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synced 2025-02-12 02:21:37 +01:00
Update sound effects action prompt
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.ItemUtil;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.MiscUtil;
public class QuestMob {
@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ public class QuestMob {
String[] args = str.split("::");
for (String string : args) {
if (string.startsWith("type-")) {
entityType = Quests.getMobType(string.substring(5));
entityType = MiscUtil.getProperMobType(string.substring(5));
} else if (string.startsWith("name-")) {
name = string.substring(5);
} else if (string.startsWith("spawn-")) {
@ -3004,7 +3004,7 @@ public class Quester {
LinkedList<EntityType> mobs = new LinkedList<EntityType>();
List<Integer> amounts = questSec.getIntegerList("mobs-killed-amounts");
for (String s : questSec.getStringList("mobs-killed")) {
EntityType mob = Quests.getMobType(s);
EntityType mob = MiscUtil.getProperMobType(s);
if (mob != null) {
@ -2682,7 +2682,7 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener
List<String> mobNames = config.getStringList("quests." + questKey + ".stages.ordered." + s2
+ ".mobs-to-kill");
for (String mob : mobNames) {
EntityType type = getMobType(mob);
EntityType type = MiscUtil.getProperMobType(mob);
if (type != null) {
} else {
@ -3437,7 +3437,14 @@ public class Quests extends JavaPlugin implements ConversationAbandonedListener
info += " " + loc.getZ();
return info;
* Gets living EntityType from name
* @deprecated Use MiscUtil.getProperMobType(EntityType)
* @param mob Name to get type from
* @return EntityType or null if invalid
public static EntityType getMobType(String mob) {
return MiscUtil.getProperMobType(mob);
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import me.blackvein.quests.Quests;
import me.blackvein.quests.timers.ActionTimer;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.ItemUtil;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.Lang;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.MiscUtil;
public class Action {
@ -607,7 +608,7 @@ public class Action {
for (String s : section.getKeys(false)) {
String mobName = section.getString(s + ".name");
Location spawnLocation = Quests.getLocation(section.getString(s + ".spawn-location"));
EntityType type = Quests.getMobType(section.getString(s + ".mob-type"));
EntityType type = MiscUtil.getProperMobType(section.getString(s + ".mob-type"));
Integer mobAmount = section.getInt(s + ".spawn-amounts");
if (spawnLocation == null) {
plugin.getLogger().severe(ChatColor.GOLD + "[Quests] " + ChatColor.RED + s + ChatColor.GOLD
@ -1464,23 +1464,17 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
public String getPromptText(ConversationContext context) {
String effects = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + Lang.get("eventEditorEffectsTitle") + "\n";
effects += ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "BLAZE_SHOOT " + ChatColor.GRAY + "- " + Lang.get("effBlazeShoot")
+ "\n";
effects += ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "BOW_FIRE " + ChatColor.GRAY + "- " + Lang.get("effBowFire") + "\n";
effects += ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "CLICK1 " + ChatColor.GRAY + "- " + Lang.get("effClick1") + "\n";
effects += ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "CLICK2 " + ChatColor.GRAY + "- " + Lang.get("effClick2") + "\n";
effects += ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "DOOR_TOGGLE " + ChatColor.GRAY + "- " + Lang.get("effDoorToggle")
+ "\n";
effects += ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "EXTINGUISH " + ChatColor.GRAY + "- " + Lang.get("effExtinguish") + "\n";
effects += ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "GHAST_SHOOT " + ChatColor.GRAY + "- " + Lang.get("effGhastShoot")
+ "\n";
effects += ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "GHAST_SHRIEK " + ChatColor.GRAY + "- " + Lang.get("effGhastShriek")
+ "\n";
effects += ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "ZOMBIE_CHEW_IRON_DOOR " + ChatColor.GRAY + "- "
+ Lang.get("effZombieWood") + "\n";
effects += ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "ZOMBIE_CHEW_WOODEN_DOOR " + ChatColor.GRAY + "- "
+ Lang.get("effZombieIron") + "\n";
return ChatColor.YELLOW + effects + Lang.get("effEnterName");
Effect[] vals = Effect.values();
for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
Effect eff = vals[i];
if (i < (vals.length - 1)) {
effects += MiscUtil.snakeCaseToUpperCamelCase(eff.name()) + ", ";
} else {
effects += MiscUtil.snakeCaseToUpperCamelCase(eff.name()) + "\n";
return effects + ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("effEnterName");
@ -1488,7 +1482,7 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
public Prompt acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input) {
Player player = (Player) context.getForWhom();
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("cmdCancel")) == false) {
if (Effect.valueOf(input.toUpperCase()) != null) {
if (getProperEffect(input) != null) {
LinkedList<String> effects;
if (context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS) != null) {
effects = (LinkedList<String>) context.getSessionData(CK.E_EFFECTS);
@ -2028,9 +2022,9 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
if (i < (mobArr.length - 1)) {
mobs += MiscUtil.getProperMobName(mobArr[i]) + ", ";
mobs += MiscUtil.snakeCaseToUpperCamelCase(mobArr[i].name()) + ", ";
} else {
mobs += MiscUtil.getProperMobName(mobArr[i]) + "\n";
mobs += MiscUtil.snakeCaseToUpperCamelCase(mobArr[i].name()) + "\n";
return mobs + ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("eventEditorSetMobTypesPrompt");
@ -2571,4 +2565,14 @@ public class ActionFactory implements ConversationAbandonedListener {
return new CreateMenuPrompt();
