Dan Mulloy bdaa843f2d
Update to 1.16.2
Fixes #941
Fixes #944
Fixes #934
2020-08-24 13:19:49 -04:00

1129 lines
47 KiB

package com.comphenix.protocol;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketTypeLookup.ClassLookup;
import com.comphenix.protocol.injector.packet.PacketRegistry;
import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.MinecraftReflection;
import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.MinecraftVersion;
import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
* Represents the type of a packet in a specific protocol.
* <p>
* Note that vanilla Minecraft reuses packet IDs per protocol (ping, game, login) and IDs are subject to change, so they are not reliable.
* @author Kristian
public class PacketType implements Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<PacketType> {
// Increment whenever the type changes
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Represents an unknown packet ID.
public static final int UNKNOWN_PACKET = -1;
* Packets sent during handshake.
* @author Kristian
public static class Handshake {
private static final Protocol PROTOCOL = Protocol.HANDSHAKING;
* Incoming packets.
* @author Kristian
public static class Client extends PacketTypeEnum {
private final static Sender SENDER = Sender.CLIENT;
public static final PacketType SET_PROTOCOL = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x00, "SetProtocol", "C00Handshake");
private final static Client INSTANCE = new Client();
// Prevent accidental construction
private Client() { super(); }
public static Client getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
public static Sender getSender() {
return SENDER;
* An empty enum, as the server will not send any packets in this protocol.
* @author Kristian
public static class Server extends PacketTypeEnum {
private final static Sender SENDER = Sender.CLIENT;
private final static Server INSTANCE = new Server();
private Server() { super(); }
public static Server getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
public static Sender getSender() {
return SENDER;
public static Protocol getProtocol() {
return PROTOCOL;
* Packets sent and received when logged into the game.
* @author Kristian
public static class Play {
private static final Protocol PROTOCOL = Protocol.PLAY;
* Outgoing packets.
* @author Kristian
public static class Server extends PacketTypeEnum {
private final static Sender SENDER = Sender.SERVER;
public static final PacketType SPAWN_ENTITY = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x00, "SpawnEntity", "SPacketSpawnObject");
public static final PacketType SPAWN_ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x01, "SpawnEntityExperienceOrb", "SPacketSpawnExperienceOrb");
public static final PacketType SPAWN_ENTITY_LIVING = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x02, "SpawnEntityLiving", "SPacketSpawnMob");
public static final PacketType SPAWN_ENTITY_PAINTING = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x03, "SpawnEntityPainting", "SPacketSpawnPainting");
public static final PacketType NAMED_ENTITY_SPAWN = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x04, "NamedEntitySpawn", "SPacketSpawnPlayer");
public static final PacketType ANIMATION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x05, "Animation", "SPacketAnimation");
public static final PacketType STATISTIC = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x06, "Statistic", "SPacketStatistics");
public static final PacketType BLOCK_BREAK = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x07, "BlockBreak");
public static final PacketType BLOCK_BREAK_ANIMATION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x08, "BlockBreakAnimation", "SPacketBlockBreakAnim");
public static final PacketType TILE_ENTITY_DATA = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x09, "TileEntityData", "SPacketUpdateTileEntity");
public static final PacketType BLOCK_ACTION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x0A, "BlockAction", "SPacketBlockAction");
public static final PacketType BLOCK_CHANGE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x0B, "BlockChange", "SPacketBlockChange");
public static final PacketType BOSS = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x0C, "Boss", "SPacketUpdateBossInfo");
public static final PacketType SERVER_DIFFICULTY = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x0D, "ServerDifficulty", "SPacketServerDifficulty");
public static final PacketType CHAT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x0E, "Chat", "SPacketChat");
public static final PacketType TAB_COMPLETE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x0F, "TabComplete", "SPacketTabComplete");
public static final PacketType COMMANDS = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x10, "Commands");
public static final PacketType TRANSACTION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x11, "Transaction", "SPacketConfirmTransaction");
public static final PacketType CLOSE_WINDOW = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x12, "CloseWindow", "SPacketCloseWindow");
public static final PacketType WINDOW_ITEMS = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x13, "WindowItems", "SPacketWindowItems");
public static final PacketType WINDOW_DATA = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x14, "WindowData", "SPacketWindowProperty");
public static final PacketType SET_SLOT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x15, "SetSlot", "SPacketSetSlot");
public static final PacketType SET_COOLDOWN = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x16, "SetCooldown", "SPacketCooldown");
public static final PacketType CUSTOM_PAYLOAD = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x17, "CustomPayload", "SPacketCustomPayload");
