mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 19:15:49 +01:00
New translations strings.yml (LOLCAT)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
COMMAND_LIST_HELP: "<command> [page] - List available quests"
COMMAND_TAKE_HELP: "<command> [quest] - Accept a quest via command"
COMMAND_TAKE_USAGE: "Usage: /quests take [quest]"
COMMAND_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [quest] - Quit a current quest"
COMMAND_JOURNAL_HELP: "<command> - View or hide your <journal>"
COMMAND_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Create, edit or delete quests"
COMMAND_EVENTS_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - Create, edit or delete actions"
COMMAND_STATS_HELP: "<command> - View quest statistics"
COMMAND_LIST_HELP: "<command> [paig] - list quests u can do"
COMMAND_TAKE_HELP: "<command> [quest] - take quest by magic wordz"
COMMAND_TAKE_USAGE: "how 2 use: /quests taik [quest]"
COMMAND_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [quest] - leev ur quest dat ur doing"
COMMAND_JOURNAL_HELP: "<command> - lurk or haid ur quest jurnalz"
COMMAND_EDITOR: "editur\n"
COMMAND_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - maik, edit or delet questz"
COMMAND_EVENTS_EDITOR_HELP: "<command> - maik, edit or delete actionz"
COMMAND_STATS_HELP: "<command> - lurk quest statz"
COMMAND_TOP_HELP: "<command> [number] - View plugin leaderboards"
COMMAND_TOP_USAGE: "Usage: /quests top [number]"
COMMAND_TOP_HELP: "<command> [number] - view who is best kitteh"
COMMAND_TOP_USAGE: "how 2 use: /quests top [numbah]"
COMMAND_INFO_HELP: "<command> - View plugin information"
COMMAND_QUEST_HELP: "- View current quest objectives"
COMMAND_QUESTINFO_HELP: "[quest] - View information about a quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_HELP: "- Display administrator help"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_STATS_HELP: "<command> [player] - View quest statistics of a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Force a player to take a quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Force a player to quit a quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Set a player's <points>"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TAKEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Take away a player's <points>"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [player] [amount] - Add to a player's <points>"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTSALL_HELP: "<command> [amount] - Set ALL players' <points>"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_FINISH_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Force a player to complete a quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_NEXTSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Force a player to complete current stage"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] [stage] - Set the current stage for a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_USAGE: 'Usage: /questadmin setstage [player] [quest] [stage]'
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [player] - Clear all questing data of a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [player] [quest] - Remove a completed quest from a player"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - Safely reload the plugin"
questEditorCreate: "Create new quest"
questEditorEdit: "Edit a quest"
questEditorDelete: "Delete a quest"
questEditorName: "Set name"
questEditorAskMessage: "Set ask message"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Set finish message"
questEditorNPCStart: "Set NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Set block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Set initial action"
questEditorSetGUI: "Set GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Edit Requirements"
questEditorPln: "Edit Planner"
questEditorStages: "Edit Stages"
questEditorRews: "Edit Rewards"
questEditorOpts: "Edit Options"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Enter quest name, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Enter ask message, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Enter finish message, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Enter NPC ID, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Right-click on a block to use as a start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Enter an action name, <clear>, <cancel>"
questRequiredNoneSet: "Required, none set"
questDungeonsCreate: "Players added to this group may perform quests together!"
questDungeonsDisband: "The quest group was disbanded."
questDungeonsInvite: "<player> can now perform quests with you!"
questDungeonsJoin: "You can now perform quests with Leader <player>."
questDungeonsKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questDungeonsLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with Leader <player>."
questPartiesCreate: "Players added to this party may perform quests together!"
questPartiesDelete: "The quest party was disbanded."
questPartiesInvite: "<player> can now perform quests with you!"
questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Set Region start"
questWGPrompt: "Enter WorldGuard region, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> is not a valid WorldGuard region!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Quest region cleared."
COMMAND_INFO_HELP: "<command> - lurk plugin info"
COMMAND_QUEST_HELP: "- lurk wat u r suposd 2 do on ur quest"
COMMAND_QUESTINFO_HELP: "[quest] - lurk info bout quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_HELP: "- show admin halp"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_STATS_HELP: "<command> [kitteh] - lurk a kittehs statz"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVE_HELP: "<command> [kitteh] [quest] - force cat 2 taik quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_QUIT_HELP: "<command> [kitteh] [quest] - force kitteh 2 leev quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTS_HELP: "<command> [kitteh] [numbah] - set kittehs pts"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TAKEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [kitteh] [numbah] - taik kitteh pts"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVEPOINTS_HELP: "<command> [kitteh] [numbah] - gib kitteh sum pts"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTSALL_HELP: "<command> [numbah] - set all kitteh saim pts"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_FINISH_HELP: "<command> [kitteh] [quest] - force kitteh 2 cumpleet quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_NEXTSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [kitteh] [quest] - force cat 2 cumpleet da level hes doin"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_HELP: "<command> [kitteh] [quest] [lvl] - set a level for kitteh"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_USAGE: 'how 2 use: /questadmin setlvl [kitteh] [quest] [lvl]'
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "<command> [kitteh] - snap all quest a kitteh did"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "<command> [kitteh] [quest] - delet quest a kiteh has done "
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "<command> - relod plugin safely"
questEditorCreate: "maik new quest"
questEditorEdit: "edit quest"
questEditorDelete: "snap quest"
questEditorName: "put naim"
questEditorAskMessage: "put ask msg"
questEditorFinishMessage: "put finish msg"
questEditorNPCStart: "afect robokat"
questEditorBlockStart: "put block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "set intial akchun"
questEditorSetGUI: "set stuf interface"
questEditorReqs: "edit wat u need to haz"
questEditorPln: "edit plannar"
questEditorStages: "edit lvls"
questEditorRews: "edit GIFTZ!!1!1!"
