
323 lines
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package com.comphenix.protocol.reflect;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import net.minecraft.server.Packet;
public class StructureModifier<TField> {
// Object and its type
private Class targetType;
private Object target;
// Converter. May be NULL.
private EquivalentConverter<TField> converter;
// The fields to read in order
private Class fieldType;
private List<Field> data = new ArrayList<Field>();
// Improved default values
private Set<Field> defaultFields;
// Cache of previous types
private Map<Class, StructureModifier> subtypeCache;
* Creates a structure modifier.
* @param targetType - the structure to modify.
* @param superclassExclude - a superclass to exclude.
* @param requireDefault - whether or not we will be using writeDefaults().
public StructureModifier(Class targetType, Class superclassExclude, boolean requireDefault) {
List<Field> fields = getFields(targetType, superclassExclude);
Set<Field> defaults = requireDefault ? generateDefaultFields(fields) : new HashSet<Field>();
initialize(targetType, Object.class, fields, defaults, null, new HashMap<Class, StructureModifier>());
private StructureModifier(StructureModifier<TField> other, Object target) {
initialize(other.targetType, other.fieldType,, other.defaultFields, other.converter, other.subtypeCache); = target;
private StructureModifier() {
// Consumers of this method should call "initialize"
private void initialize(Class targetType, Class fieldType,
List<Field> data, Set<Field> defaultFields,
EquivalentConverter<TField> converter, Map<Class, StructureModifier> subTypeCache) {
this.targetType = targetType;
this.fieldType = fieldType; = data;
this.defaultFields = defaultFields;
this.converter = converter;
this.subtypeCache = subTypeCache;
* Reads the value of a field given its index.
* @param fieldIndex - index of the field.
* @return Value of the field.
* @throws IllegalAccessException If we're unable to read the field due to a security limitation.
public TField read(int fieldIndex) throws IllegalAccessException {
if (fieldIndex < 0 || fieldIndex >= data.size())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field index must be within 0 - count");
if (target == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot read from a NULL target.");
Object result = FieldUtils.readField(data.get(fieldIndex), target, true);
// Use the converter, if we have it
if (converter != null)
return converter.getSpecific(result);
return (TField) result;
* Reads the value of a field if and ONLY IF it exists.
* @param fieldIndex - index of the field.
* @return Value of the field, or NULL if it doesn't exist.
* @throws IllegalAccessException If we're unable to read the field due to a security limitation.
public TField readSafely(int fieldIndex) throws IllegalAccessException {
if (fieldIndex >= 0 && fieldIndex < data.size()) {
return read(fieldIndex);
} else {
return null;
* Writes the value of a field given its index.
* @param fieldIndex - index of the field.
* @param value - new value of the field.
* @return This structure modifier - for chaining.
* @throws IllegalAccessException If we're unable to write to the field due to a security limitation.
public StructureModifier<TField> write(int fieldIndex, TField value) throws IllegalAccessException {
if (fieldIndex < 0 || fieldIndex >= data.size())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field index must be within 0 - count");
if (target == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to a NULL target.");
// Use the converter, if it exists
Object obj = converter != null ? converter.getGeneric(value) : value;
FieldUtils.writeField(data.get(fieldIndex), target, obj, true);
// Make this method chainable
return this;
* Writes the value of a given field IF and ONLY if it exists.
* @param fieldIndex - index of the potential field.
* @param value - new value of the field.
* @return This structure modifer - for chaining.
* @throws IllegalAccessException If we're unable to write to the field due to a security limitation.
public StructureModifier<TField> writeSafely(int fieldIndex, TField value) throws IllegalAccessException {
if (fieldIndex >= 0 && fieldIndex < data.size()) {
write(fieldIndex, value);
return this;
* Correctly modifies the value of a field.
* @param fieldIndex - index of the field to modify.
* @param select - the function that modifies the field value.
* @return This structure modifier - for chaining.
