param visible - TRUE if it should be visible, FALSE otherwise. */ @Override public void setPlayersVisible(boolean visible) { if (arePlayersVisible() != visible) { if (visible) { // Recreate the count and maximum Server server = Bukkit.getServer(); setPlayersMaximum(server.getMaxPlayers()); setPlayersOnline(Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().size()); } else { PLAYERS.set(handle, players = null); } } } @Override public String getJson() { return (String) GSON_TO_JSON.invoke(PING_GSON.get(null), getHandle()); } /** * Determine if the player count and maximum is visible. *

* If not, the client will display ??? in the same location. * @return TRUE if the player statistics is visible, FALSE otherwise. */ @Override public boolean arePlayersVisible() { return players != null; } /** * Retrieve a copy of all the logged in players. * @return Logged in players or an empty list if no player names will be displayed. */ @Override public ImmutableList getPlayers() { if (players == null) return ImmutableList.of(); Object playerProfiles = PLAYERS_PROFILES.get(players); if (playerProfiles == null) return ImmutableList.of(); return ImmutableList.copyOf(PROFILE_CONVERT.getSpecific(playerProfiles)); } /** * Set the displayed list of logged in players. * @param playerSample - every logged in player. */ @Override public void setPlayers(Iterable playerSample) { if (players == null) resetPlayers(); PLAYERS_PROFILES.set(players, PROFILE_CONVERT.getGeneric(playerSample)); } /** * Retrieve the version name of the current server. * @return The version name. */ @Override public String getVersionName() { return (String) VERSION_NAME.get(version); } /** * Set the version name of the current server. * @param name - the new version name. */ @Override public void setVersionName(String name) { VERSION_NAME.set(version, name); } /** * Retrieve the protocol number. * @return The protocol. */ @Override public int getVersionProtocol() { return (Integer) VERSION_PROTOCOL.get(version); } /** * Set the version protocol * @param protocol - the protocol number. */ @Override public void setVersionProtocol(int protocol) { VERSION_PROTOCOL.set(version, protocol); } /** * Retrieve a deep copy of the current wrapper object. * @return The current object. */ public LegacyServerPing deepClone() { LegacyServerPing copy = new LegacyServerPing(); WrappedChatComponent motd = getMotD(); copy.setPlayers(getPlayers()); copy.setFavicon(getFavicon()); copy.setMotD(motd != null ? motd : null); copy.setVersionName(getVersionName()); copy.setVersionProtocol(getVersionProtocol()); if (arePlayersVisible()) { copy.setPlayersMaximum(getPlayersMaximum()); copy.setPlayersOnline(getPlayersOnline()); } else { copy.setPlayersVisible(false); } return copy; } /** * Retrieve the underlying JSON representation of this server ping. * @return The JSON representation. */ public String toJson() { return (String) GSON_TO_JSON.invoke(PING_GSON.get(null), handle); } @Override public String toString() { return "WrappedServerPing< " + toJson() + ">"; } }