questEditorOpts: "edit opshunz"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "put quest naim, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "put ask msg, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "put dun msg, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "put robo-kat id, <clear>,<cancel>"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "rigt clik a blok 2 maik start point, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "put action naim, <clear>, <cancel>"
questRequiredNoneSet: "i can haz require something?"
questDungeonsCreate: "kittehs from dis group kan do quest togheter!!1!"
questDungeonsDisband: "the gorup got broken"
questDungeonsInvite: "<player> joins your party!!"
questDungeonsJoin: "u can now do quests for cat chief <player>"
questDungeonsKicked: "<player> got booted out of group"
questDungeonsLeave: "u can not do quests for cat chief anymoar <player>"
questPartiesCreate: "kittehs from dis group kan do quest togheter!!1!"
questPartiesDelete: "the gorup got broken"
questPartiesInvite: "<player> joins your party!!"
questPartiesJoin: "u can now do quests wif <player>"
questPartiesKicked: "<player> got booted out of group and cant be ur friend nao :("
questPartiesLeave: "u cant do quest wif <player> anymoar"
questWGSetRegion: "put region start"
questWGPrompt: "put worldgaurd region, <clear>, <cancel>"
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> isnt good WG region\n"
questWGRegionCleared: "wg region cleared"
questGUIError: "Error: That item is already being used as the GUI Display for the quest <quest>."
questCurrentItem: "Current item:"
questGUICleared: "Quest GUI Item Display cleared."
@ -99,56 +99,56 @@ questEditorInvalidNPC: "No NPC exists with that ID!"
questEditorNoStartBlockSelected: "You must select a block first."
questEditorPositiveAmount: "Amount must be a positive number."
questEditorQuestAsRequirement1: "The following quests have"
questEditorQuestAsRequirement2: "as a requirement:"
questEditorQuestAsRequirement3: "You must modify these quests so that they do not use it before deleting it."
questEditorQuestNotFound: "Quest not found!"
questEditorEventCleared: "Initial action cleared."
questEditorSave: "Finish and save"
questEditorNeedAskMessage: "You must set an ask message!"
questEditorNeedFinishMessage: "You must set a finish message!"
questEditorNeedStages: "Your quest has no stages!"
questEditorSaved: "%bold%Quest saved! %reset%(You will need to perform %red%<command> %reset%for it to appear in-game)"
stageEditorEditStage: "Edit Stage"
stageEditorNewStage: "Add new stage"
stageEditorStages: "Stages"
stageEditorStage: "Stage"
stageEditorBlocks: "Blocks"
stageEditorBreakBlocks: "Break blocks"
stageEditorDamageBlocks: "Damage blocks"
stageEditorPlaceBlocks: "Place blocks"
stageEditorUseBlocks: "Use blocks"
stageEditorCutBlocks: "Shear blocks"
stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchant items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorConsumeItems: "Consume items"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Deliver items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Talk to NPCs"
stageEditorKillNPCs: "Kill NPCs"
stageEditorMobs: "Mobs"
stageEditorKillMobs: "Kill mobs"
stageEditorCatchFish: "Catch fish"
stageEditorFish: "fish"
stageEditorMilkCows: "Milk cows"
stageEditorCows: "cows"
stageEditorReachLocs: "Reach locations"
stageEditorReachRadii1: "Reach within"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "blocks of"
stageEditorTameMobs: "Tame mobs"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear sheep"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "Kill players"
stageEditorPlayers: "players"
stageEditorEvents: "Actions"
stageEditorStageEvents: "Stage Actions"
stageEditorStartEvent: "Start Action"
stageEditorStartEventCleared: "Start action cleared."
stageEditorFinishEvent: "Finish Action"
stageEditorFinishEventCleared: "Finish action cleared."
stageEditorChatEvents: "Chat Action"
stageEditorChatTrigger: "Chat Trigger"
questEditorQuestAsRequirement2: "u need 2 do:"
questEditorQuestAsRequirement3: "u must edit deez quest so dat it dont use itz b4 deletin it"
questEditorQuestNotFound: "404 missing quest"
questEditorEventCleared: "initial action snapped"
questEditorSave: "be dun and saiv"
questEditorNeedAskMessage: "i can haz ask message?"
