package com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers; import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType; import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType.Protocol; import com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolLogger; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.EquivalentConverter; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.ExactReflection; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.FuzzyReflection; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.Accessors; import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.MinecraftReflection; import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.MinecraftVersion; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * Represents a generic enum converter. * @author Kristian */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked","rawtypes"}) public abstract class EnumWrappers { public enum ClientCommand { PERFORM_RESPAWN, REQUEST_STATS, OPEN_INVENTORY_ACHIEVEMENT } public enum ChatVisibility { FULL, SYSTEM, HIDDEN } public enum Difficulty { PEACEFUL, EASY, NORMAL, HARD } public enum EntityUseAction { INTERACT, ATTACK, INTERACT_AT } /** * Represents a native game mode in Minecraft. *

* Not to be confused with {@link GameMode} in Bukkit. * * @author Kristian */ public enum NativeGameMode { NOT_SET, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE, ADVENTURE, SPECTATOR, /** * @deprecated Replaced by NOT_SET */ @Deprecated NONE; /** * Gets this NativeGameMode's Bukkit equivalent. *

* Note: There is not a Bukkit equivalent for NOT_SET or NONE * * @return The Bukkit equivalent, or null if one does not exist. */ public GameMode toBukkit() { switch (this) { case ADVENTURE: return GameMode.ADVENTURE; case CREATIVE: return GameMode.CREATIVE; case SPECTATOR: return GameMode.SPECTATOR; case SURVIVAL: return GameMode.SURVIVAL; default: return null; } } /** * Obtains the given GameMode's NativeGameMode equivalent. * * @param mode Bukkit GameMode * @return The NativeGameMode equivalent, or null if one does not exist. */ public static NativeGameMode fromBukkit(GameMode mode) { switch (mode) { case ADVENTURE: return ADVENTURE; case CREATIVE: return CREATIVE; case SPECTATOR: return SPECTATOR; case SURVIVAL: return SURVIVAL; default: return null; } } } public enum ResourcePackStatus { SUCCESSFULLY_LOADED, DECLINED, FAILED_DOWNLOAD, ACCEPTED, DOWNLOADED, INVALID_URL, FAILED_RELOAD, DISCARDED; } public enum PlayerInfoAction { ADD_PLAYER, INITIALIZE_CHAT, UPDATE_GAME_MODE, UPDATE_LISTED, UPDATE_LATENCY, UPDATE_DISPLAY_NAME, /** * @deprecated Removed in 1.19.3 */ @Deprecated REMOVE_PLAYER } public enum TitleAction { TITLE, SUBTITLE, ACTIONBAR, TIMES, CLEAR, RESET } public enum WorldBorderAction { SET_SIZE, LERP_SIZE, SET_CENTER, INITIALIZE, SET_WARNING_TIME, SET_WARNING_BLOCKS } public enum CombatEventType { ENTER_COMBAT, END_COMBAT, ENTITY_DIED } public enum PlayerDigType implements AliasedEnum{ START_DESTROY_BLOCK, ABORT_DESTROY_BLOCK, STOP_DESTROY_BLOCK, DROP_ALL_ITEMS, DROP_ITEM, RELEASE_USE_ITEM, SWAP_HELD_ITEMS("SWAP_ITEM_WITH_OFFHAND"); final String[] aliases; PlayerDigType(String... aliases) { this.aliases = aliases; } @Override public String[] getAliases() { return aliases; } } public enum PlayerAction implements AliasedEnum { START_SNEAKING("PRESS_SHIFT_KEY"), STOP_SNEAKING("RELEASE_SHIFT_KEY"), STOP_SLEEPING, START_SPRINTING, STOP_SPRINTING, START_RIDING_JUMP, STOP_RIDING_JUMP, OPEN_INVENTORY, START_FALL_FLYING; final String[] aliases; PlayerAction(String... aliases) { this.aliases = aliases; } @Override public String[] getAliases() { return aliases; } } public enum ScoreboardAction { CHANGE, REMOVE } public enum Particle { EXPLOSION_NORMAL("explode", 