mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 14:01:22 +01:00
Translate item names in Quest Journal, fixes #1915
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ public interface ISettings {
void setDisableCommandFeedback(final boolean disableCommandFeedback);
boolean canGenFilesOnJoin();
void setGenFilesOnJoin(final boolean genFilesOnJoin);
boolean canGiveJournalItem();
void setGiveJournalItem(final boolean giveJournalItem);
boolean canIgnoreLockedQuests();
void setIgnoreLockedQuests(final boolean ignoreLockedQuests);
int getKillDelay();
@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ public interface IQuester extends Comparable<IQuester> {
LinkedList<String> getCurrentObjectives(final IQuest quest, final boolean ignoreOverrides);
LinkedList<Objective> getCurrentObjectivesTemp(final IQuest quest, final boolean ignoreOverrides, final boolean formatItems);
LinkedList<String> getObjectives(final IQuest quest, final boolean ignoreOverrides);
boolean containsObjective(final IQuest quest, final String name);
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
public interface Objective {
ObjectiveType getType();
String getMessage();
int getProgress();
int getGoal();
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ public class Quester implements IQuester {
final int index = getJournalIndex();
if (index != -1) {
final QuestJournal journal = new QuestJournal(this);
final QuestJournal journal = new QuestJournal(plugin, this);
getPlayer().getInventory().setItem(index, journal.toItemStack());
@ -1089,10 +1089,10 @@ public class Quester implements IQuester {
return current;
* Get current objectives for a quest, both finished and unfinished
* @param quest The quest to get objectives of
* @param ignoreOverrides Whether to ignore objective-overrides
* @return List of detailed objectives
@ -1562,6 +1562,529 @@ public class Quester implements IQuester {
return objectives;
* Get current objectives for a quest, both finished and unfinished
* @param quest The quest to get objectives of
* @param ignoreOverrides Whether to ignore objective-overrides
* @param formatItems Whether to format item names, if applicable
* @return List of detailed objectives
public LinkedList<Objective> getCurrentObjectivesTemp(final IQuest quest, final boolean ignoreOverrides,
final boolean formatItems) {
if (quest == null) {
plugin.getLogger().severe("Quest was null when getting objectives for " + getLastKnownName());
return new LinkedList<>();
if (getQuestData(quest) == null) {
plugin.getLogger().warning("Quest data was null when getting objectives for " + quest.getName());
return new LinkedList<>();
if (getCurrentStage(quest) == null) {
//plugin.getLogger().warning("Current stage was null when getting objectives for " + quest.getName());
return new LinkedList<>();
final IDependencies depends = plugin.getDependencies();
if (!ignoreOverrides && !getCurrentStage(quest).getObjectiveOverrides().isEmpty()) {
final LinkedList<Objective> objectives = new LinkedList<>();
for (final String s: getCurrentStage(quest).getObjectiveOverrides()) {
String message = ChatColor.GREEN + ConfigUtil.parseString(s, quest, getPlayer());
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
// TODO is this acceptable?