public static final PacketType CUSTOM_SOUND_EFFECT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x18, "CustomSoundEffect", "SPacketCustomSound");
public static final PacketType KICK_DISCONNECT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x19, "KickDisconnect", "SPacketDisconnect");
public static final PacketType ENTITY_STATUS = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x1A, "EntityStatus", "SPacketEntityStatus");
public static final PacketType EXPLOSION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x1B, "Explosion", "SPacketExplosion");
public static final PacketType UNLOAD_CHUNK = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x1C, "UnloadChunk", "SPacketUnloadChunk");
public static final PacketType GAME_STATE_CHANGE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x1D, "GameStateChange", "SPacketChangeGameState");
public static final PacketType OPEN_WINDOW_HORSE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x1E, "OpenWindowHorse");
public static final PacketType KEEP_ALIVE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x1F, "KeepAlive", "SPacketKeepAlive");
public static final PacketType MAP_CHUNK = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x20, "MapChunk", "SPacketChunkData");
public static final PacketType WORLD_EVENT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x21, "WorldEvent", "SPacketEffect");
public static final PacketType WORLD_PARTICLES = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x22, "WorldParticles", "SPacketParticles");
public static final PacketType LIGHT_UPDATE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x23, "LightUpdate");
public static final PacketType LOGIN = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x24, "Login", "SPacketJoinGame");
public static final PacketType MAP = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x25, "Map", "SPacketMaps");
public static final PacketType OPEN_WINDOW_MERCHANT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x26, "OpenWindowMerchant");
public static final PacketType REL_ENTITY_MOVE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x27, "Entity$RelEntityMove", "SPacketEntity$S15PacketEntityRelMove");
public static final PacketType REL_ENTITY_MOVE_LOOK = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x28, "Entity$RelEntityMoveLook", "SPacketEntity$S17PacketEntityLookMove");
public static final PacketType ENTITY_LOOK = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x29, "Entity$EntityLook", "SPacketEntity$S16PacketEntityLook");
public static final PacketType ENTITY = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x2A, "Entity", "SPacketEntity");
public static final PacketType VEHICLE_MOVE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x2B, "VehicleMove", "SPacketMoveVehicle");
public static final PacketType OPEN_BOOK = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x2C, "OpenBook");
public static final PacketType OPEN_WINDOW = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x2D, "OpenWindow", "SPacketOpenWindow");
public static final PacketType OPEN_SIGN_EDITOR = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x2E, "OpenSignEditor", "SPacketSignEditorOpen");
public static final PacketType AUTO_RECIPE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x2F, "AutoRecipe", "SPacketPlaceGhostRecipe");
public static final PacketType ABILITIES = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x30, "Abilities", "SPacketPlayerAbilities");
public static final PacketType COMBAT_EVENT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x31, "CombatEvent", "SPacketCombatEvent");
public static final PacketType PLAYER_INFO = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x32, "PlayerInfo", "SPacketPlayerListItem");
public static final PacketType LOOK_AT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x33, "LookAt", "SPacketPlayerPosLook");
public static final PacketType POSITION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x34, "Position");
public static final PacketType RECIPES = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x35, "Recipes", "SPacketRecipeBook");
public static final PacketType ENTITY_DESTROY = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x36, "EntityDestroy", "SPacketDestroyEntities");
public static final PacketType REMOVE_ENTITY_EFFECT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x37, "RemoveEntityEffect", "SPacketRemoveEntityEffect");
public static final PacketType RESOURCE_PACK_SEND = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x38, "ResourcePackSend", "SPacketResourcePackSend");
public static final PacketType RESPAWN = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x39, "Respawn", "SPacketRespawn");
public static final PacketType ENTITY_HEAD_ROTATION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x3A, "EntityHeadRotation", "SPacketEntityHeadLook");
public static final PacketType MULTI_BLOCK_CHANGE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x3B, "MultiBlockChange", "SPacketMultiBlockChange");
public static final PacketType SELECT_ADVANCEMENT_TAB = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x3C, "SelectAdvancementTab", "SPacketSelectAdvancementsTab");
public static final PacketType WORLD_BORDER = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x3D, "WorldBorder", "SPacketWorldBorder");
public static final PacketType CAMERA = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x3E, "Camera", "SPacketCamera");
public static final PacketType HELD_ITEM_SLOT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x3F, "HeldItemSlot", "SPacketHeldItemChange");
public static final PacketType VIEW_CENTRE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x40, "ViewCentre");