0, true), EXPLOSION_LARGE("largeexplode", 1, true), EXPLOSION_HUGE("hugeexplosion", 2, true), FIREWORKS_SPARK("fireworksSpark", 3, false), WATER_BUBBLE("bubble", 4, false), WATER_SPLASH("splash", 5, false), WATER_WAKE("wake", 6, false), SUSPENDED("suspended", 7, false), SUSPENDED_DEPTH("depthsuspend", 8, false), CRIT("crit", 9, false), CRIT_MAGIC("magicCrit", 10, false), SMOKE_NORMAL("smoke", 11, false), SMOKE_LARGE("largesmoke", 12, false), SPELL("spell", 13, false), SPELL_INSTANT("instantSpell", 14, false), SPELL_MOB("mobSpell", 15, false), SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT("mobSpellAmbient", 16, false), SPELL_WITCH("witchMagic", 17, false), DRIP_WATER("dripWater", 18, false), DRIP_LAVA("dripLava", 19, false), VILLAGER_ANGRY("angryVillager", 20, false), VILLAGER_HAPPY("happyVillager", 21, false), TOWN_AURA("townaura", 22, false), NOTE("note", 23, false), PORTAL("portal", 24, false), ENCHANTMENT_TABLE("enchantmenttable", 25, false), FLAME("flame", 26, false), LAVA("lava", 27, false), FOOTSTEP("footstep", 28, false), CLOUD("cloud", 29, false), REDSTONE("reddust", 30, false), SNOWBALL("snowballpoof", 31, false), SNOW_SHOVEL("snowshovel", 32, false), SLIME("slime", 33, false), HEART("heart", 34, false), BARRIER("barrier", 35, false), ITEM_CRACK("iconcrack", 36, false, 2), BLOCK_CRACK("blockcrack", 37, false, 1), BLOCK_DUST("blockdust", 38, false, 1), WATER_DROP("droplet", 39, false), ITEM_TAKE("take", 40, false), MOB_APPEARANCE("mobappearance", 41, true), DRAGON_BREATH("dragonbreath", 42, false), END_ROD("endRod", 43, false), DAMAGE_INDICATOR("damageIndicator", 44, true), SWEEP_ATTACK("sweepAttack", 45, true), FALLING_DUST("fallingdust", 46, false, 1), TOTEM("totem", 47, false), SPIT("spit", 48, true); private static final Map BY_NAME; private static final Map BY_ID; static { BY_ID = new HashMap<>(); BY_NAME = new HashMap<>(); for (Particle particle : values()) { BY_NAME.put(particle.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), particle); BY_ID.put(particle.getId(), particle); } } private final String name; private final int id; private final boolean longDistance; private final int dataLength; Particle(String name, int id, boolean longDistance) { this(name, id, longDistance, 0); } Particle(String name, int id, boolean longDistance, int dataLength) { = name; = id; this.longDistance = longDistance; this.dataLength = dataLength; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getId() { return id; } public boolean isLongDistance() { return longDistance; } public int getDataLength() { return dataLength; } public static Particle getByName(String name) { return BY_NAME.get(name.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } public static Particle getById(int id) { return BY_ID.get(id); } } public enum SoundCategory { MASTER("master"), MUSIC("music"), RECORDS("record"), WEATHER("weather"), BLOCKS("block"), HOSTILE("hostile"), NEUTRAL("neutral"), PLAYERS("player"), AMBIENT("ambient"), VOICE("voice"); private static final Map LOOKUP; static { LOOKUP = new HashMap<>(); for (SoundCategory category : values()) { LOOKUP.put(category.key, category); } } private final String key; SoundCategory(String key) { this.key = key; } public String getKey() { return key; } public static SoundCategory getByKey(String key) { return LOOKUP.get(key.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } } public enum ItemSlot { MAINHAND, OFFHAND, FEET, LEGS, CHEST, HEAD } public enum Hand { MAIN_HAND, OFF_HAND } public enum Direction { DOWN, UP, NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST } public enum ChatType { CHAT, SYSTEM, GAME_INFO; public byte getId() { return (byte) ordinal(); } } /** * Wrapped EntityPose enum for use in Entity Metadata Packet.
