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synced 2025-02-17 21:11:20 +01:00
Merge pull request #852 from PikaMug/l10n_master
New Crowdin translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchant items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Deliver items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Talk to NPCs"
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ stageEditorReachLocs: "Reach locations"
stageEditorReachRadii1: "Reach within"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "blocks of"
stageEditorTameMobs: "Tame mobs"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear Sheep"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear sheep"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "أقتل اللاعبين"
stageEditorPlayers: "اللاعبين"
stageEditorEvents: "Actions"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Položky"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Vyrobit předmět"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Tavit položky"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Očarovat předměty"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Pivovarské lektvary"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Doručit předměty"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Promluvit si s NPC"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Ostříhání"
craft: "Vyrobit"
smelt: "Koruška"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> s <enchantment>"
brew: "Vařit"
catchFish: "Chycení ryb"
kill: "Zabití"
killAtLocation: "Zabití <mob> v <location>"
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ questEditorReqs: "Redigere kravende"
questEditorPln: "Rediger Plan"
questEditorStages: "Redigere faserne"
questEditorRews: "Redigere belønninger"
questEditorOpts: "Edit Options"
questEditorOpts: "Rediger Valgmuligheder"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Skriv Quest navn (<cancel>)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Skriv Quest navn til at redigere (<cancel>)"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Skriv spørge beskeden (<cancel>)"
@ -75,18 +75,18 @@ questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Indtast NPC ID, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Højre-klik på en block for at sætte start pointet, <done>, <clear>, <cancel>"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Skriv et begivenheds navn, <clear>, <cancel>"
questRequiredNoneSet: "Kræves, ingen indstilling sat"
questDungeonsCreate: "Players added to this group may perform quests together!"
questDungeonsDisband: "The quest group was disbanded."
questDungeonsInvite: "<player> can now perform quests with you!"
questDungeonsJoin: "You can now perform quests with Captain <player>."
questDungeonsKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questDungeonsLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with Captain <player>."
questPartiesCreate: "Players added to this party may perform quests together!"
questPartiesDelete: "The quest party was disbanded."
questPartiesInvite: "<player> can now perform quests with you!"
questPartiesJoin: "You can now perform quests with <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> can no longer perform quests with you."
questPartiesLeave: "You can no longer perform quests with <player>."
questDungeonsCreate: "Spillere der er tilføjet kan udføre quests sammen!"
questDungeonsDisband: "Quest gruppen blev opløst."
questDungeonsInvite: "<player> kan nu udføre quests med dig!"
questDungeonsJoin: "Du kan nu udføre quests med Kaptajn <player>."
questDungeonsKicked: "<player> har nu ikke mulighed for at lave quests med dig."
questDungeonsLeave: "Du kan ikke længere lave quests med kaptajn <player>."
questPartiesCreate: "Spillere tilføjet til gruppen kan lave quest's sammen!"
questPartiesDelete: "Quest gruppen blev opløst."
questPartiesInvite: "<player> kan nu udføre quests med dig!"
questPartiesJoin: "Du kan nu udføre quests med Kaptajn <player>."
questPartiesKicked: "<player> har nu ikke mulighed for at lave quests med dig."
questPartiesLeave: "Du kan ikke længere lave quests med kaptajn <player>."
questWGSetRegion: "Sæt område"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard er ikke indstallerede"
questWGPrompt: "Skriv navnet på WorldGuard området, <clear>, <cancel>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Genstande"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Fremstil genstande"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt genstande"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchant Items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCer"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Levere Items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Tal til NPC'er"
@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ stageEditorObjectiveOverrideCleared: "Objektiv displayoverstyring ryddet."
stageEditorDeliveryAddItem: "Tilføj element"
stageEditorDeliveryNPCs: "Sæt NPC-ID'er"
stageEditorDeliveryMessages: "Angiv leverings meddelelser"
stageEditorNotSolid: "is not a solid block!"
stageEditorNotSolid: "er ikke en Solid Block!"
stageEditorInvalidBlockName: "er ikke en gyldig Bloknavn!"
stageEditorInvalidEnchantment: "er ikke et gyldigt fortryllelses navn!"
stageEditorInvalidNPC: "er ikke et gyldigt NPC ID!"
