New translations strings.yml (Danish)

This commit is contained in:
FlyingPikachu 2017-12-31 01:57:28 -05:00
parent 80f30f7110
commit 2803bf57ef

View File

@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
questFailed: "*QUEST FAILED MATEY*"
questMaxAllowed: "Ye may only have up t' <number> Quests."
questAlreadyOn: "Ye be already on that Quest!"
questTooEarly: "Ye may nah take <quest> again fer another <time>."
questAlreadyCompleted: "Ye 'ave already looted <quest>."
questInvalidLocation: "Ye may nah take <quest> at this location."
questInvalidDeliveryItem: "<item> ain't a required item fer this quest!"
questSelectedLocation: "Chosen spot"
questDisplayHelp: "- Vis denne hjælp"
COMMAND_LIST_HELP: "liste [side] - Tilgængelige Quests"
COMMAND_TAKE_HELP: "tag [quest navn] - Acceptere en Quest"
COMMAND_TAKE_USAGE: 'Brug: /quests tag [quest]'
COMMAND_QUIT: "afslut"
COMMAND_QUIT_HELP: "afslut [quest] - Afslutter den nuværende Quest"
COMMAND_EDITOR_HELP: "editor - Opret/redigere Quests"
COMMAND_EVENTS_EDITOR_HELP: "begivenheder - Opret/Redigere begivenheder"
COMMAND_STATS: "statistik"
COMMAND_STATS_HELP: "status - Se din Quests status"
COMMAND_TOP_HELP: "top [nummer] - Se top Questers"
COMMAND_TOP_USAGE: 'Brug: /quests top [nummer]'
COMMAND_INFO_HELP: "info - Viser plugin information"
COMMAND_JOURNAL_HELP: "questbog - Se eller fjern din questbog"
COMMAND_QUEST_HELP: "- Viser aktuelle Quest mål"
COMMAND_QUESTINFO_HELP: "[quest navn] - Viser Quest information"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_HELP: "- Se Questadmin hjælp"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_STATS_HELP: "statistisk [spiller] - se Quest statistikken over en spiller"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVE_HELP: "giv [spiller] [quest] - tvinger en spiller til at tage en quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_QUIT_HELP: "afslut [spiller] [quest] - Tvinger en spiller til at afslutte deres quest"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTS_HELP: "points [spiller] [beløb] - sæt en spillers Quest Points"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TAKEPOINTS_HELP: "tagpoints [spiller] [beløb] - Tag en spillers Quest Points"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_GIVEPOINTS_HELP: "givpoints [spiller] [beløb] - Giv en spiller Quest Points"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTSALL: "givepoints [player] [amount] - Give a player Quest Points"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_POINTSALL_HELP: "pointsall [amount] - Sæt alle players' Quest Points"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_FINISH_HELP: "afslut [spiller] [quest] - Fuldføre en quest for en spiller med det sammen"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_NEXTSTAGE_HELP: "næste [spiller] [quest] - Fuldføre en stadie for en spiller"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_HELP: "setstaide [spiller] [quest] [fase] - Sæt den aktuelle fase for en spiller"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_SETSTAGE_USAGE: 'Brug: /questadmin setstadie [spiller] [quest] [fase]'
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_PURGE_HELP: "rens [spiller] - Renser alt Quest data fra en spiller og blacklister dem"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RESET_HELP: "nustil [spiller] - Nulstiller alt Quests data fra en spiller"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_REMOVE_HELP: "fjern [spiller] [quest] - Fjerner en fuldført Quest fra en spiller"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_TOGGLEGUI_HELP: "togglegui [npc id] - skifter GUI Quest Displayet på en NPC"
COMMAND_QUESTADMIN_RELOAD_HELP: "reload - Reloader alle Quests"
questEditorHeader: "Opret Quest"
questEditorCreate: "Opret ny Quest"
questEditorEdit: "Redigere en Quest"
questEditorDelete: "Fjern en Quest"
questEditorName: "Sæt navnet"
questEditorAskMessage: "Sæt spørg besked"
questEditorFinishMessage: "Sæt slut besked"
questEditorRedoDelay: "Sæt gentagelses tid"
questEditorNPCStart: "Sæt NPC start"
questEditorBlockStart: "Sæt Block start"
questEditorInitialEvent: "Sæt indledende begivenhed"
questEditorSetGUI: "Sæt GUI Item display"
questEditorReqs: "Redigere kravende"
questEditorStages: "Redigere faserne"
questEditorRews: "Redigere belønninger"
questEditorEnterQuestName: "Skriv Quest navn (Eller 'annuller' for at gå tilbage)"
questEditorEditEnterQuestName: "Enter Quest name to edit, or 'cancel' to return"
questEditorEnterAskMessage: "Skriv spørge beskeden (eller 'annuller' for at vende tilbage)"
questEditorEnterFinishMessage: "Skriv slut beskeden (eller 'annuller' for at vende tilbage)"
questEditorEnterRedoDelay: "Enter amount of time (in seconds), 0 to clear the redo delay or -1 to cancel "
questEditorEnterNPCStart: "Skriv NPC's ID, -1 for at fjerne den valgte NPC, eller -2 for at anullere"
questEditorEnterBlockStart: "Højre-klik på en block for at sætte start pointet, derefter indtast 'udført' for at gemmen det, eller indtast 'fjern' for at fjerne block starten, eller 'annullere' for at vende tilbage"
questEditorEnterInitialEvent: "Skriv et begivenheds navn, eller skriv 'fjern' for at fjerne den begivenhed, eller 'annullere' for at vende tilbage"
questRequiredNoneSet: "Kræves, ingen indstilling sat"
questWGSetRegion: "Sæt område"
questWGNotInstalled: "WorldGuard er ikke indstallerede"
questWGPrompt: "Skriv navnet på WorldGuard området, eller skriv 'fjern' for at fjerne den, eller 'annullere' for at vende tilbage."
questWGInvalidRegion: "<region> er ikke et gyldigt WorldGuard område!"
questWGRegionCleared: "Quest område fjernet."
questCitNotInstalled: "Citizens er ikke installeret"
questDenNotInstalled: "Denizen er ikke installeret"
questGUIError: 'Fejl: Dette item bruges allerede som display til Questen <quest>.'