questEditorNeedFinishMessage: "i can haz finish message?"
questEditorNeedStages: "i can haz lvls?"
questEditorSaved: "%bold%quest savd!!11!1 %reset%(u need to do %red%<command>%reset%so it appears in-gaem!!!)"
stageEditorEditStage: "edit lvl"
stageEditorNewStage: "maik new lvl"
stageEditorStages: "lvlz"
stageEditorStage: "lvl"
stageEditorBlocks: "blokz"
stageEditorBreakBlocks: "brek blokz"
stageEditorDamageBlocks: "hurt blokz"
stageEditorPlaceBlocks: "put blokz"
stageEditorUseBlocks: "use blokz"
stageEditorCutBlocks: "shere blokz"
stageEditorItems: "stuffz"
stageEditorCraftItems: "maik stuffz"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "burn stuffz"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "go magic stuffz"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "maik magic drink"
stageEditorConsumeItems: "slurp stuffz"
stageEditorNPCs: "fake kat"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "giv stuffz"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "talk 2 fake katz"
stageEditorKillNPCs: "kill da fake katz"
stageEditorMobs: "monstars"
stageEditorKillMobs: "kil monstars"
stageEditorCatchFish: "cach fichy"
stageEditorFish: "fichy yum"
stageEditorMilkCows: "get milk wif bukkit"
stageEditorCows: "moomoos"
stageEditorReachLocs: "go somewhere"
stageEditorReachRadii1: "go within"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "bolkz of"
stageEditorTameMobs: "taim monstars"
stageEditorShearSheep: "cut baas"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "kil kittehz"
stageEditorPlayers: "kittehz"
stageEditorEvents: "actionz"
stageEditorStageEvents: "lvl actionz"
stageEditorStartEvent: "start action"
stageEditorStartEventCleared: "start action dun"
stageEditorFinishEvent: "end action"
stageEditorFinishEventCleared: "end action dun"
stageEditorChatEvents: "chat action"
stageEditorChatTrigger: "chat triger"
stageEditorChatEventsCleared: "Chat action cleared."
stageEditorCommandEvents: "Command Action"
stageEditorCommandTrigger: "Command Trigger"
@ -199,56 +199,56 @@ stageEditorCatchFishPrompt: "Enter number of fish to catch, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMilkCowsPrompt: "Enter number of cows to milk, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorKillPlayerPrompt: "Enter number of players to kill, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnchantTypePrompt: "Enter enchantment names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEnchantAmountsPrompt: "Enter enchant amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorItemNamesPrompt: "Enter item names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorNPCPrompt: "Enter NPC IDs, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorNPCToTalkToPrompt: "Enter NPC IDs, <space>, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDeliveryMessagesPrompt: "Enter delivery messages, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorKillNPCsPrompt: "Enter kill amounts (numbers), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobsPrompt: "Enter mob names, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationRadiiPrompt: "Enter kill location radii (number of blocks), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationNamesPrompt: "Enter location names, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationRadiiPrompt: "Enter reach location radii (number of blocks), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationNamesPrompt: "Enter location names, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorTameAmountsPrompt: "Enter tame amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearColorsPrompt: "Enter sheep colors, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearAmountsPrompt: "Enter shear amounts, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEventsPrompt: "Enter an action name, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "Enter an action name to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt: "Enter a chat trigger for <action>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsPrompt: "Enter an action name to add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt: "Enter a command trigger for <action>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDelayMessagePrompt: "Enter delay message, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorScriptPrompt: "Enter script name, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorStartMessagePrompt: "Enter start message, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCompleteMessagePrompt: "Enter complete message, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPasswordDisplayPrompt: "Enter password hint message, <cancel>"
stageEditorPasswordPhrasePrompt: "Enter password phrases to accept, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDeliveryAddItem: "Add item"
stageEditorDeliveryNPCs: "Set NPC IDs"
stageEditorDeliveryMessages: "Set delivery messages"
stageEditorNotSolid: "is not a solid block!"
stageEditorInvalidBlockName: "is not a valid block name!"
stageEditorInvalidEnchantment: "is not a valid enchantment name!"
stageEditorInvalidNPC: "is not a valid NPC ID!"
stageEditorInvalidMob: "is not a valid mob name!"