@ -278,8 +279,8 @@ stageEditorNoLocations: "Du skal indstille placeringer først!"
stageEditorMustSetPasswordDisplays: "Du skal først tilføje mindst et kodeordskærmbillede først!"
stageEditorDelayCleared: "Forsinkelsen ryddet."
stageEditorDenizenCleared: "Denizen script ryddet."
stageEditorObjectiveCleared: "Objective cleared."
stageEditorMessageCleared: "Message cleared."
stageEditorObjectiveCleared: "Opgave cleared."
stageEditorMessageCleared: "Besked cleared."
stageEditorConfirmStageDelete: "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne fase?"
stageEditorConfirmStageNote: "Eventuelle faser efter vil blive flyttet et step tilbage"
stageEditorDeleteSucces: "Fase slettet."
@ -316,8 +317,8 @@ eventEditorThunderTitle: "- Event Torden -"
eventEditorMobSpawnsTitle: "- Event Mob Spawns -"
eventEditorMobsTitle: "- Mobs -"
eventEditorAddMobTypesTitle: "- Tilføj Mob -"
eventEditorPotionEffectsTitle: "- Action Potion Effects -"
eventEditorPotionTypesTitle: "- Action Potion Types -"
eventEditorPotionEffectsTitle: "- Action Potion Effekter -"
eventEditorPotionTypesTitle: "- Action Potion Typer -"
eventEditorWorldsTitle: "- Verdener -"
eventEditorSetName: "Sæt navnet"
eventEditorPlayer: "Spiller"
@ -332,25 +333,25 @@ eventEditorSetLightning: "Sæt områderne til lynnedslagen"
eventEditorSetEffects: "Sæt effekter"
eventEditorSetStorm: "Sæt storm"
eventEditorSetThunder: "Sæt torden"
eventEditorSetMobSpawns: "Set mob spawns"
eventEditorSetPotionEffects: "Apply potion effects"
eventEditorSetHunger: "Set hunger level"
eventEditorSetSaturation: "Set saturation level"
eventEditorSetMobSpawns: "Indtil mob spawns"
eventEditorSetPotionEffects: "Tilføj potion effekter"
eventEditorSetHunger: "Sæt hunger niveau"
eventEditorSetSaturation: "Sæt saturation niveau"
eventEditorSetHealth: "Sæt liv niveau"
eventEditorEnterTimerSeconds: "Set amount of time before quest fails (in seconds)"
eventEditorSetTimer: "Set time to fail quest"
eventEditorCancelTimer: "Cancel the quest timer"
eventEditorEnterTimerSeconds: "Sæt tiden før en quest fejler (I sekunder)"
eventEditorSetTimer: "Sæt tid til fejle quest"
eventEditorCancelTimer: "Afbryd quest timern"
eventEditorSetTeleport: "Teleportere til lokation"
eventEditorSetCommands: "Udfør kommandoer"
eventEditorItems: "Action Items"
eventEditorItems: "Action items"
eventEditorSetItems: "Giv elementer"
eventEditorItemsCleared: "Action items cleared."
eventEditorAddItem: "Tilføj element"
eventEditorSetItemNames: "Sæt item navne"
eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Sæt item mængder"
eventEditorNoNames: "Intet navn sat"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "Du skal først indstille blok navne!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "er ikke et gyldigt elementnavn!"
eventEditorStorm: "Action Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Sæt verden"
eventEditorSetDuration: "Angiv varighed"
@ -359,30 +360,30 @@ eventEditorSetWorldFirst: "Du skal angive en verden først!"
eventEditorInvalidWorld: "er ikke et gyldigt verden navn!"
eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "Du skal angive en storm varighed!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data ryddet."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Beskriv en verden for stormen til at starte I, <cancel>"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Skriv varigheden (i sekunder)"
eventEditorThunder: "Action Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
eventEditorEnterThunderWorld: "Enter a world name for the thunder to occur in, <cancel>"
eventEditorEffects: "Action Sound Effects"
eventEditorThunder: "Action Tordenvejr"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "Du skal angive en storm varighed!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Tordenvejr data cleared."