questCurrentItem: "Aktuel item:"
questSetItem: "Sæt item"
questClearItem: "Fjern item"
questGUICleared: "Quest GUI item display ryddet."
questDeleted: "Quest fjernet! Quests og begivenheder er blevet genindlæst."
questEditorNameExists: "En Quest med det navn findes allerede!"
questEditorBeingEdited: "Nogen opretter/rediger en Quest med dette navn!"
questEditorInvalidQuestName: "Navnet må ikke indeholde punktom eller kommaer!"
questEditorInvalidEventName: "er ikke et gyldigt begivenhedsnavn!"
questEditorInvalidNPC: "Ingen NPC findes med den ID!"
questEditorNoStartBlockSelected: "Du skal vælge en block først."
questEditorPositiveAmount: "Tallet skal være et positivt tal."
questEditorQuestAsRequirement1: "De følgende Quests har"
questEditorQuestAsRequirement2: "som et krav:"
questEditorQuestAsRequirement3: "Du skal ændre disse Quests, så de ikke bruger dem før du sletter dem."
questEditorQuestNotFound: "Quest ikke fundet!"
questEditorEventCleared: "Indledende begivenhed ryddet."
questEditorSave: "Afslut og gem"
questEditorNeedAskMessage: "Du skal angive en spørg besked!"
questEditorNeedFinishMessage: "Du skal angive en slut bedsked!"
questEditorNeedStages: "Din Quest har ingen faser!"
questEditorSaved: "Quest saved! (Ye will needs t' perform a Quest reload fer it t' appear)"
questEditorExited: "Are ye sure ye wants t' exit without savin'?"
questEditorDeleted: "Are ye sure ye wants t' scuttle th' Quest"
questEditorNoPermsCreate: "Ye do nah 'ave permission t' create Quests."
questEditorNoPermsEdit: "Ye do nah 'ave permission t' edit Quests."
questEditorNoPermsDelete: "Ye do nah 'ave permission t' scuttle Quests."
stageEditorEditStage: "Rediger scene"
stageEditorNewStage: "Tilføj ny scene"
stageEditorStages: "Scener"
stageEditorStage: "Scene"
stageEditorBreakBlocks: "Smadre blokke"
stageEditorDamageBlocks: "Skader blokke"
stageEditorPlaceBlocks: "Placere blokke"
stageEditorUseBlocks: "Brug blokke"
stageEditorCutBlocks: "Skær blokke"
stageEditorCatchFish: "Fang fisk"
stageEditorFish: "fisk"
stageEditorKillPlayers: "Dræb spillere"
stageEditorPlayers: "spillere"
stageEditorEnchantItems: "Enchant Items"
stageEditorDeliverItems: "Levere items"
stageEditorTalkToNPCs: "Tal til NPC'er"
stageEditorKillNPCs: "Dræb NPC'er"
stageEditorKillMobs: "Dræb Mobs"
stageEditorReachLocs: "Reach spots"
stageEditorReachRadii1: "Nå området inden"
stageEditorReachRadii2: "blokke af"
stageEditorTameMobs: "Tem Mobs"
stageEditorShearSheep: "Klip får"
stageEditorEvents: "Begivenheder"
stageEditorStageEvents: "Stadies Begivenheder"
stageEditorStartEvent: "Start begivenhed"
stageEditorStartEventCleared: "Start begivenhed fjernet."
stageEditorFinishEvent: "Udfør begivenhed"
stageEditorFinishEventCleared: "Slut begivenheden fjernet."
stageEditorChatEvents: "Chat begivenheder"
stageEditorChatTrigger: "Chat Udløser"
stageEditorTriggeredBy: "Udløst af"
stageEditorChatEventsCleared: "Chat begivenheder fjernet."
stageEditorDeathEvent: "Døds begivenhed"
stageEditorDeathEventCleared: "Døds begivenhed fjernet."
stageEditorDisconnectEvent: "Gik ud begivenhed"
stageEditorDisconnectEventCleared: "Gik ud begivenhed fjernet."
stageEditorDelayMessage: "Forsinkels besked"
stageEditorDenizenScript: "Denizen Script"
stageEditorStartMessage: "Start besked"
stageEditorCompleteMessage: "Færdig gjort besked"
stageEditorDelete: "Fjernet scene"
stageEditorSetBlockNames: "Sæt blok navne"
stageEditorSetBlockAmounts: "Sæt antal blok"
stageEditorSetBlockDurability: "Sæt blok holdbarheden"
stageEditorSetDamageAmounts: "Sæt antal skade"
stageEditorSetPlaceAmounts: "Sæt antal placeringer"
stageEditorSetUseAmounts: "Sæt antal brugte"
stageEditorSetCutAmounts: "Sæt antal skæringer"
stageEditorSetKillAmounts: "Sæt antal dræbe"
stageEditorSetEnchantAmounts: "Sæt antal besværgelse"
stageEditorSetMobAmounts: "Sæt antal mob"
stageEditorSetEnchantments: "Sæt besværgelser"
stageEditorSetItemNames: "Sæt item navne"
stageEditorSetKillIds: "Sæt NPC ID'er"
stageEditorSetMobTypes: "Sæt mob typer"
stageEditorSetKillLocations: "Sæt dræbe steder"
stageEditorSetKillLocationRadii: "Sæt dræbe steder radius"
stageEditorSetKillLocationNames: "Sæt dræbe steder navne"
stageEditorSetLocations: "Sæt steder"
stageEditorSetLocationRadii: "Sæt steder radius"
stageEditorSetLocationNames: "Sæt steder navne"
stageEditorSetTameAmounts: "Sæt antal tæmme"
stageEditorSetShearColors: "Sæt får farver"
stageEditorSetShearAmounts: "Sæt antal klippe"
stageEditorPassword: "Adgangskode mål"
stageEditorAddPasswordDisplay: "Tilføj adgangskode til visning"
stageEditorAddPasswordPhrases: "Tilføj adgangskode sætninger"
stageEditorNoPasswordDisplays: "Ingen adgangskode sat til display"
stageObjectiveOverride: "Objektive Display Override"
stageEditorCustom: "Håndlavede mål"
stageEditorNoModules: "Intet modul indlæst"
stageEditorModuleNotFound: "Håndlavede objektiv modul blev ikke fundet."
stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Skriv navnet på den håndlavede objektivet for at tilføje den, eller skriv 'clear' for at fjerne alle håndlavede objekter, eller 'cancel' for at gå tilbage."
stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "Dette håndlavede objekt er allerede blevet tilføjet!"
stageEditorCustomCleared: "Håndlavede objekt ryddet."
stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Skriv værdien for <data>:"
stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Skriv blok navne (eller ID), adskil hver ID mellem et mellemrum, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Skriv antal ødelæggelse af blokke (skal være tal), adskil hver enkelt af et mellem, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Skriv antal skade (skal være tal), adskil hver enkelt med et mellemrum, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Skriv antal blokke sat (I tal), adskil hver enkelt med mellemrum, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorUseBlocksPrompt: "Skriv antallet brugte (i tal), adskil hver enkelt med mellemrum, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorCutBlocksPrompt: "Skriv antal snits (i tal), adskil hver enkelt med mellemrum, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorEnterBlockDurability: "Skriv blok holdbarhed (i tal), adskil hver enkelt med et mellemrum, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorCatchFishPrompt: "Skriv numre på hvor mange fisk der skal fanges, eller skriv 0 for at fjerne målet, eller -1 for at annullere"
stageEditorKillPlayerPrompt: "Skriv numre på hvor mange spillere der skal dræbes, eller 0 for at ryddet tallet, eller -1 for at annullere"
stageEditorEnchantTypePrompt: "Skriv enchantments navne, adskil hver af dem med et mellemrum, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorEnchantAmountsPrompt: "Skriv antal enchantments (i tal), adskil hver af dem med et mellemrum, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorItemNamesPrompt: "Skriv item navne, adskil dem med et mellemrum, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorNPCPrompt: "Skriv NPC IDs, adskil dem med et mellemrum, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorNPCToTalkToPrompt: "Skriv NPC ID'et, adskil hver enkelt med et mellemrum, eller skriv 'clear' for at ryddet lisen, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorDeliveryMessagesPrompt: "Skriv laveringens bedsked, adskil hver enkelt, med et semicolon, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorKillNPCsPrompt: "Skriv antal dræbs (i tal), adskil hver enkelt med et mellem, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage."
stageEditorMobsPrompt: "Angiv mob navnet, adskil dem med et mellemrum, eller skriv 'cancel' for at vende tilbage"
stageEditorMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amounts separatin' each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' t' return"
stageEditorMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block t' select it, then enter 'add' t' add it t' th' kill spot list, or enter 'cancel' t' return"
stageEditorMobLocationRadiiPrompt: "Enter kill spot radii (number o' blocks) separatin' each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' t' return"
stageEditorMobLocationNamesPrompt: "Enter location names separating each one by a comma, or enter 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorReachLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, then enter 'add' to add it to the reach location list, or enter 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorReachLocationRadiiPrompt: "Enter reach location radii (number of blocks) separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorReachLocationNamesPrompt: "Enter location names separating each one by a comma, or enter 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorTameAmountsPrompt: "Enter tame amounts separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorShearColorsPrompt: "Enter sheep colors separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorShearAmountsPrompt: "Enter shear amounts separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorEventsPrompt: "Enter an event name, or enter 'clear' to clear the event, or 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "Enter an event name to add, or enter 'clear' to clear all chat events, or 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPromptA: "Enter a chat trigger for"
stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPromptB: "or enter 'cancel' to return."
stageEditorDelayPrompt: "Enter time (in seconds), or enter 'clear' to clear the delay, or 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorDelayMessagePrompt: "Enter delay message, or enter 'clear' to clear the message, or 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorScriptPrompt: "Enter script name, or enter 'clear' to clear the script, or 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorStartMessagePrompt: "Enter start message, or enter 'clear' to clear the message, or 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorCompleteMessagePrompt: "Enter complete message, or enter 'clear' to clear the message, or 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorPasswordDisplayPrompt: "Enter a password display, or 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorPasswordDisplayHint: "(This is the text that will be displayed to the player as their objective)"
stageEditorPasswordPhrasePrompt: "Enter a password phrase, or 'cancel' to return"
stageEditorPasswordPhraseHint1: "(This is the text that a player has to say to complete the objective)"
stageEditorPasswordPhraseHint2: "If you want multiple password phrases, seperate them by a | (pipe)"
stageEditorObjectiveOverridePrompt: "Enter objective display override, or 'clear' to clear the override, or 'cancel' to return."
stageEditorObjectiveOverrideHint: "(The objective display override will show up as the players current objective)"
stageEditorObjectiveOverrideCleared: "Objective display override cleared."
stageEditorDeliveryAddItem: "Add item"
stageEditorDeliveryNPCs: "Set NPC IDs"
stageEditorDeliveryMessages: "Set delivery messages"
stageEditorContainsDuplicates: "List contains duplicates!"
stageEditorInvalidBlockName: "is not a valid block name!"
stageEditorInvalidEnchantment: "is not a valid enchantment name!"
stageEditorInvalidNPC: "is not a valid NPC ID!"
stageEditorInvalidMob: "is not a valid mob name!"
stageEditorInvalidItemName: "is not a valid item name!"
stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
stageEditorNoEnchantments: "You must set enchantments first!"
stageEditorNoItems: "You must add items first!"
stageEditorNoDeliveryMessage: "You must set at least one delivery message!"
stageEditorNoNPCs: "You must set NPC IDs first!"
stageEditorNoMobTypes: "You must set mob types first!"
stageEditorNoKillLocations: "You must set kill locations first!"
stageEditorNoBlockSelected: "You must select a block first."
stageEditorNoColors: "You must set colors first!"
stageEditorNoLocations: "You must set locations first!"
stageEditorNoEnchantmentsSet: "No enchantments set"
stageEditorNoItemsSet: "No items set"
stageEditorNoMobTypesSet: "No mob types set"
stageEditorNoLocationsSet: "No locations set"
stageEditorNoColorsSet: "No colors set"
stageEditorListNotSameSize: "The block names list and the amounts list are not the same size!"
