New translations strings.yml (Chinese Traditional)

This commit is contained in:
PikaMug 2020-02-15 10:22:53 -05:00
parent 26d41dc5aa
commit 0fc4b22917

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@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ stageEditorNotSolid: "is not a solid block!"
stageEditorInvalidBlockName: "並非有效的方塊名稱 " stageEditorInvalidBlockName: "並非有效的方塊名稱 "
stageEditorInvalidEnchantment: "並非有效的附魔名稱 " stageEditorInvalidEnchantment: "並非有效的附魔名稱 "
stageEditorInvalidNPC: "並非有效的 NPC ID " stageEditorInvalidNPC: "並非有效的 NPC ID "
stageEditorInvalidMob: "並非有效的物名稱 " stageEditorInvalidMob: "並非有效的物名稱 "
stageEditorInvalidItemName: "並非有效的物品名稱 " stageEditorInvalidItemName: "並非有效的物品名稱 "
stageEditorInvalidDye: "並非有效的染料顏色 " stageEditorInvalidDye: "並非有效的染料顏色 "
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "是個無效的任務活動名稱!" stageEditorInvalidEvent: "是個無效的任務活動名稱!"
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ eventEditorTimer: "Timer"
eventEditorEffect: "Effect" eventEditorEffect: "Effect"
eventEditorWeather: "天氣" eventEditorWeather: "天氣"
eventEditorSetMessage: "發送訊息" eventEditorSetMessage: "發送訊息"
eventEditorClearInv: "Clear inventory" eventEditorClearInv: "清空物品欄"
eventEditorFailQuest: "Fail the quest" eventEditorFailQuest: "Fail the quest"
eventEditorSetExplosions: "設定爆炸地點" eventEditorSetExplosions: "設定爆炸地點"
eventEditorSetLightning: "Set lightning strike locations" eventEditorSetLightning: "Set lightning strike locations"
@ -355,16 +355,16 @@ eventEditorInvalidEffect: "is not a valid sound effect name!"
eventEditorEffectsCleared: "Action sound effects cleared." eventEditorEffectsCleared: "Action sound effects cleared."
eventEditorEffectLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to play a sound effect at, <add>, <cancel>" eventEditorEffectLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to play a sound effect at, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorMobSpawns: "Action Mob Spawns" eventEditorMobSpawns: "Action Mob Spawns"
eventEditorAddMobTypes: "添加物" eventEditorAddMobTypes: "添加物"
eventEditorMustSetMobTypesFirst: "You must set the mob type first!" eventEditorMustSetMobTypesFirst: "You must set the mob type first!"
eventEditorSetMobAmounts: "Set mob amount" eventEditorSetMobAmounts: "Set mob amount"
eventEditorMustSetMobAmountsFirst: "You must set mob amount first!" eventEditorMustSetMobAmountsFirst: "You must set mob amount first!"
eventEditorAddSpawnLocation: "Set spawn location" eventEditorAddSpawnLocation: "Set spawn location"
eventEditorMobSpawnsCleared: "Mob spawns cleared." eventEditorMobSpawnsCleared: "Mob spawns cleared."
eventEditorMustSetMobLocationFirst: "You must set a spawn-location first!" eventEditorMustSetMobLocationFirst: "You must set a spawn-location first!"
eventEditorInvalidMob: "並非有效的物名稱 " eventEditorInvalidMob: "並非有效的物名稱 "
eventEditorSetMobName: "Set custom name for mob" eventEditorSetMobName: "Set custom name for mob"
eventEditorSetMobType: "Set mob type" eventEditorSetMobType: "設定怪物類型"
eventEditorSetMobItemInHand: "Set item in hand" eventEditorSetMobItemInHand: "Set item in hand"
eventEditorSetMobItemInHandDrop: "Set drop chance of item in hand" eventEditorSetMobItemInHandDrop: "Set drop chance of item in hand"
eventEditorSetMobBoots: "Set boots" eventEditorSetMobBoots: "Set boots"
@ -390,8 +390,8 @@ eventEditorLightningPrompt: "Right-click on a block to spawn a lightning strike
eventEditorExplosionPrompt: "Right-click on a block to spawn an explosion at, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>" eventEditorExplosionPrompt: "Right-click on a block to spawn an explosion at, <add>, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSelectBlockFirst: "You must select a block first." eventEditorSelectBlockFirst: "You must select a block first."
