
663 lines
23 KiB

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType;
import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType.Protocol;
import com.comphenix.protocol.error.ErrorReporter;
import com.comphenix.protocol.error.Report;
import com.comphenix.protocol.error.ReportType;
import com.comphenix.protocol.injector.NetworkProcessor;
import com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.ChannelListener;
import com.comphenix.protocol.injector.netty.Injector;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.FuzzyReflection;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.Accessors;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.FieldAccessor;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.fuzzy.FuzzyFieldContract;
import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.*;
import com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedGameProfile;
import io.netty.util.AttributeKey;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class NettyChannelInjector implements Injector {
// an accessor used when we're unable to retrieve the actual packet field in an outbound packet send
private static final FieldAccessor NO_OP_ACCESSOR = new FieldAccessor() {
public Object get(Object instance) {
return null;
public void set(Object instance, Object value) {
public Field getField() {
return null;
private static final String INTERCEPTOR_NAME = "protocol_lib_inbound_interceptor";
private static final String WIRE_PACKET_ENCODER_NAME = "protocol_lib_wire_packet_encoder";
// all registered channel handlers to easier make sure we unregister them all from the pipeline
private static final String[] PROTOCOL_LIB_HANDLERS = new String[]{
private static final ReportType REPORT_CANNOT_SEND_PACKET = new ReportType("Unable to send packet %s to %s");
private static final WirePacketEncoder WIRE_PACKET_ENCODER = new WirePacketEncoder();
private static final Map<Class<?>, FieldAccessor> PACKET_ACCESSORS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16, 0.9f);
private static final Class<?> LOGIN_PACKET_START_CLASS = PacketType.Login.Client.START.getPacketClass();
private static final Class<?> PACKET_PROTOCOL_CLASS = PacketType.Handshake.Client.SET_PROTOCOL.getPacketClass();
private static final AttributeKey<Integer> PROTOCOL_VERSION = AttributeKey.valueOf(getRandomKey());
private static final AttributeKey<NettyChannelInjector> INJECTOR = AttributeKey.valueOf(getRandomKey());
// lazy initialized fields, if we don't need them we don't bother about them
private static FieldAccessor LOGIN_PROFILE_ACCESSOR;
private static FieldAccessor PROTOCOL_VERSION_ACCESSOR;
// bukkit stuff
private final Server server;
// protocol lib stuff we need
private final ErrorReporter errorReporter;
private final NetworkProcessor networkProcessor;
// references
private final Object networkManager;
private final Channel wrappedChannel;
private final ChannelListener channelListener;
private final InjectionFactory injectionFactory;
private final FieldAccessor channelField;
// packet marking
private final Map<Object, NetworkMarker> savedMarkers = new WeakHashMap<>(16, 0.9f);
private final Set<Object> skippedPackets = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
protected final ThreadLocal<Boolean> processedPackets = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> Boolean.FALSE);
// status of this injector
private volatile boolean closed = false;
private volatile boolean injected = false;
// information about the player belonging to this injector
private String playerName;
private Player resolvedPlayer;
// lazy initialized fields, if we don't need them we don't bother about them
private Object playerConnection;
private FieldAccessor protocolAccessor;
public NettyChannelInjector(
Player player,
Server server,
Object netManager,
Channel channel,
ChannelListener listener,
InjectionFactory injector,
ErrorReporter errorReporter
) {
// bukkit stuff
this.server = server;
this.resolvedPlayer = player;
// protocol lib stuff
this.errorReporter = errorReporter;
this.networkProcessor = new NetworkProcessor(errorReporter);
// references
this.networkManager = netManager;
this.wrappedChannel = channel;
this.channelListener = listener;
this.injectionFactory = injector;
// register us into the channel
// read the channel field from the network manager given to this method
// we re-read this field every time as plugins/spigot forks might give us different network manager types
Field channelField = FuzzyReflection.fromObject(netManager, true).getField(FuzzyFieldContract.newBuilder()
this.channelField = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(channelField);
// hook here into the close future to be 100% sure that this injector gets closed when the channel we wrap gets closed
// normally we listen to the disconnect event, but there is a very small period of time, between the login and actual
// join that is not covered by the disconnect event and may lead to unexpected injector states...