eventEditorEnterThunderWorld: "Beskriv en verden for stormen til at starte I, <cancel>"
eventEditorEffects: "Action Lyde Effekter"
eventEditorAddEffect: "Tilføj effekt"
eventEditorAddEffectLocation: "Add sound effect location"
eventEditorNoEffects: "No sound effects set"
eventEditorMustAddEffects: "You must add sound effects first!"
eventEditorInvalidEffect: "is not a valid sound effect name!"
eventEditorEffectsCleared: "Action sound effects cleared."
eventEditorEffectLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to play a sound effect at, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorAddEffectLocation: "Tilføj lyd effekt lokation"
eventEditorNoEffects: "Ingen lyd effekter sat"
eventEditorMustAddEffects: "Du skal tilføje lyd effekter først!"
eventEditorInvalidEffect: "er ikke et gyldigt begivenheds navn!"
eventEditorEffectsCleared: "Action lyd effekt cleared."
eventEditorEffectLocationPrompt: "Højreklik på en blok for at vælge den, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorMobSpawns: "Action Mob Spawns"
eventEditorAddMobTypes: "Vælg mob"
eventEditorMustSetMobTypesFirst: "You must set the mob type first!"
eventEditorSetMobAmounts: "Set mob amount"
eventEditorMustSetMobAmountsFirst: "You must set mob amount first!"
eventEditorMustSetMobTypesFirst: "Du skal sætte mobtypen først!"
eventEditorSetMobAmounts: "Sæt antal af mobs"
eventEditorMustSetMobAmountsFirst: "Du skal sæt mob mængden først!"
eventEditorAddSpawnLocation: "Angiv spawn placering"
eventEditorMobSpawnsCleared: "Mob spawns cleared."
eventEditorMustSetMobLocationFirst: "You must set a spawn-location first!"
eventEditorInvalidMob: "is not a valid mob name!"
eventEditorSetMobName: "Set custom name for mob"
eventEditorMustSetMobLocationFirst: "Du skal indstille placeringer først!"
eventEditorInvalidMob: "er ikke en gyldig mobnavn!"
eventEditorSetMobName: "Sæt et custom navn for et mob"
eventEditorSetMobType: "Sæt mobtyper"
eventEditorSetMobItemInHand: "Sæt element i hånden"
eventEditorSetMobItemInHandDrop: "Sæt drop chance for tingen i spillerens hånd"
@ -394,10 +395,10 @@ eventEditorSetMobChestPlate: "Sæt brystplade"
eventEditorSetMobChestPlateDrop: "Sæt drop chance for at brystplade"
eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Sæt hjelm"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Sæt drop chance for hjelm"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Sæt mængden af mobs til spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Indstille drop chancen"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Action Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Action Potion Effekter"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Sæt eliksir effekt type"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
eventEditorSetPotionDurations: "Set potion effect durations"
eventEditorMustSetPotionDurationsFirst: "You must set potion effect durations first!"
@ -496,12 +497,12 @@ rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
rewSetExperience: "Set experience reward"
rewSetCommands: "Set command rewards"
rewCommands: "Command rewards"
rewCommands: "Kommando belønninger"
rewSetCommandsOverrides: "Set command display overrides"
rewCommandsCleared: "Command rewards cleared."
rewCommandsCleared: "Kommando belønninger fjernet."
rewCommandsOverridePrompt: "Enter command display override, <clear>, <cancel>"
rewCommandsOverrideHint: "(This override will display your own text as the reward)"
rewNoCommands: "You must set commands first!"
rewNoCommands: "Du skal først sætte kommandoer!"
rewSetPermission: "Set permission rewards"
rewSetMcMMO: "Set mcMMO skill rewards"
rewSetHeroes: "Set Heroes experience rewards"
@ -645,14 +646,15 @@ enterAnOption: "Enter an option"
questAccepted: "Quest accepted: <quest>"
currentQuest: "Current Quests:"
noMoreQuest: "Ikke flere quests til rådighed."