stageEditorEnchantmentNotSameSize: "The enchantments list, the item id list and the enchant amount list are not the same size!"
stageEditorDeliveriesNotSameSize: "The item list and the NPC list are not equal in size!"
stageEditorNPCKillsNotSameSize: "The NPC IDs list and the kill amounts list are not the same size!"
stageEditorAllListsNotSameSize: "All of your lists are not the same size!"
stageEditorMobTypesNotSameSize: "The mob types list and the mob amounts list are not the same size!"
stageEditorTameMobsNotSameSize: "The mob types list and the tame amounts list are not the same size!"
stageEditorShearNotSameSize: "The sheep colors list and the shear amounts list are not the same size!"
stageEditorMustSetPasswordDisplays: "You must add at least one password display first!"
stageEditorAddPasswordCleared: "Adgangskode måls ryddet."
stageEditorPasswordNotSameSize: "Adgangskodens display og adgangskodelister er ikke samme størrelse!"
stageEditorListContainsDuplicates: " List contains duplicates!"
stageEditorDelayCleared: "Delay cleared."
stageEditorDelayMessageCleared: "Delay message cleared."
stageEditorDenizenCleared: "Denizen script cleared."
stageEditorBreakBlocksCleared: "Break blocks objective cleared."
stageEditorDamageBlocksCleared: "Damage blocks objective cleared."
stageEditorPlaceBlocksCleared: "Place blocks objective cleared."
stageEditorUseBlocksCleared: "Use blocks objective cleared."
stageEditorCutBlocksCleared: "Cut blocks objective cleared."
stageEditorEnchantmentsCleared: "Enchantment objective cleared."
stageEditorDeliveriesCleared: "Delivery objective cleared."
stageEditorReachLocationsCleared: "Reach Locations objective cleared."
stageEditorKillNPCsCleared: "Kill NPCs objective cleared."
stageEditorKillMobsCleared: "Kill Mobs objective cleared."
stageEditorTameCleared: "Tame Mobs objective cleared."
stageEditorShearCleared: "Shear Sheep objective cleared."
stageEditorStartMessageCleared: "Start message cleared."
stageEditorCompleteMessageCleared: "Complete message cleared."
stageEditorConfirmStageDelete: "Are you sure you want to delete this stage?"
stageEditorConfirmStageNote: "Any Stages after will be shifted back one spot"
stageEditorDeleteSucces: "Stage deleted successfully."
stageEditorEnchantments: "Enchantments"
stageEditorNPCNote: 'Note: You may specify the name of the NPC with <npc>'
stageEditorOptional: "Optional"
stageEditorColors: "Sheep Colors"
allListsNotSameSize: "All of your lists are not the same size!"
eventEditorCreate: "Opret en begivenhed"
eventEditorEdit: "Rediger en begivenhed"
eventEditorDelete: "Fjern en begivenhed"
eventEditorCreatePermisssions: "You do not have permission to create new Events."
eventEditorEditPermisssions: "You do not have permission to edit Events."
eventEditorDeletePermisssions: "You do not have permission to delete Events."
eventEditorNoneToEdit: "No Events currently exist to be edited!"
eventEditorNoneToDelete: "No Events currently exist to be deleted!"
eventEditorNotFound: "Begivenheden blev ikke fundet!"
eventEditorExists: "Begivenheden findes allerede!"
eventEditorSomeone: "Someone is already creating or editing an Event with that name!"
eventEditorAlpha: "Name must be alphanumeric!"
eventEditorErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Events file."
eventEditorErrorSaving: "An error occurred while saving."
eventEditorDeleted: "Event deleted, Quests and Events reloaded."
eventEditorSaved: "Event saved, Quests and Events reloaded."
eventEditorEnterEventName: "Enter an Event name, or 'cancel' to return."
eventEditorDeletePrompt: "Are you sure you want to delete the Event"
eventEditorQuitWithoutSaving: "Are you sure you want to quit without saving?"
eventEditorFinishAndSave: "Are you sure you want to finish and save the Event"
eventEditorModifiedNote: 'Note: You have modified an Event that the following Quests use:'
eventEditorForcedToQuit: "If you save the Event, anyone who is actively doing any of these Quests will be forced to quit them."
eventEditorEventInUse: "The following Quests use the Event"
eventEditorMustModifyQuests: "eventEditorNotFound"
eventEditorListSizeMismatch: "The lists are not the same size!"
eventEditorListDuplicates: "List contains duplicates!"
eventEditorNotANumberList: "Input was not a list of numbers!"
eventEditorInvalidEntry: "Invalid entry"
eventEditorSetName: "Set name"
eventEditorSetMessage: "Set message"
eventEditorClearInv: "Clear player inventory"
eventEditorFailQuest: "Fail the quest"
eventEditorSetExplosions: "Set explosion locations"
eventEditorSetLightning: "Set lightning strike locations"
eventEditorSetEffects: "Set effects"
eventEditorSetStorm: "Set storm"
eventEditorSetThunder: "Set thunder"
eventEditorSetMobSpawns: "Set mob spawns"
eventEditorSetPotionEffects: "Set potion effects"
eventEditorSetHunger: "Set player hunger level"
eventEditorSetSaturation: "Set player saturation level"
eventEditorSetHealth: "Set player health level"
eventEditorEnterTimerSeconds: "Set number of seconds left before the quest fails (use cancel-timer event to cancel timers)"
eventEditorSetTimer: "Set time to fail quest"
eventEditorCancelTimer: "Cancel the quest timer"
eventEditorSetTeleport: "Set player teleport location"
eventEditorSetCommands: "Set commands to execute"
eventEditorItems: "Event Items"
eventEditorSetItems: "Give items"
eventEditorItemsCleared: "Event items cleared."
eventEditorAddItem: "Add item"
eventEditorSetItemNames: "Set item names"
eventEditorSetItemAmounts: "Set item amounts"
eventEditorNoNames: "No names set"
eventEditorMustSetNames: "You must set item names first!"
eventEditorInvalidName: "is not a valid item name!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
eventEditorNotANumber: "is not a number!"
eventEditorStorm: "Event Storm"
eventEditorSetWorld: "Set world"
eventEditorSetDuration: "Set duration"
eventEditorNoWorld: "(No world set)"
eventEditorSetWorldFirst: "You must set a world first!"
