2015-12-05 22:26:10 -07:00

477 lines
14 KiB

# Sample PurpleIRC bot configuration.
# Most of these options should be self explanatory.
# Place your bot file in the PurpleIRC/bots/ folder.
# NOTE: If you make changes to this file while the server is running use "/irc reloadbotconfigs" to load the changes into memory.
# nick - Your bot's unique nickname
nick: AwesomeBot
# If your bot's nick is in use try these alternates. Leave blank for none.
- '%NICK%_'
- '%NICK%__'
# login - Your bot's login name
login: AwesomeName
# realname
realname: ''
# server - IRC server to join
server: irc.example.com
# port - IRC server port
port: 6667
# Enable TLS support via STARTTLS. Must connect to non-SSL port to use this.
tls: false
# Attempt ssl connection to IRC server
ssl: false
# Disable DHE. See: http://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7044060
disable-diffie-hellman: false
# Trust all SSL certs
trust-all-certs: false
# Enabled ciphers - To get a list of available ciphers run "/irc test sslcpihers"
ciphers: []
# Bind address
bind: ''
# Auto split length for long messages
max-line-length: 440
# Character encoding. Leave blank for Java default.
charset: ''
# show irc server motd on connect
show-motd: false
# autoconnect - Connect automatically on startup
autoconnect: 'false'
# password - Server password if needed
password: ''
# identify password (sent to NickServ)
ident-password: ''
# command-prefix - The bot will listen for commands that start with this.
command-prefix: '.'
# quit-message - Message the bot will send when it quits the server
quit-message: '&r[&5PurpleIRC&r] &rGood bye!'
# Message delay in milliseconds (be careful when changing this)
message-delay: 1000
# CTCP finger reply
finger-reply: ''
# send a raw message on connect
raw-message-on-connect: false
# the raw message
raw-message: auth name pass
# relay-private-chat - Allow private chat to the bot to relay to the game
relay-private-chat: false
# Log private chat messages
log-private-chat: true
# notify channels or users when a player uses commands
enabled: false
# valid modes: msg, ctcp
mode: msg
# recipients can be channels or users
- '#minecraft-test'
- example
- /example
# File tailer
enabled: false
file: 'server.log'
extra_files: []
recipient: '#minecraft-test'
ctcp: false
# If a line matches then it is excluded from being sent to IRC.
# Place slashes around a pattern to use regular expressions.
- '/\s+\[PurpleIRC\]\s+/'
# Messaging flood control (game and IRC)
# Enable or disable flood control
enabled: false
# The maximum number of messages per interval
max-messages: 2
# Time interval in milliseconds
time-interval: 1000
# Cooldown in milliseconds. If user is spamming then this cooldown takes effect.
cooldown: 60000
# Automatically part invalid channels
part-invalid-channels: false
# Message when leaving invalid channel
part-invalid-channels-message: 'I should not be here! Bye!'
# Insert zero width space into nicks of IRC output to prevent client pings
zero-width-space: false
# Channel auto join delay in server ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
channel-auto-join-delay: 20
# If your irc-chat message has a %CUSTOMPREFIX% then these custom prefixes can replace them.
# Can match either nick or hostmask
- 'AwesomeNick [AwesomePrefix]'
- '*!*sarah@example.com [Owner]'
# Default if no match is found
custom-prefix-default: '[IRC]'
# Similar to custom-prefixe above. Search and replace first occurrence of : and replace with &r:
- 'AwesomeNick : &r:'
- '*!*sarah@example.com : &r:'
# Action commands
- /me
- /eme
# Bot linking
bot-linking-enabled: false
# Map of remote linked bots and codes. Use /irc link and /irc linkaccept
# - remotebot: 249505593790847552435733176657146971496
# channels - List the channels your bot will join here
# Channel name must be surrounded by sing quotes to be YAML compliant.
# Use %2E instead of dots in the channel names.
# Example: minecraft%2Etest == minecraft.test
# message prefix (replaces %CHANNELPREFIX%
prefix: ''
# worlds we listen to for this channel
- '*'
# autojoin - Join the channel automatically on connect
autojoin: true
# modes - Channel modes to set
modes: ''
# password - Channel password
password: ''