this.wrappedChannel.closeFuture().addListener(future -> this.close());
static NettyChannelInjector findInjector(Channel channel) {
return channel.attr(INJECTOR).get();
static Object findChannelHandler(Channel channel, Class<?> type) {
for (Entry<String, ChannelHandler> entry : channel.pipeline()) {
if (type.isAssignableFrom(entry.getValue().getClass())) {
return entry.getValue();
return null;
private static String getRandomKey() {
return "ProtocolLib-" + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong();
private static boolean hasProtocolLibHandler(Channel channel) {
for (String handler : PROTOCOL_LIB_HANDLERS) {
if (channel.pipeline().get(handler) != null) {
return true;
return false;
public int getProtocolVersion() {
Integer protocolVersion = this.wrappedChannel.attr(PROTOCOL_VERSION).get();
return protocolVersion == null ? MinecraftProtocolVersion.getCurrentVersion() : protocolVersion;
public boolean inject() {
// we only do this on the channel event loop to prevent blocking the main server thread
// and to be sure that the netty pipeline view we get is up-to-date
if (this.wrappedChannel.eventLoop().inEventLoop()) {
// ensure that we should actually inject into the channel
if (this.closed || this.wrappedChannel instanceof ByteBuddyGenerated || !this.wrappedChannel.isActive()) {
return false;
// check here if we need to rewrite the channel field and do so
// minecraft overrides the channel field when the channel actually becomes active, so we need to ensure that our
// proxied channel is always on that field - therefore this rewrite is event before we check if we're already
// injected into the channel
// check if we already injected into the channel
if (hasProtocolLibHandler(this.wrappedChannel)) {
return false;
String anchorHandler = "decoder";
if (MinecraftVersion.FEATURE_PREVIEW_2.atOrAbove()) {
anchorHandler = "unbundler";
// inject our handlers
this.wrappedChannel.pipeline().addAfter("encoder", WIRE_PACKET_ENCODER_NAME, WIRE_PACKET_ENCODER);
new InboundPacketInterceptor(this, this.channelListener));
this.injected = true;
return true;
} else {
// re-run in event loop, return false as we cannot be sure if the injection actually worked
return false;
public void uninject() {
// ensure that we injected into the channel before trying to remove anything from it
if (this.injected) {
// uninject on the event loop to ensure the instant visibility of the change and prevent blocks of other threads
if (this.wrappedChannel.eventLoop().inEventLoop()) {
this.injected = false;
// remove known references to us
this.channelField.set(this.networkManager, this.wrappedChannel);
for (String handler : PROTOCOL_LIB_HANDLERS) {
try {
} catch (NoSuchElementException ignored) {
// ignore that one, probably an edge case
} else {
public void close() {
// ensure that the injector wasn't close before
if (!this.closed) {
this.closed = true;
// remove all of our references from the channel
// cleanup
// wipe this injector completely
this.injectionFactory.invalidate(this.getPlayer(), this.playerName);
public void sendServerPacket(Object packet, NetworkMarker marker, boolean filtered) {
// do not send the packet if this injector was already closed / is not injected yet
if (this.closed || !this.injected) {
// register the packet as filtered if we shouldn't post it to any listener
if (!filtered) {
// save the given packet marker and send the packet
this.saveMarker(packet, marker);
try {
if (this.resolvedPlayer instanceof ByteBuddyGenerated) {
MinecraftMethods.getNetworkManagerHandleMethod().invoke(this.networkManager, packet);
} else {
// ensure that the player is properly connected before sending
Object playerConnection = this.getPlayerConnection();
if (playerConnection != null) {
MinecraftMethods.getSendPacketMethod().invoke(playerConnection, packet);
} catch (Exception exception) {
this.errorReporter.reportWarning(this, Report.newBuilder(REPORT_CANNOT_SEND_PACKET)
.messageParam(packet, this.playerName)
public void receiveClientPacket(Object packet) {
// do not do that if we're not injected or this injector was closed
if (this.closed || !this.injected) {
Runnable receiveAction = () -> {
try {
// try to invoke the method, this should normally not fail
MinecraftMethods.getNetworkManagerReadPacketMethod().invoke(this.networkManager, null, packet);
} catch (Exception exception) {
// 99% the user gave wrong information to the server
this.errorReporter.reportMinimal(this.injectionFactory.getPlugin(), "receiveClientPacket", exception);
// execute the action on the event loop rather than any thread which we should potentially not block
if (this.wrappedChannel.eventLoop().inEventLoop()) {;
} else {
public Protocol getCurrentProtocol() {
// ensure that the accessor to the protocol field is available
if (this.protocolAccessor == null) {
this.protocolAccessor = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(
Object nmsProtocol = this.protocolAccessor.get(this.networkManager);
return Protocol.fromVanilla((Enum<?>) nmsProtocol);
public NetworkMarker getMarker(Object packet) {
return this.savedMarkers.get(packet);
public void saveMarker(Object packet, NetworkMarker marker) {
if (marker != null && !this.closed) {
this.savedMarkers.put(packet, marker);
public Player getPlayer() {
// if the player was already resolved there is no need to do further lookups
if (this.resolvedPlayer != null) {
return this.resolvedPlayer;
// check if the name of the player is already known to the injector
if (this.playerName != null) {
this.resolvedPlayer = this.server.getPlayerExact(this.playerName);
// either we resolved it or we didn't...