public static final PacketType VIEW_DISTANCE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x41, "ViewDistance");
public static final PacketType SPAWN_POSITION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x42, "SpawnPosition", "SPacketSpawnPosition");
public static final PacketType SCOREBOARD_DISPLAY_OBJECTIVE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x43, "ScoreboardDisplayObjective", "SPacketDisplayObjective");
public static final PacketType ENTITY_METADATA = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x44, "EntityMetadata", "SPacketEntityMetadata");
public static final PacketType ATTACH_ENTITY = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x45, "AttachEntity", "SPacketEntityAttach");
public static final PacketType ENTITY_VELOCITY = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x46, "EntityVelocity", "SPacketEntityVelocity");
public static final PacketType ENTITY_EQUIPMENT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x47, "EntityEquipment", "SPacketEntityEquipment");
public static final PacketType EXPERIENCE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x48, "Experience", "SPacketSetExperience");
public static final PacketType UPDATE_HEALTH = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x49, "UpdateHealth", "SPacketUpdateHealth");
public static final PacketType SCOREBOARD_OBJECTIVE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x4A, "ScoreboardObjective", "SPacketScoreboardObjective");
public static final PacketType MOUNT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x4B, "Mount", "SPacketSetPassengers");
public static final PacketType SCOREBOARD_TEAM = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x4C, "ScoreboardTeam", "SPacketTeams");
public static final PacketType SCOREBOARD_SCORE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x4D, "ScoreboardScore", "SPacketUpdateScore");
public static final PacketType UPDATE_TIME = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x4E, "UpdateTime", "SPacketTimeUpdate");
public static final PacketType TITLE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x4F, "Title", "SPacketTitle");
public static final PacketType ENTITY_SOUND = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x50, "EntitySound", "SPacketSoundEffect");
public static final PacketType NAMED_SOUND_EFFECT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x51, "NamedSoundEffect");
public static final PacketType STOP_SOUND = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x52, "StopSound");
public static final PacketType PLAYER_LIST_HEADER_FOOTER = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x53, "PlayerListHeaderFooter", "SPacketPlayerListHeaderFooter");
public static final PacketType NBT_QUERY = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x54, "NBTQuery");
public static final PacketType COLLECT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x55, "Collect", "SPacketCollectItem");
public static final PacketType ENTITY_TELEPORT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x56, "EntityTeleport", "SPacketEntityTeleport");
public static final PacketType ADVANCEMENTS = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x57, "Advancements", "SPacketAdvancementInfo");
public static final PacketType UPDATE_ATTRIBUTES = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x58, "UpdateAttributes", "SPacketEntityProperties");
public static final PacketType ENTITY_EFFECT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x59, "EntityEffect", "SPacketEntityEffect");
public static final PacketType RECIPE_UPDATE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x5A, "RecipeUpdate");
public static final PacketType TAGS = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x5B, "Tags");
// ---- Removed in 1.9
* @deprecated Removed in 1.9
public static final PacketType MAP_CHUNK_BULK = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 255, "MapChunkBulk");
* @deprecated Removed in 1.9
public static final PacketType SET_COMPRESSION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 254, "SetCompression");
* @deprecated Removed in 1.9
public static final PacketType UPDATE_ENTITY_NBT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 253, "UpdateEntityNBT");
// ----- Renamed packets
* @deprecated Renamed to {@link #WINDOW_DATA}
public static final PacketType CRAFT_PROGRESS_BAR = WINDOW_DATA.clone();
* @deprecated Renamed to {@link #REL_ENTITY_MOVE_LOOK}
public static final PacketType ENTITY_MOVE_LOOK = REL_ENTITY_MOVE_LOOK.clone();
* @deprecated Renamed to {@link #STATISTIC}
public static final PacketType STATISTICS = STATISTIC.clone();
* @deprecated Renamed to {@link #OPEN_SIGN_EDITOR}
public static final PacketType OPEN_SIGN_ENTITY = OPEN_SIGN_EDITOR.clone();
// ----- Replaced in 1.9.4
* @deprecated Replaced by {@link #TILE_ENTITY_DATA}
public static final PacketType UPDATE_SIGN = MinecraftReflection.signUpdateExists() ? new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 252, "UpdateSign") :
// ---- Removed in 1.14
* @deprecated Removed in 1.14
public static final PacketType BED = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x33, "Bed", "SPacketUseBed");
* @deprecated Renamed to {@link #BED}
public static final PacketType USE_BED = BED.clone();
* @deprecated Removed in 1.16
public static final PacketType SPAWN_ENTITY_WEATHER = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x02, "SpawnEntityWeather", "SPacketSpawnGlobalEntity");
private final static Server INSTANCE = new Server();
// Prevent accidental construction
private Server() { super(); }
public static Sender getSender() {
return SENDER;
public static Server getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
* Incoming packets.