stageEditorInvalidItemName: "is not a valid item name!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorEnchantAmountsPrompt: "put magic amounts (numbahs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorItemNamesPrompt: "put stuff naim, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorNPCPrompt: "put robo-kat ids, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorNPCToTalkToPrompt: "put robo-kat ids, <space>,<clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDeliveryMessagesPrompt: "enter gib mesage, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorKillNPCsPrompt: "put bodi count (numbahs), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobsPrompt: "enter monstar naims, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobAmountsPrompt: "enter monstar numbah, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationPrompt: "rigt clik on blok to selec it, <add>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationRadiiPrompt: "put kill spot radi (numbah of blokz), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorMobLocationNamesPrompt: "enter spot naims, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationPrompt: "rigt clik on blok to selec it, <add>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationRadiiPrompt: "put reech spot radi (numbah of blokz), <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorReachLocationNamesPrompt: "enter spot naims, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorTameAmountsPrompt: "put taim numbah, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearColorsPrompt: "put baa colorz, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorShearAmountsPrompt: "put shere numbah, <space>, <cancel>"
stageEditorEventsPrompt: "put action naim, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "put action naim 2 add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPrompt: "put chat triger 4 <action>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsPrompt: "put action naim 2 add, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCommandEventsTriggerPrompt: "put cmd triger 4 <action>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDelayMessagePrompt: "put delay msg, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorScriptPrompt: "put skript naim, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorStartMessagePrompt: "put strat msg, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorCompleteMessagePrompt: "put cumplet msg, <clear>, <cancel>"
stageEditorPasswordDisplayPrompt: "put pw hint msg, <cancel>"
stageEditorPasswordPhrasePrompt: "put pw words to be ok wif, <semicolon>, <cancel>"
stageEditorDeliveryAddItem: "add stuff"
stageEditorDeliveryNPCs: "put robo-kat ids"
stageEditorDeliveryMessages: "put gib msg"
stageEditorNotSolid: "not solid blok!!11!one!!1!1"
stageEditorInvalidBlockName: "not gud blok naim!1!!!1"
stageEditorInvalidEnchantment: "not gud magic naim!!1!"
stageEditorInvalidNPC: "not gud fake-kat id !1!1!"
stageEditorInvalidMob: "not gud monstar naim!!1!1!1!"
stageEditorInvalidItemName: "not gud stuf naim1!!11!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "not gud die color!!!1!1!1!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid action name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Action is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "is not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoItems: "You must add items first!"
stageEditorNoDeliveryMessage: "You must set at least one delivery message!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "put numbah dat is postiv!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "not a list of numbahs !!1!1!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "put dalai 1st!1!!!"
stageEditorNoItems: "put stuffz 1st!!1!!"
stageEditorNoDeliveryMessage: "u must set 1 or moar gib msg!!!1!1!"
stageEditorNoKillLocations: "You must set kill locations first!"
stageEditorNoBlockSelected: "You must select a block first."
stageEditorNoBlockSelected: "selekt blok u doofus"
stageEditorNoLocations: "You must set locations first!"
stageEditorMustSetPasswordDisplays: "You must add at least one password display first!"
stageEditorDelayCleared: "Delay cleared."
@ -443,20 +443,20 @@ optMultiplayer: "Multiplayer"
optBooleanPrompt: "Enter '<true>' or '<false>', <clear>, <cancel>"
optNumberPrompt: "Enter a level (number) for tracking progress, <clear>, <cancel>"
optAllowCommands: "Allow commands during quest"
optAllowQuitting: "Allow quitting during quest"
optCommandsDenied: "You cannot use commands during <quest>."
optUseDungeonsXLPlugin: "Use DungeonsXL plugin"
optUsePartiesPlugin: "Use Parties plugin"
optShareProgressLevel: "Level of progress sharing"
optRequireSameQuest: "Require same quest"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set <points> reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
rewSetExperience: "Set experience reward"
rewSetCommands: "Set command rewards"
rewCommandsCleared: "Command rewards cleared."
rewNoCommands: "You must set commands first!"
rewPermissions: "Permission rewards"
optAllowQuitting: "alow ragequiting during quest"
optCommandsDenied: "u cant cheat during <quest>"
optUseDungeonsXLPlugin: "use da plugin dungeonsxl"
optUsePartiesPlugin: "use da parties plugin"
optShareProgressLevel: "share progres lvl"
optRequireSameQuest: "u need saim quest"
rewSetMoney: "set money prize!!!"
rewSetQuestPoints: "set <points> reward!!11!"
rewSetItems: "set stuffz giftz"
rewSetExperience: "set free xp"
rewSetCommands: "set cmd giftz"
rewCommandsCleared: "cmd giftz snapd"
rewNoCommands: "put cmds 1st!111!1!"
rewPermissions: "op perm giftz"
rewSetPermission: "Set permission rewards"
rewSetPermissionWorlds: "Set permission worlds"
rewPermissionsCleared: "Permission rewards cleared."