public Effect getProperEffect(String properName) {
properName = properName.replaceAll("_", "").replaceAll(" ", "").toUpperCase();
for (Effect eff : Effect.values()) {
if (eff.name().replaceAll("_", "").equalsIgnoreCase(properName)) {
return eff;
return null;
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (context.getSessionData(pref + CK.S_MOB_KILL_LOCATIONS) == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < mobs.size(); i++) {
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.AQUA
+ MiscUtil.getPrettyMobName(Quests.getMobType(mobs.get(i))) + ChatColor.GRAY + " x "
+ MiscUtil.getPrettyMobName(MiscUtil.getProperMobType(mobs.get(i))) + ChatColor.GRAY + " x "
+ ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + amnts.get(i) + "\n";
} else {
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
String msg = Lang.get("blocksWithin");
msg = msg.replaceAll("<amount>", ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + "" + radii.get(i) + ChatColor.GRAY);
text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " + ChatColor.BLUE
+ MiscUtil.getPrettyMobName(Quests.getMobType(mobs.get(i))) + ChatColor.GRAY + " x "
+ MiscUtil.getPrettyMobName(MiscUtil.getProperMobType(mobs.get(i))) + ChatColor.GRAY + " x "
+ ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + amnts.get(i) + ChatColor.GRAY + msg + ChatColor.YELLOW
+ names.get(i) + " (" + locs.get(i) + ")\n";
@ -359,9 +359,9 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
for (int i = 0; i < mobArr.size(); i++) {
if (i < (mobArr.size() - 1)) {
mobs += MiscUtil.getProperMobName(mobArr.get(i)) + ", ";
mobs += MiscUtil.snakeCaseToUpperCamelCase(mobArr.get(i).name()) + ", ";
} else {
mobs += MiscUtil.getProperMobName(mobArr.get(i)) + "\n";
mobs += MiscUtil.snakeCaseToUpperCamelCase(mobArr.get(i).name()) + "\n";
return mobs + ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("stageEditorMobsPrompt");
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("cmdCancel")) == false) {
LinkedList<String> mobTypes = new LinkedList<String>();
for (String s : input.split(" ")) {
if (Quests.getMobType(s) != null) {
if (MiscUtil.getProperMobType(s) != null) {
context.setSessionData(pref + CK.S_MOB_TYPES, mobTypes);
} else {
@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (type.isAlive() == false || Tameable.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getEntityClass()) == false) {
mobs += MiscUtil.getProperMobName(mobArr[i]) + ", ";
mobs += MiscUtil.snakeCaseToUpperCamelCase(mobArr[i].name()) + ", ";
mobs = mobs.substring(0, mobs.length() - 2) + "\n";
return mobs + ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get("stageEditorMobsPrompt");
@ -659,8 +659,8 @@ public class MobsPrompt extends FixedSetPrompt {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase(Lang.get("cmdCancel")) == false) {
LinkedList<String> mobTypes = new LinkedList<String>();
for (String s : input.split(" ")) {
if (Quests.getMobType(s) != null) {
final EntityType type = Quests.getMobType(s);
if (MiscUtil.getProperMobType(s) != null) {
final EntityType type = MiscUtil.getProperMobType(s);
if (type.isAlive() || Tameable.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getEntityClass())) {
context.setSessionData(pref + CK.S_TAME_TYPES, mobTypes);
@ -20,7 +20,13 @@ import org.bukkit.DyeColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
public class MiscUtil {
* Capitalize first letter of text and set remainder to lowercase
* @param input
* @return
public static String getCapitalized(String input) {
if (input.isEmpty()) {
return input;
@ -54,19 +60,44 @@ public class MiscUtil {
return prettyString;
public static String getProperMobName(EntityType type) {
String name = type.name().toLowerCase();
* Convert text from snake_case to UpperCamelCase
* @param type To convert
* @return Converted text
public static String snakeCaseToUpperCamelCase(String input) {
String name = input.toLowerCase();
name = Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1);
int index = name.indexOf('_');
if (index != -1) {
name = name.substring(0, (index + 1)) + Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(index + 1))
+ name.substring(index + 2);
name = name.replaceFirst("_", "");
for (int i = 0; i < input.chars().filter(num -> num == '_').count(); i++) {
int index = name.indexOf('_');
if (index != -1) {
name = name.substring(0, (index + 1)) + Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(index + 1))
+ name.substring(index + 2);
name = name.replaceFirst("_", "");
return name;
* Convert EntityType name from snake_case to UpperCamelCase
* @deprecated Use {@link #snakeCaseToUpperCamelCase(String)}
* @param type To convert
* @return Converted text
public static String getProperMobName(EntityType type) {
return snakeCaseToUpperCamelCase(type.name());
* Gets living EntityType from name
* @param properName Name to get type from
* @return EntityType or null if invalid
public static EntityType getProperMobType(String properName) {
properName = properName.replaceAll("_", "").replaceAll(" ", "").toUpperCase();
for (EntityType et : EntityType.values()) {
@ -600,16 +600,6 @@ timeZoneTitle: "- Time Zones -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
effBlazeShoot: "Sound of a Blaze firing"
effBowFire: "Sound of a bow firing"
effClick1: "A click sound"
effClick2: "A different click sound"
effDoorToggle: "Sound of a door opening or closing"
effExtinguish: "Sound of fire being extinguished"
effGhastShoot: "Sound of a Ghast firing"
effGhastShriek: "Sound of a Ghast shrieking"
effZombieWood: "Sound of a Zombie chewing an iron door"
effZombieIron: "Sound of a Zombie chewing a wooden door"
effEnterName: "Enter an effect name to add it to the list, <cancel>"
cmdAdd: "add"
strAdd: "then enter '<command>' to include it"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user