* @author Kristian
public static class Client extends PacketTypeEnum {
private final static Sender SENDER = Sender.CLIENT;
public static final PacketType TELEPORT_ACCEPT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x00, "TeleportAccept", "CPacketConfirmTeleport");
public static final PacketType TILE_NBT_QUERY = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x01, "TileNBTQuery");
public static final PacketType DIFFICULTY_CHANGE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x02, "DifficultyChange");
public static final PacketType CHAT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x03, "Chat", "CPacketChatMessage");
public static final PacketType CLIENT_COMMAND = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x04, "ClientCommand", "CPacketClientStatus");
public static final PacketType SETTINGS = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x05, "Settings", "CPacketClientSettings");
public static final PacketType TAB_COMPLETE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x06, "TabComplete", "CPacketTabComplete");
public static final PacketType TRANSACTION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x07, "Transaction", "CPacketConfirmTransaction");
public static final PacketType ENCHANT_ITEM = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x08, "EnchantItem", "CPacketEnchantItem");
public static final PacketType WINDOW_CLICK = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x09, "WindowClick", "CPacketClickWindow");
public static final PacketType CLOSE_WINDOW = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x0A, "CloseWindow", "CPacketCloseWindow");
public static final PacketType CUSTOM_PAYLOAD = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x0B, "CustomPayload", "CPacketCustomPayload");
public static final PacketType B_EDIT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x0C, "BEdit");
public static final PacketType ENTITY_NBT_QUERY = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x0D, "EntityNBTQuery");
public static final PacketType USE_ENTITY = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x0E, "UseEntity", "CPacketUseEntity");
public static final PacketType JIGSAW_GENERATE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x0F, "JigsawGenerate");
public static final PacketType KEEP_ALIVE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x10, "KeepAlive", "CPacketKeepAlive");
public static final PacketType DIFFICULTY_LOCK = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x11, "DifficultyLock");
public static final PacketType POSITION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x12, "Flying$Position", "CPacketPlayer$Position");
public static final PacketType POSITION_LOOK = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x13, "Flying$PositionLook", "CPacketPlayer$PositionRotation");
public static final PacketType LOOK = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x14, "Flying$Look", "CPacketPlayer$Rotation");
public static final PacketType FLYING = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x15, "Flying", "CPacketPlayer");
public static final PacketType VEHICLE_MOVE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x16, "VehicleMove", "CPacketVehicleMove");
public static final PacketType BOAT_MOVE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x17, "BoatMove", "CPacketSteerBoat");
public static final PacketType PICK_ITEM = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x18, "PickItem");
public static final PacketType AUTO_RECIPE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x19, "AutoRecipe", "CPacketPlaceRecipe");
public static final PacketType ABILITIES = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x1A, "Abilities", "CPacketPlayerAbilities");
public static final PacketType BLOCK_DIG = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x1B, "BlockDig", "CPacketPlayerDigging");
public static final PacketType ENTITY_ACTION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x1C, "EntityAction", "CPacketEntityAction");
public static final PacketType STEER_VEHICLE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x1D, "SteerVehicle", "CPacketInput");
public static final PacketType RECIPE_SETTINGS = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x1E, "RecipeSettings");
public static final PacketType RECIPE_DISPLAYED = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x1F, "RecipeDisplayed", "CPacketRecipeInfo");
public static final PacketType ITEM_NAME = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x20, "ItemName");
public static final PacketType RESOURCE_PACK_STATUS = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x21, "ResourcePackStatus", "CPacketResourcePackStatus");
public static final PacketType ADVANCEMENTS = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x22, "Advancements", "CPacketSeenAdvancements");
public static final PacketType TR_SEL = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x23, "TrSel");
public static final PacketType BEACON = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x24, "Beacon");
public static final PacketType HELD_ITEM_SLOT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x25, "HeldItemSlot", "CPacketHeldItemChange");
public static final PacketType SET_COMMAND_BLOCK = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x26, "SetCommandBlock");
public static final PacketType SET_COMMAND_MINECART = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x27, "SetCommandMinecart");
public static final PacketType SET_CREATIVE_SLOT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x28, "SetCreativeSlot", "CPacketCreativeInventoryAction");
public static final PacketType SET_JIGSAW = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x29, "SetJigsaw");
public static final PacketType STRUCT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x2A, "Struct");
public static final PacketType UPDATE_SIGN = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x2B, "UpdateSign", "CPacketUpdateSign");
public static final PacketType ARM_ANIMATION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x2C, "ArmAnimation", "CPacketAnimation");
public static final PacketType SPECTATE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x2D, "Spectate", "CPacketSpectate");
public static final PacketType USE_ITEM = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x2E, "UseItem", "CPacketPlayerTryUseItemOnBlock");
public static final PacketType BLOCK_PLACE = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x2F, "BlockPlace", "CPacketPlayerTryUseItem");
private final static Client INSTANCE = new Client();
// Prevent accidental construction
private Client() { super(); }
public static Sender getSender() {
return SENDER;
public static Client getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
public static Protocol getProtocol() {
return PROTOCOL;
* Packets sent and received when querying the server in the multiplayer menu.