break: "Break"
damage: "Damage"
break: "Ødelæg"
damage: "Skade"
place: "Sæt"
use: "Brug"
cut: "Klip"
craft: "Craft"
craft: "Fremstil"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Fang fisk"
kill: "Dræb"
killAtLocation: "Dræb <mob> ved <location>"
@ -796,7 +798,7 @@ timeDays: "Dage"
timeMonth: "Måned"
timeMonths: "Måneder"
timeYear: "År"
timeYears: "Years"
timeYears: "År"
timeHour: "Time"
timeHours: "Timer"
timeMinute: "Minut"
@ -836,7 +838,7 @@ quest: "Quest"
quests: "Quests"
createdBy: "Lavet af"
continuedBy: "and continued by"
questPoints: "Quest Points"
questPoints: "Quest Point"
accepted: "Accepteret"
complete: "Færdig"
redoable: "Redoable"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Artikel"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Artikel herstellen"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Gegenstände schmelzen"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Gegenstände verzaubern"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Tränke brauen"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Gegenstände liefern"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Mit NPC reden"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Schneiden"
craft: "Herstellen"
smelt: "Schmelzen"
enchantItem: "Verzaubere <item> mit <enchantment>"
brew: "Brauen"
catchFish: "Fisch fangen"
kill: "Killen"
killAtLocation: "Töte <mob> bei <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchant Items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Deliver Items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Talk to NPCs"
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ stageEditorReachLocs: "Reach spots"
stageEditorReachRadii1: "Reach within"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "blocks of"
stageEditorTameMobs: "Tame Mobs"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear Sheep"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear sheep"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "Kill Players"
stageEditorPlayers: "players"
stageEditorEvents: "Actions"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> wit' <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchant items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Deliver items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Talk to NPCs"
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ stageEditorReachLocs: "Reach locations"
stageEditorReachRadii1: "Reach within"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "blocks of"
stageEditorTameMobs: "Tame mobs"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear Sheep"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear sheep"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "Kill players"
stageEditorPlayers: "players"
stageEditorEvents: "Actions"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Artículos"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Fabricar artículos"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Fundir artículos"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Encantar Ítem"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Fermentar pociones"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Entregar Ítem"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Hablar con NPC`s"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cortar"
craft: "Fabricar"
smelt: "Fundir"
enchantItem: "Encantar <item> con <enchantment>"
brew: "Fermentar"
catchFish: "Atrapar un pez"
kill: "Matar"
killAtLocation: "Matar <mob> en <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchant items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Deliver items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Talk to NPCs"
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ stageEditorReachLocs: "Reach locations"
stageEditorReachRadii1: "Reach within"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "blocks of"
stageEditorTameMobs: "Tame mobs"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear Sheep"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear sheep"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "Kill players"
stageEditorPlayers: "players"
stageEditorEvents: "Actions"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Lumoa tavaroita"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Toimita tavaroita"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Puhu kyläläisille"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Tapa <mob> kohteessa <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Mga aytem"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Gumawa ng mga item"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Matamis na mga bagay"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Manahin ang mga bagay"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Magluto gayuma"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Ihatid ang bagay"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Makipag usap sa NPCs"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Putulin"
craft: "Gumawa"
smelt: "Tinunaw"
enchantItem: "Gayumahin ang <item> kasama and <enchantment>"
brew: "Magluto"
catchFish: "Humuli ng Isda"
kill: "Patayin"
killAtLocation: "Patayin ang <mob> sa <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Articles"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Fabriquer des articles"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Articles d'fondre"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchanter des objets"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brasser des potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Quantité Totale Livrée"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Parler au NPC"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Couper"
craft: "Fabriquer"
smelt: "Fondre"
enchantItem: "Enchanter <item> avec <enchantment>"
brew: "Brasser"
catchFish: "Attraper du Poisson"
kill: "Tuer"
killAtLocation: "Tuer <mob> à <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchant items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Deliver items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Talk to NPCs"
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ stageEditorReachLocs: "Reach locations"
stageEditorReachRadii1: "Reach within"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "blocks of"
stageEditorTameMobs: "Tame mobs"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear Sheep"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear sheep"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "Kill players"
stageEditorPlayers: "players"