* @throws IllegalAccessException
public StructureModifier<TField> modify(int fieldIndex, Function<TField, TField> select) throws IllegalAccessException {
TField value = read(fieldIndex);
return write(fieldIndex, select.apply(value));
* Retrieves a structure modifier that only reads and writes fields of a given type.
* @param fieldType - the type, or supertype, of every field to modify.
* @return A structure modifier for fields of this type.
public <T> StructureModifier<T> withType(Class fieldType) {
return withType(fieldType, null);
* Sets all non-primitive fields to a more fitting default value. See {@link DefaultInstance}.
* @return The current structure modifier - for chaining.
* @throws IllegalAccessException If we're unable to write to the fields due to a security limitation.
public StructureModifier<TField> writeDefaults() throws IllegalAccessException {
// Write a default instance to every field
for (Field field : defaultFields) {
FieldUtils.writeField(field, target,
DefaultInstances.getDefault(field.getType()), true);
return this;
* Retrieves a structure modifier that only reads and writes fields of a given type.
* @param fieldType - the type, or supertype, of every field to modify.
* @param converter - converts objects into the given type.
* @return A structure modifier for fields of this type.
public <T> StructureModifier<T> withType(Class fieldType, EquivalentConverter<T> converter) {
StructureModifier<T> result = subtypeCache.get(fieldType);
if (this.fieldType.equals(fieldType)) {
// We're dealing with the exact field type.
return withConverter(converter);
} else if (result == null) {
List<Field> filtered = new ArrayList<Field>();
Set<Field> defaults = new HashSet<Field>();
for (Field field : data) {
if (fieldType != null && fieldType.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
if (defaultFields.contains(field))
// Cache structure modifiers
result = new StructureModifier<T>();
result.initialize(targetType, fieldType, filtered, defaults,
converter, new HashMap<Class, StructureModifier>());
if (fieldType != null)
subtypeCache.put(fieldType, result);
// Add the target too
return result.withTarget(target);
* Retrieves the common type of each field.
* @return Common type of each field.
public Class getFieldType() {
return fieldType;
* Retrieves the type of the object we're modifying.
* @return Type of the object.
public Class getTargetType() {
return targetType;
* Retrieves the object we're currently modifying.
* @return Object we're modifying.
public Object getTarget() {
return target;
* Retrieve the number of readable types.
* @return Readable types.
public int size() {
return data.size();
* Retrieves a structure modifier of the same type for a different object target.
* @param target - different target of the same type.
* @return Structure modifier with the new target.
public StructureModifier<TField> withTarget(Object target) {
return new StructureModifier<TField>(this, target);
* Retrieves a structure modifier with the same type and target, but using a new object converter.
* @param converter- the object converter to use.
* @return Structure modifier with the new converter.
private <T> StructureModifier<T> withConverter(EquivalentConverter<T> converter) {
StructureModifier copy = new StructureModifier(this, target);
copy.converter = converter;
return copy;
* Retrieves a list of the fields matching the constraints of this structure modifier.
* @return List of fields.
public List<Field> getFields() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(data);
// Used to generate plausible default values
private static Set<Field> generateDefaultFields(List<Field> fields) {
Set<Field> requireDefaults = new HashSet<Field>();
for (Field field : fields) {
Class<?> type = field.getType();
// First, ignore primitive fields
if (!PrimitiveUtils.isPrimitive(type)) {
// Next, see if we actually can generate a default value
if (DefaultInstances.getDefault(type) != null) {
// If so, require it
return requireDefaults;
// Used to filter out irrelevant fields
private static List<Field> getFields(Class type, Class superclassExclude) {
List<Field> result = new ArrayList<Field>();
// Retrieve every private and public field
for (Field field : FuzzyReflection.fromClass(type, true).getFields()) {
int mod = field.getModifiers();
// Ignore static, final and "abstract packet" fields
if (!Modifier.isFinal(mod) && !Modifier.isStatic(mod) && (
superclassExclude == null || !field.getDeclaringClass().equals(Packet.class)
)) {
return result;