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.CUSTOM, message, 0, 1));
return objectives;
final QuestData data = getQuestData(quest);
final IStage stage = getCurrentStage(quest);
final LinkedList<Objective> objectives = new LinkedList<>();
for (final ItemStack goal : stage.getBlocksToBreak()) {
for (final ItemStack progress : data.blocksBroken) {
if (progress.getType().equals(goal.getType()) && progress.getDurability() == goal.getDurability()) {
final ChatColor color = progress.getAmount() < goal.getAmount() ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "break");
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + progress.getAmount() + "/"
+ goal.getAmount());
} else {
// Legacy
message += " <item>" + color + color + ": " + progress.getAmount() + "/" + goal.getAmount();
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
if (formatItems) {
message = message.replace("<item>", ItemUtil.getName(progress));
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.BREAK_BLOCK, message, progress, goal));
for (final ItemStack goal : stage.getBlocksToDamage()) {
for (final ItemStack progress : data.blocksDamaged) {
if (progress.getType().equals(goal.getType()) && progress.getDurability() == goal.getDurability()) {
final ChatColor color = progress.getAmount() < goal.getAmount() ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "damage");
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + progress.getAmount() + "/"
+ goal.getAmount());
} else {
// Legacy
message += " <item>" + color + color + ": " + progress.getAmount() + "/" + goal.getAmount();
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
if (formatItems) {
message = message.replace("<item>", ItemUtil.getName(progress));
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.DAMAGE_BLOCK, message, progress, goal));
for (final ItemStack goal : stage.getBlocksToPlace()) {
for (final ItemStack progress : data.blocksPlaced) {
final ChatColor color = progress.getAmount() < goal.getAmount() ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "place");
if (progress.getType().equals(goal.getType()) && progress.getDurability() == goal.getDurability()) {
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + progress.getAmount() + "/"
+ goal.getAmount());
} else {
// Legacy
message += " <item>" + color + color + ": " + progress.getAmount() + "/" + goal.getAmount();
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
if (formatItems) {
message = message.replace("<item>", ItemUtil.getName(progress));
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.PLACE_BLOCK, message, progress, goal));
for (final ItemStack goal : stage.getBlocksToUse()) {
for (final ItemStack progress : data.blocksUsed) {
final ChatColor color = progress.getAmount() < goal.getAmount() ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "use");
if (progress.getType().equals(goal.getType()) && progress.getDurability() == goal.getDurability()) {
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + progress.getAmount() + "/"
+ goal.getAmount());
} else {
// Legacy
message += " <item>" + color + ": " + progress.getAmount() + "/" + goal.getAmount();
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
if (formatItems) {
message = message.replace("<item>", ItemUtil.getName(progress));
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.USE_BLOCK, message, progress, goal));
for (final ItemStack goal : stage.getBlocksToCut()) {
for (final ItemStack progress : data.blocksCut) {
final ChatColor color = progress.getAmount() < goal.getAmount() ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "cut");
if (progress.getType().equals(goal.getType()) && progress.getDurability() == goal.getDurability()) {
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + progress.getAmount() + "/"
+ goal.getAmount());
} else {
// Legacy
message += " <item>" + color + ": " + progress.getAmount() + "/" + goal.getAmount();
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
if (formatItems) {
message = message.replace("<item>", ItemUtil.getName(progress));
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.CUT_BLOCK, message, progress, goal));
int craftIndex = 0;
for (final ItemStack goal : stage.getItemsToCraft()) {
if (data.itemsCrafted.size() > craftIndex) {
final ItemStack progress = data.itemsCrafted.get(craftIndex);
final int crafted = progress.getAmount();
final int toCraft = goal.getAmount();
final ChatColor color = crafted < toCraft ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "craftItem");
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + crafted + "/" + toCraft);
} else {
// Legacy
message += color + ": " + crafted + "/" + goal.getAmount();
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
if (formatItems) {
message = message.replace("<item>", ItemUtil.getName(goal));
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.CRAFT_ITEM, message, progress, goal));
int smeltIndex = 0;
for (final ItemStack goal : stage.getItemsToSmelt()) {