@ -493,260 +493,260 @@ rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "Clear extra data"
itemCreateEnterName: "Enter an item name, <cancel>"
itemCreateEnterAmount: "Enter item amount (max. 64), <cancel>"
itemCreateEnterDurab: "Enter item durability, <clear>, <cancel>"
itemCreateEnterEnch: "Enter an enchantment name, <clear>, <cancel>"
itemCreateEnterLevel: "Enter a level (number) for <enchantment>"
itemCreateEnterDisplay: "Enter item display name, <clear>, <cancel>"
itemCreateEnterLore: "Enter item lore, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
dateCreateLoadTime: "Load current time"
dateCreateEnterDay: "Enter a day (max. 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "Enter a month (max. 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "Enter a year (max. 9999), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "Enter an hour (max. 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "Enter a minute (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "Enter a second (max. 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterOffset: "Enter a UTC time offset (max. 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "Enter a UTC time zone, <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "You must set a year first!"
overrideCreateSet: "Set details list override"
overrideCreateEnter: "Enter replacement text, <clear>, <cancel>"
itemCreateSetDurab: "set durabilty"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "add magik spelz"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "put nicknam on item"
itemCreateSetLore: "put lor"
itemCreateSetClearMeta: "snap extra data"
itemCreateEnterName: "put stuff naim, <cancel>"
itemCreateEnterAmount: "put stuf amount (max 64), <cancel>"
itemCreateEnterDurab: "put item durabilty, <clear>, <cancel>"
itemCreateEnterEnch: "put spell naim, <clear>, <cancel>"
itemCreateEnterLevel: "put lvl numbah 4 <enchantment>"
itemCreateEnterDisplay: "put item nicknaim, <clear>, <cancel>"
itemCreateEnterLore: "put lor, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
itemCreateNoItem: "u r holdin void idiot"
itemCreateNoName: "put naim 1st!111!1!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Not gud stuf naim1!!11!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "worng item durbilti!1!!1"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "worng spell naim!!1!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "not gud imput!!1!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "put naim n amount 1st!1!1!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "critical oopsie hapend"
dateCreateLoadTime: "lod curent taim"
dateCreateEnterDay: "put day (max 31), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMonth: "put munf (max 12), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterYear: "put yer (max 9999!!!),<cancel>"
dateCreateEnterHour: "put hour (max 23), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterMinute: "put minut (max 59), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterSecond: "put secund (max 59!!!),<cancel>"
dateCreateEnterOffset: "put utc ofset (max 14), <cancel>"
dateCreateEnterZone: "put utc taimzone, <cancel>"
dateCreateNoYearAmount: "put yer 1srt!!"
overrideCreateSet: "set detial list overide"
overrideCreateEnter: "put plasholdr text, <clear>, <cancel>"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
questRewardsTitle: "Rewards:"
questFailed: "*QUEST FAILED*"
questMaxAllowed: "You may only have up to <number> quests."
questAlreadyOn: "You are already on that quest!"
questTooEarly: "You may not take <quest> again for another <time>."
questAlreadyCompleted: "You have already completed <quest>."
questInvalidLocation: "You may not take <quest> at this location."
questInvalidDeliveryItem: "<item> is not a required item for this quest!"
questSelectedLocation: "Selected location"
questListTitle: "- List of Quests -"
questHelpTitle: "- Quests Help -"
questDisplayHelp: "- Display this help"
questNPCListTitle: "- Quests | <npc> -"
questAdminHelpTitle: "- Questadmin -"
questEditorTitle: "- Quest Editor -"
eventEditorTitle: "- Action Editor - "
questCreateTitle: "- Create Quest -"
questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
optionsTitle: "- <quest> | Options -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
permissionRewardsTitle: "- Permission Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Classic Requirements -"
mcMMORewardsTitle: "- mcMMO Classic Rewards -"
heroesRequirementsTitle: "- Heroes Requirements -"
heroesRewardsTitle: "- Heroes Rewards -"
heroesClassesTitle: "- Heroes Classes -"
heroesExperienceTitle: "- Heroes Experience -"
heroesPrimaryTitle: "- Primary Classes -"
heroesSecondaryTitle: "- Secondary Classes -"
phatLootsRewardsTitle: "- PhatLoots Rewards -"
customRequirementsTitle: "- Custom Requirements -"
customRewardsTitle: "- Custom Rewards -"
skillListTitle: "- Skill List -"
eventTitle: "- Action -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -"
timeZoneTitle: "- Time Zones -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
effEnterName: "Enter an effect name to add it to the list, <cancel>"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST DUN!!1!1!1!: <quest>**'
questRewardsTitle: "GIFTZ!!!1!1!1:"
questFailed: "*epic fail*"
questMaxAllowed: "u can only do <number> quest @ a taim"
questAlreadyOn: "u r already on dat quest!"
questTooEarly: "u may not taik <quest> again for another <time>"
questAlreadyCompleted: "u alredy finishd <quest>."
questInvalidLocation: "u cant do <quest> here go somewere else pl0x"
questInvalidDeliveryItem: "your giving de wrong stuff!! stop giving <item>!!1!1!"