eventEditorInvalidWorld: "is not a valid world name!"
eventEditorMustSetStormDuration: "You must set a storm duration!"
eventEditorStormCleared: "Storm data cleared."
eventEditorEnterStormWorld: "Enter a world name for the storm to occur in, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorEnterDuration: "Enter duration (in seconds)"
eventEditorAtLeastOneSecond: "Amount must be at least 1 second!"
eventEditorNotGreaterThanOneSecond: "is not greater than 1 second!"
eventEditorThunder: "Event Thunder"
eventEditorMustSetThunderDuration: "You must set a thunder duration!"
eventEditorThunderCleared: "Thunder data cleared."
eventEditorEnterThunderWorld: "Enter a world name for the thunder to occur in, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorEffects: "Event Effects"
eventEditorAddEffect: "Add effect"
eventEditorAddEffectLocation: "Add effect location"
eventEditorNoEffects: "No effects set"
eventEditorMustAddEffects: "You must add effects first!"
eventEditorInvalidEffect: "is not a valid effect name!"
eventEditorEffectsCleared: "Event effects cleared."
eventEditorEffectLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to play an effect at, then enter 'add' to add it to the list, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorMobSpawns: "Event Mob Spawns"
eventEditorAddMobTypes: "Add mob"
eventEditorNoTypesSet: "(No type set)"
eventEditorMustSetMobTypesFirst: "You must set the mob type first!"
eventEditorSetMobAmounts: "Set mob amount"
eventEditorNoAmountsSet: "(No amounts set)"
eventEditorMustSetMobAmountsFirst: "You must set mob amount first!"
eventEditorAddSpawnLocation: "Set spawn location"
eventEditorMobSpawnsCleared: "Mob spawns cleared."
eventEditorMustSetMobLocationFirst: "You must set a spawn-location first!"
eventEditorInvalidMob: "is not a valid mob name!"
eventEditorSetMobName: "Set custom name for mob"
eventEditorSetMobType: "Set mob type"
eventEditorSetMobItemInHand: "Set item in hand"
eventEditorSetMobItemInHandDrop: "Set drop chance of item in hand"
eventEditorSetMobBoots: "Set boots"
eventEditorSetMobBootsDrop: "Set drop chance of boots"
eventEditorSetMobLeggings: "Set leggings"
eventEditorSetMobLeggingsDrop: "Set drop chance of leggings"
eventEditorSetMobChestPlate: "Set chest plate"
eventEditorSetMobChestPlateDrop: "Set drop chance of chest plate"
eventEditorSetMobHelmet: "Set helmet"
eventEditorSetMobHelmetDrop: "Set drop chance of helmet"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnLoc: "Right-click on a block to spawn a mob at, then enter 'add' to the confirm it, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetMobSpawnAmount: "Set the amount of mobs to spawn"
eventEditorSetDropChance: "Set the drop chance"
eventEditorInvalidDropChance: "Drop chance has to be between 0.0 and 1.0"
eventEditorLightningPrompt: "Right-click on a block to spawn a lightning strike at, then enter 'add' to add it to the list, or enter 'clear' to clear the locations list, or 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorPotionEffects: "Event Potion Effects"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectTypes: "Set potion effect types"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesFirst: "You must set potion effect types first!"
eventEditorSetPotionDurations: "Set potion effect durations"
eventEditorMustSetPotionDurationsFirst: "You must set potion effect durations first!"
eventEditorMustSetPotionTypesAndDurationsFirst: "You must set potion effect types and durations first!"
eventEditorNoDurationsSet: "(No durations set)"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudes: "Set potion effect magnitudes"
eventEditorPotionsCleared: "Potion effects cleared."
eventEditorInvalidPotionType: "is not a valid potion effect type!"
eventEditorEnterNPCId: "Enter NPC ID (or -1 to return)"
eventEditorNoNPCExists: "No NPC exists with that id!"
eventEditorExplosionPrompt: "Right-click on a block to spawn an explosion at, then enter 'add' to add it to the list, or enter 'clear' to clear the explosions list, or 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSelectBlockFirst: "You must select a block first."
eventEditorSetMessagePrompt: "Enter message, or enter 'none' to delete, (or 'cancel' to return)"
eventEditorSetItemNamesPrompt: "Enter item names separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
eventEditorSetItemAmountsPrompt: "Enter item amounts (numbers) separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
eventEditorSetMobTypesPrompt: "Enter mob name, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amount, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetMobNamePrompt: "Set the name for this mob, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, then enter 'add' to add it to the mob spawn location list, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetPotionEffectsPrompt: "Enter potion effect types separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetPotionDurationsPrompt: "Enter effect durations (in milliseconds) separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetPotionMagnitudesPrompt: "Enter potion effect magnitudes separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorSetHungerPrompt: "Enter hunger level, or -1 to remove it"
eventEditorHungerLevelAtLeastZero: "Hunger level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetSaturationPrompt: "Enter saturation level, or -1 to remove it"
eventEditorSaturationLevelAtLeastZero: "Saturation level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetHealthPrompt: "Enter health level, or -1 to remove it"
eventEditorHealthLevelAtLeastZero: "Health level must be at least 0!"
eventEditorSetTeleportPrompt: "Right-click on a block to teleport the player to, then enter 'done' to finish, or enter 'clear' to clear the teleport location, or 'cancel' to return"
eventEditorCommandsNote: 'Note: You may use <player> to refer to the player''s name.'
eventEditorSetCommandsPrompt: "Enter commands separating each one by a comma, or enter 'clear' to clear the list, or enter 'cancel' to return."
