
619 lines
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* ProtocolLib - Bukkit server library that allows access to the Minecraft protocol.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Kristian S. Stangeland
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
* if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307 USA
package com.comphenix.protocol.error;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolLogger;
import com.comphenix.protocol.collections.ExpireHashMap;
import com.comphenix.protocol.error.Report.ReportBuilder;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.PrettyPrinter;
* Internal class used to handle exceptions.
* @author Kristian
public class DetailedErrorReporter implements ErrorReporter {
* Report format for printing the current exception count.
public static final ReportType REPORT_EXCEPTION_COUNT = new ReportType("Internal exception count: %s!");
public static final String SECOND_LEVEL_PREFIX = " ";
public static final String DEFAULT_PREFIX = " ";
public static final String DEFAULT_SUPPORT_URL = "";
// Users that are informed about errors in the chat
public static final String ERROR_PERMISSION = "";
// We don't want to spam the server
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR_COUNT = 20;
// Prevent spam per plugin too
private ConcurrentMap<String, AtomicInteger> warningCount = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AtomicInteger>();
protected String prefix;
protected String supportURL;
protected AtomicInteger internalErrorCount = new AtomicInteger();
protected int maxErrorCount;
protected Logger logger;
protected WeakReference<Plugin> pluginReference;
protected String pluginName;
// Whether or not Apache Commons is not present
protected static boolean apacheCommonsMissing;
// Whether or not detailed errror reporting is enabled
protected boolean detailedReporting;
// Map of global objects
protected Map<String, Object> globalParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// Reports to ignore
private ExpireHashMap<Report, Boolean> rateLimited = new ExpireHashMap<Report, Boolean>();
private Object rateLock = new Object();
* Create a default error reporting system.
* @param plugin - the plugin owner.
public DetailedErrorReporter(Plugin plugin) {
* Create a central error reporting system.
* @param plugin - the plugin owner.
* @param prefix - default line prefix.
* @param supportURL - URL to report the error.
public DetailedErrorReporter(Plugin plugin, String prefix, String supportURL) {
this(plugin, prefix, supportURL, DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR_COUNT, getBukkitLogger());
* Create a central error reporting system.
* @param plugin - the plugin owner.
* @param prefix - default line prefix.
* @param supportURL - URL to report the error.
* @param maxErrorCount - number of errors to print before giving up.
* @param logger - current logger.
public DetailedErrorReporter(Plugin plugin, String prefix, String supportURL, int maxErrorCount, Logger logger) {
if (plugin == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Plugin cannot be NULL.");
this.pluginReference = new WeakReference<Plugin>(plugin);
this.pluginName = getNameSafely(plugin);
this.prefix = prefix;
this.supportURL = supportURL;
this.maxErrorCount = maxErrorCount;
this.logger = logger;
private String getNameSafely(Plugin plugin) {
try {
return plugin.getName();
} catch (LinkageError e) {
return "ProtocolLib";
// Attempt to get the logger.
private static Logger getBukkitLogger() {
try {
return Bukkit.getLogger();
} catch (LinkageError e) {
return Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
* Determine if we're using detailed error reporting.
* @return TRUE if we are, FALSE otherwise.
public boolean isDetailedReporting() {
return detailedReporting;
* Set whether or not to use detailed error reporting.
* @param detailedReporting - TRUE to enable it, FALSE otherwise.
public void setDetailedReporting(boolean detailedReporting) {
this.detailedReporting = detailedReporting;
public void reportMinimal(Plugin sender, String methodName, Throwable error, Object... parameters) {
if (reportMinimalNoSpam(sender, methodName, error)) {
// Print parameters, if they are given
if (parameters != null && parameters.length > 0) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, printParameters(parameters));
public void reportMinimal(Plugin sender, String methodName, Throwable error) {
reportMinimalNoSpam(sender, methodName, error);
* Report a problem with a given method and plugin, ensuring that we don't exceed the maximum number of error reports.
* @param sender - the component that observed this exception.
* @param methodName - the method name.
* @param error - the error itself.