questSelectedLocation: "chozen spot"
questListTitle: "- quest list -"
questHelpTitle: "- quests halp -"
questDisplayHelp: "- show halp"
questNPCListTitle: "- quests | <npc> -"
questAdminHelpTitle: "-quest admin halp -"
questEditorTitle: "- quest editar -"
eventEditorTitle: "- akchun editar-"
questCreateTitle: "- maik quest -"
questEditTitle: "- edit quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- delet quest-"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | wat u need 2 do -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | GIFTS!!1!1! -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | plannar -"
optionsTitle: "- <quest> | wen u want 2 set up -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- wat u need to haz -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- GIFT STUFFZ!!!11!1! -"
permissionRewardsTitle: "- OP PERMZ GIFTZ!!1!1! -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- wat u need to do related 2 mcMMO clasic -"
mcMMORewardsTitle: "- mcMMO clasic GIFTS!1!1! -"
heroesRequirementsTitle: "- wat u need 2 do about heroes -"
heroesRewardsTitle: "- hereos GIFTZ!1!1! -"
heroesClassesTitle: "- heorez clases -"
heroesExperienceTitle: "- heroes xp! -"
heroesPrimaryTitle: "- 1st clases -"
heroesSecondaryTitle: "- 2ndry clases -"
phatLootsRewardsTitle: "- PHATLOOTZ GIFTZ!!1! -"
customRequirementsTitle: "- DIY wat u need 2 do -"
customRewardsTitle: "- DIY GIFTZ!!1!1!1 -"
skillListTitle: "- skillz list -"
eventTitle: "- akchun -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- dun questz -"
topQuestersTitle: "- best <number> kittehs questrz -"
createItemTitle: "- maik stuffz -"
dateTimeTitle: "- date n tiem -"
timeZoneTitle: "- tiemzonez -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- magik spellz -"
questGUITitle: "- stuf interface -"
questRegionTitle: "- quest spot -"
effEnterName: "add wAcKy eFeCtZ 2 add in list, <cancel>"
cmdAdd: "add"
strAdd: "then enter '<command>' to include it"
cmdClear: "clear"
strClear: "or '<command>' to erase all data"
cmdCancel: "cancel"
strCancel: "or '<command>' to return"
cmdDone: "done"
strDone: "then enter '<command>' to save"
strSpace: "separating each by a space"
strSemicolon: "separating each by a semicolon"
strAdd: "then type <command> 2 includ itz"
cmdClear: "snap"
strClear: "or <command> to snap al data"
cmdCancel: "kansas"
strCancel: "or <command> 2 return"
cmdDone: "dun"
strDone: "then type <command> 2 saiv"
strSpace: "soshal distens each with space"
strSemicolon: "soshal distens each with halfcolon"
charSemi: ";"
acceptQuest: "Accept quest?"
enterAnOption: "Enter an option"
questAccepted: "Quest accepted: <quest>"
currentQuest: "Current Quests:"
noMoreQuest: "No more quests available."
break: "Break"
damage: "Damage"
place: "Place"
use: "Use"
cut: "Shear"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
consume: "Consume"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
milkCow: "Milk Cow"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
consoleError: "This command may only be performed in-game."
noActiveQuest: "You do not currently have any active quests."
speakTo: 'Start: Speak to <npc>'
mustSpeakTo: "You must speak to <npc> to start this quest."
noCommandStart: "<quest> may not be started via command."
permissionDisplay: "Permission:"
heroesClass: "class"
mcMMOLevel: "level"
haveCompleted: "You have completed <quest>"
cannotComplete: "Cannot complete <quest>"
questNotFound: "Quest not found."
alreadyConversing: "You already are in a conversation!"
inputNum: "Input must be a number."
inputPosNum: "Input must be a positive number."
questModified: "Your active quest <quest> has been modified. You have been forced to quit the quest."
questNotExist: "Your active quest <quest> no longer exists. You have been forced to quit the quest."
questInvalidChoice: "Invalid choice. Type '<yes>' or '<no>'"
pageSelectionNum: "Page selection must be a number."
pageSelectionPosNum: "Page selection must be a positive number."
questTakeDisabled: "Taking quests via commands has been disabled."
questQuit: "You have quit <quest>"
questQuitDisabled: "Quitting this quest has been disabled."
questsUnknownCommand: "Unknown command. Type /quests for help."
pageNotExist: "Page does not exist."
pageFooter: "- Page <current> of <all> -"
questsReloaded: "Quest data reloaded."
numQuestsLoaded: "<number> quests loaded."
questForceTake: "<player> has forcibly started the quest <quest>."
questForcedTake: "<player> has forced you to take the quest <quest>."
questForceQuit: "<player> has forcibly quit the quest <quest>."
questForcedQuit: "<player> has forced you to quit the quest <quest>."
questForceFinish: "<player> has forcibly finished their quest <quest>."
questForcedFinish: "<player> has forced you to finish your quest <quest>."
questForceNextStage: "<player> has advanced to the next stage in the quest <quest>."
questForcedNextStage: "<player> has advanced you to the next stage in your quest <quest>."
questReset: "<player> has been reset."
questRemoved: "Quest <quest> has been removed from player <player>'s completed quests."
settingAllQuestPoints: "Setting all players' <points>..."
allQuestPointsSet: "All players' <points> have been set to <number>!"
setQuestPoints: "<player>'s <points> have been set to <number>."
questPointsSet: "<player> has set your <points> to <number>."
takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> <points> from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> <points>."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> <points> from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> <points>."
invalidMinimum: "Input must be at least <number>!"
invalidRange: "Input must be between <least> and <greatest>!"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
questsPlayerHasQuestAlready: "<player> is already on the quest <quest>!"
questsUnknownAdminCommand: "Unknown command. Type /questsadmin for help."