if (data.itemsSmelted.size() > smeltIndex) {
final ItemStack progress = data.itemsSmelted.get(smeltIndex);
final int smelted = progress.getAmount();
final int toSmelt = goal.getAmount();
final ChatColor color = smelted < toSmelt ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "smeltItem");
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + smelted + "/" + toSmelt);
} else {
// Legacy
message += color + ": " + smelted + "/" + goal.getAmount();
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
if (formatItems) {
message = message.replace("<item>", ItemUtil.getName(goal));
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.SMELT_ITEM, message, progress, goal));
int enchantIndex = 0;
for (final ItemStack goal : stage.getItemsToEnchant()) {
if (data.itemsEnchanted.size() > enchantIndex) {
final ItemStack progress = data.itemsEnchanted.get(enchantIndex);
final int enchanted = progress.getAmount();
final int toEnchant = goal.getAmount();
final ChatColor color = enchanted < toEnchant ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "enchItem");
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + enchanted + "/" + toEnchant);
} else {
// Legacy
message += color + ": " + enchanted + "/" + goal.getAmount();
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
if (formatItems) {
message = message.replace("<item>", ItemUtil.getName(goal));
if (goal.getEnchantments().isEmpty()) {
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.ENCHANT_ITEM,
message.replace("<enchantment>", "")
.replace("<level>", "")
.replaceAll("\\s+", " "), progress, goal));
} else {
for (final Entry<Enchantment, Integer> e : goal.getEnchantments().entrySet()) {
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.ENCHANT_ITEM,
message.replace("<enchantment>", ItemUtil.getPrettyEnchantmentName(e.getKey()))
.replace("<level>", RomanNumeral.getNumeral(e.getValue())), progress, goal));
int brewIndex = 0;
for (final ItemStack goal : stage.getItemsToBrew()) {
if (data.itemsBrewed.size() > brewIndex) {
final ItemStack progress = data.itemsBrewed.get(brewIndex);
final int brewed = progress.getAmount();
final int toBrew = goal.getAmount();
final ChatColor color = brewed < toBrew ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "brewItem");
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + brewed + "/" + toBrew);
} else {
// Legacy
message += color + ": " + brewed + "/" + goal.getAmount();
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
if (formatItems) {
message = message.replace("<item>", ItemUtil.getName(goal));
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.BREW_ITEM, message, progress, goal));
int consumeIndex = 0;
for (final ItemStack goal : stage.getItemsToConsume()) {
if (data.itemsConsumed.size() > consumeIndex) {
final ItemStack progress = data.itemsConsumed.get(consumeIndex);
final int consumed = progress.getAmount();
final int toConsume = goal.getAmount();
final ChatColor color = consumed < toConsume ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "consumeItem");
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + consumed + "/" + toConsume);
} else {
// Legacy
message += color + ": " + consumed + "/" + goal.getAmount();
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
if (formatItems) {
message = message.replace("<item>", ItemUtil.getName(goal));
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.CONSUME_ITEM, message, progress, goal));
int deliverIndex = 0;
for (final ItemStack goal : stage.getItemsToDeliver()) {
if (data.itemsDelivered.size() > deliverIndex) {
final ItemStack progress = data.itemsDelivered.get(deliverIndex);
final int delivered = progress.getAmount();
final int toDeliver = goal.getAmount();
final Integer npc = stage.getItemDeliveryTargets().get(deliverIndex);
final ChatColor color = delivered < toDeliver ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "deliver").replace("<npc>", depends.getNPCName(npc));
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + delivered + "/" + toDeliver);
} else {
// Legacy
message += color + ": " + delivered + "/" + toDeliver;
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
if (formatItems) {
message = message.replace("<item>", ItemUtil.getName(goal));
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.DELIVER_ITEM, message, progress, goal));
int interactIndex = 0;
for (final Integer n : stage.getCitizensToInteract()) {
boolean interacted = false;
if (data.citizensInteracted.size() > interactIndex) {
interacted = data.citizensInteracted.get(interactIndex);
final ChatColor color = !interacted ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "talkTo")
.replace("<npc>", depends.getNPCName(n));
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.TALK_TO_NPC, message, 0, 1));
int npcKillIndex = 0;
for (final Integer n : stage.getCitizensToKill()) {
int npcKilled = 0;
if (data.citizensNumKilled.size() > npcKillIndex) {
npcKilled = data.citizensNumKilled.get(npcKillIndex);
final int toNpcKill = stage.getCitizenNumToKill().get(npcKillIndex);