* @return TRUE if the error was printed, FALSE if it was suppressed.
public boolean reportMinimalNoSpam(Plugin sender, String methodName, Throwable error) {
String pluginName = PacketAdapter.getPluginName(sender);
AtomicInteger counter = warningCount.get(pluginName);
// Thread safe pattern
if (counter == null) {
AtomicInteger created = new AtomicInteger();
counter = warningCount.putIfAbsent(pluginName, created);
if (counter == null) {
counter = created;
final int errorCount = counter.incrementAndGet();
// See if we should print the full error
if (errorCount < getMaxErrorCount()) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "[" + pluginName + "] Unhandled exception occured in " +
methodName + " for " + pluginName, error);
return true;
} else {
// Nope - only print the error count occationally
if (isPowerOfTwo(errorCount)) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "[" + pluginName + "] Unhandled exception number " + errorCount + " occured in " +
methodName + " for " + pluginName, error);
return false;
* Determine if a given number is a power of two.
* <p>
* That is, if there exists an N such that 2^N = number.
* @param number - the number to check.
* @return TRUE if the given number is a power of two, FALSE otherwise.
private boolean isPowerOfTwo(int number) {
return (number & (number - 1)) == 0;
public void reportDebug(Object sender, ReportBuilder builder) {
reportDebug(sender, Preconditions.checkNotNull(builder, "builder cannot be NULL").build());
public void reportDebug(Object sender, Report report) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) && canReport(report)) {
reportLevel(Level.FINE, sender, report);
public void reportWarning(Object sender, ReportBuilder reportBuilder) {
if (reportBuilder == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("reportBuilder cannot be NULL.");
public void reportWarning(Object sender, Report report) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING) && canReport(report)) {
reportLevel(Level.WARNING, sender, report);
* Determine if we should print the given report.
* <p>
* The default implementation will check for rate limits.
* @param report - the report to check.
* @return TRUE if we should print it, FALSE otherwise.
protected boolean canReport(Report report) {
long rateLimit = report.getRateLimit();
// Check for rate limit
if (rateLimit > 0) {
synchronized (rateLock) {
if (rateLimited.containsKey(report)) {
return false;
rateLimited.put(report, true, rateLimit, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
return true;
private void reportLevel(Level level, Object sender, Report report) {
String message = "[" + pluginName + "] [" + getSenderName(sender) + "] " + report.getReportMessage();
// Print the main warning
if (report.getException() != null) {
logger.log(level, message, report.getException());
} else {
logger.log(level, message);
// Remember the call stack
if (detailedReporting) {
printCallStack(level, logger);
// Parameters?
if (report.hasCallerParameters()) {
// Write it
logger.log(level, printParameters(report.getCallerParameters()));
* Retrieve the name of a sender class.
* @param sender - sender object.
* @return The name of the sender's class.
private String getSenderName(Object sender) {
if (sender != null)
return ReportType.getSenderClass(sender).getSimpleName();
return "NULL";
public void reportDetailed(Object sender, ReportBuilder reportBuilder) {
public void reportDetailed(Object sender, Report report) {
final Plugin plugin = pluginReference.get();
final int errorCount = internalErrorCount.incrementAndGet();
// Do not overtly spam the server!
if (errorCount > getMaxErrorCount()) {
// Only allow the error count at rare occations
if (isPowerOfTwo(errorCount)) {
// Permit it - but print the number of exceptions first
reportWarning(this, Report.newBuilder(REPORT_EXCEPTION_COUNT).messageParam(errorCount).build());
} else {
// Secondary rate limit
if (!canReport(report)) {
StringWriter text = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(text);
// Helpful message
writer.println("[" + pluginName + "] INTERNAL ERROR: " + report.getReportMessage());
writer.println("If this problem hasn't already been reported, please open a ticket");
writer.println("at " + supportURL + " with the following data:");
// Now, let us print important exception information
writer.println("Stack Trace:");
if (report.getException() != null) {
} else if (detailedReporting) {
// Data dump!
// Relevant parameters
if (report.hasCallerParameters()) {
printParameters(writer, report.getCallerParameters());
// Global parameters
for (String param : globalParameters()) {
writer.println(SECOND_LEVEL_PREFIX + param + ":");
// Now, for the sender itself
writer.println(addPrefix(getStringDescription(sender), SECOND_LEVEL_PREFIX));
// And plugin
if (plugin != null) {
writer.println(addPrefix(plugin.toString(), SECOND_LEVEL_PREFIX));
// And java version
writer.println("Java Version:");
writer.println(addPrefix(System.getProperty("java.version"), SECOND_LEVEL_PREFIX));
// Add the server version too
if (Bukkit.getServer() != null) {
writer.println(addPrefix(Bukkit.getServer().getVersion(), SECOND_LEVEL_PREFIX));
// Inform of this occurrence
if (ERROR_PERMISSION != null) {
String.format("Error %s (%s) occured in %s.", report.getReportMessage(), report.getException(), sender),
// Make sure it is reported
logger.severe(addPrefix(text.toString(), prefix));
* Print the call stack to the given logger.