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading <file>."
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping..."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
errorDataFolder: "Error: Unable to read from data folder!"
errorLoading: "Plugin is currently loading. Please try again later!"
unknownError: "An unknown error occurred. See console output."
journalTitle: "Quest Journal"
journalTaken: "You take out your <journal>."
journalPutAway: "You put away your <journal>."
journalNoRoom: "You have no room in your inventory for your <journal>!"
journalNoQuests: "You have no accepted quests!"
journalDenied: "You cannot do that with your <journal>."
compassSet: "Set compass target to quest <quest>."
compassReset: "Reset compass target."
timeZone: "Time zone"
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeMonth: "Month"
timeMonths: "Months"
timeYear: "Year"
timeYears: "Years"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
timeMinutes: "Minutes"
timeSecond: "Second"
timeSeconds: "Seconds"
timeMillisecond: "Millisecond"
timeMilliseconds: "Milliseconds"
event: "Action"
delay: "Delay"
save: "Save"
exit: "Exit"
exited: "Exited"
cancel: "Cancel"
cancelled: "Cancelled"
questTimeout: "Cancelled."
yesWord: "Yes"
noWord: "No"
"true": "true"
"false": "false"
clear: "Clear"
cleared: "Cleared"
edit: "Edit"
none: "None"
done: "Done"
noneSet: "None set"
noDelaySet: "No delay set"
noIdsSet: "No IDs set"
noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds"
points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID."
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
quests: "Quests"
createdBy: "Created by"
continuedBy: "and continued by"
questPoints: "Quest Points"
accepted: "Accepted"
complete: "Complete"
redoable: "Redoable"
objectives: "Objectives"
everything: "Everything"
usage: "Usage"
redoableEvery: "Redoable every <time>."
requirements: "Requirements"
money: "Money"
with: "with"
to: "to"
blocksWithin: "within <amount> blocks of"
valRequired: "Value required"
experience: "Experience"
timePrompt: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), <clear>, <cancel>"
timerMessage: "Time left to finish the quest/stage: <time> seconds"
timerStart: "You have <time> seconds to finish this quest/stage"
noPermission: "You do not have permission to do that."
duplicateEditor: "You are already using an editor!"
difference: "The difference is '<data>'."
notInstalled: "Not installed"
confirmDelete: "Are you sure?"
acceptQuest: "u taik quest?"
enterAnOption: "enter opshun"
questAccepted: "quest acepted : <quest>"
currentQuest: "questz u r doin rn:"
noMoreQuest: "no moar quest to do! gj!"
break: "brek"
damage: "hurt"
place: "put"
use: "uze"
cut: "cut cut"
craft: "maik"
smelt: "smalt"
enchantItem: "giv da <enchantment> magik 2 <item>"
brew: "make drink"
consume: "nom"
catchFish: "cach fichy"
milkCow: "get milk bukit"
kill: "kil"
killAtLocation: "kil <mob> @ <location>"
killPlayer: "kil a kitteh"
deliver: "gib <item> 2 <npc>"
talkTo: "talk 2 <npc>"
tame: "taim"
shearSheep: "cut cut <color> baaa"
goTo: "go 2 <location>"
completed: "dun"
redoCompleted: "(dun)"
consoleError: "dis can be performd ingame only!"
noActiveQuest: "u iz not doin any quest"
speakTo: 'start: spek 2 <npc>'
mustSpeakTo: "u must speak 2 <npc> to start quest"
noCommandStart: "u cant cheat ur way with the quest <quest> !!1!1!"
permissionDisplay: "permz:"
heroesClass: "clas"
mcMMOLevel: "mmo lvl"
haveCompleted: "u finishd <quest>"
cannotComplete: "u cant finish <quest>"
questNotFound: "404 missing quest"
alreadyConversing: "u r alredy talkign doofus!!1!"
inputNum: "input must b numbah"
inputPosNum: "put numbah dat is postiv."
questModified: "ur activ quest has ben edited, u haz been forcd 2 quit quest"
questNotExist: "ur activ quest has ben 404d, u haz been forcd 2 quit quest"
questInvalidChoice: "say <yes> or <no> idiot"
pageSelectionNum: "page selction must be numbah"
pageSelectionPosNum: "page numbah must be postive!"