* @author Kristian
public static class Status {
private static final Protocol PROTOCOL = Protocol.STATUS;
* Outgoing packets.
* @author Kristian
public static class Server extends PacketTypeEnum {
private final static Sender SENDER = Sender.SERVER;
public static final PacketType SERVER_INFO = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x00, "ServerInfo", "SPacketServerInfo");
public static final PacketType PONG = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x01, "Pong", "SPacketPong");
* @deprecated Renamed to {@link #SERVER_INFO}
public static final PacketType OUT_SERVER_INFO = SERVER_INFO.clone();
private final static Server INSTANCE = new Server();
// Prevent accidental construction
private Server() { super(); }
public static Sender getSender() {
return SENDER;
public static Server getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
* Incoming packets.
* @author Kristian
public static class Client extends PacketTypeEnum {
private final static Sender SENDER = Sender.CLIENT;
public static final PacketType START = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x00, "Start", "CPacketServerQuery");
public static final PacketType PING = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x01, "Ping", "CPacketPing");
private final static Client INSTANCE = new Client();
// Prevent accidental construction
private Client() { super(); }
public static Sender getSender() {
return SENDER;
public static Client getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
public static Protocol getProtocol() {
return PROTOCOL;
* Packets sent and received when logging in to the server.
* @author Kristian
public static class Login {
private static final Protocol PROTOCOL = Protocol.LOGIN;
* Outgoing packets.
* @author Kristian
public static class Server extends PacketTypeEnum {
private final static Sender SENDER = Sender.SERVER;
public static final PacketType DISCONNECT = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x00, "Disconnect", "SPacketDisconnect");
public static final PacketType ENCRYPTION_BEGIN = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x01, "EncryptionBegin", "SPacketEncryptionRequest");
public static final PacketType SUCCESS = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x02, "Success", "SPacketLoginSuccess");
public static final PacketType SET_COMPRESSION = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x03, "SetCompression", "SPacketEnableCompression");
public static final PacketType CUSTOM_PAYLOAD = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x04, "CustomPayload", "SPacketCustomPayload");
private final static Server INSTANCE = new Server();
// Prevent accidental construction
private Server() { super(); }
public static Sender getSender() {
return SENDER;
public static Server getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
* Incoming packets.
* @author Kristian
public static class Client extends PacketTypeEnum {
private final static Sender SENDER = Sender.CLIENT;
public static final PacketType START = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x00, "Start", "CPacketLoginStart");
public static final PacketType ENCRYPTION_BEGIN = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x01, "EncryptionBegin", "CPacketEncryptionResponse");
public static final PacketType CUSTOM_PAYLOAD = new PacketType(PROTOCOL, SENDER, 0x02, "CustomPayload", "CPacketCustomPayload");
private final static Client INSTANCE = new Client();
// Prevent accidental construction
private Client() { super(); }
public static Sender getSender() {
return SENDER;
public static Client getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
public static Protocol getProtocol() {
return PROTOCOL;
* Represents the different protocol or connection states.
* @author Kristian
public enum Protocol {
* Only for packets removed in Minecraft 1.7.2
* Retrieve the correct protocol enum from a given vanilla enum instance.
* @param vanilla - the vanilla protocol enum instance.
* @return The corresponding protocol.
public static Protocol fromVanilla(Enum<?> vanilla) {
String name =;
if ("HANDSHAKING".equals(name))
if ("PLAY".equals(name))
return PLAY;
if ("STATUS".equals(name))
return STATUS;
if ("LOGIN".equals(name))
return LOGIN;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized vanilla enum " + vanilla);
public String getPacketName() {
return WordUtils.capitalize(name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
public String getMcpPacketName() {
return name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
* Represents the sender of this packet type.
* @author Kristian
public enum Sender {
* Indicates that packets of this type will be sent by connected clients.
* Indicate that packets of this type will be sent by the current server.