* Remember to use {@link #toNms()} when adding to a {@link WrappedDataWatcher}.
* Serializer is obtained using Registry.get(EnumWrappers.getEntityPoseClass()) * * @since 1.13 * @author Lewys Davies (Lew_) */ public enum EntityPose { STANDING, FALL_FLYING, SLEEPING, SWIMMING, SPIN_ATTACK, CROUCHING, LONG_JUMPING, DYING, CROAKING, USING_TONGUE, SITTING, ROARING, SNIFFING, EMERGING, DIGGING, SLIDING, SHOOTING, INHALING; private final static EquivalentConverter POSE_CONVERTER = EnumWrappers.getEntityPoseConverter(); /** * @param nms net.minecraft.server.EntityPose Object * @return Wrapped {@link EntityPose} */ public static EntityPose fromNms(Object nms) { if (POSE_CONVERTER == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("EntityPose is only available in Minecraft version 1.13 +"); } return POSE_CONVERTER.getSpecific(nms); } /** @return net.minecraft.server.EntityPose enum equivalent to this wrapper enum */ public Object toNms() { if (POSE_CONVERTER == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("EntityPose is only available in Minecraft version 1.13 +"); } return POSE_CONVERTER.getGeneric(this); } } public enum Dimension { OVERWORLD(0), THE_NETHER(-1), THE_END(1); private final int id; Dimension(int id) { = id; } public int getId() { return; } public static Dimension fromId(int id) { switch (id) { case 0: return Dimension.OVERWORLD; case -1: return Dimension.THE_NETHER; case 1: return Dimension.THE_END; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid dimension ID: " + id); } } } /** * @since 1.20.2 */ public enum DisplaySlot { LIST, SIDEBAR, BELOW_NAME, TEAM_BLACK, TEAM_DARK_BLUE, TEAM_DARK_GREEN, TEAM_DARK_AQUA, TEAM_DARK_RED, TEAM_DARK_PURPLE, TEAM_GOLD, TEAM_GRAY, TEAM_DARK_GRAY, TEAM_BLUE, TEAM_GREEN, TEAM_AQUA, TEAM_RED, TEAM_LIGHT_PURPLE, TEAM_YELLOW, TEAM_WHITE; } private static Class PROTOCOL_CLASS = null; private static Class CLIENT_COMMAND_CLASS = null; private static Class CHAT_VISIBILITY_CLASS = null; private static Class DIFFICULTY_CLASS = null; private static Class ENTITY_USE_ACTION_CLASS = null; private static Class GAMEMODE_CLASS = null; private static Class RESOURCE_PACK_STATUS_CLASS = null; private static Class PLAYER_INFO_ACTION_CLASS = null; private static Class TITLE_ACTION_CLASS = null; private static Class WORLD_BORDER_ACTION_CLASS = null; private static Class COMBAT_EVENT_TYPE_CLASS = null; private static Class PLAYER_DIG_TYPE_CLASS = null; private static Class PLAYER_ACTION_CLASS = null; private static Class SCOREBOARD_ACTION_CLASS = null; private static Class PARTICLE_CLASS = null; private static Class SOUND_CATEGORY_CLASS = null; private static Class ITEM_SLOT_CLASS = null; private static Class HAND_CLASS = null; private static Class DIRECTION_CLASS = null; private static Class CHAT_TYPE_CLASS = null; private static Class ENTITY_POSE_CLASS = null; private static Class DISPLAY_SLOT_CLASS = null; private static boolean INITIALIZED = false; private static Map, EquivalentConverter> FROM_NATIVE = new HashMap<>(); private static Map, EquivalentConverter> FROM_WRAPPER = new HashMap<>(); static Set INVALID = new HashSet<>(); /** * Initialize the wrappers, if we haven't already. */ private static void initialize() { if (INITIALIZED) return; INITIALIZED = true; PROTOCOL_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Handshake.Client.SET_PROTOCOL.getPacketClass(), 0); CLIENT_COMMAND_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Client.CLIENT_COMMAND.getPacketClass(), 0); if (MinecraftVersion.CONFIG_PHASE_PROTOCOL_UPDATE.atOrAbove()) { CHAT_VISIBILITY_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftClass("world.entity.player.EnumChatVisibility"); } else { CHAT_VISIBILITY_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Client.SETTINGS.getPacketClass(), 0); } try { DIFFICULTY_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Server.SERVER_DIFFICULTY.getPacketClass(), 0); } catch (Exception ex) { DIFFICULTY_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Server.LOGIN.getPacketClass(), 1); } if (MinecraftVersion.CONFIG_PHASE_PROTOCOL_UPDATE.atOrAbove()) { GAMEMODE_CLASS = getEnum(MinecraftReflection.getPlayerInfoDataClass(), 0); } else { GAMEMODE_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Server.LOGIN.getPacketClass(), 