
257 lines
7.3 KiB

package com.comphenix.protocol.injector;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import com.comphenix.protocol.executors.BukkitFutures;
import com.comphenix.protocol.async.AsyncFilterManager;
import com.comphenix.protocol.error.ErrorReporter;
import com.comphenix.protocol.error.Report;
import com.comphenix.protocol.error.ReportType;
import com.comphenix.protocol.injector.player.InjectedServerConnection;
import com.comphenix.protocol.injector.spigot.SpigotPacketInjector;
import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.MinecraftReflection;
import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.MinecraftVersion;
public class PacketFilterBuilder {
public static final ReportType REPORT_TEMPORARY_EVENT_ERROR = new ReportType("Unable to register or handle temporary event.");
public static final ReportType REPORT_SPIGOT_IS_DELAYING_INJECTOR = new ReportType("Delaying due to Spigot.");
private ClassLoader classLoader;
private Server server;
private Plugin library;
private MinecraftVersion mcVersion;
private DelayedSingleTask unhookTask;
private ErrorReporter reporter;
// Whether or not we need to enable Netty
private AsyncFilterManager asyncManager;
private boolean nettyEnabled;
* Update the current class loader.
* @param classLoader - current class loader.
* @return This builder, for chaining.
public PacketFilterBuilder classLoader(@Nonnull ClassLoader classLoader) {
if (classLoader == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("classLoader cannot be NULL.");
this.classLoader = classLoader;
return this;
* Set the current server.
* @param server - current server.
* @return This builder, for chaining.
public PacketFilterBuilder server(@Nonnull Server server) {
if (server == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("server cannot be NULL.");
this.server = server;
return this;
* Set a reference to the plugin instance of ProtocolLib.
* @param library - plugin instance.
* @return This builder, for chaining.
public PacketFilterBuilder library(@Nonnull Plugin library) {
if (library == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("library cannot be NULL.");
this.library = library;
return this;
* Set the current Minecraft version.
* @param mcVersion - Minecraft version.
* @return This builder, for chaining.
public PacketFilterBuilder minecraftVersion(@Nonnull MinecraftVersion mcVersion) {
if (mcVersion == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("minecraftVersion cannot be NULL.");
this.mcVersion = mcVersion;
return this;
* Set the task used to delay unhooking when ProtocolLib is no in use.
* @param unhookTask - the unhook task.
* @return This builder, for chaining.
public PacketFilterBuilder unhookTask(@Nonnull DelayedSingleTask unhookTask) {
if (unhookTask == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unhookTask cannot be NULL.");
this.unhookTask = unhookTask;
return this;
* Set the error reporter.
* @param reporter - new error reporter.
* @return This builder, for chaining.
public PacketFilterBuilder reporter(@Nonnull ErrorReporter reporter) {
if (reporter == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("reporter cannot be NULL.");
this.reporter = reporter;
return this;
* Determine if we should prepare to hook Netty in Spigot.
* <p>
* This is calculated in the {@link #build()} method.
* @return TRUE if we should, FALSE otherwise.
public boolean isNettyEnabled() {
return nettyEnabled;
* Retrieve the class loader set in this builder.
* @return The class loader.
public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
return classLoader;
* Retrieve the current CraftBukkit server.
* @return Current server.
public Server getServer() {
return server;
* Retrieve a reference to the current ProtocolLib instance.
* @return ProtocolLib.
public Plugin getLibrary() {
return library;
* Retrieve the current Minecraft version.
* @return Current version.
public MinecraftVersion getMinecraftVersion() {
return mcVersion;
* Retrieve the task that is used to delay unhooking when ProtocolLib is no in use.
* @return The unhook task.
public DelayedSingleTask getUnhookTask() {
return unhookTask;
* Retrieve the error reporter.
* @return Error reporter.
public ErrorReporter getReporter() {
return reporter;
* Retrieve the asynchronous manager.
* <p>
* This is first constructed the {@link #build()} method.
* @return The asynchronous manager.
public AsyncFilterManager getAsyncManager() {
return asyncManager;
* Create a new packet filter manager.
* @return A new packet filter manager.
public InternalManager build() {
if (reporter == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("reporter cannot be NULL.");
if (classLoader == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("classLoader cannot be NULL.");
asyncManager = new AsyncFilterManager(reporter, server.getScheduler());
nettyEnabled = false;
// Spigot
if (SpigotPacketInjector.canUseSpigotListener()) {
// If the server hasn't loaded yet - wait
if (InjectedServerConnection.getServerConnection(reporter, server) == null) {
// We need to delay this until we know if Netty is enabled
final DelayedPacketManager delayed = new DelayedPacketManager(reporter, mcVersion);
// They must reference each other
Futures.addCallback(BukkitFutures.nextEvent(library, WorldInitEvent.class),
new FutureCallback<WorldInitEvent>() {
public void onSuccess(WorldInitEvent event) {
// Nevermind
if (delayed.isClosed())
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public void onFailure(Throwable error) {
reporter.reportWarning(PacketFilterBuilder.this, Report
reporter.reportWarning(this, Report.newBuilder(REPORT_SPIGOT_IS_DELAYING_INJECTOR));
// Let plugins use this version instead
return delayed;
} else {
nettyEnabled = !MinecraftReflection.isMinecraftObject(
InjectedServerConnection.getServerConnection(reporter, server));
// Otherwise - construct the packet filter manager right away
return buildInternal();
private void registerSpigot(DelayedPacketManager delayed) {
// Use netty if we have a non-standard ServerConnection class
nettyEnabled = !MinecraftReflection.isMinecraftObject(
InjectedServerConnection.getServerConnection(reporter, server));
// Switch to the standard manager
* Construct a new packet filter manager without checking for Netty.
* @return A new packet filter manager.
private PacketFilterManager buildInternal() {
PacketFilterManager manager = new PacketFilterManager(this);
// It's a cyclic reference, but it's too late to fix now
return manager;