stageEditorEvents: "Actions"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Elemek"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Készítsen elemeket"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Tárgyak olvasztása"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Varázsolt elemek"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Főzés bájitalt"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPC-k"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Szállítási elemek"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Beszélés NPC-kkel"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Kivágás"
craft: "Készítsen"
smelt: "Olvaszt"
enchantItem: "Elvarázsolva <item> a(z) <enchantment>"
brew: "Főzés"
catchFish: "Hal fogás"
kill: "Ölés"
killAtLocation: "Megölt egy <mob>-t <location> helyen"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Item"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Buat item"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Item melebur"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Item Mempesona"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Ramuan memasak"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPC"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Kirimkan Item"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Bicaralah dengan NPC"
@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ eventEditorThunderTitle: "- Acara Guntur -"
eventEditorMobSpawnsTitle: "- Acara Massa Menumbuhkan -"
eventEditorMobsTitle: "- Massa -"
eventEditorAddMobTypesTitle: "- Tambahkan Mob -"
eventEditorPotionEffectsTitle: "- Event Potion Effects -"
eventEditorPotionEffectsTitle: "- Efek Ramuan Acara -"
eventEditorPotionTypesTitle: "- Jenis Ramuan Acara -"
eventEditorWorldsTitle: "- Dunia -"
eventEditorSetName: "Atur nama"
@ -396,7 +397,7 @@ eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Pasang helm"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Tetapkan kemungkinan penurunan helm"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Tetapkan jumlah massa untuk bertelur"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Tetapkan kesempatan jatuhkan"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Efek Potensi Acara"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Efek Ramuan Acara"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Tetapkan jenis efek ramuan"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "Anda harus mengatur jenis efek ramuan terlebih dahulu!"
eventEditorSetPotionDurations: "Tetapkan durasi efek ramuan"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Potong"
craft: "Buat"
smelt: "Melebur"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> dengan <enchantment>"
brew: "Memasak"
catchFish: "Menangkap Ikan"
kill: "Bunuh"
killAtLocation: "Bunuh <mob> di <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Oggetti"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Crea oggetto"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Fuse elementi"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Incantare Oggetti"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Infusa pozioni"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Consegna Oggetti"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Parla con gli NPC"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Taglio"
craft: "Crea"
smelt: "Fuse"
enchantItem: "Incantare<item>con<enchantment>"
brew: "Infuso"
catchFish: "Pescare pesci"
kill: "Uccidere"
killAtLocation: "Uccidere<mob>a<location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "エンチャント アイテム"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "アイテム配布"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "NPC に話しかける"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "殺す"
killAtLocation: "<location> で <mob> を殺す"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "아이템"
stageEditorCraftItems: "아이템 제작"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "아이템 제련"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "인챈트 아이템"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "양조 물약"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "넘겨줄 아이템"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "NPC와 대화"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "자르기"
craft: "제작"
smelt: "제련"
enchantItem: "<item>을 <enchantment>로 인챈트"
brew: "양조"
catchFish: "물고기를 낚으세요"
kill: "죽이다"
killAtLocation: "<mob> 를 <location> 에서 죽이세요"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Voorwerpen"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Voorwerpen maken"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Betover Items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPC's"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Breng Spullen"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Praat met NPC's"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Knippen"
craft: "Maken"
smelt: "Smelten"
enchantItem: "Betover <item> met <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Vang Vis"
kill: "Dood"
killAtLocation: "Vermoord <mob> op <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Przedmiot"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Stwórz przedmiot"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Stopić przedmiotów"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Zaklnij Przedmioty"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Parzenie mikstur"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPC"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Dostarcz Przedmioty"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Porozmawiaj z NPC"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Wytnij"
craft: "Stwórz"
smelt: "Stopić"
enchantItem: "Zaklnij <item> z <enchantment>"
brew: "Parzenie"
catchFish: "Złap rybę"
kill: "Zabij"
killAtLocation: "Zabij <mob> w <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Itens"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Fabricar itens"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Queimar itens"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Encantar itens"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Poções Brew"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Entregar Itens"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Falar com NPCs"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cortar"
craft: "Construir"
smelt: "Fundir"
enchantItem: "Encantar <item> com <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Pegue um Peixe"
kill: "Matar"