* @param logger - the logger.
private void printCallStack(Level level, Logger logger) {
StringWriter text = new StringWriter();
printCallStack(new PrintWriter(text));
// Print the exception
logger.log(level, text.toString());
* Print the current call stack.
* @param writer - the writer.
private void printCallStack(PrintWriter writer) {
Exception current = new Exception("Not an error! This is the call stack.");
private String printParameters(Object... parameters) {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
// Print and retrieve the string buffer
printParameters(new PrintWriter(writer), parameters);
return writer.toString();
private void printParameters(PrintWriter writer, Object[] parameters) {
writer.println("Parameters: ");
// We *really* want to get as much information as possible
for (Object param : parameters) {
writer.println(addPrefix(getStringDescription(param), SECOND_LEVEL_PREFIX));
* Adds the given prefix to every line in the text.
* @param text - text to modify.
* @param prefix - prefix added to every line in the text.
* @return The modified text.
protected String addPrefix(String text, String prefix) {
return text.replaceAll("(?m)^", prefix);
* Retrieve a string representation of the given object.
* @param value - object to convert.
* @return String representation.
public static String getStringDescription(Object value) {
// We can't only rely on toString.
if (value == null) {
return "[NULL]";
} if (isSimpleType(value) || value instanceof Class<?>) {
return value.toString();
} else {
try {
if (!apacheCommonsMissing)
return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(value, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE, false, null);
} catch (LinkageError ex) {
// Apache is probably missing
apacheCommonsMissing = true;
} catch (ThreadDeath | OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
// Don't use the error logger to log errors in error logging (that could lead to infinite loops)
ProtocolLogger.log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot convert to a String with Apache: " + ex.getMessage());
// Use our custom object printer instead
try {
return PrettyPrinter.printObject(value, value.getClass(), Object.class);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
return "[Error: " + e.getMessage() + "]";
* Determine if the given object is a wrapper for a primitive/simple type or not.
* @param test - the object to test.
* @return TRUE if this object is simple enough to simply be printed, FALSE othewise.
protected static boolean isSimpleType(Object test) {
return test instanceof String || Primitives.isWrapperType(test.getClass());
* Retrieve the current number of errors printed through {@link #reportDetailed(Object, Report)}.
* @return Number of errors printed.
public int getErrorCount() {
return internalErrorCount.get();
* Set the number of errors printed.
* @param errorCount - new number of errors printed.
public void setErrorCount(int errorCount) {
* Retrieve the maximum number of errors we can print before we begin suppressing errors.
* @return Maximum number of errors.
public int getMaxErrorCount() {
return maxErrorCount;
* Set the maximum number of errors we can print before we begin suppressing errors.
* @param maxErrorCount - new max count.
public void setMaxErrorCount(int maxErrorCount) {
this.maxErrorCount = maxErrorCount;
* Adds the given global parameter. It will be included in every error report.
* <p>
* Both key and value must be non-null.
* @param key - name of parameter.
* @param value - the global parameter itself.
public void addGlobalParameter(String key, Object value) {
if (key == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("key cannot be NULL.");
if (value == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("value cannot be NULL.");
globalParameters.put(key, value);
* Retrieve a global parameter by its key.
* @param key - key of the parameter to retrieve.
* @return The value of the global parameter, or NULL if not found.
public Object getGlobalParameter(String key) {
if (key == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("key cannot be NULL.");
return globalParameters.get(key);
* Reset all global parameters.
public void clearGlobalParameters() {
* Retrieve a set of every registered global parameter.
* @return Set of all registered global parameters.
public Set<String> globalParameters() {
return globalParameters.keySet();
* Retrieve the support URL that will be added to all detailed reports.
* @return Support URL.
public String getSupportURL() {
return supportURL;
* Set the support URL that will be added to all detailed reports.
* @param supportURL - the new support URL.
public void setSupportURL(String supportURL) {
this.supportURL = supportURL;
* Retrieve the prefix to apply to every line in the error reports.
* @return Error report prefix.
public String getPrefix() {
return prefix;
* Set the prefix to apply to every line in the error reports.
* @param prefix - new prefix.
public void setPrefix(String prefix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
* Retrieve the current logger that is used to print all reports.
* @return The current logger.
public Logger getLogger() {
return logger;
* Set the current logger that is used to print all reports.
* @param logger - new logger.
public void setLogger(Logger logger) {
this.logger = logger;