* Retrieve the equivialent connection side.
* @return The connection side.
public ConnectionSide toSide() {
return this == CLIENT ? ConnectionSide.CLIENT_SIDE : ConnectionSide.SERVER_SIDE;
public String getPacketName() {
return this == CLIENT ? "In" : "Out";
public String getMcpPacketName() {
return name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
* Whether or not packets of this type must be handled asynchronously.
public @interface ForceAsync { }
// Lookup of packet types
private static PacketTypeLookup LOOKUP;
* Protocol version of all the current IDs.
private static final MinecraftVersion PROTOCOL_VERSION = MinecraftVersion.NETHER_UPDATE;
private final Protocol protocol;
private final Sender sender;
private final int currentId;
private final MinecraftVersion version;
private final String[] classNames;
String[] names;
private String name;
private boolean deprecated;
private boolean forceAsync;
private boolean dynamic;
private int hashCode;
* Retrieve the current packet/legacy lookup.
* @return The packet type lookup.
private static PacketTypeLookup getLookup() {
if (LOOKUP == null) {
LOOKUP = new PacketTypeLookup().
return LOOKUP;
* Find every packet type known to the current version of ProtocolLib.
* @return Every packet type.
public static Iterable<PacketType> values() {
List<Iterable<? extends PacketType>> sources = Lists.newArrayList();
return Iterables.concat(sources);
* Retrieve a packet type from a legacy (1.6.4 and below) packet ID.
* @param packetId - the legacy packet ID.
* @return The corresponding packet type.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the legacy packet could not be found.
* @deprecated Legacy IDs haven't functioned properly for some time
public static PacketType findLegacy(int packetId) {
PacketType type = getLookup().getFromLegacy(packetId);
if (type != null)
return type;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find legacy packet " + packetId);
* Retrieve a packet type from a legacy (1.6.4 and below) packet ID.
* @param packetId - the legacy packet ID.
* @param preference - the preferred sender, or NULL for any arbitrary sender.
* @return The corresponding packet type.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the legacy packet could not be found.
* @deprecated Legacy IDs haven't functioned properly for some time
public static PacketType findLegacy(int packetId, Sender preference) {
if (preference == null)
return findLegacy(packetId);
PacketType type = getLookup().getFromLegacy(packetId, preference);
if (type != null)
return type;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find legacy packet " + packetId);
* Determine if the given legacy packet exists.
* @param packetId - the legacy packet ID.
* @return TRUE if it does, FALSE otherwise.
* @deprecated Legacy IDs haven't functioned properly for some time
public static boolean hasLegacy(int packetId) {
return getLookup().getFromLegacy(packetId) != null;
* Retrieve a packet type from a protocol, sender and packet ID.
* <p>
* It is almost always better to access the packet types statically, like so:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link PacketType.Play.Server#SPAWN_ENTITY}
* </ul>
* However there are some valid uses for packet IDs. Please note that IDs
* change almost every Minecraft version.
* @param protocol - the current protocol.
* @param sender - the sender.
* @param packetId - the packet ID.
* @return The corresponding packet type.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the current packet could not be found.
public static PacketType findCurrent(Protocol protocol, Sender sender, int packetId) {
PacketType type = getLookup().getFromCurrent(protocol, sender, packetId);
if (type != null)
return type;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find packet " + packetId +
"(Protocol: " + protocol + ", Sender: " + sender + ")");
public static PacketType findCurrent(Protocol protocol, Sender sender, String name) {
name = formatClassName(protocol, sender, name);
PacketType type = getLookup().getFromCurrent(protocol, sender, name);
if (type != null) {
return type;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find packet " + name +
"(Protocol: " + protocol + ", Sender: " + sender + ")");
private static String formatClassName(Protocol protocol, Sender sender, String name) {
String base = MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftPackage() + ".Packet";
if (name.startsWith(base)) {
return name;
if (name.contains("$")) {
String[] split = name.split("\\$");
String parent = split[0];
String child = split[1];
return base + protocol.getPacketName() + sender.getPacketName() + WordUtils.capitalize(parent)
+ "$Packet" + protocol.getPacketName() + sender.getPacketName() + WordUtils.capitalize(child);
return base + protocol.getPacketName() + sender.getPacketName() + WordUtils.capitalize(name);
private static boolean isMcpPacketName(String packetName) {
return packetName.startsWith("C00") || packetName.startsWith("CPacket") || packetName.startsWith("SPacket");
private static String formatMcpClassName(Protocol protocol, Sender sender, String name) {
return "" + protocol.getMcpPacketName() + "." + sender.getMcpPacketName() + "." + name;
* Determine if the given packet exists.