reqSetMoney: "Set money requirement"
reqSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points requirement"
reqSetItem: "Set item requirements"
reqSetPerms: "Set permission requirements"
reqSetQuest: "Set Quest requirements"
reqSetQuestBlocks: "Set Quest blocks"
reqSetMcMMO: "Set mcMMO requirements"
reqSetHeroes: "Set Heroes requirements"
reqSetCustom: "Custom requirements"
reqSetFail: "Set fail requirements message"
reqSetSkills: "Set skills"
reqSetSkillAmounts: "Set skill amounts"
reqHeroesSetPrimary: "Set Primary Class"
reqHeroesSetSecondary: "Set Secondary Class"
reqMoneyPrompt: "Enter amount of <money>, or 0 to clear the money requirement, or -1 to cancel"
reqQuestPointsPrompt: "Enter amount of Quest Points, or 0 to clear the Quest Point requirement, or -1 to cancel"
reqQuestPrompt: "Enter a list of Quest names separating each one by a <comma>, or enter 'clear' to clear the list, or 'cancel' to return."
reqRemoveItemsPrompt: "Enter a list of true/false values, separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
reqPermissionsPrompt: "Enter permission requirements separating each one by a space, or enter 'clear' to clear the list, or enter 'cancel' to return."
reqCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom requirement to add, or enter 'clear' to clear all custom requirements, or 'cancel' to return."
reqMcMMOPrompt: "Enter mcMMO skills, separating each one by a space, or enter 'clear' to clear the list, or 'cancel' to return."
reqMcMMOAmountsPrompt: "Enter mcMMO skill amounts, separating each one by a space, or enter 'clear' to clear the list, or 'cancel' to return."
reqHeroesPrimaryPrompt: "Enter a Heroes Primary Class name, or enter 'clear' to clear the requirement, or 'cancel' to return."
reqHeroesSecondaryPrompt: "Enter a Heroes Secondary Class name, or enter 'clear' to clear the requirement, or 'cancel' to return."
reqFailMessagePrompt: "Enter fail requirements message, or enter 'cancel' to return."
reqAddItem: "Add item"
reqSetRemoveItems: "Set remove items"
reqNoItemsSet: "No items set"
reqNoValuesSet: "No values set"
reqHeroesPrimaryDisplay: "Primary Class:"
reqHeroesSecondaryDisplay: "Secondary Class:"
reqGreaterThanZero: "Amount must be greater than 0!"
reqNotAQuestName: "<quest> is not a Quest name!"
reqItemCleared: "Item requirements cleared."
reqListsNotSameSize: "The items list and remove items list are not the same size!"
reqTrueFalseError: '<input> is not a true or false value!%br%Example: true false true true'
reqCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom requirement has already been added!"
reqCustomNotFound: "Custom requirement module not found."
reqCustomCleared: "Custom requirements cleared."
reqMcMMOError: "<input> is not an mcMMO skill name!"
reqMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO skill requirements cleared."
reqMcMMOAmountsCleared: "mcMMO skill amount requirements cleared."
reqHeroesNotPrimary: "The <class> class is not primary!"
reqHeroesPrimaryCleared: "Heroes Primary Class requirement cleared."
reqHeroesNotSecondary: "The <class> class is not secondary!"
reqHeroesSecondaryCleared: "Heroes Secondary Class requirement cleared."
reqHeroesClassNotFound: "Class not found!"
reqNone: "No requirements set"
reqNotANumber: "<input> is not a number!"
reqMustAddItem: "You must add at least one item first!"
reqNoMessage: "You must set a fail requirements message!"
reqNoMcMMO: "mcMMO not installed"
reqNoHeroes: "Heroes not installed"
rewSetMoney: "Set money reward"
rewSetQuestPoints: "Set Quest Points reward"
rewSetItems: "Set item rewards"
rewSetExperience: "Set experience reward"
rewSetCommands: "Set command rewards"
rewSetPermission: "Set permission rewards"
rewSetMcMMO: "Set mcMMO skill rewards"
rewSetHeroes: "Set Heroes experience rewards"
rewSetPhat: "Set PhatLoot rewards"
rewSetCustom: "Set Custom Rewards"
rewSetHeroesClasses: "Set classes"
rewSetHeroesAmounts: "Set experience amounts"
rewMoneyPrompt: "Enter amount of <money>, or 0 to clear the money reward, or -1 to cancel"
rewExperiencePrompt: "Enter amount of experience, or 0 to clear the experience reward, or -1 to cancel"
rewCommandPrompt: "Enter command rewards separating each one by a <comma>, or enter 'clear' to clear the list, or enter 'cancel' to return."
rewCommandPromptHint: 'Note: You may put <player> to specify the player who completed the Quest. e.g. smite <player>'
rewPermissionsPrompt: "Enter permission rewards separating each one by a space, or enter 'clear' to clear the list, or enter 'cancel' to return."
rewQuestPointsPrompt: "Enter amount of Quest Points, or 0 to clear the Quest Point reward, or -1 to cancel"
rewMcMMOPrompt: "Enter mcMMO skills, separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
rewMcMMOPromptHint: 'Note: Typing ''All'' will give levels to all skills.'
rewHeroesClassesPrompt: "Enter Heroes classes separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
rewHeroesExperiencePrompt: "Enter experience amounts (numbers, decimals are allowed) separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
rewPhatLootsPrompt: "Enter PhatLoots separating each one by a space, or enter 'clear' to clear the list, or 'cancel' to return."
rewCustomRewardPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom reward to add, or enter 'clear' to clear all custom rewards, or 'cancel' to return."
rewItemsCleared: "Item rewards cleared."
rewNoMcMMOSkills: "No skills set"
rewNoHeroesClasses: "No classes set"
rewSetMcMMOSkillsFirst: "You must set skills first!"
rewMcMMOCleared: "mcMMO rewards cleared."
rewMcMMOListsNotSameSize: "The skills list and skill amounts list are not the same size!"
rewSetHeroesClassesFirst: "You must set classes first!"
rewHeroesCleared: "Heroes rewards cleared."
rewHeroesListsNotSameSize: "The classes list and experience amounts list are not the same size!"
rewHeroesInvalidClass: "<input> is not a valid Heroes class name!"
rewPhatLootsInvalid: "<input> is not a valid PhatLoot name!"
rewPhatLootsCleared: "PhatLoots reward cleared."
rewCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom reward has already been added!"
rewCustomNotFound: "Custom reward module not found."
rewCustomCleared: "Custom rewards cleared."