eventEditorSetMessagePrompt: "Enter message, <clear>, <cancel>" eventEditorSetMessagePrompt: "Enter message, <clear>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobTypesPrompt: "請輸入物名稱,<cancel>" eventEditorSetMobTypesPrompt: "請輸入物名稱,<cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "請輸入物數量,<cancel>" eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "請輸入物數量,<cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>" eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Enter the name for this mob, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>" eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, <add>, <cancel>"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>" eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types, <space>, <cancel>"
@ -528,11 +528,11 @@ itemCreateEnterLevel: "Enter a level (number) for <enchantment>"
itemCreateEnterDisplay: "Enter item display name, <clear>, <cancel>" itemCreateEnterDisplay: "Enter item display name, <clear>, <cancel>"
itemCreateEnterLore: "Enter item lore, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>" itemCreateEnterLore: "Enter item lore, <semicolon>, <clear>, <cancel>"
itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded." itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!" itemCreateNoItem: "沒有物品 "
itemCreateNoName: "您必須先設定名稱 " itemCreateNoName: "您必須先設定名稱 "
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!" itemCreateInvalidName: "無效的物品名稱 "
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!" itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!" itemCreateInvalidEnch: "無效的附魔名稱 "
itemCreateInvalidInput: "無效的輸入 " itemCreateInvalidInput: "無效的輸入 "
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "您必須先設定名稱及數量 " itemCreateNoNameAmount: "您必須先設定名稱及數量 "
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred." itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
@ -563,9 +563,9 @@ questNPCListTitle: "- Quests | <npc> -"
questAdminHelpTitle: "- Questadmin -" questAdminHelpTitle: "- Questadmin -"
questEditorTitle: "- Quest Editor -" questEditorTitle: "- Quest Editor -"
eventEditorTitle: "- Action Editor - " eventEditorTitle: "- Action Editor - "
questCreateTitle: "- Create Quest -" questCreateTitle: "- 創建任務 -"
questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -" questEditTitle: "- 編輯任務 -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -" questDeleteTitle: "- 刪除任務 -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -" requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -" rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -" plannerTitle: "- <quest> | Planner -"
@ -588,15 +588,15 @@ eventTitle: "- Action -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -" completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -" topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -" createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
dateTimeTitle: "- Date & Time -" dateTimeTitle: "- 日期與時間 -"
timeZoneTitle: "- Time Zones -" timeZoneTitle: "- 時區 -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -" enchantmentsTitle: "- 附魔 -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -" questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -" questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
effEnterName: "Enter an effect name to add it to the list, <cancel>" effEnterName: "Enter an effect name to add it to the list, <cancel>"
cmdAdd: "添加" cmdAdd: "添加"
strAdd: "then enter '<command>' to include it" strAdd: "then enter '<command>' to include it"
cmdClear: "clear" cmdClear: "清除"
strClear: "or '<command>' to erase all data" strClear: "or '<command>' to erase all data"
cmdCancel: "取消" cmdCancel: "取消"
strCancel: "or '<command>' to return" strCancel: "or '<command>' to return"
@ -608,8 +608,8 @@ charSemi: ";"
acceptQuest: "接受任務?" acceptQuest: "接受任務?"
enterAnOption: "Enter an option" enterAnOption: "Enter an option"
questAccepted: "Quest accepted: <quest>" questAccepted: "Quest accepted: <quest>"
currentQuest: "Current Quests:" currentQuest: "目前的任務 "
noMoreQuest: "No more quests available." noMoreQuest: "沒有更多可選的任務。"
break: "破壞" break: "破壞"
damage: "傷害" damage: "傷害"
place: "放置" place: "放置"
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ kill: "擊殺"
killAtLocation: "在 <location> 擊殺 <mob>" killAtLocation: "在 <location> 擊殺 <mob>"
killPlayer: "Kill a Player" killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>" deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>" talkTo: "與 <npc> 交談"