* @param protocol - the protocol.
* @param sender - the sender.
* @param packetId - the packet ID.
* @return TRUE if it exists, FALSE otherwise.
public static boolean hasCurrent(Protocol protocol, Sender sender, int packetId) {
return getLookup().getFromCurrent(protocol, sender, packetId) != null;
* Retrieve a packet type from a protocol, sender and packet ID, for pre-1.8.
* <p>
* The packet will automatically be registered if its missing.
* @param protocol - the current protocol.
* @param sender - the sender.
* @param packetId - the packet ID. Can be UNKNOWN_PACKET.
* @param packetClass - the packet class
* @return The corresponding packet type.
public static PacketType fromID(Protocol protocol, Sender sender, int packetId, Class<?> packetClass) {
PacketType type = getLookup().getFromCurrent(protocol, sender, packetId);
if (type == null) {
type = new PacketType(protocol, sender, packetId, PROTOCOL_VERSION, packetClass.getName());
type.dynamic = true;
// Many may be scheduled, but only the first will be executed
scheduleRegister(type, "Dynamic-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
return type;
static Consumer<String> onDynamicCreate = x -> {};
* Retrieve a packet type from a protocol, sender, ID, and class for 1.8+
* <p>
* The packet will automatically be registered if its missing.
* @param protocol - the current protocol.
* @param sender - the sender.
* @param packetId - the packet ID. Can be UNKNOWN_PACKET.
* @param packetClass - the packet class.
* @return The corresponding packet type.
public static PacketType fromCurrent(Protocol protocol, Sender sender, int packetId, Class<?> packetClass) {
ClassLookup lookup = getLookup().getClassLookup();
Map<String, PacketType> map = lookup.getMap(protocol, sender);
// Check the map first
String className = packetClass.getName();
PacketType type = find(map, className);
if (type == null) {
// Guess we don't support this packet :/
type = new PacketType(protocol, sender, packetId, PROTOCOL_VERSION, className);
type.dynamic = true;
// Many may be scheduled, but only the first will be executed
scheduleRegister(type, "Dynamic-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
return type;
private static PacketType find(Map<String, PacketType> map, String clazz) {
PacketType ret = map.get(clazz);
if (ret != null) {
return ret;
// Check any aliases
for (PacketType check : map.values()) {
String[] aliases = check.getClassNames();
if (aliases.length > 1) {
for (String alias : aliases) {
if (alias.equals(clazz)) {
// We have a match!
return check;
return null;
* Lookup a packet type from a packet class.
* @param packetClass - the packet class.
* @return The corresponding packet type, or NULL if not found.
public static PacketType fromClass(Class<?> packetClass) {
PacketType type = PacketRegistry.getPacketType(packetClass);
if (type != null)
return type;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + packetClass + " is not a registered packet.");
* Retrieve every packet type with the given UPPER_CAMEL_CASE name.
* <p>
* Note that the collection is unmodiable.
* @param name - the name.
* @return Every packet type, or an empty collection.
public static Collection<PacketType> fromName(String name) {
return getLookup().getFromName(name);
* Determine if a given class represents a packet class.
* @param packetClass - the class to lookup.
* @return TRUE if this is a packet class, FALSE otherwise.
public static boolean hasClass(Class<?> packetClass) {
return PacketRegistry.getPacketType(packetClass) != null;
* Register a particular packet type.
* <p>
* Note that the registration will be performed on the main thread.
* @param type - the type to register.
* @param name - the name of the packet.
public static void scheduleRegister(final PacketType type, final String name) {
BukkitRunnable runnable = new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
PacketTypeEnum objEnum;
// A bit ugly, but performance is critical
objEnum = getObjectEnum(type);
if (objEnum.registerMember(type, name)) {
if (Bukkit.getServer() == null || Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()) {
try {;
} catch (Exception ignored) { }
} else {
runnable.runTaskLater(ProtocolLibrary.getPlugin(), 0);
* Retrieve the correct object enum from a specific packet type.
* @param type - the packet type.
* @return The corresponding object enum.
public static PacketTypeEnum getObjectEnum(final PacketType type) {
switch (type.getProtocol()) {
return type.isClient() ? Handshake.Client.getInstance() : Handshake.Server.getInstance();
case PLAY:
return type.isClient() ? Play.Client.getInstance() : Play.Server.getInstance();
case STATUS:
return type.isClient() ? Status.Client.getInstance() : Status.Server.getInstance();
case LOGIN:
return type.isClient() ? Login.Client.getInstance() : Login.Server.getInstance();
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected protocol: " + type.getProtocol());
* Construct a new packet type.