rewNoPhat: "PhatLoots not installed"
itemCreateLoadHand: "Load item in hand"
itemCreateSetName: "Set name"
itemCreateSetAmount: "Set amount"
itemCreateSetDurab: "Set durability"
itemCreateSetEnchs: "Add/clear enchantments"
itemCreateSetDisplay: "Set display name"
itemCreateSetLore: "Set lore"
itemCreateEnterName: "Enter an item name, or 'cancel' to return."
itemCreateEnterAmount: "Enter item amount (max. 64), or 'cancel' to return."
itemCreateEnterDurab: "Enter item durability, or 'clear' to clear the data, or 'cancel' to return."
itemCreateEnterEnch: "Enter an enchantment name, or 'clear' to clear the enchantments, or 'cancel' to return."
itemCreateEnterLevel: "Enter a level (number) for <enchantment>"
itemCreateEnterDisplay: "Enter item display name, or 'clear' to clear the display name, or 'cancel' to return."
itemCreateEnterLore: "Enter item lore, separating each line by a semi-colon ; or 'clear' to clear the lore, or 'cancel' to return."
itemCreateLoaded: "Item loaded."
itemCreateNoItem: "No item in hand!"
itemCreateNoName: "You must set a name first!"
itemCreateInvalidName: "Invalid item name!"
itemCreateInvalidAmount: "Amount must be between 1-64!"
itemCreateInvalidDurab: "Invalid item durability!"
itemCreateInvalidEnch: "Invalid enchantment name!"
itemCreateInvalidLevel: "Level must be greater than 0!"
itemCreateInvalidInput: "Invalid input!"
itemCreateNotNumber: "Input was not a number!"
itemCreateNoNameAmount: "You must set a name and amount first!"
itemCreateCriticalError: "A critical error has occurred."
questTitle: "-- <quest> --"
questObjectivesTitle: "---(<quest>)---"
questCompleteTitle: '**QUEST COMPLETE: <quest>**'
questRewardsTitle: "Rewards:"
journalTitle: "Quest Journal"
questsTitle: "- Quests -"
questHelpTitle: "- Quests -"
questListTitle: "- Quests -"
questNPCListTitle: "- Quests | <npc> -"
questAdminHelpTitle: "- Questadmin -"
questEditorTitle: "- Quest Editor -"
eventEditorTitle: "- Event Editor - "
questCreateTitle: "- Create Quest -"
questEditTitle: "- Edit Quest -"
questDeleteTitle: "- Delete Quest -"
requirementsTitle: "- <quest> | Requirements -"
rewardsTitle: "- <quest> | Rewards -"
itemRequirementsTitle: "- Item Requirements -"
itemRewardsTitle: "- Item Rewards -"
mcMMORequirementsTitle: "- mcMMO Requirements -"
mcMMORewardsTitle: "- mcMMO Rewards -"
heroesRequirementsTitle: "- Heroes Requirements -"
heroesRewardsTitle: "- Heroes Rewards -"
heroesClassesTitle: "- Heroes Classes -"
heroesExperienceTitle: "- Heroes Experience -"
heroesPrimaryTitle: "- Primary Classes -"
heroesSecondaryTitle: "- Secondary Classes -"
phatLootsRewardsTitle: "- PhatLoots Rewards -"
customRequirementsTitle: "- Custom Requirements -"
customRewardsTitle: "- Custom Rewards -"
skillListTitle: "- Skill List -"
eventTitle: "- Event -"
completedQuestsTitle: "- Completed Quests -"
topQuestersTitle: "- Top <number> Questers -"
createItemTitle: "- Create Item -"
enchantmentsTitle: "- Enchantments -"
questGUITitle: "- GUI Item Display -"
questRegionTitle: "- Quest Region -"
eventEditorGiveItemsTitle: "- Give Items -"
eventEditorEffectsTitle: "- Effects -"
eventEditorStormTitle: "- Event Storm -"
eventEditorThunderTitle: "- Event Thunder -"
eventEditorMobSpawnsTitle: "- Event Mob Spawns -"
eventEditorMobsTitle: "- Mobs -"
eventEditorAddMobTypesTitle: "- Add Mob -"
eventEditorPotionEffectsTitle: "- Event Potion Effects -"
eventEditorPotionTypesTitle: "- Event Potion Types -"
eventEditorWorldsTitle: "- Worlds -"
effBlazeShoot: "Sound of a Blaze firing"
effBowFire: "Sound of a bow firing"
effClick1: "A click sound"
effClick2: "A different click sound"
effDoorToggle: "Sound of a door opening or closing"
effExtinguish: "Sound of fire being extinguished"
effGhastShoot: "Sound of a Ghast firing"
effGhastShriek: "Sound of a Ghast shrieking"
effZombieWood: "Sound of a Zombie chewing an iron door"
effZombieIron: "Sound of a Zombie chewing a wooden door"
effEnterName: "Enter an effect name to add it to the list, or enter 'cancel' to return"
cmdCancel: "cancel"
cmdAdd: "add"
cmdClear: "clear"
cmdNone: "none"
cmdDone: "done"
acceptQuest: "Accept Quest?"
enterAnOption: "Enter an option"
questAccepted: 'Quest accepted: <quest>'
currentQuest: "Current Quests:"
noMoreQuest: "No more quests available."
damage: "Damage"
break: "Break"
place: "Place"
use: "Use"
cut: "Cut"
catchFish: "Catch Fish"
enchantItem: "Enchant <item> with <enchantment>"
kill: "Kill"
killAtLocation: "Kill <mob> at <location>"
killPlayer: "Kill a Player"
deliver: "Deliver <item> to <npc>"
talkTo: "Talk to <npc>"
tame: "Tame"
shearSheep: "Shear <color> sheep"
goTo: "Go to <location>"
completed: "Completed"
redoCompleted: "(Completed)"
consoleError: "This command may only be performed in-game."
invalidSelection: "Invalid selection!"
noActiveQuest: "You do not currently have any active Quests."
speakTo: 'Start: Speak to <npc>'
mustSpeakTo: "You must speak to <npc> to start this Quest."
noCommandStart: "<quest> may not be started via command."
permissionDisplay: "Permission:"
heroesClass: "class"
mcMMOLevel: "level"
haveCompleted: "You have completed <quest>"
cannotComplete: "Cannot complete <quest>"
questNotFound: "Quest not found."
alreadyConversing: "You already are in a conversation!"