0); } RESOURCE_PACK_STATUS_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Client.RESOURCE_PACK_STATUS.getPacketClass(), 0); TITLE_ACTION_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Server.TITLE.getPacketClass(), 0); WORLD_BORDER_ACTION_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Server.WORLD_BORDER.getPacketClass(), 0); COMBAT_EVENT_TYPE_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Server.COMBAT_EVENT.getPacketClass(), 0); PLAYER_DIG_TYPE_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Client.BLOCK_DIG.getPacketClass(), 1); PLAYER_ACTION_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Client.ENTITY_ACTION.getPacketClass(), 0); SCOREBOARD_ACTION_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Server.SCOREBOARD_SCORE.getPacketClass(), 0); PARTICLE_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Server.WORLD_PARTICLES.getPacketClass(), 0); PLAYER_INFO_ACTION_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Server.PLAYER_INFO.getPacketClass(), 0); if (PLAYER_INFO_ACTION_CLASS == null) { // todo: we can also use getField(0).getGenericType().getTypeParameters()[0]; but this should hold for now PLAYER_INFO_ACTION_CLASS = PacketType.Play.Server.PLAYER_INFO.getPacketClass().getClasses()[1]; } try { SOUND_CATEGORY_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftClass("sounds.SoundCategory"); } catch (Exception ex) { SOUND_CATEGORY_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Server.NAMED_SOUND_EFFECT.getPacketClass(), 0); } try { // TODO enum names are more stable than their packet associations ITEM_SLOT_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftClass("world.entity.EnumItemSlot", "world.entity.EquipmentSlot", "EnumItemSlot"); } catch (Exception ex) { ITEM_SLOT_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Server.ENTITY_EQUIPMENT.getPacketClass(), 0); } // In 1.17 the hand and use action class is no longer a field in the packet if (MinecraftVersion.CAVES_CLIFFS_1.atOrAbove()) { HAND_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftClass("world.EnumHand", "world.InteractionHand"); // class is named 'b' in the packet but class order differs in spigot and paper so we can only use the first method's return type (safest way) ENTITY_USE_ACTION_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getEnumEntityUseActionClass().getMethods()[0].getReturnType(); } else { HAND_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Client.USE_ENTITY.getPacketClass(), 1); ENTITY_USE_ACTION_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Client.USE_ENTITY.getPacketClass(), 0); } // 1.19 removed the entity spawn packet and moved the direction into a seperated class if (MinecraftVersion.WILD_UPDATE.atOrAbove()) { DIRECTION_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftClass("core.EnumDirection", "core.Direction"); } else { DIRECTION_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Server.SPAWN_ENTITY_PAINTING.getPacketClass(), 0); } CHAT_TYPE_CLASS = getEnum(PacketType.Play.Server.CHAT.getPacketClass(), 0); ENTITY_POSE_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getNullableNMS("world.entity.EntityPose", "world.entity.Pose", "EntityPose"); DISPLAY_SLOT_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getNullableNMS("world.scores.DisplaySlot"); associate(PROTOCOL_CLASS, Protocol.class, getProtocolConverter()); associate(CLIENT_COMMAND_CLASS, ClientCommand.class, getClientCommandConverter()); associate(CHAT_VISIBILITY_CLASS, ChatVisibility.class, getChatVisibilityConverter()); associate(DIFFICULTY_CLASS, Difficulty.class, getDifficultyConverter()); associate(GAMEMODE_CLASS, NativeGameMode.class, getGameModeConverter()); associate(RESOURCE_PACK_STATUS_CLASS, ResourcePackStatus.class, getResourcePackStatusConverter()); associate(PLAYER_INFO_ACTION_CLASS, PlayerInfoAction.class, getPlayerInfoActionConverter()); associate(TITLE_ACTION_CLASS, TitleAction.class, getTitleActionConverter()); associate(WORLD_BORDER_ACTION_CLASS, WorldBorderAction.class, getWorldBorderActionConverter()); associate(COMBAT_EVENT_TYPE_CLASS, CombatEventType.class, getCombatEventTypeConverter()); associate(PLAYER_DIG_TYPE_CLASS, PlayerDigType