package com.comphenix.protocol.utility; public final class IntegerMath { // The largest positive int in java is 2^31 - 1, so 2^30 is the largest positive int that is a power of 2. public static final int MAX_SIGNED_POWER_OF_TWO = 1 << (Integer.SIZE - 2); private IntegerMath() {} /** * This calculates the smallest y for which 2^y > x * * @param x the number that the next power of 2 should be calculated for. * * @return If the next power of two would be larger than {@link #MAX_SIGNED_POWER_OF_TWO}, this method returns {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} * * @see for a similar version, that is not yet implemented in the guava of Minecraft 1.8. */ public static int nextPowerOfTwo(int x) { if (x > MAX_SIGNED_POWER_OF_TWO) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; return 1 << -Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(x - 1); } }