final ChatColor color = npcKilled < toNpcKill ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "kill");
if (message.contains("<mob>")) {
message = message.replace("<mob>", depends.getNPCName(n));
} else {
message += " " + depends.getNPCName(n);
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + npcKilled + "/" + toNpcKill);
} else {
// Legacy
message += color + ": " + npcKilled + "/" + toNpcKill;
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.KILL_NPC, message, npcKilled, toNpcKill));
int mobKillIndex = 0;
for (final EntityType e : stage.getMobsToKill()) {
int mobKilled = 0;
if (data.mobNumKilled.size() > mobKillIndex) {
mobKilled = data.mobNumKilled.get(mobKillIndex);
final int toMobKill = stage.getMobNumToKill().get(mobKillIndex);
final ChatColor color = mobKilled < toMobKill ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + "";
if (stage.getLocationsToKillWithin().isEmpty()) {
message += Lang.get(getPlayer(), "kill");
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + mobKilled + "/" + toMobKill);
} else {
// Legacy
message += ChatColor.AQUA + " <mob>" + color + ": " + mobKilled + "/" + toMobKill;
} else {
message += Lang.get(getPlayer(), "killAtLocation").replace("<location>",
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + mobKilled + "/" + toMobKill);
} else {
message += color + ": " + mobKilled + "/" + toMobKill;
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
message = message.replace("<mob>", MiscUtil.getProperMobName(e));
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.KILL_MOB, message, mobKilled, toMobKill));
int tameIndex = 0;
for (final int toTame : stage.getMobNumToTame()) {
int tamed = 0;
if (data.mobsTamed.size() > tameIndex) {
tamed = data.mobsTamed.get(tameIndex);
final ChatColor color = tamed < toTame ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "tame");
if (!message.contains("<mob>")) {
message += " <mob>";
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + tamed + "/" + toTame);
} else {
// Legacy
message += color + ": " + tamed + "/" + toTame;
message = message.replace("<mob>", MiscUtil.getProperMobName(stage.getMobsToTame().get(tameIndex)));
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.TAME_MOB, message, tamed, toTame));
if (stage.getFishToCatch() != null) {
final int caught = data.getFishCaught();
final int toCatch = stage.getFishToCatch();
final ChatColor color = caught < toCatch ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "catchFish");
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + caught + "/" + toCatch);
} else {
// Legacy
message += color + ": " + caught + "/" + toCatch;
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.CATCH_FISH, message, caught, toCatch));
if (stage.getCowsToMilk() != null) {
final int milked = data.getCowsMilked();
final int toMilk = stage.getCowsToMilk();
final ChatColor color = milked < toMilk ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "milkCow");
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + milked + "/" + toMilk);
} else {
// Legacy
message += color + ": " + milked + "/" + toMilk;
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.MILK_COW, message, milked, toMilk));
int shearIndex = 0;
for (final int toShear : stage.getSheepNumToShear()) {
int sheared = 0;
if (data.sheepSheared.size() > shearIndex) {
sheared = data.sheepSheared.get(shearIndex);
final ChatColor color = sheared < toShear ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "shearSheep");
message = message.replace("<color>", MiscUtil.getPrettyDyeColorName(stage.getSheepToShear()
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + sheared + "/" + toShear);
} else {
// Legacy
message += color + ": " + sheared + "/" + toShear;
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.SHEAR_SHEEP, message, sheared, toShear));
if (stage.getPlayersToKill() != null) {
final int killed = data.getPlayersKilled();
final int toKill = stage.getPlayersToKill();
final ChatColor color = data.getPlayersKilled() < stage.getPlayersToKill() ? ChatColor.GREEN
: ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "killPlayer");
if (message.contains("<count>")) {
message = message.replace("<count>", "" + color + data.getPlayersKilled() + "/"
+ stage.getPlayersToKill());
} else {
// Legacy
message += color + ": " + data.getPlayersKilled() + "/" + stage.getPlayersToKill();
if (depends.getPlaceholderApi() != null) {
message = PlaceholderAPI.setPlaceholders(getPlayer(), message);
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.KILL_PLAYER, message, killed, toKill));
for (int i = 0 ; i < stage.getLocationsToReach().size(); i++) {
if (i < data.locationsReached.size()) {
final ChatColor color = !data.locationsReached.get(i) ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + Lang.get(getPlayer(), "goTo");
message = message.replace("<location>", stage.getLocationNames().get(i));
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.REACH_LOCATION, message, 0, 1));
int passIndex = 0;