tame: "馴服" tame: "馴服"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep" shearSheep: "Shear <color> Sheep"
goTo: "前往 <location>" goTo: "前往 <location>"
@ -640,27 +640,27 @@ permissionDisplay: "權限 "
heroesClass: "class" heroesClass: "class"
mcMMOLevel: "等級" mcMMOLevel: "等級"
haveCompleted: "你完成了 <quest>" haveCompleted: "你完成了 <quest>"
cannotComplete: "Cannot complete <quest>" cannotComplete: "未能完成 <quest>"
questNotFound: "找不到該任務。" questNotFound: "找不到該任務。"
alreadyConversing: "You already are in a conversation!" alreadyConversing: "你已經在一場對話中 "
inputNum: "輸入值必須是數字。" inputNum: "輸入值必須是數字。"
inputPosNum: "輸入值必須是正數。" inputPosNum: "輸入值必須是正數。"
questModified: "Your active Quest <quest> has been modified. You have been forced to quit the Quest." questModified: "你正在進行中的任務 <quest> 已被修改,因此你已被強制放棄了這項任務。"
questNotExist: "Your active Quest <quest> no longer exists. You have been forced to quit the Quest." questNotExist: "你正在進行中的任務 <quest> 已不再存在,因此你已被強制放棄了這項任務。"
questInvalidChoice: "無效的選擇。請輸入 '<yes>' 或 '<no>'" questInvalidChoice: "無效的選擇。請輸入 '<yes>' 或 '<no>'"
questPointsDisplay: "任務點數 " questPointsDisplay: "任務點數 "
questNoDrop: "你不能丟棄任務物品。" questNoDrop: "你不能丟棄任務物品。"
questNoBrew: "你不能釀造任務物品。" questNoBrew: "你不能釀造任務物品。"
questNoStore: "You may not store Quest items." questNoStore: "你不能儲存任務物品。"
questNoCraft: "你不能合成任務物品。" questNoCraft: "你不能合成任務物品。"
questNoEquip: "你不能裝備任務物品。" questNoEquip: "你不能裝備任務物品。"
questNoDispense: "You may not put Quest items in dispensers." questNoDispense: "您不能把任務物品放入發射器。"
questNoEnchant: "你不能附魔任務物品。" questNoEnchant: "你不能附魔任務物品。"
questNoSmelt: "You may not smelt using Quest items." questNoSmelt: "你不能熔煉任務物品。"
pageSelectionNum: "Page selection must be a number." pageSelectionNum: "Page selection must be a number."
pageSelectionPosNum: "Page selection must be a positive number." pageSelectionPosNum: "Page selection must be a positive number."
questTakeDisabled: "Taking Quests via commands has been disabled." questTakeDisabled: "Taking Quests via commands has been disabled."
questQuit: "You have quit <quest>" questQuit: "你已放棄任務 <quest>"
questQuitDisabled: "Quitting this quest has been disabled." questQuitDisabled: "Quitting this quest has been disabled."
questsUnknownCommand: "Unknown Quests command. Type /quests for help." questsUnknownCommand: "Unknown Quests command. Type /quests for help."
pageNotExist: "頁面不存在。" pageNotExist: "頁面不存在。"
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests." noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "找不到玩家。" playerNotFound: "找不到玩家。"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>' errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.." errorReading: "讀取文件 <file> 時發生錯誤,正在略過..."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors." errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
errorDataFolder: "Error: Unable to read Quests data folder!" errorDataFolder: "Error: Unable to read Quests data folder!"
questsPlayerHasQuestAlready: "<player> is already on the Quest <quest>!" questsPlayerHasQuestAlready: "<player> is already on the Quest <quest>!"
@ -734,15 +734,15 @@ noWord: "否"
"false": "false" "false": "false"
clear: "Clear" clear: "Clear"
edit: "編輯" edit: "編輯"
none: "None" none: ""
done: "完成" done: "完成"
noneSet: "None set" noneSet: "None set"
noDelaySet: "No delay set" noDelaySet: "No delay set"
noIdsSet: "No IDs set" noIdsSet: "No IDs set"
noNamesSet: "No names set" noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Worlds" worlds: "世界"
points: "points" points: "points"
npcHint: "Note: You can left or right click on NPCs to get their ID." npcHint: "提示 您可以左鍵或右鍵點擊 NPC 以取得其 ID 。"
listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!" listsNotSameSize: "All required lists must have the same number of entries!"
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!" listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID" id: "ID"
@ -756,12 +756,12 @@ complete: "完成"
redoable: "Redoable" redoable: "Redoable"
objectives: "目標" objectives: "目標"
everything: "Everything" everything: "Everything"
usage: "Usage" usage: "用法"
redoableEvery: "Redoable every <time>." redoableEvery: "Redoable every <time>."
requirements: "Requirements" requirements: "Requirements"
money: "Money" money: "Money"
with: "with" with: "with"
to: "to" to: ""
blocksWithin: "within <amount> blocks of" blocksWithin: "within <amount> blocks of"
valRequired: "Value required" valRequired: "Value required"
experience: "經驗" experience: "經驗"