package com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.StructureModifier; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.Accessors; import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.ConstructorAccessor; import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.MinecraftReflection; import; /** * Wrapper representing the signature data associated to signed data by the player. This includes signed chat messages * and login encryption acknowledgments. */ public class WrappedSaltedSignature extends AbstractWrapper { private static ConstructorAccessor CONSTRUCTOR; private final StructureModifier modifier; /** * Construct a wrapper from a NMS handle * * @param handle NMS Signature object */ public WrappedSaltedSignature(Object handle) { super(MinecraftReflection.getSaltedSignatureClass()); this.setHandle(handle); this.modifier = new StructureModifier<>(MinecraftReflection.getSaltedSignatureClass()).withTarget(handle); } /** * Construct a wrapper and NMS handle containing the given values * @param salt salt/nonce for this signature * @param signature binary cryptographic signature */ public WrappedSaltedSignature(long salt, byte[] signature) { super(MinecraftReflection.getSaltedSignatureClass()); if (CONSTRUCTOR == null) { CONSTRUCTOR = Accessors.getConstructorAccessor( this.getHandleType(), Long.TYPE, byte[].class); } this.setHandle(CONSTRUCTOR.invoke(salt, signature)); this.modifier = new StructureModifier<>(MinecraftReflection.getSaltedSignatureClass()).withTarget(this.handle); } /** * @return if a cryptographic signature data is present */ public boolean isSigned() { return getSignature().length > 0; } /** * @return cryptographic salt/nonce */ public long getSalt() { return (long) modifier.withType(Long.TYPE).read(0); } /** * @param salt cryptographic salt/nonce */ public void setSalt(long salt) { modifier.withType(Long.TYPE).write(0, salt); } /** * @return binary signature data associated to the salt and message */ public byte[] getSignature() { return modifier.withType(byte[].class).read(0); } /** * @param signature binary signature data associated to the salt and message */ public void setSignature(byte[] signature) { modifier.withType(byte[].class).write(0, signature); } /** * @return the long salt represented in 8 bytes */ public byte[] getSaltBytes() { return Longs.toByteArray(getSalt()); } }