killAtLocation: "Matar <mob> em <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Encantar itens"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Integrar Itens"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Falar com NPCs"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cortar"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Encantar <item> com <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Apanhar Peixe"
kill: "Matar"
killAtLocation: "Matar <mob> em <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Produse"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Produse de mestesug"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Topește obiectele"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Bonusează obiecte"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Trimite obiecte"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Vorbește cu NPC-urile"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Предметы"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Создайте Предметы"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Корюшка"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Зачаровать Предметы"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Варить зелья"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Доставить Предметы"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Поговорить с NPC"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Порезать"
craft: "Создайте"
smelt: "Корюшка"
enchantItem: "Зачаровать <item> с чарами: <enchantment>"
brew: "Варка"
catchFish: "Поймать рыбу"
kill: "Убийство"
killAtLocation: "Убить <mob> в локации: <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchant items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Deliver items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Talk to NPCs"
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ stageEditorReachLocs: "Reach locations"
stageEditorReachRadii1: "Reach within"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "blocks of"
stageEditorTameMobs: "Tame mobs"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear Sheep"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear sheep"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "Kill players"
stageEditorPlayers: "players"
stageEditorEvents: "Actions"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchant items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Deliver items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Talk to NPCs"
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ stageEditorReachLocs: "Reach locations"
stageEditorReachRadii1: "Reach within"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "blocks of"
stageEditorTameMobs: "Tame mobs"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear Sheep"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Shear sheep"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "Kill players"
stageEditorPlayers: "players"
stageEditorEvents: "Actions"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Föremål"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Tillverka Föremål"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smält objekt"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Förtrolla Items"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPC:s"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Leverera Items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Prata med NPC"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "ไอเทมร่ายมนต์"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "จัดส่งไอเทม"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "พูดคุยกับ NPCs"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Items"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Craft items"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Büyüleyici öğeler"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPCs"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Öğeleri teslim et"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "NPCs ile konuş"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Kes"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Balık Yakala"
kill: "Sonlandır"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "Mặt hàng"
stageEditorCraftItems: "Tạo các mục"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Nung item"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Phù phép vật phẩm"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Pha cất thuốc"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPC"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Giao vật phẩm"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Nói chuyện với các NPC"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cắt"
craft: "Tạo nên"
smelt: "Nung"
enchantItem: "Phù phép <item> với <enchantment>"
brew: "Pha cất"
catchFish: "Bắt cá"
kill: "Giết"
killAtLocation: "Giết <mob> tại <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "物品"
stageEditorCraftItems: "合成物品"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "冶炼项目"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "附魔物品"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPC"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "转交物品"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "与NPC交谈"
@ -482,7 +483,7 @@ plnCooldown: "Set player cooldown"
plnTooEarly: "<quest> will be active in <time>."
plnTooLate: "<quest> was last active <time> ago."
optGeneral: "General"
optMultiplayer: "Multiplayer"
optMultiplayer: "多人游戏"
optBooleanPrompt: "Enter '<true>' or '<false>', <clear>, <cancel>"
optNumberPrompt: "Enter a level (number) for tracking progress, <clear>, <cancel>"
optAllowCommands: "Allow commands during quest"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ stageEditorItems: "物品"
stageEditorCraftItems: "製造物品"
stageEditorSmeltItems: "Smelt items"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "附魔物品"
stageEditorBrewPotions: "Brew potions"
stageEditorNPCs: "NPC"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "運送物品"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "與NPC對話"
@ -320,11 +321,11 @@ eventEditorPotionEffectsTitle: "- Action Potion Effects -"
eventEditorPotionTypesTitle: "- Action Potion Types -"
eventEditorWorldsTitle: "- Worlds -"
eventEditorSetName: "Set name"
eventEditorPlayer: "Player"
eventEditorPlayer: "玩家"
eventEditorTimer: "Timer"
eventEditorEffect: "Effect"
eventEditorWeather: "Weather"
eventEditorSetMessage: "Send message"
eventEditorWeather: "天氣"
eventEditorSetMessage: "發送訊息"
eventEditorClearInv: "Clear inventory"
eventEditorFailQuest: "Fail the quest"
eventEditorSetExplosions: "Set explosion locations"
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ cut: "Cut"
craft: "Craft"
smelt: "Smelt"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
brew: "Brew"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user