# topic - Channel topic
topic: New topic
# topic-protect - Prevent others from changing the topic
topic-protect: false
# Enable chanserve mode for topic set command (/msg chanserv topic #channel <topic>
topic-chanserv: false
# If the Shortify plugin is installed then shoten URLs sent from IRC
shortify: true
# Enable or disable message filtering
enable-filtering: false
# Filters. These wll be removed from IRC to game messages.
- AwesomeBot
# enabled-messages - These are the message types that are either sent to the game or IRC
# config.yml. Remove or comment the messages you don't want.
# These messages are sent from game to IRC (see permissions)
- console-chat
- game-action
- game-chat
- game-death
- game-kick
- game-first-join
- game-join
- game-quit
- game-achievement
- game-mode
- fake-join
- fake-quit
# Essentials helpop messages (/helpop /amsg /ac)
- ess-helpop
# Prism
#- prism-rollback
#- prism-drain
#- prism-extinguish
#- prism-custom
# The game-afk message type is not functional yet.
#- game-afk
# These messages are sent from IRC to game (see permissions)
- irc-action
- irc-chat
- irc-pchat
- irc-join
- irc-kick
- irc-part
- irc-topic
- irc-quit
- irc-nickchange
- irc-mode
- irc-notice
#- invalid-irc-commmand
#- irc-console-chat
# Dynmap Web Chat to IRC
- dynmap-web-chat
# IRC to Dynmap Web Chat
- irc-dynmap-web-chat
# IRC acion to Dynmap Chat (/me)
- irc-action-dynmap-web-chat
# mcMMO messages sent to IRC
- mcmmo-admin-chat
- mcmmo-party-chat
- mcmmo-chat
# mcMMO messages sent from IRC. Replace [PARTY] with destination mcMMO party
- irc-mcmmo-admin-chat
- irc-mcmmo-party-[PARTY]-chat
# FactionChat messages sent to IRC
- faction-public-chat
- faction-ally-chat
- faction-enemy-chat
# Hero chat message types that are sent from game to IRC
# Game messages from Global HC channel
- hero-Global-chat
- hero-Global-action
# Game messages from any HC channel
- hero-chat
- hero-action
# Specific HC channel
#- hero-[CHANNEL]-chat
#- hero-[CHANNEL]-action
# Various IRC messages that are sent to Herochat channel. Receiving HC
# channel name is configured per hero-channel: 'CHANNEL NAME'
#- irc-hero-action
#- irc-hero-chat
#- irc-hero-kick
#- irc-hero-join
#- irc-hero-part
#- irc-hero-topic
# CleverNotch bot messages will be sent to the IRC channel
- clever-chat
# OreBroadcast messages
#- ore-broadcast
- titan-chat
- towny-chat
# Specific TownyChat channel or tag
#- towny-[CHANNEL]-chat
#- towny-[CHANNELTAG]-chat
# Specific TitanChat channel
#- titan-[CHANNEL]-chat
# ReportRTS ticket notifications to irc
- rts-notify
# Catch /broadcast messages
#- broadcast-console-message
#- broadcast-message
# RedditStream
#- reddit-messages
# AdminPrivateChat messages game to IRC
#- game-a-chat
# AdminPrivateChat messages IRC to game
#- irc-a-chat
# Hero channel destination for IRC messages
hero-channel: admin
# Towny channel destination for IRC messages
towny-channel: irc
# Log all messages from IRC to HeroChat
log-irc-to-hero-chat: false
# ops - IRC hostname mask styled ops list
- '*!*sarah@example.com'
# muted - IRC users that should not be heard in game
- KuShy
# Set ignore-irc-chat to true if you are using @chat and don't want regular IRC chat in your game
ignore-irc-chat: false
# ignore list for custom tab list
- AwesomeBot
# Don't add IRC users to tab list when a matching player is online.
custom-tab-ignore-duplicates: false
# Hide join message when player is invisible (VanishNoPacket)
hide-join-when-vanished: true
# Hide quit message when player is invisible (VanishNoPacket)
hide-quit-when-vanished: true
# How to respond to an invalid command
private: false
ctcp: false
# Raw message to send if raw-message-on-join is true
raw-message: ''