.class, getPlayerDiggingActionConverter()); associate(PLAYER_ACTION_CLASS, PlayerAction.class, getEntityActionConverter()); associate(SCOREBOARD_ACTION_CLASS, ScoreboardAction.class, getUpdateScoreActionConverter()); associate(PARTICLE_CLASS, Particle.class, getParticleConverter()); associate(SOUND_CATEGORY_CLASS, SoundCategory.class, getSoundCategoryConverter()); associate(ITEM_SLOT_CLASS, ItemSlot.class, getItemSlotConverter()); associate(DIRECTION_CLASS, Direction.class, getDirectionConverter()); associate(CHAT_TYPE_CLASS, ChatType.class, getChatTypeConverter()); associate(HAND_CLASS, Hand.class, getHandConverter()); associate(ENTITY_USE_ACTION_CLASS, EntityUseAction.class, getEntityUseActionConverter()); if (ENTITY_POSE_CLASS != null) { associate(ENTITY_POSE_CLASS, EntityPose.class, getEntityPoseConverter()); } } private static void associate(Class nativeClass, Class wrapperClass, EquivalentConverter converter) { if (nativeClass != null) { FROM_NATIVE.put(nativeClass, converter); FROM_WRAPPER.put(wrapperClass, converter); } else { INVALID.add(wrapperClass.getSimpleName()); } } /** * Retrieve the enum field with the given declaration index (in relation to the other enums). * @param clazz - the declaration class. * @param index - the enum index. * @return The type of the enum field. */ private static Class getEnum(Class clazz, int index) { if (clazz == null) { // not supported in the current version return null; } List enumFields = FuzzyReflection.fromClass(clazz, true).getFieldListByType(Enum.class); if (enumFields.size() <= index) { // also probably not supported ProtocolLogger.debug("Enum field not found at index {0} of {1}", index, clazz); return null; } return enumFields.get(index).getType(); } public static Map, EquivalentConverter> getFromNativeMap() { return FROM_NATIVE; } public static Map, EquivalentConverter> getFromWrapperMap() { return FROM_WRAPPER; } // Get the native enum classes public static Class getProtocolClass() { initialize(); return PROTOCOL_CLASS; } public static Class getClientCommandClass() { initialize(); return CLIENT_COMMAND_CLASS; } public static Class getChatVisibilityClass() { initialize(); return CHAT_VISIBILITY_CLASS; } public static Class getDifficultyClass() { initialize(); return DIFFICULTY_CLASS; } public static Class getEntityUseActionClass() { initialize(); return ENTITY_USE_ACTION_CLASS; } public static Class getGameModeClass() { initialize(); return GAMEMODE_CLASS; } public static Class getResourcePackStatusClass() { initialize(); return RESOURCE_PACK_STATUS_CLASS; } public static Class getPlayerInfoActionClass() { initialize(); return PLAYER_INFO_ACTION_CLASS; } public static Class getTitleActionClass() { initialize(); return TITLE_ACTION_CLASS; } public static Class getWorldBorderActionClass() { initialize(); return WORLD_BORDER_ACTION_CLASS; } public static Class getCombatEventTypeClass() { initialize(); return COMBAT_EVENT_TYPE_CLASS; } public static Class getPlayerDigTypeClass() { initialize(); return PLAYER_DIG_TYPE_CLASS; } public static Class getPlayerActionClass() { initialize(); return PLAYER_ACTION_CLASS; } public static Class getScoreboardActionClass() { initialize(); return SCOREBOARD_ACTION_CLASS; } public static Class getParticleClass() { initialize(); return PARTICLE_CLASS; } public static Class getSoundCategoryClass() { initialize(); return SOUND_CATEGORY_CLASS; } public static Class getItemSlotClass() { initialize(); return ITEM_SLOT_CLASS; } public static Class getHandClass() { initialize(); return HAND_CLASS; } public static Class getDirectionClass() { initialize(); return DIRECTION_CLASS; } public static Class getChatTypeClass() { initialize(); return CHAT_TYPE_CLASS; } public static Class getEntityPoseClass() { initialize(); return ENTITY_POSE_CLASS; } public static Class getDisplaySlotClass() { initialize(); return DISPLAY_SLOT_CLASS; } // Get the converters public static EquivalentConverter getProtocolConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getProtocolClass(), Protocol.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getClientCommandConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getClientCommandClass(), ClientCommand.