return this.resolvedPlayer;
public void setPlayer(Player player) {
this.resolvedPlayer = player;
this.playerName = player.getName();
public void disconnect(String message) {
// we're still during pre-login, just close the connection
if (this.playerConnection == null || this.resolvedPlayer instanceof ByteBuddyGenerated) {
} else {
try {
// try to call the disconnect method on the player
MinecraftMethods.getDisconnectMethod(this.playerConnection.getClass()).invoke(this.playerConnection, message);
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to disconnect the current injector", exception);
public boolean isInjected() {
return this.injected;
public boolean isClosed() {
return this.closed;
void tryProcessLogin(Object packet) {
// check if the given packet is a login packet
if (LOGIN_PACKET_START_CLASS != null && LOGIN_PACKET_START_CLASS.equals(packet.getClass())) {
if (MinecraftVersion.WILD_UPDATE.atOrAbove()) {
// 1.19 removed the profile from the packet and now sends the plain username directly
// ensure that the game profile accessor is available
LOGIN_PROFILE_ACCESSOR = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(LOGIN_PACKET_START_CLASS, String.class, true);
// get the username from the packet
String username = (String) LOGIN_PROFILE_ACCESSOR.get(packet);
// cache the injector and the player name
this.playerName = username;
this.injectionFactory.cacheInjector(username, this);
} else {
// ensure that the game profile accessor is available
LOGIN_PROFILE_ACCESSOR = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(
// the client only sends the name but the server wraps it into a GameProfile, so here we are
WrappedGameProfile profile = WrappedGameProfile.fromHandle(LOGIN_PROFILE_ACCESSOR.get(packet));
// cache the injector and the player name
this.playerName = profile.getName();
this.injectionFactory.cacheInjector(profile.getName(), this);
// protocol version begin
if (PACKET_PROTOCOL_CLASS != null && PACKET_PROTOCOL_CLASS.equals(packet.getClass())) {
// ensure the protocol version accessor is available
try {
Field ver = FuzzyReflection.fromClass(PACKET_PROTOCOL_CLASS, true).getField(FuzzyFieldContract.newBuilder()
PROTOCOL_VERSION_ACCESSOR = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(ver);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
// unable to resolve that field, continue no-op
// read the protocol version from the field if available
int protocolVersion = (int) PROTOCOL_VERSION_ACCESSOR.get(packet);
private void rewriteChannelField() {
// check if we need to rewrite the channel or if the channel is already correct (prevent wrapping a wrapped channel)
Object currentChannel = this.channelField.get(this.networkManager);
if (currentChannel instanceof NettyChannelProxy) {
// the field is not correct, rewrite now to our handler
Channel ch = new NettyChannelProxy(this.wrappedChannel, new NettyEventLoopProxy(this.wrappedChannel.eventLoop(), this) {
protected Runnable doProxyRunnable(Runnable original) {
return NettyChannelInjector.this.processOutbound(original);
protected <T> Callable<T> doProxyCallable(Callable<T> original) {
return NettyChannelInjector.this.processOutbound(original);
}, this);
this.channelField.set(this.networkManager, ch);
private void ensureInEventLoop(Runnable runnable) {
this.ensureInEventLoop(this.wrappedChannel.eventLoop(), runnable);
private void ensureInEventLoop(EventLoop eventLoop, Runnable runnable) {
if (eventLoop.inEventLoop()) {;
} else {
void processInboundPacket(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object packet, Class<?> packetClass) {
if (this.channelListener.hasMainThreadListener(packetClass) && !this.server.isPrimaryThread()) {
// not on the main thread but we are required to be - re-schedule the packet on the main thread
() -> this.processInboundPacket(ctx, packet, packetClass));
// call packet handlers, a null result indicates that we shouldn't change anything
PacketEvent interceptionResult = this.channelListener.onPacketReceiving(this, packet, null);
if (interceptionResult == null) {
this.ensureInEventLoop(, () -> ctx.fireChannelRead(packet));
// fire the intercepted packet down the pipeline if it wasn't cancelled
if (!interceptionResult.isCancelled()) {
() -> ctx.fireChannelRead(interceptionResult.getPacket().getHandle()));
// check if there were any post events added the packet after we fired it down the pipeline
// we use this way as we don't want to construct a new network manager accidentally
NetworkMarker marker = NetworkMarker.getNetworkMarker(interceptionResult);
if (marker != null) {
this.networkProcessor.invokePostEvent(interceptionResult, marker);
<T> T processOutbound(T action) {
// get the accessor to the packet field