inputNum: "Input must be a number."
inputPosNum: "Input must be a positive number."
questModified: "Your active Quest <quest> has been modified. You have been forced to quit the Quest."
questNotExist: "Your active Quest <quest> no longer exists. You have been forced to quit the Quest."
questInvalidChoice: "Invalid choice. Type 'Yes' or 'No'"
questPointsDisplay: "Quest points:"
questNoDrop: "You may not drop Quest items."
questNoBrew: "You may not brew Quest items."
questNoStore: "You may not store Quest items."
questNoCraft: "You may not craft Quest items."
questNoEquip: "You may not equip Quest items."
questNoDispense: "You may not put Quest items in dispensers."
questNoEnchant: "You may not enchant Quest items."
questNoSmelt: "You may not smelt using Quest items."
questInfoNoPerms: "You do not have permission to view a Quest's information."
questCmdNoPerms: "You do not have access to that command."
pageSelectionNum: "Page selection must be a number."
pageSelectionPosNum: "Page selection must be a positive number."
questListNoPerms: "You do not have permission to view the Quests list."
questTakeNoPerms: "You do not have permission to take Quests via commands."
questTakeDisabled: "Taking Quests via commands has been disabled."
questQuit: "You have quit <quest>"
questQuitNoPerms: "You do not have permission to quit Quests."
questQuitDisabled: "Quitting Quests has been disabled."
questEditorNoPerms: "You do not have permission to use the Quests Editor."
eventEditorNoPerms: "You do not have permission to use the Events Editor."
questsUnknownCommand: "Unknown Quests command. Type /quests for help."
pageNotExist: "Page does not exist."
pageFooter: "- Page <current> of <all> -"
questsReloaded: "Quests reloaded."
numQuestsLoaded: "<number> Quests loaded."
questForceTake: "<player> has forcibly started the Quest <quest>."
questForcedTake: "<player> has forced you to take the Quest <quest>."
questForceQuit: "<player> has forcibly quit the Quest <quest>."
questForcedQuit: "<player> has forced you to quit the Quest <quest>."
questForceFinish: "<player> has forcibly finished their Quest <quest>."
questForcedFinish: "<player> has forced you to finish your Quest <quest>."
questForceNextStage: "<player> has advanced to the next Stage in the Quest <quest>."
questForcedNextStage: "<player> has advanced you to the next Stage in your Quest <quest>."
questPurged: "<player> has been purged and blacklisted."
questReset: "<player> has been reset."
questRemoved: "Quest <quest> has been removed from player <player>'s completed Quests."
settingAllQuestPoints: "Setting all players' Quest Points..."
allQuestPointsSet: "All players' Quest Points have been set to <number>!"
setQuestPoints: "<player>'s Quest Points have been set to <number>."
questPointsSet: "<player> has set your Quest Points to <number>."
takeQuestPoints: "Took away <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsTaken: "<player> took away <number> Quest Points."
giveQuestPoints: "Gave <number> Quest Points from <player>."
questPointsGiven: "<player> gave you <number> Quest Points."
enableNPCGUI: "<npc> will now provide a GUI Quest Display."
disableNPCGUI: "<npc> will no longer provide a GUI Quest Display."
invalidNumber: "Invalid number."
noCurrentQuest: "<player> does not currently have any active Quests."
playerNotFound: "Player not found."
invalidStageNum: "Invalid stage number for Quest <quest>"
errorNPCID: 'Error: There is no NPC with ID <number>'
errorReading: "Error reading <file>, skipping.."
errorReadingSuppress: "Error reading <file>, suppressing further errors."
errorDataFolder: 'Error: Unable to read Quests data folder!'
questsPlayerHasQuestAlready: "<player> is already on the Quest <quest>!"
questsUnknownAdminCommand: "Unknown Questsadmin command. Type /questsadmin for help."
unknownError: "An unknown error occurred. See console output."
journalTaken: "You take out your Quest Journal."
journalPutAway: "You put away your Quest Journal."
journalAlreadyHave: "You already have your Quest Journal out."
journalNoRoom: "You have no room in your inventory for your Quest Journal!"
journalNoQuests: "You have no accepted quests!"
journalDenied: "You cannot do that with your Quest Journal."
timeDay: "Day"
timeDays: "Days"
timeHour: "Hour"
timeHours: "Hours"
timeMinute: "Minute"
timeMinutes: "Minutes"
timeSecond: "Second"
timeSeconds: "Seconds"
timeMillisecond: "Millisecond"
timeMilliseconds: "Milliseconds"
event: "Event"
delay: "Delay"
save: "Save"
exit: "Exit"
exited: "Exited"
cancel: "Cancel"
cancelled: "Cancelled"
questTimeout: "Cancelled."
back: "Back"
yesWord: "Yes"
noWord: "No"
"true": "sandt"
"false": "falsk"
clear: "Clear"
edit: "Rediger"
none: "None"
done: "Done"
comma: "komma"
finish: "Færdig"
quit: "Quit"
noneSet: "None set"
noDelaySet: "No delay set"
noIdsSet: "No IDs set"
noNamesSet: "No names set"
worlds: "Verdner"
mobs: "Mobs"
points: "poing"
invalidOption: "Invalid option!"
npcHint: 'Note: You can left or right click on NPC''s to get their ID.'
listDuplicate: "List contains duplicates!"
id: "ID"
quest: "Quest"
quests: "Quests"
createdBy: "Lavet af"
continuedBy: "and continued by"
questPoints: "Quest Points"
accepted: "Accepteret"
complete: "Færdig"
redoable: "Redoable"
usage: "Usage"
redoableEvery: "Redoable every <time>."
requirements: "Requirements"
money: "Penge"
with: "With"
to: "to"
blocksWithin: "within <amount> blocks of"
valRequired: "Value required"
enchantedItem: "*Enchanted*"
experience: "Experience"
timerMessage: '<green>Time left to finish the quest/stage: <red>%s seconds'
timerStart: "<green>You have <red>%s seconds <green>to finish this quest/stage"
questErrorReadingFile: "Error reading Quests file."
questSaveError: "An error occurred while saving."
questBlacklisted: "You are blacklisted. Contact an admin if this is in error."