for (final String s : stage.getPasswordDisplays()) {
boolean said = false;
if (data.passwordsSaid.size() > passIndex) {
said = data.passwordsSaid.get(passIndex);
final ChatColor color = !said ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + s;
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.PASSWORD, message, 0, 1));
int customIndex = 0;
for (final ICustomObjective co : stage.getCustomObjectives()) {
int cleared = 0;
if (data.customObjectiveCounts.size() > customIndex) {
cleared = data.customObjectiveCounts.get(customIndex);
final int toClear = stage.getCustomObjectiveCounts().get(customIndex);
final ChatColor color = cleared < toClear ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.GRAY;
String message = color + co.getDisplay();
for (final Entry<String,Object> prompt : co.getData()) {
final String replacement = "%" + prompt.getKey() + "%";
try {
for (final Entry<String, Object> e : stage.getCustomObjectiveData()) {
if (e.getKey().equals(prompt.getKey())) {
if (message.contains(replacement)) {
message = message.replace(replacement, ((String) e.getValue()));
} catch (final NullPointerException ne) {
plugin.getLogger().severe("Unable to gather display for " + co.getName() + " on "
+ quest.getName());
if (co.canShowCount()) {
message = message.replace("%count%", cleared + "/" + toClear);
message = ConfigUtil.parseString(message);
objectives.add(new BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType.CUSTOM, message, cleared, toClear));
return objectives;
* Get current objectives for a quest, both finished and unfinished
@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ public class Settings implements ISettings {
consoleLogging = config.getInt("console-logging", 1);
disableCommandFeedback = config.getBoolean("disable-command-feedback", true);
genFilesOnJoin = config.getBoolean("generate-files-on-join", true);
giveJournalItem = config.getBoolean("give-journal-item", false);
ignoreLockedQuests = config.getBoolean("ignore-locked-quests", false);
killDelay = config.getInt("kill-delay", 600);
if (Objects.requireNonNull(config.getString("language")).equalsIgnoreCase("en")) {
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public class QuestsJournalCommand extends QuestsSubCommand {
if (!plugin.getSettings().canGiveJournalItem()) {
final QuestJournal journal = new QuestJournal(quester);
final QuestJournal journal = new QuestJournal(plugin, quester);
BookUtil.openPlayer(player, journal.toItemStack());
} else {
final Inventory inv = player.getInventory();
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public class QuestsJournalCommand extends QuestsSubCommand {
Lang.send(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get(player, "journalPutAway")
.replace("<journal>", Lang.get(player, "journalTitle")));
} else if (player.getItemInHand().getType().equals(Material.AIR)) {
final QuestJournal journal = new QuestJournal(quester);
final QuestJournal journal = new QuestJournal(plugin, quester);
Lang.send(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get(player, "journalTaken")
.replace("<journal>", Lang.get(player, "journalTitle")));
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public class QuestsJournalCommand extends QuestsSubCommand {
final ItemStack[] arr = inv.getContents();
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] == null) {
final QuestJournal journal = new QuestJournal(quester);
final QuestJournal journal = new QuestJournal(plugin, quester);
inv.setItem(i, journal.toItemStack());
Lang.send(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + Lang.get(player, "journalTaken")
.replace("<journal>", Lang.get(player, "journalTitle")));
@ -12,81 +12,86 @@
package me.blackvein.quests.item;
import me.blackvein.quests.quests.IQuest;
import me.blackvein.quests.Quests;
import me.blackvein.quests.player.IQuester;
import me.blackvein.quests.quests.IQuest;
import me.blackvein.quests.quests.Objective;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.ItemUtil;
import me.blackvein.quests.util.Lang;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.chat.BaseComponent;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.chat.TextComponent;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.chat.TranslatableComponent;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BookMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import xyz.upperlevel.spigot.book.BookUtil;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class QuestJournal {
final Quests plugin;
final IQuester owner;
ItemStack journal = new ItemStack(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK);
final ItemStack journal;
public QuestJournal(final IQuester owner) {
public QuestJournal(Quests plugin, final IQuester owner) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.owner = owner;
final BookMeta book = (BookMeta) journal.getItemMeta();
if (book != null) {
final Player player = owner.getPlayer();
final String title = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + Lang.get(player, "journalTitle");