questTakeDisabled: "cheating quest with magik comands has ben removd! :)"
questQuit: "u quit <quest>"
questQuitDisabled: "u can run but you cant hide"
questsUnknownCommand: "404 bad command. taip /quests for halp!"
pageNotExist: "404 page not exist"
pageFooter: "- page <current>/<all> -"
questsReloaded: "quest data reloded"
numQuestsLoaded: "<number> questz loaded"
questForceTake: "<played> force started <quest>"
questForcedTake: "<player> haz made u taik quest <quest>"
questForceQuit: "<played> raigquit <quest>"
questForcedQuit: "<player> haz made u leev quest <quest>"
questForceFinish: "<played> cheated da quest <quest>"
questForcedFinish: "<player> haxed ur quest <quest> "
questForceNextStage: "<player> iz nao on nxt lvl in quest <quest>"
questForcedNextStage: "<player> put u on nxt lvl for ur quest <quest>"
questReset: "<player> got hiz quest snapd"
questRemoved: "quest <quest> haz ben delet from <player>'s dun questz"
settingAllQuestPoints: "seting al kitteh's <points>"
allQuestPointsSet: "every kitehs pts haz ben set 2 <number>!"
setQuestPoints: "<player>z pts haz ben set 2 <number>"
questPointsSet: "<player> haz set ur <points> 2 <number>"
takeQuestPoints: "snapd <number> <points> frm <player>"
questPointsTaken: "<player> delet <number> <points>"
giveQuestPoints: "gib <number> <points> frm <player>"
questPointsGiven: "<player> haz gib u <number> <points>"
invalidMinimum: "input must b atlest <number>!!1!1!1!"
invalidRange: "input must be btwin <least> n <greatest>!1!1!"
invalidOption: "bad option!1!1!!"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> iz not doin any quest"
playerNotFound: "404 kitteh not found"
questsPlayerHasQuestAlready: "<player> is alredy doing <quest>!!1!1!1"
questsUnknownAdminCommand: "404 bad command. taip /questsadmin for halp!"
errorNPCID: '404 NPC not found (bad id!)'
questSaveError: "eror happend whil savin"
questErrorReadingFile: "eror reding <file>"
errorReading: "eror reding <file>, skipin"
errorReadingSuppress: "eror reding <file>, suppresing furter errors"
errorDataFolder: "unable 2 read data from foldr"
errorLoading: "plugin loadin now. plz try l8rz"
unknownError: "eror happend. see console pl0x"
journalTitle: "quest to do"
journalTaken: "you take out <journal>"
journalPutAway: "you put away <journal>"
journalNoRoom: "u have no rum in inventory 4 ur <journal>!"
journalNoQuests: "u have no quest "
journalDenied: "u cant do that with <journal>"
compassSet: "set compas targit 2 quest <quest>"
compassReset: "reset compas targit"
timeZone: "tiemzone"
timeDay: "dai"
timeDays: "daiz"
timeMonth: "munf"
timeMonths: "munfs"
timeYear: "yer"
timeYears: "yers"
timeHour: "hour"
timeHours: "hourz"
timeMinute: "minut"
timeMinutes: "minutz"
timeSecond: "secondz"
timeSeconds: "sekondz"
timeMillisecond: "milisekond"
timeMilliseconds: "milisekondz"
event: "action"
delay: "dalai"
save: "saiv"
exit: "leev"
exited: "leved"
cancel: "kansas"
cancelled: "kansald"
questTimeout: "kansald."
yesWord: "ya"
noWord: "noes"
"true": "yes"
"false": "noes"
clear: "snap"
cleared: "snapped"
edit: "edit"
none: "no"
done: "dun"
noneSet: "notihng set"
noDelaySet: "no dalai put"
noIdsSet: "no id put"
noNamesSet: "no naims set"
worlds: "wrldz"
points: "pts"
npcHint: "did u kno u can left or rigt clik robo kats to get id???"
listsNotSameSize: "list r not same entri numbah"
listDuplicate: "there ar dupes!"
id: "id"
quest: "quest"
quests: "questz"
createdBy: "maid by"
continuedBy: "continued bai"
questPoints: "quest pts"
accepted: "yes"
complete: "dun"
redoable: "u kan do it again"
objectives: "objectiv"
everything: "all"
usage: "how 2 do"
redoableEvery: "u can do dis again every <time>"
requirements: "to do"
money: "lolcash"
with: "wif"
to: "2"
blocksWithin: "withn <amount> blokz of"
valRequired: "i can haz numbah.?"
experience: "xp"
timePrompt: "put time in secondz, <clear>, <cancel>"
timerMessage: "tiem left to finish quest/lvl : <time> secondz"
timerStart: "you have <time> secondz 2 finish dis quest/lvl"
noPermission: "u r not alowed"
duplicateEditor: "u r already using editer"
difference: "the difrence iz <data>"
notInstalled: "not instald lmao"
confirmDelete: "r u sure?"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user