// if we are unable to look up the accessor then just return the runnable, probably nothing of our business
FieldAccessor packetAccessor = this.lookupPacketAccessor(action);
if (packetAccessor == NO_OP_ACCESSOR) {
return action;
// get the packet field and ensure that the field is actually present (should always be, just to be sure)
Object packet = packetAccessor.get(action);
if (packet == null) {
return action;
// filter out all packets which were explicitly send to not be processed by any event
// pre-checking isEmpty will reduce the need of hashing packets which don't override the
// hashCode method; this presents calls to the very slow identityHashCode default implementation
NetworkMarker marker = this.savedMarkers.isEmpty() ? null : this.savedMarkers.remove(packet);
if (!this.skippedPackets.isEmpty() && this.skippedPackets.remove(packet)) {
// if a marker was set there might be scheduled packets to execute after the packet send
// for this to work we need to proxy the input action to provide access to them
if (marker != null) {
return this.proxyAction(action, null, marker);
// nothing special, just no processing
return action;
// no listener and no marker - no magic :)
if (!this.channelListener.hasListener(packet.getClass()) && marker == null && !Util.isBundlePacket(packet.getClass())) {
return action;
// ensure that we are on the main thread if we need to
if (this.channelListener.hasMainThreadListener(packet.getClass()) && !this.server.isPrimaryThread()) {
// not on the main thread but we are required to be - re-schedule the packet on the main thread
() -> this.sendServerPacket(packet, null, true));
return null;
// call all listeners which are listening to the outbound packet, if any
// null indicates that no listener was affected by the packet, meaning that we can directly send the original packet
PacketEvent event = this.channelListener.onPacketSending(this, packet, marker);
if (event == null) {
return action;
// if the event wasn't cancelled by this action we must recheck if the packet changed during the method call
if (!event.isCancelled()) {
// rewrite the packet in the given action if the packet was changed during the event call
Object interceptedPacket = event.getPacket().getHandle();
if (interceptedPacket != packet) {
packetAccessor.set(action, interceptedPacket);
// this is essential to do this way as a call to getMarker on the event will construct a new marker instance if needed
// we just want to know here if there is a marker to proceed correctly
// if the marker is null we can just schedule the action as we don't need to do anything after the packet was sent
NetworkMarker eventMarker = NetworkMarker.getNetworkMarker(event);
if (eventMarker == null) {
return action;
// we need to wrap the action to call the listeners set in the marker
return this.proxyAction(action, event, eventMarker);
// return null if the event was cancelled to schedule a no-op event
return null;
private <T> T proxyAction(T action, PacketEvent event, NetworkMarker marker) {
// hack - we only know that the given action is either a runnable or callable, but we need to work out which thing
// it is exactly to proceed correctly here.
if (action instanceof Runnable) {
// easier thing to do - just wrap the runnable in a new one
return (T) (Runnable) () -> {
// notify the outbound handler that the packets are processed
// execute the action & invoke the post event
((Runnable) action).run();
this.networkProcessor.invokePostEvent(event, marker);
} else if (action instanceof Callable<?>) {
// okay this is a bit harder now - we need to wrap the action and return the value of it
return (T) (Callable<Object>) () -> {
// notify the outbound handler that the packets are processed
// execute the action & invoke the post event
Object value = ((Callable<Object>) action).call();
this.networkProcessor.invokePostEvent(event, marker);
return value;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected input action of type " + action.getClass());
private FieldAccessor lookupPacketAccessor(Object action) {
return PACKET_ACCESSORS.computeIfAbsent(action.getClass(), clazz -> {
try {
// find the field
Field packetField = FuzzyReflection.fromClass(clazz, true).getField(FuzzyFieldContract
return Accessors.getFieldAccessor(packetField);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
// no such field found :(
private Object getPlayerConnection() {
// resolve the player connection if needed
if (this.playerConnection == null) {
Player target = this.getPlayer();
if (target == null) {
return null;
this.playerConnection = MinecraftFields.getPlayerConnection(target);
// cannot be null at this point
return this.playerConnection;
public Channel getWrappedChannel() {
return this.wrappedChannel;