* @param protocol - the current protocol.
* @param sender - client or server.
* @param currentId - the current packet ID, or
public PacketType(Protocol protocol, Sender sender, int currentId, String... names) {
this(protocol, sender, currentId, PROTOCOL_VERSION, names);
* Construct a new packet type.
* @param protocol - the current protocol.
* @param sender - client or server.
* @param currentId - the current packet ID.
* @param version - the version of the current ID.
public PacketType(Protocol protocol, Sender sender, int currentId, MinecraftVersion version, String... names) {
this.protocol = Preconditions.checkNotNull(protocol, "protocol cannot be NULL");
this.sender = Preconditions.checkNotNull(sender, "sender cannot be NULL");
this.currentId = currentId;
this.version = version;
this.classNames = new String[names.length];
for (int i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) {
if (isMcpPacketName(names[i])) { // Minecraft MCP packets
classNames[i] = formatMcpClassName(protocol, sender, names[i]);
} else {
classNames[i] = formatClassName(protocol, sender, names[i]);
this.names = names;
* Determine if this packet is supported on the current server.
* @return Whether or not the packet is supported.
public boolean isSupported() {
return PacketRegistry.isSupported(this);
* Retrieve the protocol (the connection state) the packet type belongs.
* @return The protocol of this type.
public Protocol getProtocol() {
return protocol;
* Retrieve which sender will transmit packets of this type.
* @return The sender of these packets.
public Sender getSender() {
return sender;
* Determine if this packet was sent by the client.
* @return TRUE if it was, FALSE otherwise.
public boolean isClient() {
return sender == Sender.CLIENT;
* Determine if this packet was sent by the server.
* @return TRUE if it was, FALSE otherwise.
public boolean isServer() {
return sender == Sender.SERVER;
* Retrieve the current protocol ID for this packet type.
* <p>
* This is only unique within a specific protocol and target.
* <p>
* It is unknown if the packet was removed at any point.
* @return The current ID, or {@link #UNKNOWN_PACKET} if unknown.
* @deprecated Don't rely on packet IDs, they change every version
public int getCurrentId() {
return currentId;
public String[] getClassNames() {
return classNames;
* Retrieve the equivalent packet class.
* @return The packet class, or NULL if not found.
public Class<?> getPacketClass() {
try {
return PacketRegistry.getPacketClassFromType(this);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
// Only used by Enum processor
void setName(String name) { = name;
* Retrieve the declared enum name of this packet type.
* @return The enum name.
public String name() {
return name;
// Only used by enum processor
void setDeprecated() {
this.deprecated = true;
* Whether or not this packet is deprecated. Deprecated packet types have either been renamed, replaced, or removed.
* Kind of like the thing they use to tell children to recycle except with packets you probably shouldn't be using.
* @return True if the type is deprecated, false if not
public boolean isDeprecated() {
return deprecated;
// Only used by enum processor
void forceAsync() {
this.forceAsync = true;
* Whether or not the processing of this packet must take place on a thread different than the main thread. You don't
* get a choice. If this is false it's up to you.
* @return True if async processing is forced, false if not.
public boolean isAsyncForced() {
return forceAsync;
* Retrieve the Minecraft version for the current ID.
* @return The Minecraft version.
public MinecraftVersion getCurrentVersion() {
return version;
* Whether or not this packet was dynamically created (i.e. we don't have it registered)
* @return True if dnyamic, false if not.
public boolean isDynamic() {
return dynamic;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = hashCode;
if (hash == 0) {
hash = protocol.hashCode();
hash = 31 * hash + sender.hashCode();
hash = 31 * hash + Integer.hashCode(currentId);
hashCode = hash;
return hash;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this)
return true;
if (obj instanceof PacketType) {
PacketType other = (PacketType) obj;
return protocol == other.protocol &&
sender == other.sender &&
currentId == other.currentId;
return false;
public int compareTo(PacketType other) {
return ComparisonChain.start().
compare(protocol, other.getProtocol()).
compare(sender, other.getSender()).
compare(currentId, other.getCurrentId()).
public String toString() {
Class<?> clazz = getPacketClass();
if (clazz == null)
return name() + "[" + protocol + ", " + sender + ", " + currentId + ", classNames: " + Arrays.toString(classNames) + " (unregistered)]";
return name() + "[class=" + clazz.getSimpleName() + ", id=" + currentId + "]";
public PacketType clone() {
try {
return (PacketType) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) {
throw new Error("This shouldn't happen", ex);