journal = BookUtil.writtenBook()
if (journal.getItemMeta() != null) {
ItemMeta meta = journal.getItemMeta();
public List<BaseComponent[]> getPages() {
if (owner.getCurrentQuestsTemp().isEmpty()) {
final Player player = owner.getPlayer();
final String title = Lang.get(player, "journalTitle");
book.setDisplayName(ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + title);
book.setTitle(ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + title);
if (owner.getCurrentQuestsTemp().isEmpty()) {
book.addPage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + Lang.get(player, "journalNoQuests").replace("<journal>", title));
} else {
int currentLength = 0;
int currentLines = 0;
StringBuilder page = new StringBuilder();
final List<IQuest> sortedList = owner.getCurrentQuestsTemp().keySet().stream()
for (final IQuest quest : sortedList) {
if ((currentLength + quest.getName().length() > 240) || (currentLines
+ ((quest.getName().length() % 19) == 0 ? (quest.getName().length() / 19)
: ((quest.getName().length() / 19) + 1))) > 13) {
currentLength = quest.getName().length();
currentLines = (quest.getName().length() % 19) == 0 ? (quest.getName().length() / 19)
: (quest.getName().length() + 1);
} else {
currentLength += quest.getName().length();
currentLines += (quest.getName().length() / 19);
if (owner.getCurrentObjectives(quest, false) != null) {
for (final String obj : owner.getCurrentObjectives(quest, false)) {
// Length/Line check
if ((currentLength + obj.length() > 240) || (currentLines + ((obj.length() % 19)
== 0 ? (obj.length() / 19) : ((obj.length() / 19) + 1))) > 13) {
page = new StringBuilder(obj + "\n");
currentLength = obj.length();
currentLines = (obj.length() % 19) == 0 ? (obj.length() / 19) : (obj.length() + 1);
} else {
currentLength += obj.length();
currentLines += (obj.length() / 19);
return Collections.singletonList(new BookUtil.PageBuilder().add(new TextComponent(ChatColor.DARK_RED
+ Lang.get(player, "journalNoQuests").replace("<journal>", title))).build());
} else {
final List<BaseComponent[]> pages = new LinkedList<>();
final List<IQuest> sortedList = owner.getCurrentQuestsTemp().keySet().stream()
for (final IQuest quest : sortedList) {
final TextComponent title = new TextComponent(quest.getName());
final BookUtil.PageBuilder builder = new BookUtil.PageBuilder().add(title).newLine();
for (final Objective obj : owner.getCurrentObjectivesTemp(quest, false, false)) {
if (obj.getMessage() != null && obj.getMessage().contains("<item>")) {
final String[] split = obj.getMessage().split("<item>");
if (plugin.getSettings().canTranslateNames() && obj.getItemGoal() != null) {
final TranslatableComponent tc = new TranslatableComponent(plugin.getLocaleManager()
} else {
} else {
if (currentLines < 13)
page = new StringBuilder();
currentLines = 0;
currentLength = 0;
return pages;
@ -18,22 +18,48 @@ import me.blackvein.quests.enums.ObjectiveType;
public class BukkitObjective implements Objective {
private final ObjectiveType type;
private final String message;
private final int progress;
private final int goal;
private final ItemStack progressStack;
private final ItemStack goalStack;
* @deprecated Use {@link #BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType, String, int, int)} with null message
public BukkitObjective(final ObjectiveType type, final int progress, final int goal) {
this.type = type;
this.message = null;
this.progress = progress;
this.goal = goal;
this.progressStack = null;
this.goalStack = null;
* @deprecated Use {@link #BukkitObjective(ObjectiveType, String, ItemStack, ItemStack)} with null message
public BukkitObjective(final ObjectiveType type, final ItemStack progress, final ItemStack goal) {
this.type = type;
this.message = null;
this.progress = progress.getAmount();
this.goal = goal.getAmount();
this.progressStack = progress;
this.goalStack = goal;
public BukkitObjective(final ObjectiveType type, final String message, final int progress, final int goal) {
this.type = type;
this.message = message;
this.progress = progress;
this.goal = goal;
this.progressStack = null;
this.goalStack = null;
public BukkitObjective(final ObjectiveType type, final ItemStack progress, final ItemStack goal) {
public BukkitObjective(final ObjectiveType type, final String message, final ItemStack progress, final ItemStack goal) {
this.type = type;
this.message = message;
this.progress = progress.getAmount();
this.goal = goal.getAmount();
this.progressStack = progress;
@ -43,6 +69,10 @@ public class BukkitObjective implements Objective {
public ObjectiveType getType() {
return type;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public int getProgress() {
return progress;
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ confirm-accept: true
console-logging: 2
disable-command-feedback: false
generate-files-on-join: true
give-journal-item: false
ignore-locked-quests: false
kill-delay: 600
language: en-US
Reference in New Issue
Block a user