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getChatVisibilityConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getChatVisibilityClass(), ChatVisibility.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getDifficultyConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getDifficultyClass(), Difficulty.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getEntityUseActionConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getEntityUseActionClass(), EntityUseAction.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getGameModeConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getGameModeClass(), NativeGameMode.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getResourcePackStatusConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getResourcePackStatusClass(), ResourcePackStatus.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getPlayerInfoActionConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getPlayerInfoActionClass(), PlayerInfoAction.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getTitleActionConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getTitleActionClass(), TitleAction.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getWorldBorderActionConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getWorldBorderActionClass(), WorldBorderAction.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getCombatEventTypeConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getCombatEventTypeClass(), CombatEventType.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getPlayerDiggingActionConverter() { return new AliasedEnumConverter<>(getPlayerDigTypeClass(), PlayerDigType.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getEntityActionConverter() { return new AliasedEnumConverter<>(getPlayerActionClass(), PlayerAction.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getUpdateScoreActionConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getScoreboardActionClass(), ScoreboardAction.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getParticleConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getParticleClass(), Particle.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getSoundCategoryConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getSoundCategoryClass(), SoundCategory.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getItemSlotConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getItemSlotClass(), ItemSlot.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getHandConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getHandClass(), Hand.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getDirectionConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getDirectionClass(), Direction.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getChatTypeConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getChatTypeClass(), ChatType.class); } public static EquivalentConverter getDisplaySlotConverter() { return new EnumConverter<>(getDisplaySlotClass(), DisplaySlot.class); } /** * @since 1.13+ * @return {@link EnumConverter} or null (if bellow 1.13 / nms EnumPose class cannot be found) */ public static EquivalentConverter getEntityPoseConverter() { if (getEntityPoseClass() == null) return null; return new EnumConverter<>(getEntityPoseClass(), EntityPose.class); } /** * Retrieve a generic enum converter for use with StructureModifiers. * @param genericClass - Generic nms enum class * @param specificType - Specific enum class * @return A generic enum converter */ public static > EquivalentConverter getGenericConverter(Class genericClass, Class specificType) { return new EnumConverter<>(genericClass, specificType); } /** * Creates an enum set with no elements based off the given class. The given must be an enum. * * @param clazz the element type of the enum set * @return a new enum set with the given class as its element type * @throws ClassCastException if the given class is not an enum */ public static > EnumSet createEmptyEnumSet(Class clazz) { return EnumSet.noneOf((Class) clazz); } /** * The common Enum converter */ public static class EnumConverter> implements EquivalentConverter { private final Class genericType; private final Class specificType; public EnumConverter(Class