raw-message-on-join: false
# join-notice
# Enable or disable this feature.
enabled: false
# Cool down in seconds per user.
cooldown: 60
# If true then message will be sent in private
private: true
# If true then message will be sent via ctcp. if false then normal msg
ctcp: true
# The actual message sent to the user when joining the channel.
# If the message starts with a / then a command will be run and the output sent as the message.
message: '/list'
# commands - A list of commands that the bot will act on
# There are several builtin game_command options.
# @list - list the players in the game
# @help - print out of all of the commands
# @uptime - print the uptime of the game server
# @chat - send message to game
# @hchat - send message to specific hero channel
# @ochat - send message to game (overrides irc-chat)
# @motd - display minecraft server motd
# @msg - send private message to player
# @r - quickly reply to private message
# @query - query remote minecraft server
# @rtsmb - Send ReportRTS broadcast message to mods
# @a - Send message to AdminPrivateChat
# @version - display version
# @bukkit - display API version
# @versionfull - display full version info (same as /version)
# The modes can be *, o , v , h, q, s, or i. Mix and match as needed.
# If game_command can optionally accept arguments via %ARGS% and %NAME%
# If a command is private then the result is sent to the player privately.
modes: '*'
private: false
ctcp: false
game_command: '@chat'
extras_commands: []
private_listen: true
channel_listen: true
user_masks: []
perm: ''
output: '%RESULT%'
modes: '*'
private: false
ctcp: false
game_command: '@ochat'
extras_commands: []
private_listen: true
channel_listen: true
user_masks: []
perm: ''
output: '%RESULT%'
modes: '*'
private: false
ctcp: false
game_command: '@hchat'
extras_commands: []
private_listen: true
channel_listen: true
user_masks: []
perm: ''
output: '%RESULT%'
modes: '*'
private: true
ctcp: false
game_command: '@msg'
extras_commands: []
private_listen: true
channel_listen: true
user_masks: []
perm: ''
output: '%RESULT%'
modes: '*'
private: 'true'
ctcp: 'false'
game_command: '@r'
private_listen: 'true'
channel_listen: 'true'
perm: ''
sender: CONSOLE
game_command_usage: ''
extra_commands: []
user_masks: []
output: '%RESULT%'
modes: '*'
private: false
ctcp: false
game_command: '@list'
extras_commands: []
private_listen: true
channel_listen: true
user_masks: []
perm: ''
output: '%RESULT%'
modes: '*'
private: false
ctcp: false
game_command: '@help'
extras_commands: []
private_listen: true
channel_listen: true
user_masks: []
perm: ''
output: '%RESULT%'
modes: '*'
private: false
ctcp: false
game_command: '@uptime'
extras_commands: []
private_listen: true
channel_listen: true
user_masks: []
perm: ''
output: '%RESULT%'
modes: '*'
private: false
ctcp: false
game_command: '@versionfull'
extras_commands: []
private_listen: true
channel_listen: true
user_masks: []
perm: ''
output: '%RESULT%'
modes: '*'
private: false
ctcp: false
game_command: lag
extras_commands: []
private_listen: true
channel_listen: true
user_masks: []
perm: ''
output: '%RESULT%'
modes: 'o'
private: 'false'
ctcp: 'false'
game_command: '@list'
- '@version'
private_listen: 'true'
channel_listen: 'true'
user_masks: []
perm: ''
## Uncomment this if you want to hook into AdminPrivateChat
# a:
# modes: '*'
# private: false
# ctcp: false
# game_command: '@a'
# private_listen: true
# channel_listen: true
# user_masks: []
## Uncomment this to allow gamemode changes via IRC
# gamemode:
# modes: 'o'
# private: false
# ctcp: false
# game_command: 'gamemode %ARGS%'
# private_listen: true
# channel_listen: true
# user_masks: []
# output: '%RESULT%'
## Sample of %ARGX% and %ARGX+% with game_command_usage
# mute:
# modes: o
# private: 'false'
# ctcp: 'false'
# game_command: mute %ARG1% %ARG2% %ARG3+%
# extra_commands:
# - 'irc say SpigBot #PurpleIRC Muted %ARG1% for %ARG2%. [Reason %ARG3+%]'
# game_command_usage: 'Usage: .mute <player> <time> <reason>'
# private_listen: 'true'
# channel_listen: 'true'
# perm: ''
# sender: CONSOLE
# user_masks: []
# output: '%RESULT%'
## Uncomment this if you want to hook into ReportRTS mod broadcast command
# mb:
# modes: 'o'
# private: 'false'
# ctcp: 'false'
# game_command: '@rtsmb'
# extras_commands: []
# private_listen: 'true'
# channel_listen: 'true'
# user_masks: []
# perm: ''