genericType, Class specificType) { Validate.notNull(specificType, "specificType cannot be null"); // would love to check if genericType is null, but it breaks other stuff this.genericType = genericType; this.specificType = specificType; } @Override public T getSpecific(Object generic) { return Enum.valueOf(specificType, ((Enum) generic).name()); } @Override public Object getGeneric(T specific) { return Enum.valueOf((Class) genericType,; } @Override public Class getSpecificType() { return specificType; } } public interface AliasedEnum { String[] getAliases(); } /** * Enums whose name has changed across NMS versions. Enums using this must also implement {@link AliasedEnum} */ public static class AliasedEnumConverter & AliasedEnum> implements EquivalentConverter { private final Class genericType; private final Class specificType; private final Map genericMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map specificMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public AliasedEnumConverter(Class genericType, Class specificType) { this.genericType = genericType; this.specificType = specificType; } @Override public T getSpecific(Object generic) { return specificMap.computeIfAbsent(generic, x -> { String name = ((Enum) generic).name(); try { return Enum.valueOf(specificType, name); } catch (Exception ex) { for (T elem : specificType.getEnumConstants()) { for (String alias : elem.getAliases()) { if (alias.equals(name)) { return elem; } } } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown enum constant " + name); }); } @Override public Object getGeneric(T specific) { return genericMap.computeIfAbsent(specific, x -> { String name =; try { return Enum.valueOf((Class) genericType,; } catch (Exception ex) { for (Object rawElem : genericType.getEnumConstants()) { Enum elem = (Enum) rawElem; for (String alias : specific.getAliases()) { if (alias.equals( { return elem; } } } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown enum constant " + name); }); } @Override public Class getSpecificType() { return specificType; } } /** * Used for classes where it's an enum in everything but name * @param Generic type */ public static class FauxEnumConverter> implements EquivalentConverter { private final Class specificClass; private final Class genericClass; private final Map lookup; public FauxEnumConverter(Class specific, Class generic) { Validate.notNull(specific,"specific class cannot be null"); Validate.notNull(generic,"generic class cannot be null"); this.specificClass = specific; this.genericClass = generic; this.lookup = new HashMap<>(); } @Override public Object getGeneric(T specific) { Validate.notNull(specific, "specific object cannot be null"); Field field = ExactReflection.fromClass(this.genericClass, false).findField(; return Accessors.getFieldAccessor(field).get(null); } @Override public T getSpecific(Object generic) { Validate.notNull(generic, "generic object cannot be null"); return lookup.computeIfAbsent(generic, x -> { for (Field field : genericClass.getDeclaredFields()) { try { if (!field.isAccessible()) { field.setAccessible(true); } if (field.get(null) == generic) { return Enum.valueOf(specificClass, field.getName().toUpperCase()); } } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ignored) { } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find ProtocolLib wrapper for " + generic); }); } @Override public Class getSpecificType() { return specificClass; } } public static class IndexedEnumConverter> implements EquivalentConverter { private final Class specificClass; private final Class genericClass; public IndexedEnumConverter(Class specificClass, Class genericClass) { this.specificClass = specificClass; this.genericClass = genericClass; } @Override public Object getGeneric(T specific) { int ordinal = specific.ordinal(); for (Object elem : genericClass.getEnumConstants()) { if (((Enum) elem).ordinal() == ordinal) { return elem; } } return null; } @Override public T getSpecific(Object generic) { int ordinal = ((Enum) generic).ordinal(); for (T elem : specificClass.getEnumConstants()) { if (elem.ordinal() == ordinal) { return elem; } } return null; } @Override public Class getSpecificType() { return specificClass; } } }